Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

ABC, Muirend: Glasgow

5811 (‘1.11'11's11111 Road. 5111111111). 11141 (155 2123.111111;111411137 21141. £2.8111£2 111'1'111‘1'5pn1 .\11111 1111. 8111111111: £2.21) 1511111 111111. ('111111/(1A1’: £2.


CatsAnd Dogsn’m 12.15. 2.311. 4.45. 7.1111. (1.111.

Dl' Dolittle211’(;1 11111111. 2.15. 11.45. 11.1111.

Jurassic Park III 11’( 11 4.15. (1.511. 8.45.


11.45.1111. 2.111).


Cats And Dogs 11’(i1

H.111): 12.15. 2.51). 4.45. 7.1111. 9.11). Dr Dolittle211’(i1

11.1111': 12.111. 2.251k (1.55111111'111111.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 11’( 11 11.111): 1.15. 3.45. 11.15. 8.45. Jurassic Park Ill 11’( 11

1'11 W111: 4.511. 9.1111. PlanetDtTheApes1121

11111: 2.511. 5.311. 8.15.

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

51.111'111' 811'1'1‘1.1111'11.\.1)141 4191,1722. £5 1£51.

FRIDAY. 1.12:12HQR5DAY 113

1:111'1111s \11'1'k's [11'11321111111111‘ 111111‘s. [111-use 111111.111 [111-1'1111'111a1111 11141 41111172 1111' 111‘1.1i|s.

Glasgow Film Theatre

12 Row 511'1‘1‘1. ()141 .552 31215111151111.111 All (11'1‘1111'111.1111'1's111111k.111|1'. “)1. Hi]. 1i\'1:1111132s: £4.75 1£5.251. 51.111111‘1‘s: £5.75 (£2251. “1:11 1111'1'111'1‘ 5111111: £5.751£1.751. l)11111111'11111 £5 (£55111. 1.111111} 11111 111.111111‘1‘s: £2.25.

EIFF denotes Edinburgh International Film Festival screenings.

THURSDAY 9 AUG 1.1ntimacy1181 2.1111. 11.15. 8.511. 2. Bande - Part11’(i1 1.311. 11.1111. AimeeAnd Jaguar1151 5.311. 8.15.


1. Me, You, Them (Ft, 111, files) 11’( 11 3.1111. (1. 15. 3.45.

2. The Colour Dt Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge)1181 2.511. 8.311.

Possible Worlds 1 151 (1.311.

SATURDAY 1 1 AUG 1.HarrietTheSpy11’(11 1.1111.

Me, You, Them (El, Tu, Eles) 11’(i1 3.45. (1.15. 15.45.

2. Possible Worlds 1 151 2.1111. 11.311. The Colour 0t Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge)1181 4.1111. 8.511.


1.VerligO11’(11 1.15.

Me, You, Them (Et, Tu, Eles) 11’(i1 5.45. (1.15. 15.45.

2. The Colour Of Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge)1181 1.311. 11.1111. 8.511. Possible Worlds 1 151 4.1111.

MONDAY 13 AUG 1. Me, You,Them (£1,111,515) mm 3.111. 8.45

Ti'ipTych Short Films 1 151 11.311.

2. The Colour Dt Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge)1181 2.311. 11.311. Possible Worlds 1 151 31.1111.


1. Me, You, Them (Ft, 111, Eles) mm 3.111. (1.15. 8.45.

2. Possible Worlds 1 151 3.511.

The Colour 0t Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge)1181 (1.1111. 8.511.

.'.‘ED1'.ES:A/ 1. Me, You, Them (Ft, Tu, Eles) 11’( 11 31111. (1.15.

Amelie (La Fabuleux Destin D’Amelle Poulain)11111-11~.1111- 8.311.

2. The Colour Of Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge)1181 2.511. 11. 111. Possible Worlds 1 151 311111.

THUPSDA/ ‘1’, .1".

1. Me, You,Them (Et,Tu, Eles) 11’( 11 3.1111. (1.15.

The Colour Of Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge)1181 8.511.

2. The Colour 0t Lies (Au Coeur Du Mensonge) 1 181 1311.

Possible Worlds 1 151 4.1111. Promise51l'11;11'1~ 11111.

Jump Tomorrow 111111 1111- 8.311,

Grosvenor: Glasgow

Ashton |..1111'. 11111111'.111. 11141 55‘142‘18. (14111111111132: 11141 5504208. £4 (£2 .111 11.1} .\111111. 81111111111s: £2; 1‘11—111/1)1s.111|1'11/Y111111g S1111: £5; (11111) {2511111515 122.151). 51311511111111'111111111‘11 111.111\.1111'1‘ 1111.111 s1‘1'1'1'1111132s. 1111\111111‘1‘ 11111-11 11.1111 711111181111: 1 "111111.


CatsAnd 0095111111 11.15.1111. 1411. 5.511. 11.111. 8.15.

Dr Dolittle211’111 3.511. 11.1111. 8.111. Shrek11'1 11.15.1111. 1.51).

FRIDAY 1(1- 11*11)15Sl)/\Y ‘11 CatsAnd Dogsn’m

1"1‘1 \\'1'11: 11.15.1111111111511111. 1.41). 5.55.

11111: 11.111.1111. 1.111. 5.511. 7.25. PlanetDtTheApe51121

11111: 5.111. 5.45. (1.111.


1511 1& 5.11. .\11111 11111: 11.15.1111. 111.15

1111 1k 8.111.

The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Dt The Desert 1 181

1511: 111.15.

A1s111.111'111.111111‘1'81111: 2.1111.

The Little Vampire 11'1

51.111111‘1‘ $.11: 11.00.1111.

The Parole Otticer1 121

1'11 “1‘112 5.45. 18.111). Also 1.111‘ 5.11: 111.15. 11111: 1.11). 5.55. 8.111. The Wicker Man 1 181 1..111' 1'11 & 8.11: 11111111132111.

Imax Theatre: Glasgow

(11.1s321m 81‘11‘111‘1‘ (1111112 51) 1’111‘1111‘ (311.1}. 11141 42115111111.£51£5.51)1.1)o111111' 11‘111111'1‘111‘111'1'18 129112115111.

1.15111111811111. 1511111111 811111.


Dolphins 11'1 11111111111. 11.1111. MysteriesOtEgypt1l‘1 1.1111. 3.1111. 5.1111. 7.1111. 31.1111.

Thrill Ride11’(;1 11111111. 2.1111. 4.1111. 8.1111.


Dolphins 11'1

1).11|): ll.1111.1111. (1.1111. Mysteries 0t Egypt 111

“1111): 1.1)1). 5.111). 5.111). A1s111'1'11k 8.11.11111: 7.1111. 9.1111. Thrill Ride 11’( 11

1).111}: 11111111. 2.1111. 4.1111.

Also 1'11 1k 5.11.11111: 8.1111.

Ddeon at the Duay: Glasgow

()111’111sl1‘} R11.111 opposilc 11.11'1‘} R.1111s111‘11's. 11141 41811111.111111.11111('(' 1111111111132:11871151151111117. [1)|. |1i|..-\1111|1 £4.75. 8111111-111/1'11411/1'111111111111111 15/s1'11111r1'111/1'11: £5,511. \\'l11'1'1 1:11.111' 11s1‘rs .1111) 1'.11‘1'rs: £5.511. 1‘.111111\ 111'111'1: £14. 1’1'1'1s prior 111 12 11111111 £5:


Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 7.311. CatsAnd Dogs11)(i1 12.15. 2.1111. 2.311. 4.15. 4.45. 11.311. 7.1111. 8.45. 31.15. DrDolittle211’(;1 11.45.1111. 12.511. 2.1111. 2.45. 4.15. 5.1111. (1.511. ".15. 8.45. 31.311,

Evolution11’(;1 12.45. 5.1111. 5.15.

High Heels And Low Lites 1 151 31.45.

Jurassic Park Ill 11’1'11 11111111. 12 45. 2.15. 31111. 4.311. 515. 11.45. “.311. 311111. 3145

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 1 121 2.45. T 15. 313311

Pokemon 3:The Movie11'1 I245 Recess: School’s Out 11‘ 1 1.1111. Rush Hour21121 12.45. 2.15. 5.1111. 4.311. 5.15. 11.45. “.511. 31.1111. 3145.


Shrek1l'1 11.45.1111. 2.1111. 4.15. (1.51). 8.45.

Swordfish1151 2.45. 5.1111. “.15. 31.311 1713.”,1‘1’ ' '171/,135:),..11 ‘1


1..1l1~1~r11\ 5.11: 11111111132111. Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151

111 \\'1-11: 7.1111. 0.15. CatsAnd DogS11’(;1 1).11|\: 12.15. 2.111). 2.511. 4.15. 4.45.

11.311: ".1111. 8.45. 11.15.

Als111.111'1'1'11k 8.11: 11111111132111.

Dr Dolittle 211’111

1).111_\: 12.511. 2.511. 4.511. 71111111111 \\‘1-111. 11.1111.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 1111 11 11.1113: 2.1111, 4,311 7.1111. 31311. .-\|s11l.111: 1-1'11k 8.11: 11111111132111.

Help! I’mAFish11‘1

“.1113: 1.111). 5.111). 5.1)1)

Hum Ho Gaye Aap Ke1l’(‘.1

111 \\'1:11: 2.111). 5.15. 8.511.

Jurassic Park Ill 11’( 11

11.111}: 2.15. 4.311. 11.45. 31.1111.

Also 1.111' 111 1k 8.11: 11111111132111. PlanetOtThe Apes 1 121

11111: 11.511.1111. 1.511. 2.111). 4.111). 4.51). (1.51). 7.111), (1111), 9.51). 11.51).

Rush Hour21121

H.111}: 12.45111111'111111. 2.15. 51111111111 111111. 4.511. 5.15111111'1‘11111. 11.45. 7.51) 111111 “1111. ‘)_1)1). 9.45.

.1\|s11|.111‘1-'1'11\' 8.11: 11.15. 11111111132111. Shrek11'1

H.111}: 2.1111. 4.15. (1.511111111111111. 8.45. A1s11111.111111‘1‘ 1111': 1.111). 5.1111. Swordfish1151

1).111_\: 12.5111k 2.45111111'1111'1. 5.1111. 7.15. 9.51).

A1s1111111' 1'11 1k 8.11: 11111111132111.

The Parole Dtticer1 121

11.111}: 12.45. 5.1111. 5.15. 7.511. 8.45. A1s111.111' 1‘1'11& 8.11: 11111111132111.

Ddeon City Centre: Glasgow

5111(1‘11111‘111Sli‘1‘1‘1.1)141 .552 .5415. 111111 .11111(‘('1111111111132: 11871151151111117. |1)| s1'r1'1'11s 5.11. 7 .11111 8.A11u|l: £4.51). 8111111'111/1'11411/1'111111 111111111: 15/81‘111111‘ 1‘111/1‘112 £5.51). \\'111‘1‘11'11.111‘11s1‘1's 111111 1'.1r1‘rs: £5.51). 11.111111} 11111111 £14. 11.11'32.1111 '1'111‘s11.1_\‘s .1111111: £5.51). 1’1‘1‘1‘111'1111'111 12 11111111: £5.

THURSDAY 81 CatsAnd 009811’(11 11111111. 2.15. 4.51). 11.45. 31.1111.

Dl' Dolittle211’(;1 11111111. 2.15. 4.51). 11.45. 31.1111.

Evolution11’(i1 1.45.

Ginger Snaps1181 4.1111. 11.311. 31.1111. High Heels And Low Lites 1 151 7.1111. 31.15.

Jurassic Park I|I1P(;1 11111111. 2511. 4.45. 7.1111. 31.15.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 1 121 1.45. 4.1111. (1.15. 15.45.

Recess: School’s Out 111 12.45. 4.45.

Rush Hour21121 7.1111. (1.15. Shrek11'1 12.511. 8.45. Swordfish1151


12.15. 2.511. 4.45.

2.45. 4.45. 11.45. 1.45. 4.1111. 11,311 311111,

FRlDAY 111—THURSDAY 111 Cats And Dogs 11’(‘11

1).111_\: 11111111. 2.15. 4.511. (1.45. Als111.111' 1'11 1& 8.11: 11111111132111. Dr Dolittle 211’(i1

11.111}: 2.1111. 4.15. 11.311. 8.45. Dracula 2001 1 151

1..111- 1'11 1& 8.11: 11111111132111.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 11’( 11 H.111}: 1.51). 4.111). (1.51). 9.111). .1\1s11|.111'1"r11k 8.11: 11111111132111. Ginger Snaps 1 181

1..1I1' 1"1'11k 8.11: 11111111132111.

Help! I’m A Fish 111

111 \\'1-11: 1.1111. 5.1111. 5,1111. Als11111.111111‘1- 11111: 12.15. 2.15.



118111198 Film


Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within /\1111'1.11111n 1.111115; .1 1111.111111111113.111.11111111131‘1111111111111 generated 531:112111:1> 111111111 l>|o1:1111u:;1er 1111810111111 11111 Japanese1.111111111111111 phenomenon. See feature .11111 1'1:‘.’11:‘.'.‘. (31 111111.11 111/1 )(131‘19.

Vertigo (1111: 1111 :;1:1eenrn11 1n ‘.'.11(1125;1.;1eerl [1111111111111111111111711}; 111118111le.1:1111.1l1lj. 11111111131,-11111111:1. 11112111111111.111111;11111111:x1:1111.).11nes. Stewart 15; 11.1111111111 111. 11111 (111.1111 111 11111111111111111(1111113K11‘1N11\.'.1)3.. (31 1. G/asgout

Possible Worlds A1:1:l.111ne11 1111;.111'e1111‘e1;1orRobert l 1:1).1111/5; 1111111111111. .1(;erel1ra| 1111111111: 1111 1.1/1111:11a 111.1111 l11erali\,1goes;111151811111 511.111‘11111 11111.181'111111111. (11 1. Glasgow; 1'1/11111111/31). 1 11111111111111.

Fiddler On The Root 111: 19,3111:


of Norman Jew/1811113; .111a111atron of

Sl1o|om Aleronem's play. 8111111111) 11111111 111 1111: role 11111-1111; 1111111 to play. 11/111/101/51‘13. [HINDU/(fl). Shrek S111)\/ersrve. 1111.11'111115; ()(‘11 anrmated parody of lam/tales. 111 narlroular 1111133111111111211 by Wall Draney. Features 1111: vorces; 111 Mike Myers. 15111111; Murphy .11111 Cameron D1a/. General release. Intimacy Palnoe Cllereau's; adaptatron of 11.11111 Kurosln's f1 1or1 stories courts; controversy by 1suppos;e11|y1 11elng 1111; most sexually explrcrl English language film ever. (31-7. G/asgow.’ Cameo. Ed/I 11)1,/rg/ 1.

Aimée 8: Jaguar 1.15.1 chance to

see 1111:; lessbran romance set 111 1.1/ar-11111e Berlrn so Jaw1111'1111111‘11113/ 1111111.,111311‘111: 111.11 11 can only 111; 1r11e GF 1. Gl.’1:;gr1w.

High Heelst Low Utes 1 151

111 \\'1-11: 7.1111. 11.15.

Jurassic Park III 11’( 11

11.111}: 11111111. 2.51). 4.45. 7.1111. 9.15. 11111: 2.45. 5.1111. 9.15. PlanetDlTheApes1121

11111: 12.45. 5.51). 5.45. (1.15. 8.511. 31.1111. 11.311.

Recess: School’s Dut11'1

1).111_\: 11111111.

Rush Hour 21121

11.111}: 12.15. 2.511. 4.45. 7.1111. 9.15. .-\1s111;111‘ 1'11 1& 5.11: 11111111132111.

Shrek11‘1 1'1‘1 “1'11: 12.51). 2.45. 4.45. (1.45. 8.45 A1s1111111: 12.45. 7.15.

Swordfish 1 151

H.111}: 1.45 1& 4.1111111111111111. (1.15. 8.45.

Also 111.111111-1- 11111: 1.1111. 5.15. A1s111.111' 1-1'11k 8.11: 11111111132111.

The Parole Officer 1 121

Daily: 12.15. 2.511. 4.45. 7.1111. 9.15. Also 1.111: 1‘11 1% 8.11: 11111111132111.

’1 ‘1'. f3 x; THE LIST 15