

Emm— Classified Booking Form


V I saw you behind counter. second llooi‘. \Vaterstoncs. West lirid. lidiriburgh. 33rd July. While I was hay ing cof- fec you were wearing red tight sports top and jeans and two tiny pigtails. Please be free. you're loyely? Box .\'o 17419.65

V I saw you Dr Phillip in Beluga on Friday 13th July. l’ye introduced myself to you before in Berties ta student ().'1‘. from Koyl. but it was the kiss that l'ye never forgotten. Hope our paths cross again. (let in toticli. Box .\'o

U4 1 ‘)/(i(i

V I saw you drinking cham- pagne in Bar Kohl. Friday 20th July. (iorgeous girl with short. messy. blonde hair and lilac sleeveless top. Yoti are well cute by the way? Box .\'o

1'/4 19/67

V I saw you live pants keep smiling and don't forget abotit it. The cheesy offer stands. Sven. Box No [3419/68

V I saw you in tilll. Sunday 15th. Please contact me. 1 think l'iii in loye. You were with ttr friend. casual dress. and addidas casual train- ers! 1'ni in low. Box No

U/4 19/69

V I saw you and 1 ani des- perate and horny. Box No

[ii/4 I 9/71)

V I saw you looking loyely down iti London. We'll be there sooti...niaybe with the bob mob. Loye Amanda. '1‘racey.Alex and Nainon. PS 8: Amy Box No l"41‘)’7|

V I saw you Mr llappy (a The (‘ity Cafe. I' looked so happy. 1 think your name is Craig. Me: Hot Blonde check- ing ti out. Box No [1410/72

V I saw you when you were happy. exciting. sad and quiet. I saw you every day. 1 like you like you are. Please Hydra. don't change and keep your smile. Box No 17419.73

V I saw you potitiiig :‘tntipodean astro-stud. .\le: Busty blonde at bar. ()K. 1 was playing hard to get. 1 repent. Show me your telescope. Box No [7419/74

V I saw you stunning. pout- ing. pneumatic bloiide propping tip the bar at Blue. 1 was the tall dark handsome .»\stro-physicist wearing ltaliari leather with an Australian accent. Do you want to lie on your back starga/ing through my 12" telescope? Box No U/419/75

V I saw you with an elegant black scarf. perfectly knotted at the side. A tiny knot that will always make me smile a cheeky smile. Box No

Ur'419i 76

V I saw you in Aberdeen breaking morbidity: sweep me off my feet spear ears. Box No U/419/77

V I saw you at the tilin- house you blonde babe. ()tir eyes met and l liayc not stopped thinking about you. Let's meet again. Box .\'o

1' 41‘) 78

V I saw you in the tilin- house. stealing eyery leaflet that you could get your hands on. 1 am taking you to Paris where 1 will tell you something special. l.oye always. Jay. Box .\'o 1' 41‘) 7‘)

V I saw you drawing haystacks. and then I saw you again. still studying and sketching. Did you see iiie'.’ Box Nob-1W8“

V I saw you sexy Italian - looking guy in the medical lirskiiie library. now working in ‘(iap‘ on Princes Street. lidinburgh. Would like to know which way you swing and if you would like to swing by my way. Box No 1' 41981

V I saw you ('anadian l’i/la (‘lief of Broughtoii Street. You made me a bacon roll when l was late. l.oye your eyes, next time I'll do the l51'L‘llCll toast and maple syrup. Box .\'o 1741982

V I saw you at Pure. l saw you at Iguana. llopc you'ye seen me too; maybe next time we can manage more than How are you‘.’ Box No

l' 41‘) 83

V I saw you behind the bar; ljust fell in loye with your dirty look. Loye Victoria Box No [W419 84

V I saw you boy with side- burns putting out the trash. Fancy some white trash and dirty actioii'.’ Box .\'o l' 41‘) 85 V I saw you DJ lady in the belly of the lizard. warrior woman. armed to the teeth. let's make war and lurye. Box No 1741‘) 86

V I saw you sexy barman. My name is Victoria. I'm \'.Se.\y. dark hair. gorgeous etc. Please call me. Box .\'o [341987

V I saw you in the l’lieotiix. again...haye you know shame'.’ Box No [.419 88

V I saw you in the City Cafe. You left early - you big minger! Box .\'o l' 41*) 8‘)

V I saw you three years ago at a l.ow-l-'idelity All Stars (iig. and more recently in Stockbridge. Looking forward to seeing more of you in the Meadowbank. Luy ya 1x Box No L' 41‘) ()(l

V I saw you at the North Berwick Beach Party! We were on the beach talking about Whistler. Box .\'o 1' 419 91

V I saw you birthday girl. celebrating at the Appartnieiit. Bruno loyes you...and so do we . xxxx Box .\'o [419 ()2


EName ................................................................... .. Lineage: $10 for up to 25 :Address ............................................................... .. words plus 50p per extra 1 word. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Semi-display: £14 for up to 25 words plus 50p per extra word. Recruitment Display: £14 per single column cm. excl VAT. Display (all other sections): 212 per single column cm, excl VAT. Box No costs 26 extra per issue for non-person- al ads.


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Lineage is centred with a line I . aboye and below the text. : Deadllne Rates start from £14 for tip : O . Copy for Classrfied ads must reach us by 12pm on

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word. Personal ads m ""8 : WE WELCOME CALLERS at 14 High Street (opp. John Knox's House). : Edinburgh, du" .9 business hours.

Rates start from £12 per sin Ie column centimetre (excl VA . Minimum size 4x1 scc.

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For further details phone 0131 550 3060

2-9 August 2001 THE LIST 55