Film index


Showcase Leisure Park. Langmuir Road. (‘oathridge Into line: 01230 434434. ('(' hooking: 01230 438000. 11)]. Ill]. £5.00 (£3.50 before (1pm Mon Fri; first show Sat/Sun & holidays). (‘hild/()AP/Student: £3.50.


AKnight’sTale11’(i1 11.00am. 1.45. 4.30. 7.15. 111.111).

CatsAnd Dogs11’(i1 12.05. 2.115. 4.115. (1.05.

Crocodile Dundee ln LosAngeles11’(i1 5.10. 7.40. 9.55.

DrDolittle21P(i1 12.21). 2.55. Hearthreakers1151 11.10am. 1.511. 4.25. 7.05. 9.50.

Jurassic Parklll11’(i1 12.311. 2.411. 4.55. 7.111. 9.211.

Moulin Rouge1121 11.15am. 2.1111.

4.411. 7.211. 111.111). PlanetDtTheApes1121 11.30am. 2.111. 4.45. 7.30. 111.115.

Rush llour21l21 12.111. 2.35. 5.211. 7.30. 9.40.

ScaryMovie21l81 11.15am. 11.45am. 1.15. 1.45. 3.15. 3.45. 5.15. 5.45. 7.15. 7.45. 9.15. 9.45.

Shrek11'1 11.00am. 1.00. 3.00. 5.00. 7.1111.

Swordfish 1 151 8.00. 10.10.

The Fast And The Furious 1 151 11.25am. 12.10. 1.50. 2.311. 4.30. 5.115. 7.25. 7.55. 9.45. 10.15.

The Forsaken1181 9.111.

The Martins1151 12.20. 2.25. 4.50. 7.35. 9.411.


A Knight’s Tale 11’(11

Daily: 11.00am. 1.45. 4.30. 7.15. 10.10.


Daily: 11.00am. 1.00. 2.00. 4.00. 5.01). 7.00. 8.00. 10.00. Also late liri & Sal: Cats And Dogs 1P(}1 Daily: 12.05. 2.05. 4.05. (1.05. Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles 11’( 11 Daily: 7.40. 9.55. Also late I’l‘i & Sat: Dr Dolittle 211’(i1 Daily: 12.20. 2.55. 5.15. Hearthreakers1 151

Daily: 8.05.

Also late l’ri & Sat: 1 1.05.

Jurassic Park 111 mm

Daily: 12.30. 2.40. 4.55. 7.11). 9.20. Also late l'iri & Sat: 1 1.25.

Moulin Rouge 1 121

Daily: 11.15am. 2.00. 4.40. 7.20. 10.00.

Also late Fri 1% Sat: 12.35am. PlanetDiTheApes1121

Daily: 11.30am. 2.10. 4.45. 7.30. 10.05.

Also late Fri & Sal: Rush Hour 21121 Daily: 12.10. 2.35. Also late 1‘ri & Sat: Scary Movie 21181 Daily: 11.45am. 1.45. 7.45. 9.15. 9.45. Also late l’ri 8; Sat:




5.20. 7.30. 9.40. 11.45.

3.45. 5.45. 7.15.

The Love Line


38 THE LIST 21) 81:11 .1 ()1;t 20(1‘1


Daily: 11.00am. 1.00, 3.00, 5,00. The Fast And The Furious1151 Daily: 11.25am. 12.10. 1.50. 2.30.

4.30'. 5.05. 7.25. 7.55. 9.45. 111.15. Also late 15ri& Sat: midnight. 12.30am. The Martins1151

Daily: 12.25. 2.25. 4.50. 7.35. 9.35. Also late 151‘1& Sat: 11.50.


Programme likely to he similar to the preyious \yeek. Phone 01230 434434 1111‘ details and limes.

DCI Clydebank: Glasgow

(‘lyde Regional ('entre. ('lydehank. 08700 102030. IDI. £4.901£3.70 helot'e 5pm Mon Fri; £3.70he1‘ore 3pm Sat & Sun). (‘hild/()AP: £3.50. Student/1'1340: £3.70 (Mon 111111.


AKnight’sTale11’(;1 3.40. 11.30. 9.211. CatsAndDogs1P1i1 1.1111. 3.111. 11.20. 8.311.

Dr Dollttle211’(i1 2.30. 4.50. Hearthreakers1151 11.40. 9.311. Jurassic Park Ill1l’(i1 11.15am. 2.1111. 4.15. 11.50. 9.1111.

Moulin Rouge1l21 3.00. (1.1111. 8.55. PlanetDiTheApes1121 1.1111. 3.511. 11.30. 9.111.

Rush liour21121 7.10. 9.211.

Scary Movie21l81 2.511. 5.20. 7.311. 9.50.

Shrek1t'1 2.20. 4.311.

The Fast And The Furious 1 151 2.1111. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30.

The Martins1l51 2.411. 5.00. 7.20. 9.411.

Fifi/22.1 -THURSDAY 2]. A Knight’s Tale 11’( 11 Daily: 3.411. 11.311. 9.211. Also matinee 1"ri Mon: A.I.1121

Daily: 2.30. 4.45. 5.45. 8.00. 9.00. Also matinee 1-'ri Mon: 11.15am. 1.30. Alfie 1 151

lite: 7.00.

Cats And Dogs 11’(i1 Daily: 3.10. (1.20. Also matinee I’ri Mon: Dr Dollttle 211’(11 Daily: 4.50.

Also matinee l-‘ri Mon: Galaxy Guest 11’( 11 Matinee Sat & Sun: Hearthreakers 1 151 Fri & Sat.'1'ue 1110: 8.30. Jurassic Park Ill 11*(11 Daily: 4.15.

Also matinee 1511 Mon: Moulin Rouge 1 121 Daily: 3.1111. 11.00. 8.50. Also matinee I‘l'i Mon: noon.

Planet DiThe Apes 1 121

Daily: 3.50. (1.30111111'1‘ue1. 9.10. Also matinee 1-‘ri Mon: 1.00.

Pyar Ishq Aur Mohabbat 11’( 11

Sun «h Mon: 8.31).

Rush Hour 21121

Daily: 0.45111111’1‘111'1. 9.10.

Scary Movie 21181

Daily: 7.40. 9.50.


Daily: 5.00.

Also matinee 15ri Mon: 11.45am. 2.20. The Fast And The Furious 1 151

Daily: 4.30. 7.00. 9.30.

Also matinee 1‘ri Mon: 2.00.

The Martins 1 151

Daily: 7.21). 9.40.





11.30am. 1.45.


Programme likely 111 he similar 111 the Pl‘eyiotis v1 eek. Phone (18711 (1034507 for details and times.

The Forge. Parkhead. 0141 550 4282. 111111 and ('(~ hooking: 08701 555 130. 11)]. I111 Adult £4.70. ('hild: £3.10. Student: £3.201Mon 1"1'11. 1'1340/( )AP: £3.20 (Mon l‘ri). 1‘amily tieket £12.40.


AKnight’sTale11’1i1 12.30. 3.211. 11.115. 9.115.

UGC Parkhead: Glasgow

CatsAnd Dogs1l’(i1 12.211. 2.311. 4.411.

11.45. 9.05.

Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles 1P1 11 2.115. 4.15.

Moulin Rouge1121 12.11). 3.1111. 5.511. 8.45.

PlanetDtTheApes1 121 11.30. 9.15. Scary Movie21l81 12.35. 2.45. 4.55. 7.05. 9.25.

The Fast And The Furious 1 151 12.4.. 3.25. 11.50. 9.20.

The Martins1151 12.411. 3.115. 5.15. 7.20. 9.35.

FRIDALZJ—THURSDAY 27 AKnight’s Tale11’( 11

Daily: 12.30. 3.20. (1.05. 9.00. A.I.1121

Daily: 1.15. 4.45. 8.35.

Cats And Dogs 1l’(i1

Daily: 12.20. 2.30. 4.40. (1.45. Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles 11% 11 Daily: 12.25. 2.25. 4.30.

Moulin Rouge1l21

Daily: 12.111. 3.1111. 5.511. 8.45. PIanetDiTheApeS1121

Daily: (1.35. 9.10.

Scary Movie21181

Daily: 9.05.

The Fast And The Furious1151 Daily: 12.45. 3.25. (1.45. 9.15. The Martins1151

Daily: 12.35. 2.50. 5.00. 7.10. 9.20.


Programme likely 111 he similar 111 the preyious yyeek. Phone 0541 555 130 for details and times.

Renlreyy Street. 0870907089. |D|. llil. Adult £4.70. (‘hild: £3.10. Student: £3.20 (Mon Fri). 1'1340/( )AP: £3.20

1Mon liril. l‘amily tiekel £12.40. FRIDAY 21—T_HURSDAY 27

A Knight’s Tale 11’( 11

Daily: 11.50am. 3.00. (1.00. 9.00. A.I.1121 Daily: 11.30am. 1.00. 2.45. 5.00. (1.00.

8.30. 9.15.

03de Dogsd’m

Daily: 11.50am. 2.15.

Ed Gein1151

Daily: 11.40am. 2.10. 4.30. 7.00. Greenfingers1151

Daily: 11.30am. 2.00. 4.31). 7.10. Me, You,Them (Et, Tu, Eles)11’(il Daily: 1.30. 4.1111. 11.30. 9.1111. Moulin Rouge1121 Daily: 11.10am. 2.15. Pandaemonium 1 151 Daily: 11.30am. 2.15. PlanetDiTheApes1121 Daily: 11.50am. 2.30. 5.45. 8.40. ScaryMovie21181

Daily: 11.00am. 1.00. 3.00. 5.15. 7.30. 9.411.


Daily: 1.1111. 3.30. 11.30. 9.211. Startup.com1l51

Daily: 11.55am. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30. Suspicious River 1 181

Daily: 11.40am. 2.00. 4.40. 7.00. 9.40. Tears Di The Black Tiger (Fa Talai Jone) 1151

Also matinee Daily: 1.00. 3.30.

The Fast And The Furious1151

Daily: 11.10am. 1.40. 4.20. 7.00. 9.40. The Martins1151



5.31). 8.40.

5.15. 8.15.

Daily: 11.20am. 1.30. 3.45. (1.15. 9.30. What’s Cooking1181 Daily: 11.30am. 2.15. 5.00. 8.00.

BED/31’ 28,-T_H_LJ.R_S_DAY- ,4 Programme likely to he similar to the pl'eyiotls week. Phone 0870 907089 for details and times.

‘I imagine that the Chess Club would look quite nerdy and the Ch1nese Society would look Chinese, but maybe they won’t.’

Jacqueline Donachie goes to college, see Art, page 83.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

Cameo: Edinburgh

381111me Street. 0131 228 4141. (‘(‘ hooking: 0131 228 4141.13ar. 24 Hour information Line: 0131 228 2800. 11)]. £5.20 (£3.50 eones all day 'l‘uesday- 'l‘hursday and Friday-Sunday helore (1pm); £3.50 all day Monday and 'l‘uesday-'1'hursday heI‘ore 3pm. Wed: £1 eones I'or Iirst slimy 111 each screen. Late night shoyys: late night main £41£2.501‘. midnight moyie £4.50. Douhle hills (Stilt matinee/late night 1: £4.50 1£.3.50eones1.


Hedwig and the Angry lnch1151 1.411. 4.111). 11.40. 9.1111.

Moulin Rouge1121 1.1111. 3.45. 11.30. 9.15.

Tax121151 1.35.

Together1151 3.511. 11.35. 9.115.

FRIDAYu2_i_—T.HURSDAY 27 Centre 0tTheWorld1181

Daily: 4.00. (1.45. 9.00.

Also late Sat: 1 1.40.

Donnie Drasco1181+ Blow 1 181 Matinee Still: 1.30.

Hedwig and the Angry Inch 1 151

1’ri 'l'ue. 'l‘hu: (1.55.

Matinee l‘ri 1k Sat. Mon 'l’hu: 4.11). Merci Pour Le Chocolat (Night Cap) 11’( 11 Daily: 1.35.

Moulin Rouge 1 121

Daily: 1.00. 3.45. (1.31). 9.15. Also late Sat: 11.55.

Requiem For A Dream 1 l8) 1.;1teSat: midnight.

Shrek 11')

“ed: 0.30.

Together 1 151

Daily: 1.40111111Sun). 9.05.


('all 0131 228 4141/0131228 2800 or piek up a weekly timetahle from the cinema 1111' perl‘ormanee times.

Dominion: Edinburgh

18 .\'e\yhattle 'l‘erraee. 0131 447 4771. 111111: (1131 447 2000 and 447 8450. ('(‘ hooking: (1131 447 4771. Restaurant. Bar. 11)]. Super yalue shoyys einema 1 & 2 £3.70 tlotmge)‘. einemas 3 & 4 £3.90: Superior lounge £4.40; Pullman £4.90 before (1pm. liyenings lounge £4.90: Superior lounge £5.40; Pullman £5.90. (‘hild/Student/()AP Mon last perl'only. l-‘amily liekets ayailahle saying £2 on the admission max six.


Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 5.21 1. 8.211.

Moulin Rouge 1 121 1.411. 4.40. 7.411. The Fast And The Furious 1 151 2.211. 5.211. 8.20.

What’s Cooking1181 1.411. 4.411. 7.411.

FRIDAY 21—-THURSDAY 2? Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 Weekdays: 2.21), 5.211. 8.20. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 Weekdays: 2.211. 5.21). 8.21).

CatsAnd Dogsd’ti1

Matinee Sat 1‘: Sun: noon. 2.311. Moulin Rouge 1 121

Daily: 1.411. 4.411. 7.411. Shreltil'1

Matinee Sat & Sun: 12.20. 2.50.

What’s Cooking1181 Daily: 1.40, 4.40. 7.40.


Programme likely to he similar to the pl'eyiotls \yeek. Phone 0131 447 2000 for details and times.