Gigs are listed by date, then by

city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Horthmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:


Virgin, Buchanan Galleries. 332 4400

Credit card bookings from: Ticket Link: 287 551 1.

Way Ahead: 339 8383.


Virgin Princes Street. 220 3234. Ripping Records SOuth Bridge. 226 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 4349

Way Ahead 0141 339 8383

Thursday 18


I Shaggy (‘lyde Auditorium. S1i('(’. Finnieston Quay. 0870 040-1000. P()STP().\'I£1). .\1r1.o\'er [.mer is exhausted. Reschedtrled for 21 l‘eh 2002. I Eels Barrowland. (iallowgate. 552 4601. 7.30pm. £13.50 pltrs hooking l'ee. With F. now rocking the 1'nahomher look. Eels return with their Sou/jueker alhum full of up melodies and down sentiments. I Groove Armada Queen Margaret Union. University (iardens. 33‘) 9784. 7.30pm. £12 pltrs hooking tee. (‘hill-out grooves for those missing the Ihi/a sunset. I Jonathan Richman and The Radio Sweethearts King 'l‘ut‘s watt Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £1 1 plus booking fee. l’op’s poet latrreate charms another 'l‘trt's audience with his tragi-comic ditties. Strpport from local country rockers.

I Good Riddance and Death By Stereo The (‘athouse. l'nion Street. 248 (i606. 8pm. £8 plus hooking l'ee. ()yer- l-ls show. Hardcore. ptrnk and metal from the States.

I Winterbrief, The Electroluvs and The Kanedas The 1301 Note ('luh. (‘lyde Street. 243 2177. 8pm. £3.

I Snail Racing and Dragon Rapide The 13th Note ('al‘e. King Street. 553 1638. 8pm. £4. Snail Racing are a Leeds-based indie combo.

I The Flaming Dice Rock ‘n’ roll Club Nice ‘n‘ Sleazy. Satrchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. With live music of a

swing and rock ‘n' roll persuasion.

I Insular, Paper Street and Sarcassa l'ittr‘y .\lurry s. .\1a\w ell Street. 221 651 1. 9pm. £3. including entry to post-gig club.

I How To Swim 'l‘cliai ()y na. ()tagti Lane. 357 452-1. 8pm. £2. 1‘olk rock.

I The Magic Blues Surfers Stttdio ()ne. Byres Road. 342 0510. ()pm. Free. I The Vagabonds 'l'lre Scotia. Stockwell Street. 552 8681. 0pm. l‘ree. Popular coycrs.

I Jam Session Samuel l)U\\ ‘s. Nithsdale Road. 423 0107. S30pm. l‘ree.


I Abigal’s Glorious Voice and Cinefilm 1.11 Belle Angele. llilstlc\ ('lose. 225 7536. 7.30pm. til. .»\(i\' may hail from lidirrhtrrgh and (‘inelilm l‘rom (ilasgow htrt they hotlt produce a riotous tip-heat punky sound.

I Hefner and Appliance the Venue. 17 21 (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Spur.

£7 £8. British urhan-l'olk indie hoy s llel‘ner ltay'e added an electronic element to the mix on their latest alhtrrrr [Mal .Ur’rliu.

I Andy McCabe and Alpha Lava Whistlehinkies. 4 (1 South Bridge. 5.57 511-1.‘)pm. l-‘r‘ee. ('lassic rock arid hlues l'rom Mc('ahe with driy ing rock l'rom .-\lpha I.aya.


I Nanci Griffith Royal (‘onccrt llall. Satrchiehall Street. 287 551 1. 7.30pm. £22.50/L'20 plus credit card hookirtg lee. 'l'houghtlul American t'olk hour the demure .\ls(il‘1lliths whose latest alhtrrrr contains her lyrical thoughts on her larrdmirte-clearing espedition to Vietnam. I Therapy? and Nerve 'l'he (iarage. Sauchiehall Street. 332 1120. 7pm. £10 plus hooking tee. ()yer'— 14s show. Northern Irish trio celehrating ten years of indie ptrnk rock rabble-rousing.

I The Soul Destroyers l'ttllk Room. The Arches. .v\r'gy le Street. 0001 022 0300. 10.30pm. £10. Retro l'trnk from this Scottish octet who loye James Brown as nrtrclt as the punters at this club.

I Terra Diablo, Pariah and Breschnev King 'l‘ut's Wah Walt lltrt. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S.3(lprri. L'l plus hooking tee. .\mhient indie- or'ientated sounds tronr 'l'er‘ra l)iahlo promoting their new The lit/y 'l‘lrr'rres .\re lil’.

I Vertigo 101, Hector Collectors and Vinyl Reverb the 13th .\'ote (are. King Street. 553 1(t3S. Spin. £2.50. lrtdie.

I Coba Flynn, Nacoya and Oracle 1"trr'y Murry s. .\lasw ell Street. 221 (r511. ()pm. [-1. including entry to post-gig club I Gun: 8: Rozes Str‘awher‘r‘y l’iclds. ()swald Street. 221 7S7]. 7.30pm. L11. including entry to post-gig cluh. ‘l‘rihtrte to the classic stadium rockers prior to the return of the genuine article irt l)ec.

Whatever you’re into, get into


Scotland’s number one guide to live music

54 THE LIST 18 ()(;t- 1 No‘.’ 2001

I Steve James Band (it'alltl ()le ()pl'). l’aisley Rtttttl loll. ~12” .5590. 7.30pm. [3 t £2 menthersr. (‘ountry

I Abba Disco Party Bourhon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 01-11. 7pm. £5 tL‘l--l.50 with dinrrerr. l"eaturirrg a trihute act as part o1tlte.-\hha-r'elated entertaimrtent.

I independence Sartrtrel Dow's. \ithsdale Road. 123 010.". S.3tlprrr. l'il't‘L‘.


I 'l‘he|tlltl Rttttlll. ‘lL‘ Victoria Street. 32a 0000. ".Rttpm, Lille. 'l'ippctl .\lancunian hand with a hegtrilirrg sound which has shades ol‘ 'l'alk 'l'alk ahotrt it and has hecrt tlesct‘ihed h) tlte l‘lllltl. lt shotlltl he noted as ’pr‘og rock without the solos‘. .SL‘L‘ prey iew.

I Willow featuring Angels arid Wro the iron. ‘1 llurtter Siluarc. lliglt Street. 220 0031. Spin. £3. l)ouhle local hands showcase presented hy 'l'hee (‘r'ypt

I Lee Paterson and The Johnson Brothers \Vhistlehtltkics. -l (r South Bridge. 55“ 51 ll. ‘lprn. l‘ree. Rock coy ers. w ith a touch ol' l'olk and gospel li‘om l’aterson.

I The Weird Beards Southern Bar. 33 South (ilc‘l'ls 51111100" 323‘).

“pm rrridrrigltt. l‘r'ee. .-\ rrigltl or original tunes o1 lltc pr'og rock and artthicrrt l'trnk persuasion l'rorrr this ladinhurgh otrtlit

I Killa Kella Bongo (‘ltrh. 1-1 New Street. 55S “(ill-1. 10.30pm. L'" «cm. llip Itop heats born this aura/trig human heat ho\ as part ol' ltip ltop. lurrk artd soul rtigltt lil Segundo's third birthday celehr'ations.

Saturday 20


I The Monkees (‘lyde .\uditor'ium. Sl‘.( '( '. l‘iiltltieston Quay. (lS‘tl 11.40 7111111), 1’( )S'll’t).\'lzl). ls’escheduletl trrttil 21 .\lar' .2002.

I Alabama 3 Queen Margaret 1'nion. liniyersity (iar'dens. .33‘1‘VS-l. ".30pm. (10 plus hooking tee. 'l'he Rey \Vay rte l) l.o\ e and all those other l.o\ e hr'olhers

\\ llip up :1 l'tgltlctttts gttspcl/L‘lc‘cll'tr corrrho.

I Susheela Raman St .'\lltl1'L‘\\.\ lit the Square. .\‘prrt. [S50tUx501'l'ickets l'r'ont the ticket (‘entr'e. 2S“ 5511 and 'l‘r'on’l‘healr'c. 552-120". Born in the its" to 'l'arrtil parents. Rantan's music conthines east and west traditions artd recently came to wider attention when she was ttorrtirtated tor the Mercury .\ltrsic l’r'i/e tor her Sir/r Rat/r alhtrttt. /’t1rliI//)’rg/)’rg Hit/til.

I Mac Floyd ('ottier 'l'Iteatre. llyndland Street. 35" 3ShS Spin. LS. the Scottish l’ink l'loyd trihute play to r'arse l'unds tor the .\laggies (‘errlre at the Western lnlirrnar‘y.

I The Wolfetones Barrow land. (iallowgate. 552-lo01. ".30prrr. L'l.‘ plus hooking lee. lr'islr r'ehel l'olk rock.

I Nazareth 'l'he ( iar‘age. Sauchiehall Street. 332 1120. ",30pm. £12.50 plus littttkillg lcc. Sctllllsll rock \eler'ans tronted hy the indontitahle l)an

.\lc( 'aller'ly. a rrrart whose sandpaper \ttit't‘ ts sllll 111 line ellect.

I Michael Weston King, Andy White and Rab Noakes ls'trrg 'l‘trt‘s Walt \Vah lltrt. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S.3llptrt. [10 plus hooking l'ee. ()r art lznglishman. an Irishman and a Scotsman bring their sirtger‘«sortg\\ r‘iter'ly skills together lot this show.

I Stevie Jackson .\ice ‘u‘ Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 We 35. ‘lpnr. Belle t\' Sebastian‘s guitarist plus special guest churns.

I Churn and Desalvo lltt‘ 13th .\ole (‘luh. ('lytle Street. 2-13 21"”. 2pm. L" 3. ()y er l-ls show. .\lter'rroon ptrrrk lllt'litllt‘sl 101‘ the l’sltlS.

I Juxtaposition, Cholo and Owen McAuley the 1 3th \ote (’ale. King Street. 553 1(t3.\'. Spur. 1; 3. llte

headliners are a teenage trro lr'orrr leeds.

Dr John the good doctor ipicturedi gets tonky on us with hrs new 1,1) of piano driven voodoo— boogie Creole ll/r'oon. O/d //'t//f/77(1/‘/<()t. Glasgow Sun 21 Oct.

Laurel Aitken Call him the Godfather of Ska and he'll act more than a little sheepish btrt Mister Aitken is up there: a septuagertartan .".ltlSl(3£tl pioneer See prevrey'x. / rgi rid Room.

I d/‘nbt/r‘g/r. Sat 2/ Oct.

Air After the onslaught from Manchester's mightiest over the last fortnight. illt) Barrowland becomes a haven tor Gallic pr‘og cool as the 1 much mellow '.ssr:>narres make their live Scottish debut. See t)l'(}‘.’l(3\.'/. Barrow/and,

( Erasgo‘. Sun 28 <8 /'l./l'orr 29 Oct.

Lamb they released a difficult second albunt. teli out. split up. regrotrrted and “ratio good with the!" thzrd albtrrft ‘."./ira:‘ Sot/rrd. melt trig beatitrc electronica and {)lztllttl‘.(: female vocals. See preview. rgard [too/n, [-‘d/nbt/r'g/r. Sat :10 Oct.

Solaris What happens when you ptrt l)£tSf3l‘l.".Sl(;l' .lah Wobble on stage wrth Bill 1 asy'xell. Harold Budd. (il'itllitl‘l Haynes and Carr's date 1 euro/oz: on stage. armed to the toefl‘. \‘Jith sonic potential? You got an exerting o‘ dub~lsraut~ ambient ta// rock fusion madness. \fi’lrat else”? See preview. Arc/res. (Elasgt a.

Trans Am and The Fucking Champs A grimy double bill or US guitar totrrtg monkey men who know their about the post tools rrortrt: \.‘.’(}ll'(i electro rock ‘.'lll{i§lt?53 without the aide of a


natixe four gltlitlt}. See pr‘t:-\.*re\.'.'. .'.'i.".‘ ,‘\\.\.‘i.':,‘ (IL/t), (it/(ISUUl‘p, [(11,32).]; Oi .' /l'.' (Io. ego. to'r/r.’)trr'g/t. [ha

I Hemlock, Seth arid Overlook $1111“ lic‘l'l'} l'ilt‘ltlS. ()syytlltl .Sll‘c‘c‘l. :31 "S51. ".30pnr. (-1. including entry to post gig cltrh..\1etal rock.

I Just For Kicks (il';tlltl ()le ()pl'y. l’aisley Road loll. 12‘) 53W). ".3llptrt. [.3 tt'2 rrternhcrsi. (‘ourttr'y

I Rod Stewart Tribute Bourbon Street. (ieol‘ge .Slt't‘cl. (ll-l l. “[3111. l [1050 w illt drrrrrerr.

I Open Stage lltc llalt Bar. \Votttllalttls Rtttltl. .501 152—3. -1 Split. l~ree. \Veekly session tor local musicians. I Gecko 'l'hc llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 50-1 152“. ‘lpnr. l‘r'ee.

I Mistreated Samuel l)ow 's. .\ithsdale Road. 123 010“. S30pm. lir‘ec.