Music ma? 8. non listwgs

Mon 4 continued

I Bus Station Loonies, Los Destructos .IIHI Debris 'l IlL‘ l 5IIl \olc (lilo. Klllf.‘ Slivcl. 55‘ In“. Spin L i.

I Soulfinger unil Macrocosmica Nicc ‘n‘ Slczil}. Suuclnclmll Slrcvl. iii INN—7.01"”

I Check Scanner (imml ()Ic ( )pl'}. I’aiI\IL'_\ RHAMI 'IHII. ~13” 5 “Ni. 5'. illplll.

t 4 (IL: lllL'lllIK‘l \l.

I John Hannah Sludin ( )nc. Ilium Road. R-ll (i5lh. ‘lpin, how.

I The Blues Poets 'l he Surllu. Slm'kuvll Slrccl. .552 3631. Irwin, I'rcc. I‘ill'IIIIjJIlII) rcxnlcnt'},

Monday 6


I Low and The Zephyrs King; 'I‘ul‘x \Vuli \Vuli IIul. Sl \‘int'cul Slrccl. III 527‘). S. illprn. IQ‘) [‘Ilh honking lcc. \Iorninn ruck? IIljJIlI} though! ol vulcnn' Il'IH \\ ho pcrwrwl} 331w .1 Inl HI [ICUPIU prL'ul ilk'\IIl\'IIt' pluixurc \\ iIIl llicir lImruuinI} inixcrgihlv .uul (Innin Imlcn \Ill\L‘l'\HlllL‘ \(llIIllISk‘ilPL‘\. Su- pra IL'\\.

I Acoustic Jam \m 'n‘ Slum}. Sguu‘hicliull Slrccl. 333 0M7. ‘lpin. \Vcckl} \L'\\inll Iimlul h} (iL‘I'l'_\ I._\Hll\. \\ ilIi l'i'cc hon/c l'nr lk‘l'IUl'lllCl'\.

Tuesday 7


I Jimmy Barnes (iurugc. Suucliichull Slrccl. 333 I III). 7.30pm. f I 5 [llllx hooking: I-L'C. ()u‘i‘ I-I\ \Inm. Iiirincr (‘uIiI ('Iiixcl Inn. \w urii'l i‘cincrnIk-i' L‘illicrl l'rnnlinun Pill'illIL‘S Ill\ grunrliuw .-\u\lr;ili;in puh rock.

I The Cooper Temple Clause uml Nibushi Shang Hong King; 'I‘ul‘x \Vuli \Vuli IIul. Sl \inu‘nl Sliu'l. III 537‘). 8.3(lpiii. [.5 plux hooking lcc. 'I‘Iic ('quw :u'c u lnulcd um guilur lmml \\ ho Iiuw Iwcn \lcmlil} building .1 i‘cpululinn IUl' IIiCll’ \uu‘cliing iinlic ruck \ iu \uppni‘l \Inl\ \\ ill} the Iikcx ol' .\Iu\c.

22 THE LIST .‘ ti inn:

Martin Stephenson plays as part of Spi

I Gameface, Pylon, The Day I Snapped .unI Stupid Acting

IIC I leI \HIC (VIIII‘. \Ix' \IICL'I. 31* 3|" \pin L5 I’unk .unl .rllclnulnc Inn-up

I House, Gwailus .mil The Drugstore Cowboys Mir 1 lrh \urc (um: Ix'inj: Slit-cl. 55‘ IINS \ ‘Hpni L: I Primary Colours, Snibglider .unl Baltic (ilnu Bll\. (‘urlqlx Hum Rmnl. “S (\5I I S ;“pm I rm"

Wednesday 8 _

G asgow

I Guapo, Late Night Foreign Radio, Neck Doppler, Death Cat, Aether Flux .mil Black Sun Machine llu- l uh \un-(‘lul\.(‘l_\.lc Sliccl. 11‘ 3 I 5—. Spun. L5, Sec rum icu lni' rnnic on IIl|\ nu\ nl ICIIIlt'IiI \Hllll\I\ I Krank IlL‘ I\)U\I\IK'III\. “it I §II1\HIC (‘.lIC. Kin}; Slit'cl. 55 i In“. Spin. Li Krunk uinunuc llicu lllilllIIl ux \nlc l‘c\nlvlll\.

I Acoustic Open Stage IIn' II.iIl Ilul'. \Muullulnlx Ix’u.uI. 5(lI I'l’L‘L'. II(l\It'lI Ii} I’mItI} Ix ( ill'I\.


I Dominic Kirwan ,\llwn II.lII\. Humhurlun I\’H;uI. Ill "Sh ll" ‘5II. ‘.-I5pin. (I i. Kll'\\;lll t'L'IcIu'ulcx lcn _wurx ;i\ .‘i [ll‘HIC\\lUll;lI \IllfJL'I. \ingingg original \UllfJ\ .unl popular \‘I;l\\l\'\ int‘IuiIin; inulcriul IlUlIl qu Iulcxl ulhuni Slum In /.u\'(' II'II/i Inn,


I Proud Mary, The Goldenhour and Kain King 'I'ui'x \\';ili \Vgrli IIul. Sl Vincent Sliu‘l. III 5270.5.31lpin. £5.50 [)Ilh Iimlklllf.‘ IL‘L‘. I\’L'II‘H I'Ut‘klllf.‘ I\\ Il;ll clwl’r li'urn Nocl (iulluglit'i’x Sour .\I;l\Il luhcl. 'I‘Iic inonuhrmwd unc _inincd I’i'olnl .\I;u‘_\ on \l;i;_'c .11 I In 'I'Iic Park in un cll'orl In gcl wiiicnnc inlcrtwlul in llicii‘ Iunlpcn CIIUI'Ix

I Draw, Veda, Versity, Solus .unI Give Way IIlL‘ (IIIIIIUlISk‘. I‘lllUll SII'L'L‘I. 34S (ihllh. 7', I 5pm [3.51) «in door. \o upc

2001 at the Tannahill Centre, Paisley, Sat 4 Aug

rounhun on Ihn \Inm \Ili‘\\t.1\‘i‘l

Imul lml. .unl pup I\.ul\I\

I Dustpuppet \n'c ‘11. SI:.:/}.

\rupluchull Sllccl. 1“ "h ‘5 “gun

I Bee Gees Tribute (imml ( )1.-

(lpl). I’.:I\I.‘§ Riknl InII. ~13" 5 “Hi IHpni :5

I Bad Influence \Illillu ( )nc. Hun

Rikul. WI h5lh "pin Iicc

I The Vagabonds llu- \‘nlm.

Slm‘kxwllStrut-1.553 \hSl \ lllpni

I I‘x't' I)i‘l‘lII.ll UHCIN

I Jam Session \umucl llmx

\IIIIMIJIC Road. I: l lllll" .\ zllpin I-lcc


I Battle Of The Bands Sluin 3-1. ('.r|lur1 Ix’nuil. 55.\ ;"5.\. "pin LI LU ('uinpcuunn lll.l\\\k’l.llli\l1\\lIIl I'oi'lh ()nc .unl Iluilxwiwi; L‘onlnniul w Lu .uc S. I.\I,| . I In“ \\ IlIIL' Ix’mun .unl Sulwiumlllnn;

Pars ey I Daniel I).II\IK'_\ \l'l\ (ik‘llllx'. \L'“ Slrccl. .\.\~ IIlIll, “.illpin. LI\ 4 (Ir.

Iulcnlul Nut-x [H.lllhl \\IlU L’U\L‘l\

cwr} {lung Il'Ulll hungry \xnngic In .rulhculn' do“ n Ironic lilucx. «hum in; on inllucnt'cx like \Ik'llll‘Ilh Slun and .\Ilicrl .\nnnon\.

a wt

rm. f" _ A WW.“ I‘ kcanuk-«Mniamwd» ‘5

The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny _llflthieson.


I Clive Baldwin - Jolson Hundcc ch. In} Squurc. III 383 333530. Spin. LIIISII I 2.5” (LUSH Ills“). .Ii)I\i)ll wund-ulikc ('Iiw Iluldu in pu} \ lrihulc lo llic wng und iluncc inun who, ullliuugli l'oi‘cwr umociulul u ilIi lhc liIrn 'I'Iic .I;i// Singer. ncwr rcgill} \\;l\ unc.

Saturday 4


I John Burgess Quartet Brcl.

3‘) ~13 .I\\I1lun lunc. 342 40m». 3pm, I-rcc. 'I‘L'nur \uwphonixl Burgcxx Irunlx IIll\ l'uurwint. \\Ii‘.l Iiuw ru‘cnll} rclcuxul u new album. I'ln' I'm-r In [fir/"44¢:

I Louis Armstrong Centenary Concert SI Andre“ \ In 'I'Iic Squui'c. SI :\ll(Il'C\\ '\ Slrccl. 548 (illlll. Spin. 9.5 t I 3. .\ Iriliulc lo lIic Iirxl grail Ill/l \UIUI\I. \xliu \wuld hc cclchruling rm llllllh hirllulu} lIll\ \cr} (In). ’I'lic uulhcnlic

rm mum nl llic Kcn (‘n|_\cr 'I‘ruxl \cu ()i‘Icum .lu/l Iluml xx iII hc ioinul h} wing \pu‘iul gucxh I'M [IN occuxinn.


I Clive Baldwin - Jolson l)umlcc ch. In} Squurc. III 333 333530. Spin. U05” U15” l {0.5” U05”). SL‘L‘ I‘I‘i


I Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club 'I‘urplnchcn Kirk. 'I‘orphichcn. (ll5lln 03525". ."pin. Lilith Formal} IxIll)“ \llllpI} ux 'I‘Iic Hui ('Iuh. \ lillllllxl ;\Ic\ Ycllmx IccV trio \crw up \u in; in lhc cluvic RcrnllunII—(iruppclli \I} It.

Dates listed below are for one-off and ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least ten days before publication. Folk 8: World listings compiled by Norman Chalmers.

hursday 2


I Sangsters IIn' SI.” ('Iul». lln- Ix’ncixnlc (‘Iulx I‘n\ Sun'l. 5h" ".‘S (h I Hi .\llIIl\‘llll\‘ \mul lrm liuin I'ilc

\lllf.) St'ulx wnL'x.


I Sexteto Caliente Ial lmno. \MNI I’uil. 33‘) .\'.\‘(l5 Illl‘lll Zuni Ilt'k'. I\’C\I\ICHI Ixnnl pI.r_\ wn. \.II\.l .unI rurnlm \\ lIIl \iu‘;lIl\l IlllH Ix’m'lm

Saturday 4


I Salsa Celtica Iu llcllc \npt‘lc. II;I\Ilt“\ ('Imc. 335 “5 Vi. Spin. L").5Il. (‘quuL .\ Iuliu. |Il// .unl ('vlln‘ r|1_\lInn\ Il'Hlll llnx Incl} group.


I Traquair Fair 'I‘i‘uquuii IIthL'. Inm-rlcuhcn. lllS‘lh S ill 32 i,

I Iuni (ipin. I; l .3 Mfr; liuuil} L~ *5 pm (In). 'I'Iu' .innuul tun il;i_\ cwnl in Sulllund'x llItIk'\I inliuhilml Imuw unxl )Jui‘ilcm Il;l\ Ihc ll\ll;lI (lull luu. IlUIl\II\‘ inui‘quu'. Il\L‘ lllll\lt’. childrrn'x mculx. 'I'ruquuir .'\It'. Iiuul and rclrcxlnnvnl \l;lII\.

.\Iu\ic Il'HlIl .Im'k Iiunwn'x Il.iirn\ (Sui l :unl llic \Vliixllchinku-\ «Suni \\ llIl Inrruinc .lunlgin. Sci .-\p;u‘l. .-\pp;i|;ic|ii;in (’Iog Dunn-ix. I.;ilin \UlllltI\ lmin In Sonuru ('uluwrux. .'\lrn and world rnulx I'I‘oin /.uI\u. 'Iun/uniu‘x Illuclx IiujJIL‘x «Iuncc lroupc. lln'ulrc lrnin IIIL‘ I)c\pcr;ilc .\Ivn. and kid'\ \lul'l lroin Shocxli'ing: ('ircux and .\Ir Iimrni.


I Traquair Fair 'I‘i'uquun' llnuw. InncrIciIIn-n. llIS‘Ni Sill 333.

I I;un (ipin. £I31£7l1 luinil} U5. Scc Sul ~I.


I Sandy Harvey and Lorna Swan Stirling: :\rin\. III7Sh 4735-14. 3.30pm. I'rcc. I'ltItIIC. mug; and cliuxzicli l'rorn L'xluhlithl play-ix.


I Lunchtime Piping Recital ’l'hc I’iping (‘cnluu \Icl’hulcr SII'CL‘I. ('mxcgulilcnx. 3S7 551 I. I 3pm. Ur «LII. Rodd} Muclcud giwx :i ru'ilul on lIlL' Iliglilunil Ixigpipc.


I Folk At The Waverley \Vuwi‘lc} l'pxluirx. SI \Iur} '\ Sum-I. Inloi'rnuiinn .557 I05”. £7 per \Il(l\‘.. All—unincn niglil ul lIllx \lll;lII-\L‘;lIL' \cnuc; Sluii'liciil (imxip. Spin. \IucAIiux III.3Ilpin.

I Dean Owens: I Don’t Like Mondays Blind I’m-i. Wm Nimen Slrccl. (m7 “370. Illpni llllkIIlIfJIlI. I'rcc. \Iclunchol} ilUlllSIIL‘ niglih prm idc u IL'\li\;iI :illliilnlc. I‘L‘Iill‘c lIlL' \inficr- wngu rilcr IlL';l(I\ all on [our


I Gaberlunzie Stirling I'HII\ ('Iuh. 'I-L'l‘l‘ucL'x IIHIL‘I. \IL‘I\ IIIL' Itrrucc. I) I 736 472263. Spin. £5 (£4). Both inmlci‘n and Irmlilinnul luncx. lel\ hcluccn- wng hunlcr in their iniiniluhlc \l} Ic l'rorn lhcxc IlII-I'Ullllkl cnlcrluincrx.