Osmosis Jones l Ptii 0000 tl’cter and Bohh} l’arrell}. [S 2001 9 Bill Murra}. ('hrix Rock. l)a\ id ll}de Pierce. Laurence l'ixhhurnc. 95 minx. Mixing lixe action u ith animation. the Farrell) 'x ha\e come tip u ith a real \\ inner. \Vithin xlothl'ul /oo keeper Murra) 'x hod}. l'unlt} \xhite blood cell cop Jonex txoiced h} Rock! ix partnered \\ ith cold capxuie painkilling machine I)ri\ tl’iercci to hring doxtn a lethal l'lu \ irux thixhhurnei. Writer Marc ll} man e\plorex e\er} \ein ol‘ thix nilt} idea. em ixioning .\lurra) 'x inxidcx ax a metropolix teaming \i ith gangxtcrx and corrupt politicianx. San}. xatirical pla) on the hod) politic. reminixccnt of Warner Brox cartoonx ol the ltMtlx, \ihich ix e\actl} \\ hat thix retro-x1} led animation lookx like. (icncral t‘clcaxe.

The Others 1 12) 0... t.-\le.|andro .»\menahar. [IS/Spain. Ztltll l Nicole Kidman. l'ionnula Flanagan. :\lalxitta Mann. Jamex Bentle). ltll minx. 'l‘lzt' ()I/lt’l'\ comhinex all the elemcntx ol' the Victorian (iothic thriller. hut .-\men;ihar'x American dehut ix actuall} xct on Jerxe}. at the end or World War ll. Kidman pla} x (iracc. a highl} -xtrung \ioman \\ ho kccpx her children locked up in an old manxion hecauxe xhe helic\ ex the) \\ ill die it expoxed to the xun. lloiiewr. the} do not duell there alone. Amenahar'x ix a mood} talc that rcxtx on the impoxxihilit} ol' \xorking out \xhat ix real and \\ hat ix xupcrnatural. A triumph of mercilexx px}chological manipulation. (iencral releaxe.

Pandaemonium l 15m... i'I‘c-mple Julien. ['le Itltll l Linux Roach. John Hannah. 1 l‘) minx. 'l‘emple'x lilni chartx the l'ricndxhip l‘L'l\\ L‘L‘li l\\ti (ll. thc l‘k'\l‘lxll(l\\ n DUL‘lx til lllC latc lSth centur}. Samuel 'l'a} lor (‘oleridge tpla} cd h) Roach! and William \Vordxxxoi‘th illannah i. The director ol 'l'ln' l'i'lI/i .vlml 'l'lii' /*ur\ exchcv. x hixtorical accurac}. inxtcad lik‘thlllg‘ on the rock n' roll axpectx ol' their ll\c\1 thc xC\. lhc tlt'ttgx and the hrcakdou nx. llix tilm ix a mixh-maxh ol xt} lcx. l’rom xtraight coxtumc drama to hallucinatory lantax). _|ti\tapoxed \\ ith modcrn imagcr). emphaxixing thc opium-induced dream \\t)l'ltl in \ihich (’olcridgc li\cd. (‘amco. lidinhurgh.

Paris: XYt l5» t/eka l.aplaine. l‘rancc.

Zillll l S} l\ ia Vaudano. l.ixa lidmonxon. l’ilou l.oua. SH minx. 'l'he xtol'} l'olloxx x the torrid lite ol' .\la\. \xho ix ha\ ing an allair u ith a ia/x xingcr. \\ ho xleepx \\ ith hix hext friend and huxinexx partner. With a line ia// trip-hop xcorc. l’art ol the l‘rcncli l'illlll l"c'xti\;il. (ilaxgou l‘iltn ’l‘hcatl‘e. (ilaxgou; lhc liilmhouxe. lidinhurgh.

Pearl Harbort 15:00 «Michael Ba}. [S 3001 i Ben .-\l'tleclx. Joxh llartnctt. Kate Beclxmxalc. lrx’tl minx. Alllcck and llarnctt p|a_\ lil'clong huddicx. Rate and Darin}. \\ ho end up in the :\mcrican airlorcc ax pilotx. 'l'he ho} x are haxcd in Pearl Harbor. llanaii. htit Rate \oluntcct'x tor a poxting to Join the Battle ol' Britain. though not hclorc lalling lor nurxe l'.\L‘l} n chclxinxalei. \thn Ral'c lx t'cpot‘lCtl loxt. mixxing-in-action. Darin) xlipx into the bed ol the tan lixel} n. .-\nd then _iuxt to hugger ll all tip. Ral'c returnx trom thc ‘dead' and the

Glitter, the rags-to-riches tale starring and loosely based on Mariah Carey’s life, plumbs the depths of histrionlc awfulness

Om MUSIC presents

attack h} the Japanexe getx in the way of xorting lch al‘l‘airx out. Pearl Harbor ix over- long and o\er-xentimenta|. and in going for the hroadext audience Ba) hax \‘axelined the unplcaxantnexx ol uar aua). lexxening it.x impact. Carnegie Hall. [)unlermline.

The Pebble And The Penguin (U .00 (Don Bluth. l'S. 1995i With the \oicex of Martin Short. Jamex Beluxhi. Tim ('urr}. 74 minx. The director old/l Dogs (in ’1}; Hum m and .-ln slnu'rr‘run 'Iirlc prexentx another animated animal feature \\ ith muxical interludex that it ill keep the )oungxterx happ) tor a u hile. .\'icc ho) penguin \x'antx to woo nice girl penguin \xith a pebble ter. )eah'.’i hut naxt} penguin getx in the \ia}. MacRohert Artx Centre. Stirling.

The Phantom Of The Louvre (Belphégor, Ie tantome du Louvre)

l 15! «Jean-Paul Salome. France. 2001 l Sophie Marceau. Michel Serrault. Frederic l)il‘enthal. Julie (‘hrixtie 9" minx. ln thix ghoxtl) detecti\e xtor}. a l’arixian girl (Marceau) ix poxxexxed h) an ex il. .xtra) xpirit lurking in The Low rex' electrical x_\ xtem. and proceedx to make ol‘l' \\ ith xome ol‘ the muxeum'x artelactx. lintcr detectixe Verlac tSerraultl. brought out of retirement to xol\c the m} xtcr}. Part of the l‘rench liilm l‘extixal. (ilaxgtm Film Theatre. (ilaxgou ; The Filmhouxe. lidinhurgh.

C9 The Piano Teacher (La Planlste)

t 15! 0.... (Michael llancke. l‘rance/.-\uxtria. 2001 l lxahclle lluppert. 12‘) minx. .-\x “ith hix pre\ ioux lilmx. ('mlt' ('nkmmn and I-‘umn’ (iumm. llancke xhoux hut doexn't tell. lt'x left to the audience to piece together the dixturhed px}che ol~ lirika Kohut. the Vienncxe piano tutor ol~ the title illuppert l. llancke tellx the tale thaxed on lill‘riede Jelinck'x no\e|i through a xeriex of heatuil'ull) cornpoxed xccncx. editing them together \\ ith the precixion ot' a xurgeon. lluppert capitalixex on her opaque \ ixage. pro- \ idirig her director \\ ith a heautil‘ull) nuanced underxtated perl‘ormanee. lt'x a plcaxure to ‘read‘ thix lilm. and no xurprixe it garnered hoth conlrmerx} and anardx at the ('annex l‘ilm t‘cxtival. (ilaxgou l-‘ilni Theatre. (ilaxgou: 'l‘he l‘ilmhone. [{dinhurgh.

The Pledge t l5» 0... tScan Penn. ['S. ltltll ilack \icliolxon. Robin Wright-Penn. Sam Shepard. 123 minx. In the cold mountain reachex ol‘ .\’e\ada the hod} of a little girl ix found. raped and murdered. .-\ ximple-minded .\'ati\e American ix xix il'tl} taken into euxtod) and a conlcxxion ix extracted. lollt)“ ing \xhich the man killx himxell'. An open and xhut caxe . . lor exer}one hut Jerr} Black tan admirath lo\\ kc} Nicholxon l. a retiring police ol‘licer

\\ ho thinkx the} lime the \\ rong man. (‘ouched in the com entionx ot' a thriller. Penn‘x third film ax director ix lirxt and i'oremoxt a compelling px}chological xtud) ot’ a middle- aged man attempting to gi\c hix lil'e meaning poxt-retirement. Jerl} and Mary ()lxon Kromolou xki'x xcript. adapted from Friedrich l)tirrenmatt'x no\el. keepx thingx ainhiguoux. l’cnn countcrx thix. directing \\ ith an ex en hand and caxting a xomhre mood o\ er the proceedingx. Selected relcaxe.

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