c\cning ol'contcmporar} dancc including )oung Scottish compan) Akitnho and tau dancing through thc agcs lrotn lhc l'l_\ Right l)ancc ('o.



l’illochr}. l’crthxhirc. lll7‘)(i 484(i2h. The Winslow Boy l'ntil l3 ()cl. 'l'tmcx \ar}. {l4 UK 19.7 L“). 'lcrrcncc Ralligan'x talc ol' a lathcr‘x til)\c‘\\i\c lcgal hatllc to clcar lll\ \on‘\

The Ladykillers l'nul l3 ()cl. 'l‘itncx \ar). [l4 L'IX (£7 UM. (iilcx (.H)“ tttlttplx \Villitllll R()\L‘.\ original lzaling ('omcd) about a gang ol' haplcsx \ illaillx.

The Admirable Crichton l'nlil 3 ()ct. 'l'imcx \at'}. U4 UK (1.7 UH. .l. .\l Barric'x \atn‘ical look at thc British claxx xx \tcm.

The Shellseekers l’nlil to Oct. 'l'imcx \ar'x. L‘H [l8 (£7 £0). Slagc adaptation ol' Roxamtmdc l’ilchcr'x I‘M-l no\ cl ahout thc dattghtcr ol a \ucccxxlul painlcr.

Let Wives Tak Tent l'ntil I I ()cl. 'l'imcx \ar}. U—l [IX (£7 L")l. Rohcrl Kctnp'x adaptation ol' Molicrc'x l'il't‘llk‘h L‘olllctl) I.‘/’.t'u/t' (/('\ lt'III/Ilt'x. rclocatcd to |7th ccntur} lzdinhurgh. Amy’s View l'ntil I3 ()ct. 'I‘imcx \ar}. U4 U8 (£7 0)). Dan id llarcK look at ottc \xoman‘x lilc through thrcc dccadcx of social and pcrxonal changc.

St Andrews


Alihc'} SII‘L‘L‘I. () I 334 4750M). Parking Lot In Pittsburgh l'ntil Sat ll Aug (not Sun). 3pm; Sat 3.30pm & 3pm. £8 £l41£5 £6.50). llig/i Ix’mul’x liilccn {\lc('a|lutn \tarx iti lllix auard-uinning pla} h} .'\nnc

l)o\\ nic: thc humorous lalc ol a lltflhL‘GCL‘DL‘l' rcturning liomc altcr working in thc Statcx.



Frankie’s Pick Of The Fringe 'liltc Slttltd. 333 \Voodlands Road. ()87() ()(Nl ()(lss. .\'.3(lpnt. £5 (£3). 'l‘hc Stanth cull compcrc illtllhll'lnlhl) \L‘Ulll‘\ thc l‘ringc for thc hcxl acts gracing lhc \tagcx in lidinhurgh to bring _\ott an cwning ol‘ top claxx cntcrtainntcnt. ’l‘onight hc introdttcm lrixh ntirth maxtcr ch iit lla_\ cs. plux .lolm McBridc and (iracntc Thoma»

Scotland’s nubr 5‘ uideto d


The Stand 'l‘ht- Stand. 33.3 \Voodlandx Road. 037” (illll (“55. 0pm. U) (£5 l. 'l‘hc nc\\ \tcckcnd lormat tor ..\ugu~t \cc\ compcrc SUth .\lorri\on introducing thc hcxt ol thc lcxtnal comcd} lrotn l',dinhurgh. 'l'omght \hc \xclcomcx to tlic \tagc l’arrot. .lohn (illllL'lx ttlltl l‘tltlllUN lll;ttltlc'\l llttllt‘l’ Huh l)ottl;tll_\.


Dundee Comedy Club 'I‘hc l)oghou\c. l3 Brou n Stt'cct. (H.382 3370M), ()pln. [5 ([4 l. llt)\l .ltmll lil'oon L‘llllk'k'\ lllt‘ pick ol' thc lidinhurgh I‘ringc to hcad north to cntcrtain punlcrx in thc lair cit} ol‘ l)undcc.

Saturday 4


The Stand the Stand. 333 Woodland\ Road. 0870 (illll (M55. 0pm. £7. :\tl;llll Bloom tach a hrcak l'rom thc c‘llgltm ol lidinhurgh to lcl )ou into comcd} '\ magic circlc. .lack Rtl\\L‘ll lllilkk'\ alt appcarancc. moxt prohahl}

\\ ithout hix caninc companion. \\ hilc l)a\ id Ka} and compct‘c Stixan .\lorri\on complclc thc linc-up. Madcap Comedy Club Start- Bar. HS Holland Strcct. 357 5387. 0.30pm. £5 ([4 l. li\angclical hcaling l'rom thc Rcwrcnd ()hadiah Stcppctmollc Ill. plus Roh Millcr and compcrc Hill} Bonkcrx.

Joke BOX llttlltixlt'x “(Ml\L‘. 42 Old Sncddon Strcct. l’aixlc}. 5(il 7|(l7. 0.30pm. l‘rcc. Mot'c ht)i\lL‘I'Ull\ halllL‘t' L‘Ulll'lt‘\} ol' l)a\ c \Villianh. .\lil\c Milligan and compcrc Ra) mond Mcarnx.


Stand-up Scotland 'l‘ltc Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road, ()870 (illl) 6055. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). (it‘lttllltllcs ol'lhc Stand'x contcd} claxwx takc to lhc \tagc. lloxt Brucc l)c\ lin introduccx ncucomct'x Sandra .loltllxlon. .\lar_ioric. (icorgc Nixhct. Blair Wall and (’hrix ('oopcr,

Canvas Comedy Club (‘an\a\. l3 lh \Vallx Stl'ccl. 552 2 NH. 0pm. £5.8and} .\'c|\on. Richard .-\|lcn. 'lcdd}. compcrc Ra) tnond .\lcarn\ attd ncucomcr ('ormac Quinn.

Thursday 9


The Stand 'l‘lic Stand. 333 \Vootllamk Road. ()370 (Ml) 00.55. 8.30pm. (£5l. l-tankic Bo} lc\ primc pick ol‘ thc l‘ringc thi\ c\ citing includcx outi‘agcoux Yank l)a\c l‘ulton. Pith .-\ngic .\lcli\o_\ and Brandon Rccd.


lasgow Thursdays


Steve Retson l,(;l%‘l‘ ('t-ntic. ll i)l\ttll Strcct. Ill "Ill? 5 3o .\.3tlpnt. l~rcc. “ct-u}. (ia_\ mcn'x \c\ual hcalth ath hot}

Lesbian Health Clinic Sand} tnitl lmltatn c. Sauchtchall Strcct. II I (Fllll. 53“ 5pm. I-rcc. “ccklx. l.L'\l‘l;tll \xomcn'x licalth ad\ I\Ul'_\ \cr\ icc. Glasgow G00 Badminton (i.llllt'\ Hall, nghhuood Sccottdal'} School. (ill Knightxxtood Road. “5-1 2404, " ‘l3llpm. \Vcckl}.

Glasgow GOC Swimmers (‘ontact (i-l‘) 5.\")(i lot morc inlormation. 5.3“ 9pm. \\ccl\l_\. Inlortnal munnnng \L'\\lttll.


Intimacy (il'vl'. l3 Row Sll'ct'l. .53: Xllh'. £3.75 L175 it'lllll L'3.5tlt. lit

2 'l‘hu ‘) .-\ug. larotic. colttro\cl\l;tl drama about caxual \c\ lrotn l-rcnch ga} ditcctor. l’atricc (‘hcrcatr

Aimee 8. Jaguar (ill. I: Rim- Stt'cct. 332 NIZH. £3.75 L175

(L'lell £3.5tll. l‘ri 3 'l'hti ‘) .v\ug. Hcautilull} pcrl'ormcd. gcnuincl} lltoHllg chhian lox c \lor} wt in \tar—torn Hcrlui.


The Boyfriend ('ltl/cnx‘ ‘I'hcali'c. I ll) (iorhalx Strcct. 43‘) (lllll. 7.30pm. £75” ((3.5lli. Hut 3 Sat 4 ;\ug. .\'ot a hunch ol old llappcrx hut ga} compoxcr Sand} \Vilxon‘x le‘x \ct muxtcal pcrl'ormcd \xilh panachc h} Scottixh Youth 'l‘hcatrc.

Glasgow Fridays

Groups T.F.l. Bi-G-Les Youth Group Drop-In l.( ili'l' (t‘llllt‘. l l l)i\tin SII'L‘L‘I.

soon now

1-21 Reunem STREET Guscow. 1a.: 0141-332 1846

.0141 .1345

Ill 'le3 J hpm l-rcc “cckh .\tltt\|\- m ttmc lot _\oung l (illl up to lltc .tgc ol


Girls on Top lit'llllt‘h. ‘lll(il.l\\loltl Strcct. 55: 55M, llpm 3 3llam {3 to it: {5! ill 3 \ug .\lonlhl_\ l’hcgulx conic otil to pla} on thc \ccond lloot at llcnnct'x monlh|_\ \tomcn onl} ntght

Films Intimacy (ill. I: |\,t‘\k‘ Sllt‘t'l. “3 MIX. ‘4 355 {455 tlQItlll [ Vim l‘ll l'hu ‘l \ug Scc l'hu Aimee & Jaguar (ill. I: Rtm- Strcct. 3 3.‘ KISS. l; 375 L155 it‘ll)” L35“). l‘l'l 3 lhu ‘l .r\ug. Scc 'l'hu, Hello Dolly (il'tuu‘lltll. :\\hlon l anc. 33‘) 4208. lllpm. U tL'25ll [3 (NH. l'll 3 .\tlg. .\llUlllCl chancc to hclt ll ottl \\ tth lhc l\t‘\l Ul lllt‘lll .tl allttlllt‘l' til lllt‘ (it'o\\crioi"\ \ma\htng \mg a long \Iioutngx.


The Boyfriend ('ili/cnx' ’l'hcatic. Il‘l (iorhalx Str'cct.-12Ullll_‘2. "31mm. U5“ tl.'3.5lli. Hut 2 Sat J .-\ug_ Scc 'l'hti,

Glasgow Saturdays


LIPS (ilaxgoxx \\'omcn\ l.ihrar_\. lll‘l ’l‘rongatc. 55233-15/753‘). 2 4pm. Sat -l ,-\ug. l‘ortnightl}. l’l‘olccl \tlppol'llllg )oung chhiam and luxcutal \xomcn agctl 35 and undcr.


Intimacy (ill. I: Row” Sll't‘t‘l. 533 HIZN. £3.75 £4.75 tL'Ztltl £3.50). l'l'l 2 'l'hu ‘) .'\ug. Scc 'l‘litt.

Europe‘s Top Adagio Act

Caron mo msscvau }

.' ,. 1/ ,1 THE LIST 25