Glasgow Thursdays


Suddenly Last Summer ('iti/ens' 'l'ltL‘zlll'L‘. l l‘) (itit‘llttlS SII'L‘L‘I. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £l0(£3). Thu 2‘) .\'o\ Sat 22 Dec. 'l‘cnnessee \Villianis' lohotoin} shocker about daring to tell the truth.

Glasgow Fridays


Suddenly Last Summer (‘iii/eiis‘ 'l’healt‘e. l l‘) (ittt‘ltttls SII'CCI. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £l0 (£3). Thu 2‘) .\'o\ Sat 22 Dec. SL‘L‘ 'l‘lttl.


Girls On Top Bk‘llllL‘hS. 90 (ilttsslttt'tl Street. 552 57(il. llpm 3.30am. £3 £(i (£2 £5). liri 7 Dec. Monthl}. The girls come out to pla} on the second floor at Bennet's inonthl} “omen-only night \iitli DJ Sara dishing up the sounds.


St Andrew’s Night Rc\ol\ er. (lit John Street. 55.3 2450 8.3 )pm. l’ree. Hi 30 .\'o\. l‘un theme night \\ here the old} thing to he nearing is a kill.

Glasgow Saturdays


Suddenly Last Summer ('iii/ens‘ 'l'hcati'e. l l‘) (ittt'ltttls Sll‘CL‘I. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £10 (£3). Thu 2‘) .\'o\ Sat 22 l)L‘C. SCC ililltl.


Glasgow World AIDS Day Service Queen Margaret l‘nion. tinnersit} ol' (ilasgim. 2 l'nnersit} (iardens. 33‘) ‘)"84. (1.30pm. Free. Sat l l)ec. .\ time to remember. reflect and celebrate the li\ es till all lltttsc‘ illilVL‘ClL‘tl ()l‘ IlllVL‘CICtl ll} lll\'/;\ll)S. l'or more information contact the (i\\}\l)S (iroup 332 5025.

Glasgow Sundays


Suddenly Last Summer ('iti/ens' Theatre. I l‘) (iorhals Street. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £l0 l £3). Thu 2‘) .\'o\ Sat 22 Dec. SL'C 'l'ltll.


CDT on Sunday lllL‘ Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 (300 0055. ".30pm. £5 (£4). Sun ‘) l)ec. Monthl}. The Stands lllttltllll} dose ol camp hiin _iiii\ \\ ith host (‘raig llill introducing l’ani .\nn. Stti «k Paul and the chance to \\ in a meal for No in .lill l’eacock‘s \er} special gaineshim.

Glasgow Mondays -


Suddenly Last Summer (‘iii/ens‘ 'l'lieatre. l l‘) ( iorhals Street. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £l0i£3i. Thu 2‘) \m Sat 22 Dec. SL‘L‘ 'liltll.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Suddenly Last Summer (‘iii/eris‘ 'l‘heali‘e. l ll) (itit‘ltttls 5111114290022. ".3er £0) l £3). Thu 2‘) .\'o\ Sat 22 l)L‘L‘. SL'L‘ 'l‘llll.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Suddenly Last Summer (‘iii/eiis‘ 'l‘licati'e. l l‘) (inl‘lMtls Sll‘t‘t‘l. 42‘) 0022. ".30pni. £l0 (£3). Thu 2‘) NM Sat 22 Dec. SCL‘ ililttl.

Edinburgh Thursdays


Presque Rien l’ilinhoiisc. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. £3.50 £5.50 ([2 £4). hi it) ‘\'o\ Thu 0 Dec. Intense l'rench homo

erotic feature exploring a first lmc affair hetneen t\\o ho} s on a beach.

Loin l-‘ilinhouse. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2688. (i.l5pin. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). Thu 2‘) .\'o\. (in) l’rcnch director 'l'echine's latest stars Stephane Rideau. the hunk lit'om l’n'u/iu' Rim).

Edinburgh Fridays


Presque Rien l-‘ilinhoiise. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2088. £3.50 £5.50

(£2.00 £4.00). Hi 30 .\'o\ 'I‘hti (i I)ec. See 'I‘hu.


A Time For Reflection \Vinerle} ('are Milestone llouse. ll3 ()\gangs Road.

I 4pm. liree. lit 30 .\'o\. ('haplain Marion pi'oi ides an informal. quiet space \\ ith access to the “in erlL‘) (’are Milestone House ()uilt and Book ol Reineinhrance. to coincide \\ ilh World :\ll)S l)a}.

Edinburgh Saturdays

Clubs Saturday Social (‘liih .laia.

('oininercial Street. 555 5(i22. ‘)pin 2am. l‘ree hcl'oi'c l0pni: £(i (£4) alter. Sat l l)ec. l‘ortnightl}. .\ mix ol‘pai‘t} hits from resident 1).) Dale (l.ll\ltl.

Mingin’ Studio 24. ('alton Road. 558 3758. l0.30pin 3am. £5. Sat 1 Dec. l‘oi‘tnightl}. :\s part ol \Vorld .v\ll)S I)a_\ Mingin‘ is taking (net the “hole of. Studio 24. \\ ith Brian Dempster and Alan Jo} pt‘m iding the usual l'un upstairs. and a went} -piece In e big band blasting out a selection of top tunes.

Joy ligo. l’icard) Place. 478 7434. l0.30pin 3am. £l0 (£8). Sat 8 Dec. l-‘ortnightly Maggie and .v\lan's meat) house institution ol‘ hands-in-the-aii' ltcdottlsttt.

Eye Candy (‘Iiih Mercado. 3r» 3‘) Market Street. 220 4224. l lpnt 3am. £l0 (£8); in lane} (ll'L‘Ss. Sat 8 Dec. l"ortnightl_\. Residents (iraenie l’opstar. .\'e_iat Barton and .\'ei| ('rookston host their infamous glam house part}.

UP The Venue. ('alton Road. 557 3073. 10.30 3am. £8 (£7). Sat 8 Dec. Monthly l’rogt‘cssn c trance jocks \ick ('mendish and .-\lan .laines work up the crow d. Divine Divas The Venue. (top floor). (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 10pm 3am. £(i (£4). Sat 8 Dec. Monthl}. lidinhurgh‘s t'cttoutted \ioincn—onl) night \\ ith l).l Siminone Black.

Positive Voice Party Solas 't‘lieaire. 2/4 Ahhc) mount. on] 0‘)82. lirce ('l‘ickets lit'olll l’()\ili\c Voice. .37 3‘) \lttlllt'USL‘ iliet‘i'ace. ()52 07.54.) Sat l DCL‘. lintcrtaininent \\ ill include coined}. drummers and singer Siihie at this part} littl‘ L‘\L‘l‘_\()ltt‘ lttlt L‘Spt‘t‘lztll} lltttsL‘ \\ lt() lt;t\ e ttscd l’tisili\c Voich \L‘t‘\ ICC\ and their families planned to coincide \\ ith \Vorld .'\ll)S [)a}.

Bars The Claremont ’t'lie (‘lai-eiiioiit.

3.3 I35 liast (‘lareniont Street. 556 5(io2. 8pm. l’ree. Sat l l)ec. l-brtnightly MS(' and the Bears organise the night \\ ith a dress code as \\ ild as >00 dare tonight \\ ith a rattle in aid of World .v\ll)S Da} and drink promos from 0pm till late. Habana (irccnside Plate. .558 L270. ()lllll. l‘ree. Sat l Dec. .4\ night (it l'und raising lun “ith all profits going to World .'\ll )8 1);!) L‘llttl'lllt‘s.

CC Blooms 23 24 (ireenside l’lace. 55f) 033 .030 3am. Sat l l)ec. World .»\ll)S |)a_\ Benefit \\ ith li\e acts. promos and a massi\e pri/e ral'l'lc.


Presque Rien l-‘iliiiliouse. 88 l.()lllltllt Road. 228 2088. £3.50 £5.50(£2 £4). Hi 30 \m Tim I) l)ec. Sec 'l'hu.


I Care . . . Do You? ('eniral llall. \Vcsl 'liillcross. ()(ll 0082. 3pm. l'il'L‘L‘. Sat l l)ec. 'l'he reincinhrance e\ents begin at ('entral llall \\ itli music. drama. \crsc


listings Gay


80 Glassford Street, Glasgow, Wed-Sun

, 11 pm—3.30am

Luminous leg warmers, head bands and Culture Club

The granddaddy of gay venues' is how The List's Club Guide describe Bennet's. Not because it is old. grey and in need of a lel‘fllOl fran‘e but because it is twenty years

old and bigger and better than ever before.

Twenty years is a long Illl‘O in club life and centuries long in a gay venue's life. and Bennet's is now Glasgow's longest surviving gay venue alongside the Waterloo Bar. It has weathered the competition along the way. witnessmg the demise of venues Such as Panama Jax. the Duke of Wellington. Vintners. the Dray-ring Room. GHQ. Squires

and Austins.

ln (982. if you wanted to go for a gay dance what would your options have been? Apart froii‘ the one-off dances at Mary/hill Town Hall it would only have been the Centre at Glasgow's Queens Crescent. which was the private members club set up in order to defy the bigoted city fathers. Otherwise it was through to the barn-like Fire Island in Edinburgh's Princes Street. The scene was ClitllClOSllflO. with only three gay bars open. all of which were situated around the seedy Clyde side. There were only two Glasgow bookshops in the whole of the city where you could buy your copy of Gav News or Body Politic under the counter and in a brown paper bag of course.

Bennet's 21"l'l\.’le allowed us to dance to Culture Club. liragination and Joan Arinatrading while wallr wang in the controversy that was Frankie Goes to Hollywood. ‘.".’ Fame T-sliirts. ltlll‘lllOUS leg warmers and a head band ceiild gyrate to bumping lii-NRG music. the first official form of gay ll‘tlSlC. On TV you could look to Ker‘r‘y Everett and John lnn‘an as role models and if you were a lesbian. forget about 't you just. nad io fantasise about Olivia Newton John and Kate Jackson.

lt's seen son‘e sights. but Bennet's has continued to develop and expand over the years. introducing a second floor. 82. which is used on the busiest nights as well as for the ‘.'.«'on‘en-oniy club nights. Women On Top. Although some things remain the same. with Andrea stiii on the cash desk. Bobby Gibson still managing the venue and the same friendly bouncers greeting you as you arrive. it continues to be a cheeky.

informal and up-for-it club. But when you t

change it? lJane Hamilton)

and speakers. at 4pm the march heads don n to Princes Street where at 4.30pm there \\ ill be a (Kindle-laying Vigil at the Ross Bandstand.

A Time for Reflection \Vaxei-le} (’are Milestone House. I I3 ()xgangs Road. 12 2pm. liree. Sat 1 Dec. ('haplain Marion prm ides an informal. quiet space \\ ill] ttL‘L‘L‘ss l() the \\';t\ L‘t‘lC)‘ (.ill'L‘ Milestone llottse Quilt and Book ol- Remembrance to coincide \\ ith World AIDS l)a) 200l.

World AIDS Day Vigil lidinhurgh l'ni\ersit} (‘haplainc_\ ('entrc. Bristo Square. 050 25‘)5. 5 7pm. l’ree. Sat l l)ec. Part of Potterou Student ('enti‘e's :\II)S .v\\\ areness l);i_\.

A Celebration of Life Si Mar} ‘s ('athedral. l’alnierston Place. 225 (i293. 7.30pm. £8 (£(i). Sat 1 Dec. Sheena McDonald hosts an exening ol' the best of" music and spoken uord. Tickets are ayailahle from \Va\erle_\ (are on 550 395‘).

Edinburgh Sundays


Presque Rien l-‘iliiiliouse. 88 l.oiliian Road. 228 2088. £3.50 £5.50(£2 £4). Hi 30 Mn 'I'hu (l I)ec. See 'I‘hti.

Edinburgh Mondays


Trendy Wendy l’lanet ()iii. (il'L‘L‘llsitlL‘ Place. 524 0001. 10.30pm 3am (bar from 6pm). I-‘ree. l-‘ortnightl_\. l)Js e\er_\ neck and 'l‘rend) \Vend} doing her thing e\er} l'ortnight (Mon l0 l)ec).

ave a successful formula that works. why


Presque Rien l’ilnihouse. 88 l.othian Road. 228’ 2088. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). Hi 30 .\'o\ 'l‘hu (i l)ec. See 'I‘hu.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


Presque Rien l-‘iliiihouse. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2088. £3.50 £5.50 (£2 £4). Fri 30 Niix 'l'hu (a l)ec. See 'I'hu.

La Belle et la Bete (’aineo (inertia. 38 Home Street. 228 4 I4 I. ().4()pm. £3.50 £5.20 ( £l £3.50). The 4 Dec. .lean (‘octeau directs his hoylriend Jean Marais in this Irish fairytale.


OOT on Tuesday the Stand. (1 York Place. 558 7272. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). The ll I)ec. Monthly The Stand\ monthly dose ol cainp high jinx \\ ith host ('raig llill introducing the Pain :\nn. Stu & Paul and the chance to n in a meal l‘or (no in .lill l’eacock's yer) special gameshoxi.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


Presque Rien t-‘iliiiliniise. 88 l.oiliian Road. 228 2(i88. £3.50 £5.50(£2 £4). Hi 30 .\'o\' Thu (3 Dec. See 'l‘hu.

The Deep End (‘aineo (’inema. 38 Home Street. 228 4 I4 I. (i.30piii.

£3.50 £5.20 {bl £3.50). \VL‘tl 5 DOC.

Tr} ing to suppress her son's inxohcment in the death of his git} lover. 'l'ilda Suinton is snept into blackmail and intrigue in a tense ps} chological thriller. 932‘”. THE LIST 71

L‘t? N0». l3 l)t‘:<: