Films a e listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

ABC, Mulrend: Glasgow

33011111131011 1111.111. \111111-1111. 0141 (133 2123. 111111: 0141 (135' 21141. 1-2.Kfl1£2 111'11111: 511111 \11111 111 1. 5111111111: £2.20 1311111 111111 (’1111111’1),1\1’:£2.

lllUl1‘s‘U/«r '/ DrDollttie21l'111 12. 71111 9111

Jurassic Park "111111 11.15.1111. 2.1111. 4.15. (1.30. X45. Shrekil’i 11111111. 111111

15. 2.30. v »5


4. 31). (1.4.5.

HUD/113 11111118111er Cats And 0095111111 Dail): 12.15. 2.31). 4.45. Dr Dolittle21l’111

Dail}: 11111111. 2.15. 4.30. (1.45. 9.01). Jurassic Park Ill 1110

D1111}: 11.45am. 2.00. 4.15.

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

51111'111‘3111'1'1'1.1111‘11\.()l41 41911722125 11.31.

7,01). 911).

(1.31). 3.4.5.

litlDAY :1 1) 11111311111 9

1-‘111'111ix \11‘1‘11'x111‘11g1‘11111111c111111'\.1111'axc 11111111111111‘1‘1111‘1111111110141 41‘) 0722 1111‘


Glas - ow Film Theatre

12 1111\1‘511'1‘1'1.0141 332 8123. (31111711111: :\||111‘1'1111’11111111'1‘111111111111111:lDlllil. |i\1'iiiii;:x: t.'-1.751£3.251.\11111111'1‘xt £3.75 (£2.25).\Vc111111‘1111‘1'511111):£3.75 1121.251. 1)1111111c11111 £51£3.501. 1"1111111'1 111111111111111‘1‘x: £2.25.


1.1ntimacy1 131 2.1111. 11.15. 8.311. 2. The Princess And The Warrior 1 151 1.15.

Ginger Snaps 1 131 4.1111. 19.45.

The Killing Of A Chinese Bookie 1 1131


l HID/\Y 3131,11}

1.1ntimacy1lx1 1.15. 3.45. 8.31). Solas1151 11.15. 2.A1meeAndJaguaril51 1.311. 11.15. Bande a P31111111 4.1111. 11.1111.

8/11 U1 111/11’ 11 Al 11;.

1. Asterix Conquers America 11 '1 1.1111. Solas1l51 3.45.

Intimacy 1 181 11.15. 3.311. 2.AimeeAnd Jaguar1l51 1.311. 3.15. BandeaPart 111111 4.1111, 11.1111.

SUNDAY f1 1'11 111

1.Sola51l51 1.111, 3.45. lntlmacy1181 3.45. 11.15.

2. BandeaPart 11111 1.311. 9.1111. Aimee And Jaguar1l51 4.1111, (1.311.

M( )Nl )AY (‘1 .511 )1‘1

1.SolaS1l51 1.15. 11.15. Intimacy11.\’1 3.45. 19.311. 2.AimeeAnd Jaguar1151 1.311. 5.15. BandeaPart 11111 4.1111. 11.1111.

1.1ntimacy1lxi 1.15. Solas1151 11.15.

2. BandeaPait 11111 1.311. 11.1111. Aimee And Jaguar1l51 11111. 11,311.

3.45. .\'.30.

111121219181 1111/ 9 .1.) I1; 1.Sola51l51 1.15. 5.15. Intimacy11.\1 3.45. 11.15.

2.3111111111191111 1P01 1.30. 9.00. Aimee And Jaguar1151 4.00. 6.30.


1.1ntlmacy11111 2.1111. 11.15. 3.311. 2. BandeaPart 11111 1.311. (1.1111. AlmeeAnd Jaguar1151 3.311. 8.15.

Grosvenor: Glasgow

.r\\1111111 1.11111: 11111111'1111. 0141 339 4298. ('(' hooking: 0141 339 42911. £4 1£2 all 1111} M11111. Siudcntx: £2: 1'1340/1)ixal1lc11/Y11ung Scot: £3; (’111111 £2.50; ();\1’: £2.30. Seats 1‘1111111' booked in 1111\111111' 11111111 \ci‘ccningx. B1111 office 1111111 1111111 711111151111: 1 7111111.


DrDolitt1e21l’111 1.311. 3.45. (1.15. 11.311.

Jurassic Park 11111111 111511111. 4.115. (1.15. 11.311.

Shrelt1l‘1 111511111. 1.45.


Cats And Dogs 11’111

1)ai1_\': 11.1511111111111811111. 1.40. 3.50. (1.10. 8.1.5.

:\1\111atc1’1'i& Sat: 1015.

Dr Dolittle 2 11’( 11

D1111}: 3.50111111 511111. (1.00. 8.10. .-\l\111111c Sat: 10.15.

Hello Dolly 11')

111: 10.15.

{\ls11111atii1cc 81111: 2.01).

Late Night Shopping 1 151

Also 1111c 1511 1% Sat: 1101111132111. Shrek1l'1

Matinee Hi 1% Sat. M1111 11111: 1.50.

:\l\11 1111111111‘1‘ \1'cck1lays: 1 1.1511111. Thomas And The Magic Railroad 11’ 1 Malincc Sat: 1 1.0011111.

Imax Theatre: Glasgow

(ilaxgow Scicncc (’cnlrc. 50 Pacific Q1111}; 0141 420 5000. £5 (£3.50). 1)11111111' 11‘111111'1‘ lickctx £91£(1.50).


Dolphins 1l'1

|)ai1_\': 110011111. (1.00. Mysteries 01 Egypt 1l'1

1111111: 1.1111. 3.1111. 5.1111.

.-\1\11 1‘11 1% 811011111: 7.00. 9.00. Thrill Ride 11’(11

Daily: 11111111. 2.00. 4.00.

.r\|\11 1511 1% 5111,1110: 8.00.

Ddeon at the Duay: Glasgow

()111’111xl1‘)‘ 11111111 11111111in1‘ 11111‘1')’ R11111s111‘11's.0141 4180111. 111111111111 (’(' hooking:08705050007.|1)|.I1fI./\1ltlll £4.75. Student/l’1140/1‘111111un11cr 15/x1‘111111'citi/c11: £3.50. W11ch chair tl\cl‘\ 111111 L‘iil'L‘l'\Z £3.50. 131111111} tickci: £14. l’crl'x 1111111111 12 11111111 £3.


Animal Attraction 1 121 4.45. 7.1111. Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 2.31). 9.15. CatsAnd 009511111 1.31). 3.31). 5.311. 7,311. 9.311.

Dr DollttleZ1l’(i1 11.45am. 12.30. 2.01). 2.45. 4.15. 5.01). (1.31). 7.15. 8.45. 9.30.

Evolution1l’111 7.15. 9.311.

High Heels And Low Lites1l51 9.45. Jurassic Park 11111111 11111111. 12.45. 2.15. 3.1111. 4.311. 5.15. 11.45. 7.311. 9.1111. 9.45.

Lara Croft: Tomb Ralder1 121 1.45. 4.111). (1.15. 8.45.

Pearl Harbor1l51 3.15. 8.00. Pokemon 3:TheMovie11'1 1.15. Recess:School’s 0ut11'1 1.15. 3.15. 5.15.

Shrek11'1 11.45am. 12.30. 2.01). 2.45. 4.15. 5.01). 11.31). 7.15. 8.45. Swordfish1151 12.311. 2.45. «1 111.

5.00. 7.15.

FED/RY 3—THURSDAY 9 Blow1181

Late Fri & Sat: midnight. Bridget Jones’s Diary1151 D1111}: 7.30.

Cats And Dogs 11’151 D1111}: 12.15. 2.00. (1,311. 7.111). 8.45. .-\1\111atc 1'11 1% Sat; 11111111132111.

Dr Dollttie 2 mm

D1111}: 11.45am. 12.30. 2.00. 2.45. 4.15. 5.01). (1.30. 7.15. 8.45. :\1\11 1111c 1'11 & Sat: 11111111112111. Evolution 11’1‘11

l)ail_\: 12.45. 3.01). 5.15. High Heelst Low Lite51l51 Daily: 9.4.5.

Jurassic Park III 1 P111

D1111}: 11111111. 12.45. 2.15. 3.01). 4.31). 5.15. (1.45. 7.31). 9.00. 9.4.5.

;\1\111at1‘ 1511 1% Sat: midnight.

Lara Crolt: Tomb Ralder1l21

Daily: 2.45. 5.00. 7.15. 9.30.

A1x11 1111c 1'11 13: Sat: 11111111132111.

Pokemon 3: The Movie1l'1

Daily: 12.45.

Recess: School’s Dut 11'1

1)ai|_\: 1.01).

Rush Hour21l21

1)ail_\': 12.45. 2.15. 3.00. 4.31). 5.15. (1.45. 7.31). 9.111), 9.45.

.»\1\1111111‘l"1'i 1% Sat: 11.15. 11111111112111. Shrek1t'1

Daily: 114511111. 2.00. 4.15. (1.30. 13.45. Swordfish 1 151

111111}: 2.45. 5.1111. 7.15. 931).

Mm 11111' 111 13; Sat: 1111111032111.

Ddeon City Centre: Glasgow

5(1Rt‘11111‘l11Strcct.014l 332 3413. 1111311 111111 (‘(' 1111111111112: 0870 5051) 007. |1)| screens 5. (1. 71111118.:\111111: £4.50. Student/l'1140/1'111111 1111111'1‘ |5/\c111111' citi/cn: £3.50. Wheelchair uxcrs 111111 carcrx: £3.50. 1511111111111‘111‘1 £14. 111111211111 'l.llt‘\1lil'\'\ 11111111: £3.50. 1’1‘1‘1'111‘111r 111 12 11111111: £3.


Animal Attraction 1 121 (1.45. 9.111). Before Night Falls1l51 2.15. 5.45. 8.30.

Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 9.1111. CatsAndDogsn’Gi 1.15. 3.15. 5.15. 7.15.

DrDollttle21l’111 11111111. 2.15. 4.31). (1.45. 9.00.

£volutlon11’111 2.15. 4.311. 7.1111.

High Heels And Low Lites 1 151 9.15. Jurassic Park Ill11’(11 11111111. 2.31). 4.45. 7.1111. 9.15.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 1 121 1.45. 4.1111. (1.15. 8.45.

Recess: School’s 0ut11'1 12.45. 2.45. 4.45. Shrek1t'1 8.45. Swordfish1l51 1.45. 4.1111. (1.311. 9.1111.

12.30. 2.45. 4.45. (1.45.

wria1evay1m into, get into

1 ‘v’ /



"l’lf’it'1/ ’1’ 1..

Scotland’s number one guide to cinema

2—9 Aug 2001 THE LIST 15

listings Film

Possible Worlds Acclaimed theatre director Robert Lepage’s third film. a cerebral thriller (in which a brain literally goes missing) starring Tilda Swinton. See review. Fi/riihouse, Edinburgh.

Fiddler On The Root Re-issue of Norman Jewison‘s adaptation of Sholom Aleichem's play. starring Topol in the role he was born to play. See review. Fr'lmhouse, Edinburgh from Fri 3 Aug.

The Season Of Men Mesmerising film by the godmother of Arabic cinema. Moufida Tlatli, constructed round themes Of past and present. family and freedom. See review. Fi/riihouse. Edinburgh from Fri 3 Aug.

Shrek Subversive. hilarious CGI animated parody of fairytales. in particular those filmed by Walt Disney. Features the v01ces of Mike Myers. Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz. General release. Intimacy Patrice Chereau's adaptation of Hanif Kureishi's short stories courts controversy by (supposedly) being the most sexually explicit English language film ever. GET. Glasgow, Cameo, Edinburgh.

Aimée 81 Jaguar A lesbian romance set in war-time Berlin so jaw-droppingly implausible that it can only be true. GET, Glasgow; Filrnhouse, Edinburgh. Together Acclaimed Swedish director Lukas Moodyssori has a dig at the hippie ideal with this comic tale set in a 70s commune. Cameo, Edinburgh.