I The Subway at The Suhtta}.

9pm 3am. tree for \tttdenh \\ itlt matriculation card: L't other“ ixe. \Veekl}. See 'l'hu.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Anthropology at Barn Holt.

9pm ltllii. l’ree. \Vc‘L‘kl}. .'\ \cientil'ie \ltltl) ol‘ human heingx and their \xa} of tile plux a relaxed \election lrom l)lRed6\ jal/ collection at tltix opulent ()riental St) le har. I The Departure Lounge at i’opRokit. 9.30pm lam. l-"rec. \Veekl}. (‘aptain ilarr) .-\itt\\\ot'tlt laka ‘l’et'rier Next comer An ard' xx inner (iarth ('ruikxhankl and ltlx kook} cahin ere“

in\ ite )ou to hop ahoard an interxtellar exeurxion into qtti/land. Shottld _\ott perform like the trained xeal the (’aptain nould like _\ou to he. )ou \hall he reuarded \tith home from celehrit} \ponxot'. Mr Jack l)tlltiel.\.

I Electrobank at 0am Bott hax nott linixhetl.

I Excursions at Iguana. 9pm lam. l‘ree. \Veekl). Rotational l‘eSitlelth (i—.\lac l.\langal. (itil‘) .\lac tStthlimel. ('olin Millar and Adam Bra} lllL‘itlepitil demomtrate their ama/ing deckxterical Versatilit} in the lieldx ol' drum & haxx. hip hop. funk and hreakx.

I Flashback at l‘laxhhack. 8.30pm lam. i’ree. \Veekl}. DJ Rand) .-\nd_\ \iio\\\ no shame in pla) ing top tunex trout the 60» 70\ and 80\. Drink promox a honux.

I Headzeint at litil. 0pm lam. l‘t‘ee. \Veekl). iliP h‘tlt. tunk attd electroheatx courtext ol‘ Michael and (iar_\.

I The Merry Pranksters at The Meatltmx Bar. 9pm late. l"ree. I‘) Sep. liortnightl). Roan l.a\er_\ t()rhital tour 1).! and resident at Radio Bah} lonI entertainx the colottrl'ul cuxtomerx \\ ith all \ol'tx ol' electro ltlllk} new

I Nocturnal at Batu Bou llil\ no\\ linixhed.

I Oxygen at ().\_\gen. 8pm lam. liree. Weekly. The popular pre—eluh pla_\ \ lit)\t to rotational rexidentx (iilio. tir} er and


I Air Organic 36 Kelxingrm e Street. 564 520].

I Alasksa 142 Bath Lane. 248 I777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 3 I 8‘). I The Arches .\Iidlattd Street ttrl'l‘ .latnaica Street). 22l 400].

I Asylum 70 ('tmcaddenx Road. 332 068].

I Babaza 25 Rota] Iixchange Square. 204 010].

I Bennet’s 80 (ilitxxtot'tl Street. 552 576 l.

I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5884.

I Brel 3‘) Ashton Lane. 342 4066.

I Budda 142 St Vincent Street. 221 5660.

I Caledonian Universi

Student Union (Asylum 70 ('tmcaddenx Road. 332 068 l.

I The Cathouse l5 t'nion Street. 248 6606.

I Cleopatra’s 508 (it'eat \Vextet'ti Road. Kel\ inhridge. 334 0560.

I Club Budda l42 St \‘ineent St. 22l


I The Cran 1038 :\rg} le Street. 248 688].

I Cut De Sac Ashton Lane. 334 889‘).

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 552 ‘)227.

I Firebird l32| :\l‘g\le Street. 334 0594. '

I Fury Murry’s 96 .\la\\\ ell Street. 22t 651 l.

I The Garage 4‘)0 Satteltieltall Street. 332 l 120.

I Glasgow School of Art l67 Renl‘rett Street, 332 0691.

I Glasgow University Union . l'niverxit} .'\\enue. 33‘) 86‘)7.

I Groucho St Judes l‘)0 Bath

(‘ltl‘iS l"|e\on illltl the Illtlxicttl \t} lex oi lttnk. hip hop and will. .r\rri\ e earl) to capitalixe on t\\o-l'ot'-oue drinkx oll'erx.

I Salsa Variations at Baracoa.

8pm lam. l'ree. \Veekl}. l).l .\lika} e| play the Latino gt‘oo\e\ to tnake )ou \alxa \\ ith dance clttxxex in either a (‘olttmhian or (‘uhan \t_\ le.

I Son de Rumba at (‘ellar Bar .\'o l. lllpm lam. l-ree. \Veekl}. ()ne of the pioneering Latin muxic night\ and \till the he\t Selection ot tittit-collilllet‘cial gt'om ex eourle\} ol' 1)] lint‘ique.

I Tango at the ()uthouxe tupxtairxl.

8.30 l lpm. l‘ree. \Veekl}. lnl'ormal tango night \\ ith l'ree heginnerx claxx l'rom 8.30pm.

I UrbannHangSuite at Bann'x.

l lpnt 3am. liree. \Veekl}. l.ight \egetarian \naekx xerx ed to a tltclltm hip hop and hreakx \oundtraek l'rom tlxxol‘letl guext l)J\.


I C.C. Blooms at ('.(‘. liloottlx. l0.30pm 3am that lrom 6pm I. l-tee. \Veekl}. .\ \pot ol' midueek hotlxe action at tltix alxxai \ hux) ga_\ eluh.

0 Fat Sam’s Swing Club at ligo. 8pm llptn. £7 l£5t. I” Sep. .\lontht_\. l.a\t ol' the regular wNom l'rom Scotland’x premier jump the and \\\ ing hand. Uliex \\lticl1 are lapped up h} hepcatx and hipxterx ol' all ages. [)1 \tlppot’l comex lil‘otti thoxe \lick and \opliiSIicaletl t}pe\ at \‘egax. namel} l)ino Martini. l)r .lite and i’rankie Stnnatra. \xho'll he titling the dancel‘loot' \\ ith e\et"\thing lt'otli (‘ah (itllloua) to Big litltl \ootloo l);ttltl_\. See llllli\t.

I Kero-Scene—K2 at Studio 24.

llptn late. £1.50. \Veekl}. lnct'eaxingl) popular altet'natixe night \thich \eex i.eal'. \Vall}. lq} attd l.i/ pla_\ ittg death. doom. hem} metal and e\treme tune\.

I Low Gravity at lite liquid Room. l0.3(lpm 5am. liree. \Veekl}. .v\ll ne\\ night geared lo\\;ll'tl\ turning the mid—neck mexx} \\ ith nu-vxkool hreakx and cheap hoo/e. It'\ a head} cotuho and it come\ courtex} oi l'eli\ tilitl Bean}. the hack roottl hop lrotn Suhlimc.

Street. .352 8800.

I 92 474 Sattehiehall St thehind the (iaragel. 353 3 II.

I Havana 50 Hope Street. 24S 4466. I Life thaxement ol'('orinthianl. l‘)l Ingram Street. 552 Hill.

I The Lighthouse 56 Mitchell Street. 221 6362

I The Living Room 5 l3)el'\ Road. 33‘) 85l l.

I MAS 2‘) l<o_\al l:\change Square. 22l 7080.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42l Saucltiehall Street. 5.3.3 ()637

I O’Hen I Planet 226 Sth. I Polo Lounge 84 \Vilxott Street. 553 I22].

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 l‘ni\er\it_\ (iardenx. 33‘)

’s Hruri‘ Street. 248 375]. each 34 Queen Street.

0784. I Beds. 375 Sauchicllall Street. 33l l635. I Riverside Club lv‘ox Street. 56‘) 7287

I Rocksy’s Basement 40 .\'e\t Slletitlotl Street. l’aixh‘}. 552 579].

I The Shack l‘)3 Pitt St. 332 7522. I Soba l 1 Mitchell Street l.;llle. 204 2404.

I Spy Bar Bath Street. 22l 7711. I Strawberry Fields 56 ()m aid Street. 22l 787 l.

I The Studio. I034 South St. Scotxtoun. 40] I750.

I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524.

I 13th Note 260 (lute Street. 243 “I77

I Trash l‘)7 I’itl Street. 572 3372.

I The Tunnel S4 .\litcltell Street. 204 I000.

I Variety Bar 40lSattelriehall Street. 332 444‘).

I The Velvet Rooms Sauchiehall Street. 332 0755.

I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) North \Vtiotlxitle Road, 337 I643.

I Yang 33 Queen Street. 248 8484.

listings Clubs

3. E E 3 .E 5 c z a.

60$ freakbeat with Tall Paul Robinson at The Go-Go, Fri 14 Sep

I Red at l’o .\'a .\'a. l lptn 3am. l-‘ree. \Veekl)‘. l).l llttl't') l.et.\ (io tliootllhow ptlt\ the eclectic ittto electric all tltix \t}‘li\lt \otlk hatt'.

Chart & Party

I Shark at lirox/iilite. 9.30pm 3am. L3 022) hel‘ore l lpm; £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. ‘Scotland'x higgext \tudent' night \uppl} ing the ohligator} chart pap.

I Skint at The Ark. l0pm 3am. [2 (tree \\ ith prool' M o\ et'dral't l. \Veekl}. 't‘he lllttliSPlltetl king of \tudent night\ not out) \ttppliex the linext chart


I The Ark 3 Settiple Street. 22‘) 7733.

I The Attic 1)) et‘\ ('loxe. ('tmgate. 225 8382.

I Bam Bou 66/67 South Bridge. 556 0200.

I Bann UK 5 Hunter Square. 226

l 1 l2.

I Baracoa 7 Victoria Street. 225 5846.

I Bar Union 253/258 ('tmgate. 557 2780.

I La Belle Angele l l lltl\lie\ ('loxe. 225 75.36.

I The Bongo Club 14 Next Street. 556 5204.

I Cavendish \Vext 'l‘ollcl'oxs. 228 13%”

I 0.0. Blooms 23 24 (ireenxide Place. 556 933 l.

I The Citrus (irindla} Street. 622 7086.

I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 ()l25.

I Club Java (‘omtnercial Street. I.eith. 555 5622.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’icard)‘ l’lace (entrance throttgh 'I'he ()lttliollSe (iardenx, Broughtott Street Lane. 478 7434.

I Cuba Norte l‘)2 .\lorri\on Street. 22! 049‘).

I E90 l’icilt'tl} Place. 478 7434.

I eh1 l‘)7 High Street. 220 5277.

I El Barrio I04 \Vext Port. 22‘) 8805.

I Eros/Elite liottntainpark. Dundee Street. 228 l66l.

I Gaia King Stahlex Road. 22‘) 7086.

I Holyrood Union llt)l}l‘t)t)tl Road.

65l 6l57.

I The Honeycomb l5 l7 .\'iddr_\ Street. 530 5540.

I The Human Be-ln 2/8 \Vext ('roxxeauxeua}, 662 8860.

I Iguana 4l l.othian Street. 220 4288.

I The Liquid Room ‘)c Victoria

ittllllellh hut alxo care\ enough to

pro\ ide drink\ at it all night and tree entr} to met'draxx n \tudentx.

I Smooch at the Stihua} \Vext lind. 7pm 3am. £2 tL'l “tilt \tudent it) or ll}erl. Student \oirec \\ ith ta\t_\ Satnhuca U a \llot all night long.

I The Subway at the Stlhu‘a}. ‘)pm 3am. i’t‘ee l'or \tlltletlh \\ ith matriculation card: L'l othemixe. Wet-kl}. See 'l’hu.

I Viagraah at Re\oltttion.

l0ptn 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl). l’umped- up part} tunex tor the l'rixk} \ltltletlh out there.

Street. 225 2564. I Loco 23.- ’oxtgale. 225 54l3. I The Meadow Bar Buceleuclt Street. 622 7680.

I Club Mercado 36 3‘) Market Street. 226 4224.

I Noa. 3 ()tteenxl'err} Street Lane. 467 7 l 26.

I On The Mound

I The Outhouse Brottglttort Street l.;llle. 557 668.

I Oxygen 3-5 lnlit‘tnar) Street. 557 ‘)‘)‘)7.

I Peppermint Lounge Blair Street. 622 68] l.

I Pivo 2 6 ('altoti Road. 557 2925. I Po Na Na 26 t’rederick Street. 226


I The Pond 22 24 Bath Road. 467 3825.

I OpROkit 2 t’icard} Place. .556 4375

I The Potterrow Brian Square. 650 ‘)l‘)5,

I 0 Bar 5/ll l.eitll Street. 557 5830. I Revolution 31 l.olhiat1 Road. 22‘) 7670.

I RUSh .3 Rohet‘txolt‘x (low. 557 3768.

I Studio 24 ('alton Road. 558 3758.

I The Subway ('tmgate. 225 6766. I The Subway West End |.othian Road. 22‘) 0W7.

I The Union llet'iot \Vatt


I The Watershed 44 St Stephen Street. 220 .3774.

I The Wee Red Bar lidinhurgh

('ollege ()l'.v\tl. l.aut‘i\ton Place. 22‘) I442.

I Why Not? l-l (ieorge Street. 624

8.3l l.

I Wilkie House (imgate. 225 2935.

I YO BEIOW 66 RUSL‘ Street. 220 604i).