

JEFF STYROID Boogies on Crutches iMelod, Electronics 0...

Throughout the history of the cl; ssic rock four piece the perfect length of tune has always sat stubbornly, for some bizarre reason. around the golden meridian of 18d 180 seconds. Not long after people started making music With drum riiachines and samplers. The Orb were pulling off 40 minute long tracks. Since then something rather odd has happened. Trawling the same dubscapes as Dr Patterson and Jimmy Cauty. the Scottish— based New Zealander Jeff SterId. has scraped together a list of snippets and blasts to form a collage of intense bursts of multi-layered melodic noise. Akin to a laid back Jamie Liddell or a Sguarepusher you'd like to have a pint with. SterId's messy. cut 'n' paste approach is as engaging as it is innovative.

(Tim Abrahamsl


OLD BLIND DOGS Fit? (Green Linneti OOOO

If holding a Luger pistol to the head of a lone bagpiper and begging him to NOT play ‘Flower Of Scotland' one more time is as good as Scottish Folk music gets for you then here is something slightly different. Old Blind Dogs are five exceptionally gifted muSicians whose intelligent handling of traditionals has won them ear pinching acclaim around the globe. This. their sixth album bustles with charm and Wit.

Jim Malcolm's vocals in particular lift the material above the mundane particularly on ‘Is There Honest Poverty‘ and 'Awa' Whigs Awa' but there is not really an elbow pad grating tune here. If you want to learn ab0ut Celtic muSIC this isn't a half bad place to start. (Paul Dalei

38 THE LIST 9-16 Aug 2001




(15) 131 mins 0000



The opening of this European blockbuster about the Siege of Stalingrad is on a par With the brutal Omaha Beach landing of Saying

Silence Of The Lambs

P" .afe B. t. afte' scores of cu'g Russia" coiiscri its "axe hes?" slaughtered t), the German mar lYldU'WaL‘, French'rieii Jea"— Jaciiues Anaud and Alain Godard's film describes the Eastern F:c-.'it's decisi‘.e tn infiit‘f though a \.'.'ar of i;et‘.'.'eeri top snipers. Jude t a‘.‘.”s proletariat hero Vass‘ili and Ed Harris aristocratic Major Kong. The minutiae of sniper {1(Ill\.‘lt\, is fascinating. and the bigger picture. which is guite damning of the motherland. no less so. Rachel Weis/ and Joseph Fiennes expand the scope of the


DOuble DVD set of the Hannibal thriller heaped with extras including 20 mins of deleted scenes. photo gallery and a phone message from Anthony

HopMns Coyote Ugly

Romantic comedy set in a New York bar DVD extras include audio commentary, eight featurettes about the making of the film and the Leann Rimes

music video Center Stage

Teen drama based around a ballet company think Fame DVD includes audio commentary from director, deleted scenes. isolated scores and pop

promos Battlefield Earth

Sci-fl nonsense starring John Travolta very high on the kitsch factor. so bad its good - extras include director's commentary. visual effects and make-up


Highlander - End Game

The real sequel to the film featuring Christopher Lambert features a 55 min behind the scenes. deleted scenes. director‘s commentary and

interactive games 02 - Battle 8. Hum

The classic film from the Joshua Tree t0ur. capturing U2 at their critical best no real extras of note but rush released to coincide With the forthcoming U2

tOur dates What Women Want

Box office success romantic comedy starring Mel Gibson DVD is set in an interactive bathroom which can be navigated opening cupboards to find

the extras

Requiem For A Dream

Dark but stunning film starring Ellen Burstyn from the director of the influential Pi disc extras include a director's commentary. interviews wrth the cast and trailers

flaunt“ (15) 120 mins .00.

ixy‘tIHUY‘iit' '{‘LK‘ ii't\1\

Tixirrias Hat 1.317%: '. c' O" Casein” is set iii it» fit tundra of Golf Ris" Alaska. The exer excellent Peter Muiian dominates as Danieé Dillon. the gr‘i/jled pioneer and patriarch of tiTl'l‘Jltt) mountain town Kingdom Come. whose success came at a price ~ he sold it s ‘v'.‘ll(.‘ and baby daughter for the rights tc a gold mine twenty years [Tl'(?‘.l()tl§3. When the women reappear, his life is thrown into turmoil. Shot With the restless immediacy of Wintert)ottom's l)l(?‘.’l()tlf§ film. t'i/onder‘land. this rugged film also draws on the 70s cinema of Robert Altman (particularly McCabe And Mrs Mil/en and Terence Malick iDavs Of Hmverii. Another special and different film from this remarkable filmmaker. (Fox Pattie VHS rentali iPaul Dalei


(U) 97 mins .00.

When director Dennis Sanders was enlisted by MGM to document EhlS Presley's dramatic return to live performance in 1970 lafter a decade spent making low-rent. rom—com inusicalsi. much of the footage shot was left unused in the original release and later lost in studio vaults. In this Special Edition. the footage is at last unearthed to reveal around 4'0 extra minutes of EMS rehearsing. splitting his over-tight trousers in sweaty excitement. playfully ioking around with his backing singers and of COLirse. belting Out the songs that made i‘llTT a star. Ouite Simply a must fer Et‘JlS freaks even/unhere. i‘."i."{irrier VHS and DVD retail (Catherine Bromleyi

LIFE AS WE KNOW IT BBC1. Sun 12 Aug. 9pm o

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As the "humorous incidents froi" his i‘ifil'V: life are played out Alex narrates excerpts friii" his (I()|tlll‘l‘ over the toii. leaning tic dciii t that reading this ir‘ a news; iai ier illili in: about a sriiiillzor‘. i:.’"(:f.

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DOCUMEN lAiW THE MOSOUE BBC2, Tue 14 Aug, 9pm .00

The i'ui'osuue has all the i'iakings of a great fly, on-the—vrall series l,ut ends up being a rather unsettling one-off a" the /s/arr‘ UK season. expcsing the povert, o‘ i f<)§.}t'¥35if3|‘.‘; thinki'ig .‘.’iii‘l," tt‘e British li/luslir" Cijl"l“l.‘lllt,l Built it" 1971'). Bir'i"irigtiar"'s Central t/tcsgue no 'r‘fe“: intreasi'w an"

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[)i ll 1 :Mi reign. SLA E NATION Channel 4, Wed 15 Aug. 9pm .00

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