l ll‘ Br‘hto l’lacc. 32.5 9395. [\YC. \Y'\l The Trial inc 4 Sat S l)cc. 5.3”]‘111. [4.50 t H l. 'l'om .\lorton tlir‘cctx litlinhurgh l'nncrxit} 'I‘hcatrc (‘ompam in l’ran/ Kallta‘x chilling talc about a man who &l\\ill\C\ to linrl himxcll' on trial l'or an unknou n crimc.


l.arl_\\\cll \Va}. Xltrxxclhurgh. (m5 :34“. Il’. ll. 'l'"l‘. \\‘(‘. \\';\|

Sleeping Beauty l‘ntil Sat 5 Jan ltlol Sun: inc 4. l’ri ". Sun ‘) 'ltrc lli. 'l‘imcx \ar}. {107511407511l'amil} trclxct L53. l’anto l'tm \\ ilh thc Brunton 'l'hcatr‘c ('ompam ax thc} inich thix l‘air}talc claxxic \\ ith original \ongx. outragcoux charactcrx and lot\ ol' authcncc participation. Scc

prc\ ic\\.


53a .\lorning\itlc Roatl. ll’. lll

On Golden Pond t'nril Sat 1 l)cc. “.Sllpm. L‘" lUH. 'l'hc .\lal\ar\ and l).\ll)(’ prcxcnt thix poignant talc ol' an clrlcrl} couplc anrl thcir cxtrangctl tlanghtcr. 'l‘iclxch l‘rom Shcltcr. ltH \lor‘ningxirlc Roatl.


l2 Kirk l.oan. (’orxtorphinc. 33‘) ISM. Snow White And The Seven Martians 'l‘hu l5 Sat l5 l)cc. "pm. £5 (£3.5lll. (‘orxtorphinc (‘hiltlrcnK l’antomimc prcxcnt thcir \ci- li adaptation ol' thc clawic lair} talc. Scc prc\ icu.


l5 3‘) Nicolxon Str‘cct. 53‘) (illllll. Ill. “(1 \YAI

The Singing Kettle’s Winter wonderland \YCtl .5 Still ‘) l)cc. SCL‘ Kltl\ ll\lill:_‘\. SL‘L‘ pr'c\ lL‘\\.

Pantomania at the King’s Edinburgh

GATEWAY THEATRE lilmRoxx.l.cith\\'all\..1l7.~tl()(l.|l’.\\‘(‘. \\‘.I\|

The Phantom Toilbooth \thl

5 \thl I: l)cc. 7pm tl‘ri cc Sat mat 2.5llpllll. 7pm. [(1 tL'Ji. l‘cxtix c \ltrm

l'rom ()uccn .\lar‘garct l'ni\cr\it) (‘ollcgc.

in which )oung .\li|o rccci\c\ a tollhooth l'or‘ (‘lu'ixtmm aml i\ \\ hixlml oil to thc l.anrl ol' lgnor‘ancc on a qucxt to rcxcuc [no princcxxcx. Scc prc\ ic\\.


2 l.L‘\L'll Str‘ccl. 52‘) NH)“. Ill. II. “(I \\‘.-\|

The New Adventures of Peter Pan Sat 1 l)cc Sun l3 .lan tnot Sun 3. Mon llll. 'l‘imcx \ar}. [5 l;l(i.5ll. \lagical acrial anticx at thc anmral King\

in The New Adventures of Peter Pan

panto. ax thc) rcimcnt .l. .\l. Barric’x classic talc ol' thc ho} \\ ho \xoultln't grou up. \tarring (icrarrl Kcll). And} (Era) and Julict ('atl/o“. Scc pt‘c\ ic“.


43 45 High Strcct. 550 057‘). [\\'(‘. \\'.'\| Mrs Muddle’s Christmas Surprise l‘t‘i 7 ck Sill S l)cc. .SL‘L‘ Kltl\ lixtingx and prc\ icu.

A Christmas Carol and A Pot Of Gold \Vcrl 12 Hi l—l l)cc. 7.30pm. £7 tL'5 l. .\ tlouhlc-hill ol‘ licxti\al talcx l‘rom l)L‘\pcl';ttlU 'l‘hcatrc. SCL‘ [WU l6“.


l8 :3 (irccnxirlc l’lacc. (lSTll 0065-12—1. In. \x'r‘. \ml

Chicago t‘nril Sat 1 l)cc. 7.30pm (Sat

listings Theatre

mat 2.30me £8.50 £32.50. Nightclub rlanccr Ro\ic llar‘t ix cmhroilctl in a \Hll'ltl ol‘ murrlcr anrl cclchr‘it} in this dark!) comic \hrm l‘caturing l-[rrxrr'nr/r'rs' John Altman (aka Nick ('ottonl. Scc

r‘cV ic\\.

Sunset Boulevard 'l‘uc I l l)cc Sal l2 Jan. 7..1()pm (\Yt‘tl & Sat Illitlx 2.3tlpml. £8.50 £28.50, A month-long litlinhurgh rcxirlcnc) l‘or.’\nrlrc\\ Hoyt \Vchhcr‘x liltlle‘tll. charting thc rixc and fall (it ccccntric \ilcnt mox ic \tar Norma l)L‘\ttlUtitl.


(‘lcrk Strcct.(>(18 201‘). ll’. ll. \\'(‘. \\'.’\l Paul McKenna’s Hypnotic Show Thu (1 l)cc. 7.45pm. U350. Scc (ilaxgou. (‘1)1lcAuditorium.

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (ir'intllzr) Strcct. 343 48-18. ll’. ll. 'l'l. \\'(‘. \VAI

Beauty and the Beast l‘ri 3t)

Nm Sat 5 Jan tnot Srrn 2 \YL‘Ll 5. Sun

‘) \thl l3). 'I‘imcx \ar}. L") Uh

(£5 U3). Braxc Bcaut} attcmptx to \a\c hcr lathcr's lil'c h} journc} ing lllSItlL‘ thc “Citle palacc l‘tll lll'\l \hc ttttlxt cncountcr thc c\ it \\ itch (‘rackiau anrl l)rmt thc (iohlin. horh ol~ \xhom aim to l'ltl thc “Ul'ltl ol‘ chihlrcn. Scc pt‘c\ icu.


34 Hamilton l’lacc. 32(1 5435. Ill. \\'('. \\‘.,\|

Kaguyahime - The Moon Princess Mon 3 Sat 2‘) l)cc tnot Sunl. 'l'imcx \ar}. £75” 1 Hi: llrrrril) tickct fill). .-\ Japancxc couplc liml a hab} untlcr a gltm ing tr‘cc. \\ ho grou \ up to hc a hcautil'ul princcxx loxctl throughout thc land. in thix charming (’hrixtmax \hou. SL‘L‘ pt'c\ ic\\.

Thursday 6

St't' Rock 1\' l’ui‘

Friday 7 (iluc‘llic l\-.rt~ (ilrrc'llrc lurtx

( 'licck Your ('oulwu ('licc 'n Your (‘oupori ()nc \ct l’l.:_\ l cxlt‘..:l

()rrc \ct l'l.:§ l \‘\lt\.'.l

littl‘t‘x Ill I‘IIt. “ruul HJI‘t'S Ill lltc \\l'l'tI

Saturday 8

Shille l..‘.5

\t’t‘ Rik I\ \\ llrti‘

“JI‘L‘S lli Illt' “mul

Sunday 9

\t'k' Rik I\ t\ I’t‘l‘

Srrtltlcnl} l a\t Srmrmcr Srrtltlcnl} l .r\l Srmmrcr Sulltlcnl) l .rxt Srunrricr

it... i. .\ imp

(‘lrccl‘ Your (’1 irirmn

()rrc \c'. l’la} l.'~tr‘..:l

Monday 10

('hcc k Your (‘oupou

llal‘cx lll lllc \Yoml

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12' Thursday 13

llic l\\rt\ lhc I\\II\

Surltlcnl} l .rxt Sumnrcr Surltlcnl} l,a~t Summcr .SCC Rik l. t\' l’up

(link Your (‘oupori ('hcck Yotrr ('oupon

Hal‘cx In 'I hc \Voml Hahcx ln 'l'hc \Voorl

(-ltltlt‘tt‘lla (illltlt'lclltl

Sutltlcnl) laxt Summci l lapp} (iang

(’lrcck Your (‘oupou

Bal‘cx In I lrc “oml

Arches Citizens Main Citizens Circle Clyde Audit Cottier Th GilmorehillG12 King’s Mitchell Th


.‘\I.I\Itllll .\l.t\l\llll \l.l\I\Illl

ll.rtc-.l \rglrtlall llatcll \l;'llll.::l\l \r;'litl.:ll

NK‘L'(‘IJ\\I\.II \t.\.(.I.l\\l\tII \k‘i.(‘ltl\\l\.II

llcatrt} t\ llic licaxl licaut) .\ llic llcaxt licatit) .\ llic licaxt

'\l.rtltlrn .'\l.ttI\Iitl .'\l.ltItIlll

Scc ( 'laxxu .rl Srnlnrtl l'hc Sailor Srnlnul lhc Sailor Srnlxitl 'l'hc Sailor

Into llrc .\c\-. lnto lhc \cu

Sct-(‘rlt l rlc llcaut} r\' 'l lic l‘lcaxt licaut) .\ lhc licaxt licaul} .\' 'l'hc Bcaxt

Mariam Pavilion throm- \mmnh Ramshorn Smlnul '1 nt- sairm Into rrrt- \m Ti'amway

llcaut} r\' 'l hc lica~t


llic lrr.:l llrc lrr.rl lltc lrr.:l

Slcclurry llcauu Slccprrry llcarrt}

\lll;'lll}' Kcttlc \lllt'lllf.‘ Kcttlc Srnyrrrv Kclllc

\c‘J. .Mlucrilurcx \cu \tl‘.critrrrc\ ch. .\rl\cnturc\

St‘t‘ Rik \\ I'Iip \L'c I\’|‘\ l. l\ l'Ht‘ \t't' l\'i-t l. r\‘ l’Hl‘

Slccprug licaut}

Srug'rrij) Kcttlc Scc ('laxxlt .il Scc (‘laxxrcal

llrc l’liarrtorir lulllkwtlr llrc l’lramorri loillmwtlr llic l’li.-.ntorrr li-lllmotlr llic l’lrarrh-rrr lltlllHN‘Ill Ilic l’liantorn Inlll‘nullt llrc l’liautorli lolllwotli lilic l’liautoru Iolllumtli

\co \«l\t‘llllllt'\ .Ncu .\tl\cntruc\ Ncu. .'\tI\Cllllllt‘\

Sunxct lloulcnutl Sunxct linrrlm II\I

Slccprng llcatll}

5C6 ( il.t\\

(lINnLM lu-l \l\l( )1

Sunxct l‘lorrlcxartl

Bedlam Th Brunton Church Hill Festival Th Gateway Th King’s Netherbow Playhouse

IIt‘JtII’. \\ Illt‘ IIR‘.I\I

\1'i' I\'|‘\ \\ I’III‘

ltcaut} .\ llrc ltc.i\t

(incl \ \ l .irrg'lr

Queen’s Hall Royal Lyceum

St't‘ (il.l\\l\ .tl


licaut} .\ llrc ltcaxt

l'\.:;'tr‘..:lrrrric I\.l“ll‘..:lllllrc‘

llamit ( harry Harri} ( i_rri_~.'

l Limit ( i.iri;'

Sci-ttrxh l Lurtc llicatrc \\|‘III\II l )aru c Illt‘.tllt'


K.i;'ri}.:lrrrirt' I\.i;'u_\.rlrrrric

Ul:‘.r ()l;'.r

\x‘ ( lexical

Kaguyrlurrrc Illt' .\c\\ x \t \\ lrcrr' ()l;‘.t

Soc ( "Law a]

Theatre W’shop “averse 1

Traverse 2 Usher Hall