Music rock & pop listings
Glasgow Wednesday 7 cont.
I Frank Sinatra Tribute Canvas. Arta. Albion Street. 552 2 11)]. 8pm. £5. l.anarkshire man Robert Scott croons his way through a sixteen-song trihute set.
I Adult The 13111 .\'ote (‘luh. (‘lyde Street. 243 2177. llpnt. £7. Iilectronica duo lrom l)etroit.
I Acoustic Open Stage The Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 504 1527. S.3l)pm. I-‘ree.
I Psyche Essential and Cloth Cat La Belle Angele. Hastie's (low. 225 7530. 8.30pm. £3 £4. Alternatiy'e rock lrom Psyche Iissential joined hy .\'eil I)icl\‘.\t)l1\ melodic power trio ('loth (‘at.
I Lee Paterson and Codeine Road Whistlehinkics. 4 0 South Bridge. 557
5] l4. 9pm. Free. Blues. lolk and gospel covers lrom Paterson with hlues. lunk and jazz lrom two-piece (‘odeine Road.
I Chimaera, Cayto and The Rushes Bongo (‘luh. l4 .\'ew Street. 558 7004. 9pm. £4 (£3). limotional white noise from ('hiinaera with indie lrom (ilasgow ‘\ ('aon and Iidinhurgh's 'I'he Rushes.
Thursday 8
0 Mogwai Barrow lattd. (iallow gate. 552 401)]. 7.30pm. £12.50 plus hooking lee. The release ol their new twenty minute-long single ‘.\1y lather. .\ly King' and this date hookend the '(iwai's most sucesslul year yet. The interstellar. guitar- as-earthquake qualities ol \illtl single are still over-shadowed how eyer hy' the monu- mental gorgeouxness ol the album The Rock xit'llnll. their most precise. lttcllSL‘tl and intensely rewarding record yet. Highly recommended.
I Michael Franti & Spearhead
Queen Margaret l'nion. l'niyersity
(iardens. 33‘) 0784. 7.3(lpm. £ll) plus hooking lee. Politically correct lunk. soul and hip hop lrom the charismatic liranti. He'll hay e a word or lyyo to say about current world eyents. that's lor sure.
I Midge Ure 'l'he l‘erry. (‘lytle Place. 42‘) 8070. 7.30pm. £12.51). See Tue 0.
I Elevation 'I‘he ('atliouxe. l‘nion Street. 248 0000. Split. £0 plus hooking lee. ()yer- I4\ \lltt“. See prey icw lor this new hand. lormed lrom the ilSIlL‘\ ol 'l'hree (‘olottt‘s Red.
I Gwenmars, Ten Percenter and The Stunts King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). .S’.3()pm. £4 plus hooking lee. liidie triple hill.
I Cayto, Terra Diablo and The Salamanders 'l’he l3llt .\‘oie ('al'e. King Street. 553 1038. Split. £3.
I The Dubious Blues Band, The Nisted Melons and Dave & The Fear Fighters l‘ury .‘ylurrys. Ma\w ell Street. 221 05l l. 9pm. £3. including entry to post-gig cluh. .\ presentation hy the Kintyre .\Ill\lL‘ (‘o-operatiy'e.
I Sydney Devine l’ay ilion 'l'lieaue. RellllL‘ltl Street. 532 lS-lli. 7.30pm. “(l/£3. (ilzhgmy '\ gztlltlx l‘ltlltL‘SlUlte
cow hoy pleasures the hotisew iyes.
I The Datsuns Studio One. Bytes Road. 34l 0510. ()pm. l"ree.
I The Vagabonds 'l‘lie Scolia. Stockyy ell Street. 552 808 1. 0pm. l‘ree. Popular coy er\.
I Jam Session Samuel l)ow ‘x, .\'ithsdale Road. 423 lllll7. S.3l)pm. l‘rce. I Open Mic 'I'cliai ()y na. ()tago lane. 357 4524. Split. l‘ree.
I Adult and Pro Forma \\'ee Red Bar. Art (’ollege. Lauriston Place. 22‘) I442. llpm. £0/7. I.i\e electro lrom lirxat/ Audio 01‘ Detroit.
I Peter Michael Rowan and The Dazes \Vliixtlehinkies. 4 0 South Bridge. 557 51 I4. ‘)pm. l‘ree. Rock and
Karen Matheson James Grant
a triumph in breaking the limitations of stereo- type - Evening Times
Appearing live at
16th November
50 THE LIST T l\',.' 70f)"
Doors 8pm Tickets £11 [ElO/EQ oono.)
BOII 0EFIOE 01303 314000
The Electric Soft Parade play La Belle Angele, Edinburgh, Thu 15 Nov
hluex lrom Rowan and indie layouritcs lrom 'l‘he Dales.
I The Proclaimers and The Supernaturals Barrow land. (iallowgatc. 552 40lll. 7.3llpm. SOLD
()1 "l. lhe Reid hrotherx whip up some much-dexcry ed l'er\our with their hy perv- mclodic ohseryations on one. lile and politics. their current alhum l’i'l'u’t't'l‘t’ l\ one ol the year's hcst. With support lt'ont jolly litlple‘l'S 'lhc Supernaturals.
I Snowboy 8. The Latin Section ()ld l-ruitmarkct. :\lhion Street. 287 55l l. 9.30pm. £S.5ll l £5i. l.atin _ia// stalwarts kick oil the inaugural Si ('uha? l'cstiyal. I Sydney Devine l’ay ilion ‘l'lieaire. Renlield Street. 552 ltS-lh. 7.3(lpltt. {Ill/£3. See 'I‘liu S.
I Jason Downs King 'l‘ui‘x \Vah \Vah IIlll. St Vincent Street. 22] 527‘). S.3()pm. £7.51) PIUS hooking lee. 'l‘he country fhip hop Cl‘ttSMWL‘l' hegins land hopelully L‘lttl\l here with the White Boy With .»\ l‘eather
I Terence Fixmer Radar. (ilasgoyy School ol.-\rt. Renlrew Street. 332 008 l.
l lpm. £7 l£0i. l-‘rencli-lmrn techno man. no“ resident in Berlin. the home til itimping heats.
b ballboy and The Starlets Sloanx. .-\rgyle Arcade. 22] S017. Spm. £3. See preyiew l'or hallhoy w hoioin (ilaswegian kindred \pit'lh lhe Slttt‘leh 1301‘ [his gig.
I The Embrooks and The Thanes 'I'llL‘ l.illl Note ('Ltlc‘. King Street. 5.55 lh3S. Spm. £3. (iarage rock.
I Bedlam Nice ‘n‘ Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 ()037. ‘)pm. (ioth/industrial night with liyc music element.
I Bullit, Gallivant and Supreme Mango l'ury .\Illl'l'_\\. .\la\w ell Street. 22] 05l 1. ‘)pm. £4. including entry to post-gig cluh. Supreme .\lango play lunk and soul. I Stellar, Kill The Bear and The Busbys Strawberry Iiields. ()\\\;tltl Street.
22l 7S7]. 7.3()pm. £4. including entry to post-gig cluh.
I Abba Disco Party Bourbon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 ()l4l. 7pm. £5 l£l4.5() with dinner). l‘eaturing an Ahha trihute act. I Rev Doc & The Congregation Mc('huill\. High Street. 552 2135. lllpm. l't'ee. ’I'l‘tttl I{(&I;.
I Elaine Wallace Bar LS5. Buchanan Street. 332 7284. 8.30pm. l-‘ree.
I The Duvets Samuel Dow‘s. \itlisdale Road. 423 (llll7. S.3()pnt. lice.
I Brian Auger And Oblivion Express I.a Belle .-\ngele. llasiie‘s (lose. 225 7530. ll).3llpin. £‘) £l(). ('.r\.\'(‘lil.|.l{l).
I The Olympic Lifts ('ai‘e Royal Bixlt‘tt Bar. l7 \Vexl RL‘gISIL‘l‘ Street. 5.57 4792. 9pm. £5 (£4). Rioltith liy'e mix ol samples and hip hop heats hacked up hy' a l.e Hammond lnlerno DJ set. and for lidinhurgh residents only. memhers ol Bis w ill he hitting the deck.
I Sillife, Rogue Star and Pseudofunk llte .‘ylereai. 28 “est Maitland Street. 225 380]. 7.30pm. £3. Indie rock liom Stillile and Rogue Star with a touch ol lunk lrom l’seudolunk lllll\lll‘[)l'l\lllgl} l.
I Midge Ure ('orn lixchange. .\'ew .\larket Rtiiltl. (iiit'gle. 443 2437. 7.3(lpm. £l2.5(). See Inc 0.
I Andy McCabe and The Johnston Brothers \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 0 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. ‘)pm. I'rece; £2 alter midnight. Rock and hltiex coyers.
Saturday 1 0
I Ibrahim Ferrer Royal (‘oneert Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 287 55l l. 731th £27/£24 plus credit card hooking lee. 'l'hc cheeky. charming yeteran \tk‘;lll\l with the Buena \‘ixta Social ('luh perlortnx solo. I’art ol the Si ('uhal l’estiyal.
XMAS l'lll'l’t fillll]
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall Tickets £16.50 from 0141 353 8000
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