Art listings

Glasgow Museums continued


Kely'in Hall. I Btiriihotise Road. 387 3730. Mon Thu ck Sat 10am 5pm; l’ri (S1 Sun 11am 5pm.

Fire! l’iitil Mon .31 Dec. The history of firefigltting in the west of Scotland is documented in this eshihition featuring a |.ey land l-iremaster engine gifted to the museum hy the Strathclyde l-ire Brigade and ohiects from the past and present.


High Street. 889 315 I. Tue Sat

10am 5pm; Stiii 3 5pm. liree. Graffiti Art l'ntil Stiii 19Aug. Art exhihition hy local artists Sheila lather and Duncan Brown with community workshops.

High Street Art l'ntil Stiii 19Aug. Writer and artist Duncan Brown joins forces with Sheila l-‘aher to present his poetry in the forin of pictures. utilising items like matchhoxes. lahels and harcodes.


(ilasgow (ireen. 554 0333. Mon Thu ck Sat 10am 5pm; liri t& Stilt 11am 5pm. The Man Who Wasn’t There Sun 13 Atig. Recent chalks and charcoals hy (ilasgow artist l'Ttlllk' McNah who photographs and makes drawings of the city 's tenement closes.


870 ( iai'scuhe Road. 946 6600. Mon l-‘ri 10am 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

Resau Art Nouveau Network l'ntil Stiii 16 Sep. Set tip iit 1999. the Resau Art Nouy'eau network links Various liuropean cities rich in art nouy'eau heritage together. The exhihition presented hy the ('harles Rennie Mackintosh Society features banners and panels on each of the cities itiy‘oly‘ed including Helsinki. Brussels. Vienna. (ilasgow. Budapest and Barcelona.


3 ('astle Street. 553 3557. Mon» Thu & Sat 10am 5pm: Hi 8; Stiti 11am 5pm. One Planet, One People Until Sun 31 ()ct. An insight into the Baha‘i faith. one of the fastest growing world religions with a helief that Baha'ullah. a 19th century lranian nohleinan is the messenger of ( iod for humanity.


100 Stohcross Road. 3390631. Daily 10am 5pm. L'3.51H£3.95); accompanied children free.

Five Thousand Days At Sea An exhihition on hoard the only (‘lydehuilt sailing ship still afloat in the UK. documenting her adventures on the high seas hetween 1897 and 1919.

Story In The Stones (l’tuuphouse Main (iallery). Art exhibition looking at the impact of the industrial ages on (ilasgow harhout‘.

Morse And More (Pumphouse Lower (iallet'y' i. A hands-on exhibition. aimed at children. looking at the world of communication. You can operate a state- of-the-art optical telegraph used in the Napoleonic wars. try out the live-needle telegraph and crank tlp World War 11 field telephones.


t'niy'ersity of Dundee. 1.3 Perth Road. (11383 345330. Mon rliri

9.30am 8.30pm: Sat ck Sun 9.30am~4.30pm.

A Private View t'ntil Sat 25 Aug tl.amh(‘ia11ery). New writing inspired by and including items from the t’niy'ersity‘ of Dundee Museum collections.

32 THE LIST 9-16 Aug 2001

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS 153 Nethergate. 01383 606330. Tue ck Wed. Sat It Sun 10.30am 5.30pm; Thu ck 1‘ri 10.30am 8pm. liree.

Trauma l'ntil Sun 3 Sep. The experience of traumatic ey cuts and situations is explored hy twelyc international artists in this mator touring eshihition. Including work in a yariety of media from drawing and painting to film aitd installation. featured artists include Martin Boyce. Willie Doherty. Kendell (ieers. Maria l.indherg. Tracey Molfatt. Anri Sala and ('hristophcr Wool. Sec llitlisl.

Gallery Talks Sat 1 1 Aug. 3pm. Assistant curator at the l)('A Roh Tulnell. talks ahotit the current eshihition.


Alhert Square. 01383 433084. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun 13.30 4pm; Thu

10am 7pm.

Double Take: Dundee 50 Years Of Change l'ntil Sun 3 Sep. A local history documentary e\hihitiou contrasting a series of watercolours of Dundee in the 511s and (ills w ill] photographs of the same y iew s today. Reinterpreting Juteopolis Thu 9 Aug. 6.30pm. Professor (’. Whatley from the Department of History. 1'niyersity of Dundee gives a talk.

Modern Architecture And Town Planning Thu 16 Aug. 6.30pm. A look at the award-winning projects iii Modern Architecture and Town Planning.


West llenderson Wynd. 01383 335383. Mon Sat 10am 4pm; Sun 11am 4pm. £3.

Digiface l'ntil Sun 16Sep. £3. Digitally manipulated self-portraits hy' a collahoiation of artists from the White Top (‘entre and Dudhope Adult Resource ('cntre.

VISUAL RESEARCH CENTRE Dundee (‘ontemporary Arts. 153 Nethergate. 0| 383 348060. Tue Wed 10.30am~ 5.30pm; Thu liri 10.30am~8pm; Sat Sun 13.30 5.30pm. 012: Sol LeWitt l'ntil Sun 3 Sep t('entre for Artist Books). A founder of hookstore Printed Matter in New York. internationally recognised artist Sol l.eWitt's work was recently featured in a major retrospective exhihition held at the San 1"rancisco Museum of Modern Art. The exhihition features a survey of his hooks. curated hy collector. curator and critic John Janssen.

Outside the Cities



3 Shore Road. 01383 860705. Mon rliri 10am—5pm; Sat 1 lam—5pm.

Female Perspectives l‘ntil Tue 21 Aug. A collection of paintings by iny‘ited artists including lyrlargaretann Bennett. Pat Kramek. Sonas Maclean. (iilhert ly'lacmanus. Bill Wright and (‘Iare Yarrington.


FORTH PORTS WAREHOUSE Kirkcaldy Dock. 01593 891370.

The Liquid Room t'nut Sat 15 Sep. A large-scale installation work by life- based artist lilizaheth ()gily‘ie on the theme of water and the sea. featuring a vast waterfall and moving text hothed in the Forth Ports Warehouse in Kirkcaldy.


War Memorial (iardens. 01593 413860. Mon—Sat 10.30am—5pm; Sun 3—5pm. Retrospective Of A Glasgow Boy: Thomas Millie Dow 1848-1919 L’ntil Sun 14 ()ct. A major exhibition celebrating the life and work of one of the Glasgow Boys. Thomas Millie Dow.

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Please send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Kids listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Activities And Fun

Pirate Fortnight l'ntil Sun 19 Aug. 10am 5pm. £4.50 1L.:.:51. The Tall Ship At (ilasgow llarhour. 100 Stohcross Road. 339 0031. Two weeks of swash-huckling pirate antics including a hotincy castle. magic show. treasure hunt and craft actiy ittes. Egyptian Arts And Storytelling 1'ntil l'TI 10Atig. 10 15am l3.45pm.1“rce. Bui‘rell (’ollection. 30601’o11okshaws Road. 387 3550. Adyance hooking required. Ages 5 8. Tales of ligypt come to life at this ftiii storytelling and arts \e\\ltul. Children’s Workshop Thu 9 Aug. lltuii. £3. l’ollok House. l’ollok ('ountry Park. 3060 l’ollokshaws Road. 616 6410. Ages 7 l 1. Make headed lrietidslilp pelts til this ftiii craft workshop.

Sculptures At GoMA Thu 9Aug.'1‘uc 14 Aug. Thu 16 Aug. 1 3pm. l-ice. (iallery Of Modern Art. Queen Street. 339 1996. Ages oy er 8. After considering the sculptures in the gallery. create your own artwork with the help of an e\pei‘t, Children’s Workshop lit-i It) Aug. llaitt. £3. Pollok House. l’ollok ('otintry Park. 31161) l’ollokshaws Road. 010 641”. Ages 7 11. l-tm workshop where you can make a hird feeder.

Summer Art And Craft Workshops Sat 11 Aug. 3 4pm. liree. St Mungo Mtiseum of Religious l.ife And Art. 3 required. Displays in St Mungo's museum proy'ide the inspiration for these workshops for children aged 8 13.

Chrystal Vita: Heir Of Insanity Sun 13 Aug. 3pm. l’ree. Thomas Shanks Park. McMaster Sports Hall. Johnstone West. See photo caption.

Summer 2001 Arts And Drama Camp Mon 13 l-‘ri 17 Aug. l'niyersity ()f Strathclyde. Jordanhill ('ainpus. 76 Southhrae Driye. 341 0034. Ages 5 15. Beat the holiday hlues with a series of ftin

weekly workshops in arts and crafts. drama.

and tnore.

Storytelling And Music Mon 13 liri 17Aug. 10.15am 13.45pm. l-‘ree. Burrell ('ollection. 3060 l’ollokshaws Road. 387 3550. Ages 5 8. Tales from Ancient ligypt and exotic music come together in this fun session hosted hy the Burrell and Impact Arts.

Children’s Workshop Mon 13 Aug. 11am. £3. l’ollok House. l’ollok ('ountry Park. 3060 Pollokshaws Road. 616 6410. Ages 7 11. ('reate an autumn leaf stained glass at this fun workshop.


Egyptian Art Masterclass Mon

13 Hi 1‘ Aug. 1 30 4pm l'ree Buri’cll Collection. 311M) l’ollokshaws Road. 38" 3550 Ages 9 13.41aktng inspiration from the Btti‘i‘ells current eshihttion. cieate yotu own ligy ptian—thenied masterpiece Children‘s Workshop ’l‘ue 14 Aug. 11am {3. Pollok llotisc. Pollok ('otinti‘y l’ai'k. 30601’ollokshaw s Road. 010 04111 litin workshop tor children aged i 7 to create a ladyhird magnet

Children’s Workshop \y'ett IS Aug. llaiit. £3.1’ollok11ousc.l’ollokt'ountiy Park. 30011 l’ollokshaws Road. 0106410 Ages 3 3. Make cheesy /ig/ags with .t little know how front the \TS stall


Harriet The Spy tl’tii Sat 11 Aug. 1pm £3.35 tfamily ticket L91. (ilasgow l-iltn Theatre. 13 Rose Street. i33 N133 Sec l'lllll lnde\.

Thrill Ride 1 l ' 1'. Mysteries of Egypt ill; and Dolphins tl‘l tunes \aiy. clteck liliti listings for tlt‘l;lll\. L5 1L3 50). dotihlc feature tickets 19 t to 511i. l.\l.v\.\ 'l‘heatre. (ilasgow Science(‘cntrc. 501’acilict‘hiay. 42o 5000. '


Storymaking l'nttl l‘1'1 10Atig.

1.30 4pm. 1’rec. Btu'i‘ell (’ollection. 3000 l’ollokshaws Road. 38" 3550. Adyancc hooking required. Ages 9 13 Dream tip fantastical stories tising tales lioiu Ancient ligypt as inspiration.

Outside the Cities

Activities And Fun

Children’s Week l'ntil 1'11 10 Aug. 10am noon is 1 3pm. L4 «£31 (‘ul/ean (‘ountry Park. Mayhole. 01655 884455. Annual series of ey cuts for children aged

6 l3tnoadtilts1i.

Geronimo! 1'ntil l'Tl 10Aug. 11am 1pm £7.50 11.3.50). Regal ('omintinity ’l'heati‘c. South Bridge Street. Batligate. 01506 433034. Ages 3 l3. Science-related ttl‘lisllc actiy'ities using crafts. music and drama. Family River Dipping Sat ll Aug.

10 11.30am & 3 3.30pm. l-‘ree. (’alderglen ('ountry Park. Strathayen Road. laast Kilhride. 01355 336644. Adyance hooking required. Wear w ellies to make a splash iii the ('alder and tincoycr some strange creatures.

Wot No Gameboy Sat 11 Aug. 1 lam. £3.50. l‘alkirk Town Hall. West Bridge Street. l-‘alkirk. 01334 506850. A chance to try otit some traditional street games from the day's hefore computer consoles. Stained Glass Workshop Sat lI Aug. 13.31) 3.30pm. l‘ree. 1.ow Parks Mtisetiiti. 139 Muir Street. Hamilton. 01698 338333. ('reate a stained glass window using clear film at this drop-in workshop.

Shadow Puppet Making Workshop

CHRYSTAL VITA: HEIR OF INSANITY Abbey Close, Paisley, 0141 887 1010. Sat 1 1 Aug, 2pm. Free; Thomas Shanks Park, McMaster Sports Hall, Johnstone West, Glasgow, Sun 12 Aug, 2pm. Free. Enter into the make-believe land of fairytales in this outdoor performance featuring circus performers, music, theatre and dance.