Glasgay programme announced Jarman films and Mapplethorpe photos. ‘.'.":>r<l:;: Ruth Hedges
etarls of Brrtarrr's largest gay [up/rial [rte/t 1:; arr exolor'atrorr of
and lesbrarr festrval are out. rrrasrnrtrr‘rty b3. E;().":l(? of the \.'./or'l(l’s top photographer‘s; Irrelutlrrrg Robert
Mapplethorpe at GOMA. lhe rrrrages
and the programme's; loekn'tg good. Now rrrto rts seventh year. Glasgay krcks off on 20 October wrtl‘. use the physreat t)()(t\, to (:ballertge the Gay Jeans launch party ah<l xieas. A'ro' Especially t:().'ll!tllt3i§l().'l(}(t doesn't stop until 1‘. November:
Crarhmed into these terr (lays rs; arr
Katherhe l rtt e "r (‘rfas‘rgoxzz eerrfrorrt no the lrrh1tetl
(3laega‘, rs; a seret; of rrrrages from :io<:=..rh<‘:'ft:r‘g lesbrarrs
exerting array of shows per‘or'rrreri
aeross Glasgow. Workshops. pr: [($18 stere and talks \.'./r|| also be oh. of‘er' t:: t)" fit-L: 'rr;.:;rt‘ fror‘t.
,t‘t, ‘ .‘t! ‘,r."\,.(tr't>.
t ‘-::u’:‘.‘
provrtle arr opportuurti.’ tor the gay. l)()_l1.l3£il 0; mar [)ll‘."t:'. where post more (:r‘tertazrrrhe"t wt; l"‘.'()1‘.(:
lesbrarr. brsexual ahrl str'arght
eomrrrurrrtres to discover more {tlltt reel-mug tr; ar‘ opera (:abaret 'r the share support. rum; Vr<::.;rra'r 'r,>ar. a'u l lelerr Reeve Some of thrs year's cultural aist; l‘:°tt.l"f$ ': u :;:>"‘r-;: taiks, tnues.
hrghlrghts Include a serwes ot Derek \."./ fi‘ 231-;- ‘t::;tr‘.a' t‘r:'i’.'=l‘§l or: t‘te lror‘. ‘j‘e’ 1:ffitif“rEJSShUUKj't':
Jar‘marr frlrrrs and a sparklr'rg seezmu. (tantra; 2:.
of camp classros rrr<;.u<rrrrg [he :1,- ‘<;'{t:;'.‘.-’:.". .'?er':; ltt?‘.‘.’ Wizard of O/ and fire HOCK‘. l/o'ror r: t'éi"l;l. (Ht Picture Show. New trim arse be a!
k; a ttzrtrry ‘tl "It’i'ltl, d": ;
premreretl by l esbrarrs rrr Peer trai;u1atrorrf: rt :;a."‘.e sex, br Support Youth Group. uhtier' the
In the (my.
r‘ratro'ial 'Y‘.4rr";rgrz At; the; say: ttrrr for
theme. ‘Dykea
Chan’s Cinebar
I Don't let rt be sarrl that you're trot :(;()r\(:(t ai‘.~;:'. Now that the 'tlt;t‘If; are
(irawrrrg tit and auturrrrrai gloom errt‘ ;. a 'rrrr t'.'.'-Z:‘:'v\ :rrrfln up if; '.'.rr.,-|' rr‘. orrler. Hut
SOlllotllthE; the pub flick. :lrlerrrrrra lf; a "Itt r: taxrr‘ri: '::)r“.’er ;at&<;rr arrrl beer or
drama and popcorn“?
tour. [imam arr, pub Ir.
Well. courtesy of Stella Artori; (Lumbar ,ro.‘ ea" have u.
‘; ‘rlzttz'rg a'kgparwes tr, tlrt- bg
—-‘ ——‘ 4 ' <-‘ --. ' -—.
Glasgow. better known for tie (Lornetl'y 'tt:r*. sereerr. as; If; liar ()xygeri. l <rrr‘.r,t.'<rh, l aurwherl at, a l.(‘t()f;i‘.lll pr )tttgt'l‘ rrr l oritlorr,
()rrrebar rs; exparrtlrrrg to lltiltltfll/tlf) ’L!t.‘.:f; tlr'rarrtt‘ultt l-l'rtarr r.
:lamerr. .r lrerrtla‘, at Elprrr.
Regular weekly showrrrgu ml! proxrrr‘e watt :
On luesrlay 95> E'Septerrrlrer. filming/mt r .. ,<;/' :yaou
table sen/lee of <;hrl|e(l Stella. arrrt hot (lorrr; rlrrr'rr; the rmurru:
.lrr; li-ar’txlrraré. namely \f.’rtlr .. ttrrt, atrorrlrl appeal
to most tastes. tut get there early. H"‘:T)‘: seem/w; uhmrml get welt, Irrtrrrrate.
the web’s favourite airline
9t) Sop-.1 Oct 2001 THE LIST 5