Art llSllflgS

Edinburgh Galleries continued

Graphic Design Department t'nnl Sat 3| .lttl tllnnkxltnpl :\ cnllcctinn til anginal hnnkx dcxrgncd and prnduccd h} Ihnd _\cat' qudcnIx lrnin lzdinhurgh ('nllcgc nl Art.

Northern Lights On pcrrnancnt \ lcxx. nncc night lallx. ix l’ctcr l’ink'x light Inxtallatinn lnr thc gallcr) Inxpircd h} thc atnnra hnrcalix. ('nniprixtng a ‘rnnl lin' trranglc nt light. light chthng nn thc caxt and \kcxl rnnl and lilt xlialt. Ihc cnlnurx tcgtllat‘l} changc. hrightcntng up thix dark cnrncr nl ladinhurgli‘x .\latkct Strcct.


lna Rachurn l’lacc. 3|5 3MB. .\lnn Sat lllaln 5.30pm.

Heavy Metal Thu 2 Aug Sat I5 St-p. l)cxigncr and uniquc icucllcr} l'rnin arnund Ihc glnhc. pltrx Inctal xculpturc lrnin 'l'hailand. India and finihalm c.


(iallcr_\ & Slinp. 77 l)undax Strcct. 550 415‘). .\lnn \Vcd & l-ri Sat ltlatn npni; 'l'liu Illain Stun.

Picture Of A Landscape t'nnl \Vctl 35 .lul. Sct up h} lidinhurgh ('nllcgc nl Art graduatc and landxcapc artixt Andrcu (inld. Ihix ncu gallcr} and xhnp planx In c\hihiI and ch| a rangc nl~ unrk including painting. xculpturc. ccrainicx and lcucllct‘}. 'l’hc inaugural cxhihitinn l'caturcx unrk h} \arinux artixtx including .lanct Adam. .lnan Brtmtt. Siinnn \Vliitc. lialixh \Vilxnn. l)nuglax l)a\ icx. 'l‘ccna Rainxa} and \atalic (icrard. Reflections Hi 37 .lul Thu 30 Aug. Rcccnt unrk h} Suc \Vhitc—(lakcx. .\lnira \laitland. Linda \VaI‘I'ick. lla/cl ('ainphcll. l.i/ McCarth} and Jatncx .\lacaula_\.


33a l)undax Strcct. 55o 3lh’l. .\lnn l'ri lllfitlani (rpm; Sat 10am 4pm. Namaste l'ntil Sat 3| .lul. A touring and xclling c\hihitinn l‘caturing \xatcrcnlnurx and printx nl~ Ihc landxcapcx and pcnplc nl~ Ncpal h} .\'cpalcxc and linglixh artixtx.


3‘) \Vttlt‘t'ltut l’lacc. 556 5760.

Chef! l'ntil 'l‘uc 3| Jul. l’aintingx and drau ingx h} 'l'hninax Aldridgc.


('alc lluh. (‘axtlchilL Rn)al .\lilc. 473 3(ltltl. 'l‘uc Sat 9.30am ltlpnt: Stui tk .\lnn 0.30am 6.30pm.

Howard Hodgkin t’ntil Sat 28 .lul. A xclccti\ c rctrnxpcctn c nl‘ cat'|_\ printx h} llnuard llndgkin.

Performance! l‘ri 37 Jul Sun I) Scp. A xcricx nl‘ phntngraphx nl' claxxical niuxicianx h) Ihc cclchratcd artx plintngraphcr ('li\ c Harda. 'l‘lic \xnrkx arc takcn l‘rnnt Barda'x hnnk l’t'r/nrmum't'.’ limit/um In l’lqugm/r/n and l'cattirc .\lll\lll\tl l'cltttltt. Stc\cn lxxct'ltx and .lacquclinc dc l’rc.

90 THE LIST '9' Ila—Q Aag


6 (iat'ltntt 'l'ct‘t‘acc. 55h 44-1 I Want 5pm.

Sean Scully \Vcd l Aug Sat 15 Scp I.\lnn Sat lllani 5pm». l)uhhn-hnrn ahxtract artixt Scan Scull} currcntl} unrkx hctnccn xtudinx in .\'c\\ ank. liarcclnna and l.nndnn. llix Iainiltar parntrngx lll \xlnch altcrnatc. hnri/nntal and \crIIcal xtripcx nt' nil paint cn\cr panclx In Inrin nnc xinglc painting ha\ c hccn c\luhitcd Ill 111an nl thc Inalnr Inuxcunix llt Ihc \xnrld. ln hix lirxt c\hrhitinn in Scntland. Scull} \xill hc xhnuing a xtnall grnup nl paintrngx and rcccnt \mI'kx nn papcr. NE 5‘ K33. Howard Hodgkin l'ntIl SaI 3| .lul. llnuard llndgkIn ix nnc nl Ihc l'lx'x Inan cclchratcd paintcrx. chnxxncd lnr lux l‘lL‘ltl} L‘Hltltll't‘tl pallllttlgx tlll \ktltltl llndgkin. uhn dcxcrihcx hinixcll ax a paintcr nl' l'cclingx raIlIcr than idcax. ix alxn a giltcd printinakcr. lnr Ihc c\liihitinn at Ihc lnglch} (iallcr). llndgkin xlIth tcn xtnall lnrinat printx “Inch cnnihinc ctchtng \\ iIh carlmrundtun and a linal hand cnlnuring tn prnducc thcir richl} tc\ttn'cd xttt'lacc. lASl (Jl IANCE


Craig Murray-Orr l'ntil Sat 2| .lul. .\'c\\ xculpturc h) .\'c\\ /.caland hnrn ('raig .\lurra_\ -()rr. Sincc hix laxt xlttm at thc gallcr} lll l‘NIS'. lic hax cnntinucd tn c\plnrc gun culturc. can ing l‘rnin hardunndx ril'lcx and xntall arnix. lASl CHANCE lOSll:

“L‘tl Sat


30 St Stcphcn Strcct. 330 544‘). .\lnn l‘ri ‘lani (\plll.

2470/360° l'ntil Hi 31) Jul. A xcricx nt~ plintngraphx h) ScntI .\litclicl| takcn nn a rnad trip acrnxx Aincrica \\ hich cnwrcd 3—170 inich in lull circlc. 'l'rawlling thrnugh ('alilnrnia. .\'c\ada and Ari/nna. Mitchcll plintngraphcd Ihc ‘t‘\c‘t'}tlti}' l'rnin a cnkc inachinc In a dincr Iahlc.

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l3 Randnlph (‘chcan 335 SAN».

.\lnn l’ri 0.30am (1.3(ll‘ln;Sat

9.30am lfitlpin.

Niveaux 0: Marcel Dinahet t’nul Sun 3‘) Jul. l'rcnch artixt Marccl l)1nahct cnnIinucx hix imcxtigatinn nl' Ihc Atlantic ('naxt with a xcricx nl' liltn and phntngraphic \xnrkx.


()(l (‘unihcrlaiul Strcct. 553 0873. .\lnn l'ri ltlain (rpm; Sat lllani 4pm.

Pop Art l'ntil Sat 4 Aug. An c\liihitinn nl' 3(lth ccntur} Inndcrn niaxtcr printmaking lcaturing xnnic nl Ihc ninxt inllucntial naincx including \Varhnl. ltitixchcnhcrg. Rncrx. Blakc. l.ichcnxtcin. llncknc} and Kilaj. NFV.’ cSl l()\.'.".


llrndic'x ('al'c. (icnrgc Strcct. 335 4-105. Breaking Boundaries t'nul Sat 2! .lul. .-\n c\hihitinn nl' paintingx tn cclchratc Ihc ltlth animcrxar} nl' l.'Archc in lidinhurgh.

JOSEPH BONNAR JEWELLERS a: llttxllc SII'L‘L‘l. :3“ Zhl l. \lth Sat lll5lldllt 5pm

Capriccio \ltm :ntul Sat I Scp. .\ xclling c\hilutrnn nt Ictnpcra paintrngx h} ladinhurgh hnrn artlxt Alhcrt (‘urnnnngx


(ls lltc‘ Sllttl't'. A 'l'llt' l'l'l

11am 5pm; Sat llain Jinn.

Annual Marine Exhibition 2001 l'ttttl Sat 33 Jul. Scaxcapcx. xtlll lilc and liguram c paIntIngx Inxpircd h} Ihc xca h} gallcr} artixtx Including l.nuix .\lc.\'a|l_\. (icnrgc litrrcll. (icnrgic Ynung and MM} Ratchclnr


licllttt'tl Rnatl. M34 (r300 Ircctirtlctl inlnrniatinn 333 230m. .\lnn Sat lllatn 5pm; Sun nnnn 5pm. (nae. Lee Miller l'nIII Stin ‘) Scp. [-1 t£3.5lll .lnint adnnxxinn \\llll Rnland l’cnrnxc c\hihitinn at Ihc l)can ( iallcr}. 'l‘lic largcxt and Inan cninprchcnxn c c\hihitinn tn datc nl Ihc \xnrk nl Ihc .\'c\\ ank hnrn plintngraphcr .\lillcr t I‘)()7 77h. .\lillcr. a lnrnicr Imp tnndcl. \xax Inarricd tn Rnland l’cnrnxc. Ihc xtihjcct III a inajnr c\hihilinn at thc l)can (iallcr). Snapping pcnplc. placcx. laxhinn and \\ar. tlic c\hrhitinn lcaturcx pnrtraitx nt l’icaxxn. .\lan Ra}. liilccn Agar. llnrxt and Incinnrahilia ll'tllll hcr IiInc ax a war cnrrcxpnndcnt. Scc llitlixt. Blood Of A Poet Mon 33 Jul. l3..l5ptn. A xcrccning nl' .lcan (‘nctcau'x l‘).‘~l liltn xtarrtng Ihc Anicrican phntngraphcr .\lillcr. The Roland Penrose Archive .‘\lni13().ltil. I345an Ann Siinpxnn gi\ cx a talk nn tlic iinprcxxn c Rnland l’L‘lll'ch tlt‘L‘ltlH‘.

Circle Of Friends: Leslie And Sadie Martin And British Modernism From The 19305 l'nIil Sun 33 ()ct. 'l'lic .\lai'tinx cn— cditcd Ihc xcininal puhlicatinn ('I'rr/I': Iltlt'rlmlinnul Surwt ()/ ('u/lertu'lii‘t' Art. \xhich lcd In liliclnng l'ricndxhipx \\ iIh lcading artixtx. 'l'hix xniall dixpla) l'caturcx unrkx h} (iahn. llcpunrth and \\'allix. than n l‘rnrn Ihcir cnllcclinn. alnng \\ ith \\t)l'l\x lrnin Ihc pcrinancnt L‘ttllCL‘llHtt.


'l‘hc .\Itllllltl. (i3—l ()3llll tt'L‘Ctil'tlctl inl'nrniatinn 333 3360). MINI Sat ltlani 5pm; Sun nnnn 5pm. ORembrandt’s Women t’ntil Sun 3 Scp. L'n (£3.50). 'l‘hc lier c\cr c\aininatinn nl' Rcinhrandt’x pnrtra}al nl‘ \xnmcn in hix art. lcaturing inajnr paintingx. drau ingx and ctchingx dra“ n l'rntn all n\cr litirnpc and Aincrica. Rcmhrandt \\ax Ihc grcatcxI artixt nl' Ihc l)utch xchnnl \xhnxc paintingx arc charactcrixcd h} ltt\uriant hruxlmnrk. rich cnlnur and a inaxtcr nl'

chlarnxcurn llnuxcd at l drnhtngli‘x \attnnal l’nrttait (iallcr). cutatcd h) .luha l lnyl \\ tllrantx. Ihc c\hIhIIInn “1” mm cl In I nndnn'x lx’n)al \cadcrm nI .\Itx. .\ninng Ihc parntrngx Includcd lll thc c\lnhitinn. thc (ictt_\ \lnxcuni Ix lcndtng thc liIxtdIa\\1ng c\ ct l‘tllcltaxctl \Hu’t llumttl.’ llll/t \Mtukt and [In ’u/Htul ()7 \ Human \ctu’ fr: xnld latc laxt _\L‘ar lnr a Iccnttl Lil" S nullinn hax alxn hccn ntlctcd tn Ihc c\hrhitinn. ('harlcx \lattnn'x lilni

/\’t m/vmnt/t accnnipanicx Ihc c\hihitrnn and \\lll hc xctccncd at Ihc l unnctc cIncnIa Ixcc l'lllll lrxllngxl Scc llItlixI


(icnt‘gc l\' lirrdgc. 33h ~15 \l \lnn Sat Illain 5pm. Sun 3 5pm

The Write Stuff l‘nul \\'t-tl It (it-I Scnltixli \\ rItctx ax xccn thtnugh Ihc lcnx nl ladlnhurgh plintngraphcr (inidnn \Vrlght. tcatturng llugh \laclltaiinnl. \nrnian \lact'aig. Ian Rankin and .| K lx’nulrng.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY (‘Illk'k'll Sltt‘t'l. (Ill “3”” ttcctiltlt'tl InlnIinattnn H3 33th. .\lnn Sat

lllarn 5pm. Sun nnnn 5pm (alc. l'rcc King Over The Water l'nttl Sun it) Scp. U 1‘43 I. An c\lnhltinn chatting Ihc lil'c nl l’rtncc .laIncx l'Ianch l'.tl\\.tl'tl Stcuart t lnxx Font. ktltmtt In lannr} ax Ihc ()ld l’rctcndcr Includcd In Ihc depla} arc Iarc|_\ xccn icnnx nl Ihc .lacnhtlc cauxc. a lIlc xI/c I‘ccnnxtructlnn nl ('anma'x niagnrliccnt Inrnh In Ihc c\tlcd Slcuaitx and an nnpnrtant nc\\ acqurxitinn .vl \lt'lt ()I I'ln' /’u/u.‘;u .UIHI. thc lSth ccntur} painting nl lllc l’rincc'x .lacnhrtc l’alacc lll Rninc attrthutcd tn ( iuixcppc \alci'iani. Return To Life: A New Look at The Portrait Bust l'ntil Sun H (M. 'l'lux c\hihittnn challcngcx Ihc L‘tllllt'lllllttl'ttl‘) \ Icucr In lnnk again at pnrtrait htixtx and cngagc in a lacc In lacc dialnguc \\ till a rcinarkahl} xkillul and in\ cnti\ c art. 'l‘hc unrk nl \xcll knnun xculptnrx Sir .lacnh Isztcrn. llcnrt (iatidicr—lh‘lcxka and Sir l‘ranctx ( 'hantrc} arc lcaturcd in thc xhnv. ax \xcll ax lcxx lainiliar practitinncrx Includrng Salnucl .ltixcplt atttl Katltlccn Scull.

James Hutton by Sir Henry Raeburn \Vcd l Aug. 13:15pm. Artixt. lcctut‘cr and \\ l'llL‘l' .lllll llarnld talkx ahnut Sir llcnr} Rachurn'x pnrtrait.

The Henderson Trust’s Collection \Vcd 35 Jul. |3.-15pin. l’rnlcxxnr .\l.ll. Kaulinan lrnin Ihc l'ni\crxit} nl lzdinhurgh decuxxcx Ihc llcndcrxnn 'l‘ruxt'x cnllccttnn nl' itcinx rclating In pltl'cttnlng}.

NEW-CONTEMPORARY-ART.COM ()n-linc gallcr}. \\ u \\.IIc\\ cnntcinpnrar) art.cnIn

Miniatures One 'lhc npcntng c\hihitinn lnr Ilux ncu till'llllt' gallcr} \kltlclt xhtmcaxcx Ihc \knt‘k nl tip-and cnnnng arIIxIx Irnin (ilaxgnu and lcdinhurgh \\ tlll all unrkx a\ailahlc In hu}.



The Warrior A Dog’s Day

Chop Suey

The Deep End

My Brother Tom The Man Who Wasn’t There

CREDIT CARD HOTLlNE 0131 623 8030

lillllllEllllS PIBTIIIIES





12-26 AllflllSTE'l"§’l‘l'2‘f-n“§2§3