Clubs listings

Glasgow Saturdays continued

I Home Cookin’ ai Bahaza. Spin—3am (DJs from 1 lpm). Free before 1 lpm; £5 alter. Weekly. Naeem isjoined by Stuart McCallum. regular guest at the likes of Fresh ‘n' Funky and Rotation down in the Big Smoke. who will be flying tip each and every week to spin his trademark R&B with a dash of classic disco and funk.

I Infusion at Yang. 1 lpm~3am. Free before midnight; £5 after. Weekly. Making full use onang‘s three rooms. you can catch (‘olin (iate and Dribbler in the main room with disco. .\'ew York garage and house. Andy Yotiiig and Nick Peacock do their Latin jazz thing with live percussion from (lee in room two and. last but not least. Scott Ferguson and Rhonamok man the decks in the upstairs bar.

I Jamboree at Reds. l lpm-73am. £7 (£5). Weekly. John Lyons and Martin Hesketh of Velvet Rooms lame mix up a blend of commercial R848 and soul. I Life at Life. l()pm - 3am. £5. Weekly. A brand new line-up here features club classics in the realms of house and garage from DJ Skud. Paul Rea and Paul Traynor. Through the back. Andy Unger presents a selection of soul. funk and disco augmented with original samples and loops to guarantee a new take on familiar sounds.

I Lush at The Polo Lounge. l().3()pm—3am. £5. Weekly. Featuring Andy in the Trophy Room with hits from the 60s to the 80s while Tom provides an up-t‘ront dance selection in the main room at the city's prettiest gay club.

0 Melting Pot at the Riverside Social. Midnight—3am. £l(). 15 Sep. Monthly. Residents Simon (‘ordiner (Traxx) and Billy Woods (Relief) blend together the best of today’s house music with the classics of the past - a combo that just make you l‘eel like dancin‘. See Hitlist.

0 Mish Mash at the Arches. llpm—4am. £12. (£l l ). 15 Sep only. ()scar Fullone is doing his thing. mash- ing it tip as only he can. This one-oil night exploring the music that has made Mish Mash what it is. from dancehall to deep house via Latin per- cussive tracks to obscure reggae. clas- sic soul and deepest l‘unk. is one not to be missed. See preview panel and Hitlist.

I Miss Moneypenny’s at (i l. l()pm—3.3()am. £l2 (£l()). Weekly. Glam. glam and an extra helping ol glam from the Brummie superclub. Expect beautiful punters. exotic dancers and seriously l‘unky dancelloor action from the Moneypenny's residents roster. I My Machines at (ilasgow School ol‘Art. llpm-3am. £7. 8 Sep. Monthly. Japanese techno artist Ken lshii will be causing chaos with his experimental tunes alongside residents Hamish and Wilkes.

74 THE LIST (3 Sop-2t) Sop 7001

I Remedy at .'\d-l.ib. llpm 3am. £(i. l5 Sep. .\lonthly‘. A bit crazy to say the least but the funk. hard house and dance music might just cure your working week blues.

I Rumba Te Tumba at llavana Bar. 9pm 3am. Free. Weekly. .\ wild mix (it Latin selections. interspersed with commercial chart l‘aves l‘rom Keith and Alexis.

I Slam at Alaska. llpm 3am. £S (£6). S Sep only. “ith a year at Alaska under their belts. the Slam boys thought that they would have a wee bit ol a bash... any excuse? Residents Funk l)’\"oid. Silicone Sotil. l’ercy X and ('olin .\Ic('laren will be helping them celebrate.

I Super Stereo at Soba.

l lpm 3am. £4 (lree belore midnight). Weekly. A new residency l'or Jared tk Stuart ol‘ Vinyl Freaks concentrating on the raw end of the lunk spectrum. with occasional doses of disco and garage to keep the crowd on their toes.

Slam and friends host a one-off special at Alaska, Sat 8 Sep

I Triumph at 'I‘he luiiiiel.

ll).5llplll Kilian]. £0 (£“i. \Veekly. (‘oliii 'l’eveiidale and Steven .\lc( 'i‘eery supply the dressed up glamour kids with progressive house and trance iii the main room. while Kevin .\lacl‘arlane and Stephen mix up garage. disco and vocal house in room two. llyoti‘rc not wearing aw ltilly nice clothes. however. (lollil e\pect lo gel in.

I TWO Tun at Budda. llpm 3am. £(i. \Vt‘t‘lsl). (it‘oll .\ltilllliil'vl and (lifts llat‘t'l\ get l'unky with a bang tipto date selection ol' l‘S house and garage.

I Velvet Rooms at lllt' \‘elvei Rooms. llpm 3am. £(i ( £1 )1 £3 bclore midnight. \Vt‘v'lsl}. Kt‘llll l’_\ [lv‘l' breaks out the soullul house and garage in the main l‘tittlll while Raymond \Voods cools things down with hip hop and Rtin in room two.

I Wired at .\sy lum. ('aledoiiiaii l’iiiversity l'iiioii. lllpm 3am. £tbc. \Veekly. (ilasgow 's longest running alternative indie night w ith drinks promos aplenty.

I Xposure at .\rchaos. llpm 3am. VS (UH. \Veclsly. llt‘tltillisllv‘ hard house and trance Irom this rciuveiiated and revamped venue with your hosts Stevie Kerr. lain 'l‘hompson and Dave (iiliiiour. .\s programming l’or this night is now dealt with by ('oloiii's. big name His will increasingly be the order (it the day. starting with a monthly residency lroiii .lei'eiiiy llealy as (it 3‘) Sep.

Chart & Paity

I Bankers at lionkers. llpm 3am. £-l belore midnight: £5 alter. \Veckly. ("heesy tunes. dance classics and those good old hits l'rom the 30s.

I Boogie Nights at Media.

llpm 3am. £(i. \Veekly. Step back in lime to revel in the times or the "(ls and Stls. .\rrive early to avoid a crushing disappointment.

I Classic FM at May .\ltirry 's.

llpm 3am. I £~l i. \\eek|y. l)aiicc classics and party times. w llll alternative and rock times upstairs in 'l‘w ister.

I The Garage at The (iarage.

lllpm 3am. £5 (£3) beloi‘e llpiii1£oi£~li alter. \Veekly. Stipei'~coiiiiiiei‘cial party sounds on the main daiicel'loor and indie classics iii lhe .\ttic.

I Graduate Club at g3. llpm 5am. £4 (Li l. \Vcekly. Designed to still llltlSL' \\ llti have always eiiioyed a (iarage sty le night out. but lcel a little long in the tooth when surrounded by lresh laced. lager stained youngsters. Steve l)av is prov ides the party anthems.

I The Shack at Shack. lllfillpm 3am. £_ (£5 i. ('hecsy chart times and commercial daiice tracks lrom l).l (iraeiiie. I Seduction at Destiny. lllpm 3am. £(s bel'oi'e llpm; L‘” alter. Weekly. 'l'oiiight the club would like you to 'dress to impress whilceiiioyiiig the usualcommercial house ‘ii' trance pap.

I Strawberry Fields at Straw berry l'ields. Illillpm 3am. £5. \Veekly. (‘lassic party nonsense Irom the (ills to last week.

Glasgow Sundays

Pro—C til)

I Bitch School at \icc ‘ii' Slea/y.

3 “pm. Free. \Veekly. lhe chaps behind Ileathleheiii (they have a way w itli names. bless 'emi bring you lour hours ol the hard and heavy slull. Irom ()//y ()sboiii‘iie to Slipknot. .\loshtastic.

I Budda at liar Budda. Spin midnight. l’ree. \Veekly. ('oliii \Valker I New York .\lliaiicci playing deep house. I Cul De Sac al ('nl l)e Sac. ‘lpm midnight. l‘rec. \Veekly. \Vatch you don‘t burn your lingers on Dr l’atil's ‘Qlll/ ()l l'llv". I Fast Forward at lzai Drink Man Woman. lpm midnight. l‘rce belore (ipiti: £ i alter. Weekly. House music and chart anthems. \\ ith drinks promos an added bonus. I Harri .ll (il'illlv‘llt) SI .llltlcs. llpm midnight. l'i‘ee. ‘J Sep. lortnightly. lhe Sub ( 'Iub stalwart brings his Iiiin calibre house to the most sty |ish ol (il.lsj.‘i)\\ is sl_\ lt‘ l‘al's.