
Jobs 0 Courses & Tuition 0 Health 0 Body & Soul 0 Bands & Music 0 Activities 0 Personal 0 I Saw You


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nn l/II' \lInI'I In! In be 1m Ht't/ In \u/miII I IIII(’('\\IUII n/II'H In.‘ Derek .lunt-s

Head of Heritage & Arts

23—25 Waterloo l’lacc


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(nu/(i _\'nu he (I FRIEND In (HI III/u/t It‘lII) has (1 learning disability and include them in some nf I/Ie penple. places and pastimes ynu err/Irv." [lion (1/.\'() have (I few ltnurs‘ In spare (II least ()II(‘(’ II

fortnight t/IeII _\‘nu IrIig/tt be (01 iI/eu/ persnn In

t‘n/Imteer tn /)(’(‘()III(’ (1 Befriem/er.

We are also Inn/ting fnr penp/e \i'ltn may have (I spare rnnm which they can offer ("I (1 regular basis In an (II/tilt which will give them and their

family (I bit nfu break.

Training. suppan and (Illnn'unees‘ are given In bnt/I Bl‘lFRllCNlHCRS and SHORT-TERM CARERS.


l’LlCASlC CONTACT MAGS ()N ()/.r’/ 3/3’ 6708 (answering machine)



Social Work

Youth Arts Co-ordimflor IE 1 6k pro rain (Funded to November 2002)

Over the past few years the success of applications For Funding From the Scottish Drugs Challenge Fund has seen the development and sustainability of a number of initiatives.

This proiect aims to provide an arts based project that actively seeks to direct young people at risk irom drug abuse and other anti social behaviours into positive arts based alternatives that promote self esteem and develop skill levels.

We are looking tor an experienced & committed individual with knowledge of the arts industry in general & community arts specifically with organisational, planning & excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to co-ordinate support for individuals.

Funded to November 2002. Hours to be negotiated, can be flexible.

Closing date 24th August 2001

Contact Lynette McKechnie, Recruitment Manager, a-Line Recruitment on OIAI 78l 20l4

scotland >24 as”,

1 d.

Giant Productions - Glasgow Inclusive Arts for All Children

General Manager - Salary up to £20k

Having successfuly joined the SAC National Lottery Advancement Programme, Giant Productions has created a new post for an experienced and dedicated arts manager to take them through a process of radical development and change.

This new and exciting senior post offers exceptional responsibility and variety to a candidate who can demonstrate serious commitment along with considerable flair and flexibility.

For an information pack, please call 0141 334 2000

Closing date for applications: 37 August 2007

Howies Restaurants

Currently seek full and part time waiting staff for busy city centre restaurant. As well as an enjoyable working environment, Howies offer a competitive hourly rate, equal share of tips and delicious staff meals.

Call Andrea McSherry on 0131 556 5766

The Birds and The Bees!

Enivronmental organisation needs people to help with

promotion/ membership.

We train you to earn a very good hourly rate.

Email your postal address to: fmr_2 l

Or send SAE to: fmr. Freepost EH858. Edinburgh EH4 OHX

9—16 August 2001 THE LIST 39