Art listings

Edinburgh Galleries continued mam RICE GALLERY

University of lidinburgh. Sottth Bridge. 650 221 l. Tue-Sat 10am -5pm. Chinese Contemporary Art Until Sat 3 Nov (White (iallery). The tirst showing of contemporary painting and sculpture brought directly from (‘hina which reveal a blend of both traditional and modern thetnes and techniqttes.

Dr Hongxing Zhang Wed 17 ()ct. 5.15pm. Dr Hongxing [hang discusses the Chinese Contemporary Art exhibition.

Jacqueline Donachie Until Sat 3 Nov (round room). Glasgow-based artist Jacqueline Donachie's new work Iidt'nbtug/t Sovierv looks at the many student clubs and societies of the University of Edinburgh. For the show. Donachie will create a small podium and walls with the names of each of the societies in alphabetic order in an attempt to see whether [Edinburgh's stu— dents lit the standard stereotypes.


36 Dundas Street. 556 6366. Mon -l“ri 11am 6pm: Sat 10.30am 44pm. Joyce Borland and Doreen Williams Until Sat 13 ()ct. Recent paintings.


Traverse Theatre. 10 ('ambridge Street. 228 5383.

The Wonderful Colourful World Of Zap 2 l'ntil Sttn 7 ()ct. Recent work by Kieran (iorman documenting the far off cartoon planet of Zap 2. its creatures and habitats.

Observed Movements Sun 7 Oct Sun 4 Nov. Photographs by a selection of artists.


16 South Fort Street. 478 7810.

Mon Sat 1 lant 1 1.45pm: Stin

12.30 -1 1.45pm.

The Adventures Of A Little Mexican Dog L'ntil Sat 27 ()ct. Computer illustrations by Stephanie Sanderson documenting the life and times of ‘the little Mexican dog‘ which she encountered on her travels around

liurope. Author“! woooo

(formerly Malcolm lnnes (iallery). 4 Dundas Street. 558 0544/5. Mon -1-‘ri 10am-6pm: Sat 1 1am 1pm.

Mixed Exhibition An ongoing selection of Scottish lattdscapes. sporting paintings. military oils. watercolours attd prints.

Amid The High Hills Wed 17 Oct—Sat 3 .\'ov. Paintings by a selection of contemporary artists including lain Oates. Alastair Makinson. Jonathan Sainsbttry and Derek Robertson. Ni-‘f‘.’ SHOW.

Edinburgh Museums).

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh City Life, page 101.


28 (‘harlotte Square. lidinburgh. 243 9365. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun noon-«5pm. l‘ree. .\‘ot only the Head Office for the National Trust for Scotland. 28 (‘harlotte Square also houses a permanent collection of 20th century Scottish paintings featuring work by Peploe. llttntcr and ('adell. Displayed in a domestic setting. the works are complemented by a collection of Regency furnitttre.

DYNAMIC EARTH llolyrood Road. 550 7800. Daily 10am 6pm.

96 THE LIST 4 18 Oct 2601

Building The Universe Sat 6 ()et Sttn 18 Nov. A journey of discovery with six zones to explore including our universe. ottr body and our earth. NEW SHOW.


42 lliglt Street. 52‘) 4142. Mon—Sat 10am -5pm.

All Aboard For Toyland t'ntil Sat 3 Nov. An exhibition highlighting the enduring popularity of Iinid Blyton's Noddy and his Toyland friends.

MUSEUM OF EDINBURGH (l-‘ormerly Huntly House). 142 ('anongate. 52‘) 4143. Mow-Sat

10am 5pm.

Thomas Nelson And Sons - Spreading The Word Until Sat 1‘)

Jan. An exhibition on the importance of

Nelson‘s Printing Works of the Old Town and Southside of Edinburgh.

MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘hambers Street. 247 421‘). Mon~Sat 10am~5pmz Sun noon—5pm; Tue 10am—8pm.

Relief And Revolution: The St Andrew’s Society Of Philadelphia Until Sun 30 Jun 2002. This exhibition looks at Scottish imtnigration to North American attd the founding of the St Andrew's Society of Philadelphia. set tip in 1747 to care for the sick itnmigrant Scots.


Newhaven Harbottr. 551 4165. Daily noon 5pm.

Hidden ‘h‘easures: Volunteer Work Of Newhaven People Past And Present t’ntil Mon 31 Dec. The l’nited Nations’ Year of the Volunteer is celebrated in this exhibition which looks at the tradition of volunteering iii the Newhaven community.


53 High Street. Queensferry. 331 5545. Mon. Thu. Fri & Sat 10am~vlpm & 2.15 5pm; Sun noon- 5pm. liree. Food For Thought A look at children’s diet and eating habits over the past 150 years.


2 (‘hambers Street. 247 421‘). Mon- Sat 10am 5pm (Tue 8pm); Sun noon 5pm. liree.

Millennium Clock A chance to view Russian mechanical sculptor liduard Bersudsky's millennium clock. a kinetic sculpture. measuring nine metres high.

Serizawa - Master Of Japanese Textile Design tintil Sttn 4 Nov. £3 (£1.50); children under 12s free. The tirst liuropean exhibition of Serilawa Keisuke‘s ( l8‘)5- l‘)84) work fora quarter of a century. Declared a ‘1iving national treasure' in 1956. Keisuke tnade his name as a textile designer. using traditional stencil-dyeing techniques. The exhibition features over 100 works including folding screens. kintonos. tablecloths. book covers and ceramics. Purl (y/fllupun 2()()I festival. Prehistoric Japan: The Archaeological Collections Of Neil Gordon Munro t'ntil Sun 14 Apr. A collection of prehistoric Japanese artefacts discovered by Neil (iordon Munro. a Scottish tnedical doctor resident in Japan at the beginning of the 20111 century. Gifted: Five Years Of The Inches Carr Scottish Crafts Awards Sat 6 Oct Sun 13 Jan. An exhibition showcasing the work of the winners frotn the first live years of the Inches ('arr Trust crafts award. featuring pieces by Malcolm Appleby. Keiko Mukaide. Peter (‘hang and Alison Kinnaird. NEW SHOW.


Lady Stair‘s House. Lady Stair’s (‘lose. 52‘) 4‘)()l. Mon Sat

10am 5pm. liree.

Spirit Of Greatness l'ntil Sat 3 .\'ov. A documentary exhibition looking at writers from Dumfries and (ialloway both past and present.


l'niversity of Dundee. 13 Perth Road. 01382 345330. Mon Fri

‘).30am— 8.30pm; Sat & Sun

‘).30am 4.30pm.

The Art Of Teaching l‘ntil Sat 27 ()ct. An exhibition revealing the artistic quality of educational resources that were tised by the L'niversity of Dundee in the later half of the l‘)th century. featuring printed charts. three-dintensional models and early botanical. attatomical and chemical charts.


152 Nethergate. 01382 606220. Tue & Wed. Sat & Sttn 10.30am——5.30pm: Thu & l-‘ri 10.30am 8pm.

0 Here 4- Now: Scottish Art 1990-2001 lTntil Sttn 4 Nov. Taking place concurrently at live venues in Aberdeen and Dundee. the fourth and final exhibition in the series which traces the history of Scottish art since 1945. focuses on the years 1990 to 2001. lincompassing a variety of media including painting. sculpture. video. installation. photog- raphy and drawing. the show features the work of artists whose careers have developed in Scotland. (‘hristine Borland. Martin Boyce. Roddy Buchanan. Dal/.iel + Scttllion. Douglas (iordon. (‘allum lnnes. (‘had .\lc(‘ai|. David Shrigley. Ross Sinclair. Alison Watt and Richard Wright are just some of the natnes in this impres- sive line—up. See review and Hitlist.

GENERATOR PROJECTS 25 26 Mid Wynd Industrial listate. 01382 225‘)82.Tltu Sttn 1 6pm.

Last chance to see Ed Ruscha’s hyper-realist paintings at lnverleith

House, Royal Botanic Garden

0 Here Now: Scottish Art 1990-2001 l'ntil Sun 4 .\'ov. Sec l)('A.


Albert Square. 01382 432084. Mon Sat 10anr 5pm; Stnt 12.30 4pm; Thu

10am 7pm.

0 Here 4- Now: Scottish Art 1990-2001 l'ntil Sun 4 Nov. See D(‘A.

Outside the Cities


Stenton. 01368 850256. Daily noon-5pm (closed Thu 1.

Northwards l'ntil Wed 24 ()ct. New mixed ntedia paintings by Shetland-based artist Ruth Brownlee inspired by her surroundings and sailing trips in the north seas towards neighbouring Norway.

Still Lifes l'ntil Wed 24 ()ct. Still life paintings by Jackie Philip. a change from her ttsual subjects of land and sea.

From Our Own Collection t'ntil Wed 24 ()et. Recent acquisitions from the gallery's collection.



20 West High Street. 01307 464123. Mon Sat l0am»-5pm.

Shadows Of The Sacred t'ntil Sat 20 ()et. Drawing and paintings by l‘rances Law inspired by the natural forms found within her own environment and on the beaches of the Inner Hebrides.



St John's (iallery. liol' further information contact Artlittk 0131 22‘) Animal Mon 8 ()ct Sttn 27 Jan. (‘ontetnporary artworks inspired by animals from a selection of artists including Kirst Whiten. (‘atriona (irant. Helen Talbot. Janie Nicol. Michele l.a/enby. Archie Webb. Tony Herald and Dan Hay es.