The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.


I The Ronnie McNiven Trio Hrcl. 3‘) 43 .-\\ltlot) l,anc. 3-12 4066, 3P0). l'it'cc. :\ \clcclion ol contcmporar} ia/l numth l'rom llll\ talclilctl ll‘io.


I Summer Music Day l’;ii\lc_\ :\rt\ (critic. .\'c\\ Strch 887 Hill). noon 5pm. l’t'cc. ('arol l.aula and Big \'crn ‘n' 'l'hc Shootahx arc amougxt thoxc pcrl'oi‘ining at thix cwnt. wt in thc groundx ol thc artx ccntrc.

East Kilbride

I The Soul Collective liaxt Killiridc :\rt\ ('cntrc. ()ld (‘oach Road. 0l355 26I000. 8pm. £6 (£4). Playing original matcrial and co\'ct'\ \\ ith a mill. jal/ and hip hop \ ihc.


Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk & World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 9


I Steve Kreitzer 'l‘hc Star (‘lulx 'l‘hc Riwrxidc (‘lulx l-‘ox Strcct. 56‘) 7287. £6 (£4 ). Stalcxitlc gttitat'ixl oi notc.


I Sexteto Caliente til Barrio. \\'cxt Port. 22‘) 8805. l0pm-2am. l’rcc. RL‘NltlL‘lll hand pla} \on. \alxa and rumha \\ ith \ocalixt l.ino Rocha.


I Ceilidh Dance Rt\c‘l'\ltlc (’Iuh. l"o\ Strcct. 2-18 3 I44. 7.30pm. £6. .\lu\ic li‘om thc Black Roxc Band.

I Lunchtime Concert 'l‘hc l’iping (\‘ltlt't‘. Mcl’hatcr Strcct. (’oxx catltlcth. 287 55l l. I 2pm. £6 (£4). (iordon \Valkcr gi\c\ a rccital on thc grcat Highland hagpipc.

I Graeme E. Pearson 'l‘hc Mitrc. I33 High Strcct. 52-10071. 0.30pm- midnight. l-‘rcc. Pla} ing a mi\ of l‘olk inuxic.


I Auchtermuchty Festival Varioux \cnucx. (H337

828732. lii‘cc~£7. 'I‘raditional .\lu\ic and Song Amociation ol‘ Scotland annual l'cxtix'al. .-\ \xcckcnd ot‘ coinpctitionx (mug and inxtrumcntal) and ccilidhx. CUHL‘CI'I\. danccx \\Url\.\ht)p.\. \c\.\ion.\ and opcn-air cxcntx.


I World Pipe Band Championships (il;l\:..‘()\\ (irccn. (irccnd} kc Strch 287 3666. ‘)am 7pm. £5 (£2.50 tamil} tickct £l2.5()) 'lhc ltioxt prcxtigioux c\cnl in lhc annual piping calcndar. attracting around 200 hatidx li'om around thc world. In addition to thc piping thcrc'll hc Highland dancing dixp|a_\\. a cralt lair. harx. lood tcntx and luntair

I Ceilidh Dance lllc Star (luh. ’l‘lit- Riwrxidc (‘lulx l'o\ Stt‘cct. 56‘) 7287. £0 (£4 ).


I Auchtermuchty Folk Festival \tll‘i()ll\ \t'llllt'x. (ll .337 523753. i'il'L'L' £7. Scc Hi I”.


I Summer Music Day l’aixlc_\ Am (t'tlltt‘. \c“ Strcct. 887 Hill).

noon 5pm. l’i‘cc. l.i\c mu\ic. lrom among othcrx. (‘arol l.aula and Big \crn ‘n‘ 'l‘hc Shootahx. in tlic groundx ol thc at‘l\ ccntrc.


I The McCalmans “5nd lhcatt'c. Bucclcuch Strcct. lll8‘)6 823854. 8pm. £8. Born in l‘)64. thc Big .\lac\ ha\ c rccordcd ()\cl’ tucnt} alhumx ot traditional Scotx and contcmporar} l‘olk \ong \\ ith thrcc-part hat‘tnott} and (Inc?) a largc lcawning ol humour.


I Melting Pot ('alc ('oxxacltolx. Rll\\l;tll ('ultural ('cntrc. King Strcct. 553 0733. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. (i_\p\} \ iolin and \pccial gtlcxlx.


I Wee Folk Club Royil ()ak. llllll'llltll'} Strcct. 557 2976. 8pm. ()nl} 30 \cat\ in thc do“ tislait‘s har. ()ualit} pcrlormcrx.

I Massed Pipe And Drums l’rincc\ Strcct. 2pm. l-‘rcc. (‘clchrating thc 80th annixcrxar} ol' thc R()_\tll Bl’lllxlt [cgion Scotland. 200 ztlllit\\c‘tl pipcx and tlt'lllth paradc along Princcx Strcct.


I Auchtermuchty Folk Festival \ttt'lottx \cnttcx. (H.337 828733. l'ircc £7. SL‘C l'il'i l0.


I Scottish Country Dancing In The Walled Garden ('ul/can ('ountr} Park. Mayholc. (H655 884-155. 2.30 4.30pm. £4 (£3). Scollixh (‘ountr_\ Dancc Socicty cx'cnt.


I The Fisher Family lllc Star ('luh. Rix'crxidc (‘|uh. l“o\ Strcct. 569 7287. 7.30pm. £6 (£4 ). .-\rchic. ('illa and co. prcxcnt an cwning of traditional \ong.


I Dean Owens: I Don’t Like Mondays Blind l’oct. 32c \chl Nicholon Slt'cct. 667 0876. l0pm- midnight. l'i'cc. Hcartlclt. mclanchol} acouxtic \trununingx prox idc a l'cxtiuil antidotc. hclorc thc \ingcr/ \ongu ritcr hcadx oil on tour.


I Colcannon Stirling l-‘olk ('luh. 'l‘L‘lTiiCLN ilUlCl. .\Icl\ illc 'l‘ct‘t‘acc. (ll-.730 472268. 8pm. £5 (£4). .-\u\tralian outlit. l‘caturing Jock Munro of thc liric Boglc Band.

Tuesday 1 4

Stirling I Highland Dance & Pipe Band Display Stirling (‘axtlc Iixplanadc.

listings Music

.2 +3 NATlUNAL,


Dean Owens hosts I Don’t Like Mondays at the Blind Poet, Edinburgh,

0|786 450000. “.IS 8.15pm. lit-c. l'.\ct'} 'l'ucxda}. a local dancing \chool \\ ill hc dcmonxtrating Highland dancing

lolloxx cd h} a dixpla} h} thc local pipc hand.

Wednesday 15


I Haggerdash Dunlcrmlinc l‘ollx (‘luh. 'l‘hixtlc 'liaxcrn. lialdridgchurn. 01383 729673. 8pm.

I Family CBiiidh (ioldcn l.ion llotcl. King Strcct. 0|786 47535l. 8pm. £4 (£2). li\cr_\ \\'cdnc\da} at thc (ioldcn l.ion llotcl ix a traditional latnil} ccilidh \\ ith Scottixh mu\ic. dcmonxtrationx and a chancc to participatc.


I Open Session l.omond liolk (‘lulx Arg) ll Bar. Main Strcct. 0|38‘) 75756]. 9pm. l’rcc. \lllxlc‘ltllh. \ingcrx and

\ l\ilot'\ \\ clcomc.


I Sheena Wellington and Ewan Sutherland lltc Stat ('Iuh. 'l'lic Rixcrxidc ('luh. l-'o\ Strcct. 56‘) 7287. £6 (£4).


I Sexteto Caliente l-Ll Barrio. Wm Port. 22‘) 8805. l0pm-2am. l‘rcc. chidcnt hand pla} \on. \alxa and runiha \xith \ocalixt Lino Rocha.

Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Classical listings compiled by Kelly Apter.


I Norden Orchestra RSAMI). I()() chlrcu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50 (l‘rcc; ().-\l’\ £3.50). ’l‘hc opcning conccrt oi Thc l'cxtiuil ()l' Britixh Youth ()l‘L‘ltL‘\ll‘Lt\ pla} ing uot‘kx h} Mahlcr. Prokoticx and a ncu c‘()lllllll\\l()n h} \liklox .\laro\.


I National Youth Orchestra of Ireland RS.-\.\ll). 100 cht‘rcn Strcct. 332 5057. Joined h} \()l()i\[\ from the

Mon 13 Aug

.lctincxxcx .\lu\icalc\ lntcrnational World Wind Qtiintcl. thc orchcxtra pcrlorm llriltciiK lining l’i'rwnx ([iui/c' In Ilii‘ ()ri /I('\Il‘tl. p|u\ \xorkx h} Mo/ait and l)\ot'al\.

I Sunday Afternoon Recital llUll\L‘ l‘or .-\n :\rt l.o\ ct'. llcllahouxton Park. 10 |)umi)rccl\ Road. 353 4773. 2.30pm. £3.50 ( £2.50). lhc .\lu\ic Room at thc Hoth ix ll\ctl lll\l ax \laclontoxli original!) intcndcd. \\ ith an altcrnoon conccrt ol' claxxical piano \kt)l‘i\\.


I Summer Music in Balquhidder Baltiuhiddcr ('Iiurch. Balquhiddcr. 0|877 38-1202. 7 9pm. £6 on door (£5 ). Haw haritonc Vaxsil} Sawnko L'll)\L‘\ llll\ _\car\ \tlllttllct~ \caxon at Balquhiddcr \\ ith a programmc of popular \ottgx.

Tuesday 1 4


I Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra RSAMI). l()() chl'rcxx Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50 (l-"rcc: ().-\l’\ £3.50). Arthur l’olxon L'()lltlllL'l\ thc )otlng ('anadian orchcxtra in Bcrlio/‘x Roman ('m'nii'u/ amongxt othcr \\()t‘l\'\.

I Summer Music at the Cathedral (ilaxgou (‘athcdraL ('axtlc Sti'cct. 5.52 8l‘)8. 7.30pm. £5(£-1).'lihc ('athcdral prcxcnt a Varicd programmc ol organ music c\cr_\ 'l‘ucxday during :\ugu\t. Tonight. organist ('olin McKay pla} x a ini\cd programmc.

Wednesday 15'


I University Of London Symphony Orchestra RSAMI). I00 chl'rcu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50 (l-rcc; ()Al’x £3.50). Jonathan \‘x'illiainx conduch Bcrnstcin'x ()i'i'rlun'.‘ ('umlii/(a John Williams' .S'uili' from Star Him and l)\orak'\ Simplier .\'u 8.


I Something There 'l‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 63 'l‘rongatc. 552 4267. 9.30pm. £7 (£5 ). A pcrlormancc h) thc David Paul Joncs linscinhlc. l'caturing \ocalist ('aro|}n Murra} -Haniilton. hawd on thc

cpon} moux Bcckctt pocm.

I Schwyz Youth Orchestra RSAMI). 100 chl‘rcu Strcct. 3.32 5057. lpm. £4.50 (lircc: ().»\P\ £2.50). (icrhard libcrl conducts [his )Hllllg Suiss orchcxtra in John Williams' .S'r/iiml/vr'x Us! and Alan :\i\‘c‘\lri\ l’urn'sl (iump Suite among other works.

I East Renfrewshire Schools Senior Concert Band RSAMI). I00 chl'rcxx Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £7.50 (l'ircc: ()Al’x £3.50). A \clcction ol \piritcd American uorks from thcsc local \tudcnls. conducted by Kevin Pricc.

3-“. Aug 230‘ THE LIST 21