steps in to take care of new calf and kindred spirit. Maeva. But tragedy strikes in the form of mad cow disease. which threatens the entire herd. including Lucas' bovine pal; only a pardon from the French President can save her now. Things get a touch silly when the pair head for Paris. particularly Maeva‘s inadvertent trip on the Metro. But the father and son relationship is touching throughout. as is the underlying message about moving on after the death of a loved one. See review. The Filmhouse. Iidinburgh.
Visions Of Light (PG) 0000 (Arnold (llilSSlllililanJd .‘vicC’arthy/Stuart Samuels. [IS/Japan. l‘)‘)2) ()2 mins. A real delight - an odyssey through decades of glorious cinenmtography from the masters of the craft. complete with excerpts and interviews. As visually enthralling as it is enlightening. lidinburgh Film (iuild. Edinburgh.
The Wedding Planner (PG) 00 (Adam Shankman. l'S. 200i ) Jennifer Lopez. Matthew .\Ic(’onaughey. Bridgette Wilson. I03 mins. Romantic comedies are filled with beautiful people who can't get dates. Lopez. hot from dumping Puff Daddy and scorching the transatlantic pop charts. is the latest absurdly attractive babe having trouble in the romance department. She plays Italian-.>\merican Mary More who plans other people‘s weddings. When a handsome doctor (.\lc(’onaughey 1 saves her from certain death. her troubles seem to be over. except for the fact that Mc(‘onaughey is engaged to be married in a ceremony organised by Lopez herself. The pacing gets sluggish as the wedding bells start to chime. and dubioth acting combine with every cliche in the book to make this an ultimately forgettable movie. ()deon. Kilmarnock.
West Side Story (PG) 0000 (Robert Wise. Jerome Robbins. l‘S. I901) Natalie Wood. Richard Beymer. Russ Tamblyn. Rita Moreno. I55 mins. RHI’lr'U .'lli(/Jlllf(’l revisited against a background of New York gangs. (ireat songs of course. but the playing of the stylised dancing against a realistic background contrives to make it all look rather camp these days. (irosvenor. (ilasgow.
What Women Want ( 1210..
(Nancy Meyers. IS. 2001 ) Mel (iibson. llelen llttnt. I27 mins. (iibson's divorced. playboy advertising executive is a testosterone-fuelled chauv inist whose brand of tits ‘n' ass ad campaigns have long exceeded their sell-by date. Ilis company. how ever. wants to reach female consumers and has given the top job to a woman (Ilunt). But. following an accident. the exec wakes up to discover he's able to hear
w omen's unspoken thoughts. a gift which scores him brownie points all round. (iibson twinkles roguishly in the lead role and handles the film's scenes of screwball farce well. But he's let down by a lack of chemistry with his co-star. ()deon 6; Ster ('entury Cinema: Edinburgh.
What’s Cooking t I8) 000
((iurinder (‘hadha. IS. 2001 ) :\lfre Woodard. Mercedes Ruehl. Joan ('hen. 109 mins. 'I‘hanksgiving has long been dreary dramatic fodder for American filmmakers but Asian-linglish director (‘hadha (liliuji ()n The Bear/1) gives the subject a much- needed kick up the backside with her outsider's perspective on the secular festival. The multicultural issues explored in (‘hadha's debut feature are also in evidence in this warm comedy drama. which TUCUSL'S on four ethnically disparate l,os .-\nches families. ('hadha and co-w ritcr (and spouse) l’aul May eda Berges shift fluidly from one mouth-watering dinner table to another. mixing the political and personal in a way reminiscent of John Sayles. l'(i(’ Renfrew Street. (ilasgow.
Yellow Submarine (t') 0000
(George [)unning. l'K. l‘)(i7) The voices and music of the Beatles. 90 mins. The Fab Four save Pepperland from the Blue Meanies. A real period piece these days. this exercise in garish psychedelic animation still remains a colourful (and safely non- addictivc) trip for the kiddies. while everyone can sing along with the tunes. l'(i(' I’arkhead. (ilasgow; l'(i(' ('inemas. Edinburgh.
Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore
)BG, Muirend: Glasgow
380 (‘larkston Road. Muirend. 0|4l 633 2l23. Info: OH] (337 2641. £3.95. Student/Child/():\P: £2.75.
A.l.(12) 5.00. 8.05.
Mike Bassett: England Manager(l5) (3.30. 8.55.
Moulin Bougetl2) 5.35. 8.25.
A Knight’s Tale (PG)
Matinee Sat & Sun: I.45.
A.l. ( 12)
Daily: 5.00. 8.00.
American Pie 21 15)
Sun: 0.00. 8.20.
Cats And Dogs (PG)
Matinee Sat & Sun: noon. 2.00. 4.00. Dr Dolittle 2 (PG) Matinee Sat & Sun: Heartbreakers ( 15) Fri 8; Sat. Mon—Thu: 8.25.
Mllte Bassett: England Manager ( 15) Fri (‘6; Sat. Mon Thu: 0.00.
Moulin Rouge ( 12)
Daily: 5.35. 8.I5.
.-\lso matinee Sat & Sun: 2.15.
Programme likely to be similar to the previous week. Phone 0|4I (337 204] for details and times. New film due to open on Fri l2 ()ct:
Bombay Cinema: Glasgow
5 Lorne Street. lbrox. 0|4l 4l‘) 0722. £5 (£3).
For this week’s programme times. please contact the cinema on ()l4l 4I‘) 0722 for details.
Glasgow Film Theatre
I2 Rose Street. ()l4l 332 8I28. Cafe/bar. All performances bookable. ll)]. [Ii]. Iivcnings: £4.75 (£3.50). Matinees: £3.75 (£2.50). Wed (before 5pm): £3.75 (£2). Double bilI £5 (£3.50). (il’l‘ savers: £I‘) (£ I4) five tickets for the price of4 (valid for three months).
1.8attte Royaletm 2.00. 5.3(). 8.l5. 2. GentreOiThe World ( I8) 300. 5.00. 7.00.
Amelie(15) 9.00.
1.Ametie(15) 1.00. 3.30. (3.00. 8.30. 2. Battle Boyaletlts’) 2.00. 5.31). 8.I5. SATURDAY 6 OCT
1.Amelte(15) 1.00. 3.30. (3.00. 8.30. 2.lnspectorGadget(t') 1.0(1.
Battle Boyaletlxi 2.45. 5.30. 8.I5. SUNDAY 7 OCT
1.Amelie(15) 1.00. 3.30. (1.00. 8.30. 2. Battle Royaletix) 2.0(1. 5.3(). 8.15. MONDAY8OCT
1.Amelie(15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30. 2. Battle Boyaletlx) 2.00. 5.30. 8.l5. TUESDAYQOCT
1.Ametie(15) 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 3.30. 2. Jules EtJithU) 1.()(). (3.00. Battle Royalettx) 3.15. 8.15.
index Film
Glasgow. Royal Concert Hall. 17th October C/C 0870 90 33 444
Glasgow. H.0yal Concert Hall. 19th Octobe Festival Theatre. 2/1,
Glasgow, Barrowland, 21st October Credit Card 0870 90 33 444
_ y ,5.
GLASGOW Sunday 18th November At the Strathclyde Suite of The Glasgow Concert Hall 0/0 0870 90 33 444
Edinburgh 20 October
The Liquid Room 0870 90 33 444
Glasgow 8 Club Arta 23/24 Octobng OUT0810 90 33 444
Tickets also available from Venue Box Office, Virgin & Ripping and usual outlets. On line bookings :
The Venue Oct 18:05. 2001 Calton Road,
.2 '8 OJ. THE LIST 37