Billy Bob Thornton and Frances McDormand take advice from lawyer Tony Shalhoub in the Coen brothers' first rate film noir The Man Who Wasn't There

Maelstrom 11111-1 11.30.

2. The Hurricane 1 151 2.30.

LaVllle est Tranquille 1 181 5.30. 8.15. 3. The Swamp (La Clénaga) 1 121 3.00. (1.15. 8.40.


1. Annie Hall 1 151 3.311. 7.00. 9.15.

2. La Ville est Ttanquille 1 181 2.45. 8.15. Possible Worlds 1 151 (1.00.

3. The Swamp (La Ciénaga) 1 121 3.00. (1.15. 8.40.

\‘."EDNE—'SDAY :31 OCT

1.Annie Hall 1 151 3.30.

The Cabinet Di Doctor Callgarl 11’(11 11.1111.

2. La Ville est Tranquille 1 181 2.45. 8. I 5. Ginger Snaps 1 181 (1.15.

3. The Swamp (La Ciénaga) 1 121 3.00. 8.411.

Point Break 1 151 (1.1111.


1.Annie Hall1151 3.30. 7.00. 9.15.

2. La Ville est Tranquille 1 181 2.45. 8.15. Ginger Snaps 1 181 (1.00.

3. The Swamp (La Clenaga) 1 121 3.00. (1.15. 8.41).

Lumiere: Edinburgh

Rnyal 3111\1‘0111.('liamlicrx 811111 247 42111145111122.5111.

1?} OCT

Les Entants Du Paradis 11’(11 (1.30. SATURD/W 2?) OCT

Children’s Midsummer Night’s Dream 111 1.30.

Le Jour Se Leve 11’( 11 4.30.

Rear Window 11’( 11 7.311.


Les Entants Du Paradis 11’( 11 12.30. Blue Black Permanent 1 1’( 11 4.311. Culloden1151 7.00.

1 1311‘»?! ’2"; OCT

The Horseman On The Root 1 151 4.30. Les Portes de la Huit 1 1’( 11 7.30. 81‘1'1111311/9/ 71‘ ()(31‘

The Smallest Show On Earth 111 2.00. The 39 Steps 1M 11 4.311.

Blackboards 11’( 11 7.30.


Anna And The King 1 121 1.1111.

The Horseman On The Root 1 151 4.31). Blackboards 11’( 11 “1.31 1.


listings Film

0 m MUSIC presents


plus guests

GLASGOW BARROWLAND 8111 November Credit card 0870 90 33 444.


\Vcslsidc Plaza. 120 \Vcslcr l-1ailc.s Road. \Vcslcr llailcs. 0870 5050 007. [D]. llil. Adults after (1pm: £4.80 standard: £5.30 luxury. (‘liiltlrcn/OAP/Siudcnt after (1pm: £3 standard: £3.50 luxury. Family ticket 1 ' .... 9:1- £1 1. Bargin Day 'l'uc: £3 all seals. ' [3.111.121 3 Bargain malinccs up to (1pm: all seats £3. 1“. 'J- " ' Pic-11111111 shows: £2.50. ~


A Knight’s Tale 1P(11 1 1.35am. 2.40. A.I.1121 5.05. 8.10.

American P1021151 12.40. 2.00. 3.20. 5.20. (1.10. 8.10. 8.40.

America’s Sweethearts1121 (1.20. 8.40. Atlantis: The Lost Empire 11’1 1 1.40am. 1.55. 4.15. (1.30. 8.55. CatsAndDogs1P(11 11.45am. 235.

Dr DolittieZ1P(11 1.10. 3.10.

Driven 1P(}1 11.50am. 2.25. Enlgma1l51 2.25. 5.50. Moulln Houge1121 2.30. DrlglnalSin1181 5.30. Recess: School’s Dut1l'1 10.50am. Shrek1l'1 11.50am.

The Score1181 8.25.

5111'. 11.15.

ElflQAY 19—THURSDAY 25 A Knight’s Tale 11>(11 l-‘riu'l'uc: 3.05. 5.40.

[LL 1 121

Fri 1110: 8.15.


15118; Sal: 12.30. 1.10. 2.50. 3.50. 5.15. (1.10. 7.35. 8.50. 9.50. 800 11111: 1.10. 2.00. 3.50. 4.30. (1.10.

8.00. 8.50. America’s Sweethearts 1 121 Daily: 1.30. 3.50. (1.10. 8.30.

.-\l.\11111alincc Sal & Sun: 1 1.15am.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire 11' 1

Daily: 2.10. 4.20. (1.15.

10111111111111ch 1-‘1-1 -.\l11n: 11.55am. gumgdm m - Plus Special Guests Cats And Dogs 11’(11 ... .. .. I

Malincc 111-1 .\l11n: 1.211. 6115619110091 25 1101

Dr Dolittie 211>(11 "' om 5 Matincc 15117511111: 1.00. 1

Enigma 1 151

Daily: 3.15. 5.51) 13’; 8.25 11101 Tue). Evolution 1P(11

Sal 1k Sun: 11.110111111811111. Jeepers Creeper31151

l'i'i & Sal: 1.20. 3.30. 5.40. 7.50. 10.00.

Sun 1110: 2.11). 4.20. (1.40. 9.00. Legally Blonde 1 121 ;_ \\'c11&'1'hu; 1.40. 4.10. (1.25. 8.50. ‘1 .. : -': :-

Moulln Rouge 1 121

Daily: 2.50. 5.30. 8.20. Tickets available from ticket hotline 0870 90 33 444,

Pearl "arbor 1 '51 online at and from Virgin & Ripping and all usual outlets.


1111‘: 7.40. The Score1181 Daily: 8.10.

N . . ' THE LIST 45