Glasgow life
Glasgow life continued
Book events
The Scottish Fishing Book Borderx Bookx. 3S3 liuehanan Street. 322 7700. 7pm. Sand} l-'organ gix ex an illuxtrated talk haxed on hix
eomprehenxh e guide to lixhing.
Other events
Open Air Continental Market St linoeh Square. 572 17‘)”. l‘ree. Street market xelling lood and eraltx lrom around the world.
September Saunter l’ollok (‘ounrrx l’ark. l’ollokxhaux Road. ()3: 920‘). 2pm. l‘ree. .-\ gentle guided \xalk arorrnd l’ollok ('ountr} l’ark \\ ith a Ranger.
Seeing Stars ('alderglen (‘ountr'_\ l’ar'k. Stratha\ en Road. liaxt Kilhride.
0] 355 330044. 7.30pm. liree. .’\d\artee hooking required. \Vrap up \xarm and join guext axtronomer l)r .\le\ .\lelx'innon \\ ho \\ ill he hoxtirtg an illttxtr'ated talk l'ollou ed h} a look at the autumn xk}.
Friday 28
Glasgow v Montferrand llughenden. 33 llughenden Road. 35.3 34%. 7.30pm. Rugh} mateh.
Other events
Open Air Continental Market St linoeh Square. 5a.: l7‘lll. l'ir'ee. See ilillll 37.
Marquee Madness l'nixerxrt} ()t~ (ilaxgoxx. Quadrangle and the (’loixterx. l'nherxit} .r\\enue. 330 Mm.
Spin midnight. £5: ehildren’x e\enl ix l‘r'ee. .\ \xeekend ol~ lamil} entertainment eelehrating the unnerxit} 'x 550m anni\er‘xar} heginx \\ ith the Rtlxl} .\Jail (‘eilidh Band pro\ iding rnuxie Ior daneing.
Saturday 29
Bogs, Bings & Beasties (‘altlerglen ('ountr} l’ar'k. Stratha\ en Road. liaxt Kilhride. (H.355 23M)“. lll.3llam 5pm. l‘ree. Find out ho\\ hiodhet'xtl} al'l'eetx )ou and him _\ou alleet hiodi\erxit_\.
Other events
Open Air Continental Market St linoeh Square. 572 I‘lll). l‘ree. See Thu *7
Marquee Madness l'rrherxit} ()t' (ilttxgtm. Quadrangle and the (’loixterx. l'nherxit) .'\\enue. 330 200]. Want noon & Spin midnight. £5; ehildren'x exent ix tree. The eelehrationx eontinue \\ ith ehildren’x l'un and gamex r lllam r. hel'ore thix e\ening'x .\lediterranean themed night \\ ith muxie l'rom Salxa (‘eltiea The Scottish National Music Fair Sli(‘(‘. l'iinniexton Qua}. own «no 4000. lllam 5pm. [.3 rehildren under H tree). The popular muxie lair returnx to the Sli('(' u ith reeordx. ('l)x and rnernorahilia to xuit all taxtex and hudgetx l'rom .\lar'ihn .\lanxon to .\larihn .\lonroe.
Glasgow School of
lhe Mackintosh (Battery. ltir' Henfrex'.’ Stree’. (SSS 11.500. Mort l' 10am Spin: Sat
10am noon. (Maegan: School of Art :5; Charter, Rennie Mackintosh'u greatest £l(llll(?‘~/t’:lll(:lti and rt (Z()ltlllltl(}f; to Intrigue and |llf;l)ll€} vrsrtors from all over the world. Still a “.‘.’()ll\’lll(_; art school. regrrlar' graded tours; let you (3Xl)(3li(:ltt;l: llllS tarnorrt; and lasernatrng hirrldrng. Glasgow Zoopark
94 THE LIST FM, -'- ’r '_ 92'”
Art llddrngston. [fl 1 185). l):trl‘,«".).fi()artt f)t)'rt. 431130 WEI/Or. /\ popular harrnt on school llll)S. (‘rlasgoy'x /ooriarl< boasts; a vane-(l <:<;l|e(:tron of arrrrrtalt‘). horn ironi; to ("31-301. Mon Sat gannea pltlS. a ‘.'/(:II stoolx'ed r‘eptrlt-
aé; \.'.'el| as;
Greenbank Garden l lenders Hoad. (llarlxrdon.($393781. completely -elnri)rt;h<.~rl l)arlj.' ltlarn Spin. 5‘ din. lhrr; ‘.‘./a|l(,-d garden. tucked away Hi the (‘rlasgow f3tll)llll)S.
Scotland’s Exclusive Wedding Event (ilaxgrm Ro}al (‘oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. (HOUS SS‘Nllh. ll.l5anr 4.45pm. £3.50. .\ \xedding lair \\ ith e\er_\thing _\ou eould poxxihl} need l'or )titrr' hig da} apart l'rom proxpeeth e partnerx. 'l‘her'e \\ ill he eatxxalk xho\\ x ax \\ ell ax demonxtrationx. gil‘tx and ideax. European Year Of Languages 2001 llillhead l.ihrar"\. B}rex Road. 33‘) 7223. 4 5.30pm. l‘ree. l)er‘ek Rogerx leadx a team ol' 3() language learnerx \\ ho v. ill tell .'\exr’P\ liahle (it ‘The North Wind and the Sun' trxing languagex none ol‘ them knmx. 'l'he e\'ent ix to mark the liuropean Year ol' Languagex and aimx to illuxtrate that kno\\ ledge ol' a language ix not needed l'or eomprehenxirin.
Autumn Delights Jenn} ‘x \\'etl. \Vhinhill Road. l’aixle}. SS4 3704. 2pm. l)ixeo\ er the l'ruit. nutx and herriex gt'o\\ ing in the \\oodx.
Fungus Amungus .\lirgttoek (‘ounirx l’ark. ('raigallian Road. .\lilnga\ ie. 0% (illlll. 2 3.30pm. Ll :\d\anee hooking requrred. The park ix littered \\ ith interexting lungi. and thix guided \xalk \\ ill help )tlll identil'} xorne ol the \arietiex.
Rangers v Celtic lhro\ Stadium. lidmixton l)r'i\e. 0S7” (illll l‘)‘)3. .\oon. Seaxon tieket holderx onl}. Sl’l. maleh. 'l‘he lirxt ()ld l-irm mateh ol the xeaxon xhould he interexting ax Rangerx aim to end ('eltie'x domination ol their laxl l'eu meetingx. ll liurope ix no longer :\tl\oe;tttl\ .\ehillex heel. eotrld lltlx he ltix ne\\ torment'.’
Other events
Open Air Continental Market St iinoeh Square. 572 1")“. l'ree. See Thu 3". Marquee Madness linixerxit) ()r (ilaxgou. Quadrangle and the ('lorxterx. l'nherxit} .'\\enue. 33H lelll. 2 «lpm. £5. The ehill out xoundx ol'l‘he llung l)t'a\\ n Quartet \\ ind do“ n the eelehr'ator}
\\ eekend.
The Scottish National Music Fair Sli( '( ‘. l-‘inniexton Qua}. llk‘lt (Ht) lltlrll. llarn 5pm. £3 rehildrerr under H l’reer. See Sttl 2‘).
The Natural Chef l.inn l’ar'k. (‘larkxton Road. (i3: 029‘). |.3llprn. l’ree. 'l'ake )otlt' taxte hudx on an autumn orrtrng \\ hen the natural larder \\ i|| he lull.
Live Aid 4 . . . Women’s Aid Renl'reu l’er'r}. (‘l_\de l’laee. ZS" SSI l. "pm lam. fill). 'liekelx a\ailahle l'r'om ('ar‘lton Studiox. Sound (‘ontrol Virgin & u \\ \\.tieketx-xeotlandeom. (‘lrarit_\ e\ening in aid oi ( ilaxgou ‘x Women'x .\id. See pre\ le\\.
Other events
Philosophy Cafe \Vater'xlone'x.
l5.3 l5? Sauehiehall Street. 333 “MS. 7pm. l-‘ree. Regular get together in ('oxta (‘ol'lee. \Villk‘l'SlUllC‘S lot" lltoxe \\ ho \\ottld like to dixeirxx the philoxophieal pointx in lile.
(I()llt£llllf3 a ‘.'./ealth of interesting plants and ilt)‘-.‘.l(:lf; £th well as; \.'.'oo<l|and ‘.'.'allx:;. a
gl; SSlltleét: and ‘.'.'ater displaw.
Hutchesons’ Hall
15)?) lrrgvarn Street. one
l()arn Spin. l l(:(2. l'itllli hi; the l).'l|l{tl‘.llll()l)|<i llrrt<;he:;on l>rotlrer:; in 18):) f). the hall has recently oer-n
It togexeatasteol llf; l()llt‘.(2l glory.
Museum Of Transport Kelvrn l tall. 1
Food frenzy
I like the sound of this. .\nd \\ h) not'.’ Seotland: the haxtion ol' poor dietx. ha\ en ol' pie-eater‘x and home ol' deeplried .\larx harx teauxe there juxt \xaxn't enough lat
there ahead} r.
Extreme examples, surely? \\'ell. .\‘iek .\‘aini doexn‘r agree. t'nele .\‘iek‘x the ‘(’reati\ e l)ireetor' ol' Seotland‘x lirxt international tood lair uhieh aimx to demonxtrate
health} eating optionx to people in (ilaxgou.
Sanctimonious chefs cashing in on our culinary ineptitude? ()li. hut
he'x not the onl} one
.\inxle) 'x in [on n promoting hix ne\\ hook. too.
Hooray. Anything else we should know? ll~ in~.\er-~laee eeleh eliel'x aren't )tiir'r'e' thing. then try out the (‘ontinental .\larket taking up rexidenee in St linoeh Square. xelling traditional produee lr'orn around the \\or'ld. .\nd there‘x not a xtop-
\xateh in xight.
I Foodfest. SECC. Finnieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. Wed 3—Sun 7 Oct.
I Ainsley Harriot. Borders Books. 283 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. Fri 27 Sep,
I Open Air Continental Market. St Enoch Square. 572 7790. Thu 27—Sun 30
Tuesday 2 . Talks The Glasgow Boys Revisited Hellxhill (‘ultur'al ('errtre. John Street. Hellxhill. lllh‘LS' NWSIS. 3pm. £2.50 tL‘l.75 l. \'ixual .v\rtx l)e\eloprnent ()l'lieer .v\laxdair Bankx gi\ ex a talk ahout the inlluential group ol~ Seottixh artixtx.
Other events
Fungi Fab Fungi (ilenil'l'er lit'aex ('ountr) l’ark. (ilen lodge. (ilertlield Road. l’aixle}. SS1 3‘04. 3pm. l-ree. ldentil'} xome ueird and \xonderlul \arietiex ol' lungi on thix guided \\;rlk.
Wednesday 3
Engage International Conference 'l'ramua}. 35 .\lher't l)ri\ e. “307 3—3 S333. .\ lour'lda} eorrlerenee l'oeuxing on the galler} 'x \\or'k \\ ith )ourig people.
Other events
Foodfest - Ideas For Food And Drink Sli(‘('. l‘inniexton Qua}. “Sill
l‘itl.’.’lll()tlf;(3 Moat). .‘Sr' main”. alt I’r'i’O. Mon llarfiSat 5litlltt‘r r: l()arn f»prn;lrr5~§Srrn (l'
llarn 5>r>vrr.lrt:t=,/\ n
ltltlStrtllt‘. crammed ‘.'.'rth hose-3;. trains. tin.- (Elttlll‘tlfll. other tiararrlrernala denoted to Illt’? of ll;llt:;tt:)rl. Scottish Football Museum llarnprlen Park.
he l>eattt:t;r Seotland. (in r:;_r>la\. .3 the oldest atona! trophy, rn the ‘.'.'o.'l:l_ Kenny [)alglrsh't; ‘rtttltt‘. Watt. l)ltlt;
Sl‘lllS ant ret‘onstrrxttror‘s of the oray'tai home dressing ruornx and lar"orr:;
l larru‘rlen l’ret‘e; link. Sharmanka Kinetic
illitllltlwl. 1.1mm
tl—ll) 4000. Want (rpm. £51m). Nie‘k .\';rir'r1 tearnx up \\ ith hix eelehr'it} eulinar} ehtrmx to help produee Seotland‘x lirxt international food and drink e\lrihition. li\peet againxt the eloek eornpetitionx. taxtirtgx. demonxtr‘alionx. a ‘taxte tunnel'. and guext aprk‘ar'aneex. xer\ ed tip to xatixl'} the hungriext ol' appetitex.
Thursday 4
Engage International Conference 'l‘r-armxa). 35 .-\lher't l)t‘i\e. (ill)? :78 3333. See \Ved .i.
Simon Callow ’l'heatre l{o_\al. ZS: llope Street. 332 ‘)l)()(). lpm. (-1.50
(£3 t. "the award-xx inning aetor talkx ahout hix xueeexxl'ul eareer on xtage and
Other events
Foodfest - Ideas For Food And Drink Sli('('. l’inniexton Qua}. 0370 till) Altlllll. lllam ‘lprtt. £51L'3r. See \VL‘tl .i.
hallet performed by
l titlard lierstrdslo, '5; krnetx: sculptures; rnade t'orn scrap rnetal and tsnx, wooden trgrrres. lhe oerlor‘rnanee tells §§l()ll(?i§ of hranan lite. l()ll!(?f§ {llltl death. Tenement House 1.25», litatrt'eoo‘r Street. (‘rarnethrll 331% t) 83. l){lst‘. 1" Spin. 3‘1‘3.5>() .32).:80'. ln::; unreal
letherlw, lll!‘~_t,-. ti‘rk Street. :ifr,‘ [tit-to Ine- \«’r;::o':an tenement tlat (Sltllllvlon Sat ‘r‘r'r. llta [turkSnn of lt-‘itlf’proudesa lllarn firrrn; Srir‘ ervn. Matt; tor tarnrlres; tara‘rnatrng look at
llarn frprn.kirk/ink SUM-Zorn. S‘cUS‘I“; (Elastiox';Ertedrrrrngthe lll(?ll()lllt'x)ifiktillfill uni-4r ‘r3:;lree./\rt f:r:;thafnithefkhh lootlialinox'.’horrrxeuthr- l‘.‘..l lt‘lttllltt?t"htlln‘(ti rtentrax.