NE NiGHT CONSUME 13th Note Club, weekly Fridays.
Glasgow's gig-goers and nightclubbers have always had an appetite for the further reaches of music, from post-rock to wigged- out noise, but nights dedicated to such oddball genres have, in recent times, been few and far between. Consume is all set to challenge the status quo, however, with a series of events celebrating the weird and wonderful world of avant-garde electronica.
Its latest presentation celebrates Fat Cat, the label that released early efforts by the likes of Autechre and To Rococco Rot and continues to push at the boundaries of experimental music. Representing the imprint are Duplo Remote, who occupy territory somewhere between the Aphex Twin and vintage computer game soundtracks, and Antenna Farm, aka Dave Howell and Alastair Leslie.
Needless to say, Antenna Farm
aren’t your average guitar band. ‘We started DJing in a very erratic, heavily
No poultry efforts at Antenna Farm
chopped-up way,‘ Howell says. ‘Just scratching and mashing up bits of our favourite records and 005, then started bringing in guitars, contact mics and mini-discs until the point when the use of other people’s records almost totally disappeared. We chop, compress, stretch, and squeeze the sound in the hope that something
unexpected comes out of it.’
For those used to pop and rock, the Antenna Farm sound might seem far from music in the conventional sense, but Howell sees the group’s output as a musical response to the environment. ‘Having a pretty open definition of what “music” is or could be, we do see it as “music”,’ he says, ‘but we work in an area where musical arrangements and instruments can morph into the use of pure field recordings and then into synthetically- produced blocks of sound. We use whatever we feel appropriate to indicate volumes, activity and space within architectural sprawl; the music exists within this environment.’
This environmentally-inspired approach means that each Antenna Farm performance is unique. ‘Every set is totally different - we never play to plan, it’s always improvised,’ says Howell. ‘Sometimes we fall flat on our faces, but it‘s important to keep taking risks.’ (Jack Mottram)
its entirety while enjoying some top- rroteh tunex. thatth to the l.iy ing Room‘x double bill. The afternoon drill is taken care ol' by (i-Man. yy ith his beats and hip hop. Front 9pm. thingy get a bit liyelier thanks to underground httthe from Simon and Derek.
I Harri at (it‘otteho St Judes.
()pm- midnight. Free. 2‘) Jul. Fortnightly. The Strb (‘lub stalyy'art ht'illgx hix high calibre house to the most \l_\ liin ol' (ilasgoyy '5 style bars.
I Hi-T at 'I‘ehai-Oy'rta. ~17 ltlpm. Free. Weekly. :\ Strn relaxation sexxttilt aimed squarely at those alter a spot ol‘ detoxilieation. sinee the yenue is a non- smoking tea shop that looks. eonyerxely'.
like art opium den. The tunes. eourtesy ol‘
a huge number ol‘ loeal l)J.x. are drayy n from any genre under the \un. as long as they're laid-back. Drink obscure teas. play chess. giye your body a rest.
I Man With No Suitcase at The (iril'liny‘. .\'e\t date 5 Aug.
I Moloco at .\loloeo. Spmr midnight. Free. Weekly. Martin St. John \pllt\ stompin‘ Northern soul. t'tttttx. roek and reggae.
I Nick Peacock at The Variety Bar. Spin—midnight. Free. Weekly. Loeal hero
Niek Peaeoek seleetx the i‘e\l th/l gt'ttoy'ex,
yy ith the oeeasional foray into httthe.
I Nico’s at Nieo's. 0pm midnight. Free. Weekly. Billy Milligan. the [an Melliy of dance musie. supplies a yy ide- ranging eheeseboard.
I Paul Cawley at (irotteho St Jude\. 9pm—rriidnight. Free. 22 Jul. Fortnightly. The Fenetik t'elloyy yy ith \ome beats. breaks and hip hop.
I 3&8 at Bar it). 7pm~midnight. Free. Weekly. Relax with R& B eutx and take ady'antage ol‘ the generous drinks pr‘ottim at this city" centre sty le bar.
I Scratch ‘n’ Sniff at .\te(‘huill\. 9pm midnight. Free. .\'eyy pre-elub Venture. l'eaturing Danny Barbour playing house. garage and y\ hatey er elxe he laneies.
I Seriously Sole Sunday at ('artdy Bar. 3pm midnight. Free. 2‘) Jul only. These day \. you ean praetieally eateh a dose ol Sole eyery night ol' the \yeek. The pre-elub y'entur'e sees Stey ie Middleton. (iettlT Mottllitt‘d. (‘ht'ix Hat't‘t\ and .\'iek Peaeoek (tbel take it in ltlt‘tt\ on the turntables. yyhile the Raymond Harris Ja/I Trio do their Iiy e thing.
I The Sunday Social at The
Arehes. Next date 2 Sep.
I Bennet’s at Benttet'y.
l l.3()pm 3am. £3. \Veekly. Tom play \ tunes loy‘ed by tyyelye-year‘-o|d girls. plux some bangin' handbag. to equally appreeiatiy'e gay men. Funny old yyot‘ld. I Bite at The ('athouse. ll)..‘~()pm 3am. Free before I l..‘~()pm; £2 i£ l .Slh alter. Weekly. .-\ milder mi\ ot‘ indie and roek than you‘ll lind at the eity \ premier roek y'enue on Fri or Sat.
I Bump ‘N’ Grind at The \elyet Rooms. l lpm 7 Ram. £4 (£2 l. \Vind doyy ii the \yeekend \yith l).\l(‘r\ mix of Rtkli and street \(tttl.
I Chittlin’ Hoedown at The l.‘~ih Note ('al'e. l lpm— 2am. £ 1. .-\ neyy night deyoted to pretty mueh yy ltatey er the l).l\ please. irieluding dub. hip hop and eleetro yy ith added \plaxhex ol~ indie \lttlli.
I Club Tropicana at The (image t.-\ttiet. llpnt~3arn. £3 (£2). \Veekly. Indie. both elaxxie and eonterriporar'y.
yy ith a healthy dose ot~ Britpop.
I Dream at Strayy berry Fields. lt)..‘~()pm— 3am. £l5. Weekly. l-‘il'teen
nieker might \eerrr a bit steep lot" a rrrglrt doyyri Str'ayy berry l'iieldx. birt rri addition to banging houxe antherrrx and \auey darieing girls. the bar ix totally and utterly l'r'ee. .\lueh like a \torriaeh pump on the .\'llS.
I Liquid Cool at Habit/a. ‘lprir iarrr. £5. Weekly. .'\..i.. Kl‘h Keegarr and Ian Thompson play irrg top-noteh \oeal garage and houxe to a eluh paeked yr. rth lry per-hedonixtie tyyenty \orrrethrrrg
r‘ey ellerx. all (it about \eerrr to my e l'or'gottetr that they hay e \yot'k til the morning. llquality ltllle\ and glarrior'om antiex are your bag. Surrx at Baha/a are unrrtixxable.
I Optimo at ('ube (in axxoeiatrorr yy rtli the Sub ('lubi. llprrr 3am. Ur r £5 i; £2 (£8) on guext nights. Weekly. lady .\lr\\
Roland arid lyy rteh .\ \\ rlkex play rrruxre. rzrehrdirrg gut l‘trxturg teehrro. eotttttry .\ \ye\te:rr. purrk arid parrrtu'tly eool eleetro pop. plux arrythrrig elve \urted to the darreetloo: from the paxt to year\ \trr\ e l‘etore llprrr. or taee a long queue (‘heek \‘.‘.y‘.\ optrrrro eo uk lot delath ol hoyy to tour the l ady \lr\\ Roland tart
. iuh. arid we I ll hxtrrrgx tor delalh it the (lptrrrro hoat party
I Pure Funk at ('hrh Hudda
llprrr ‘arrr 1* I11» \\eekly (i1a\goy\ reattttrarrrted :txe‘rl yyrth rtx long held loye ol the turrk thrx year. \\ ith a hraee ol rrrehtx deyoted to the genre. rrteludrrrg thr\ orre tn the hrrou\ erry rrori\ ot litrdda I Sin at ita\h llprrr iarrr £5 (Ur \\eekly Home. garage .rrrd \tuderrt elaxxrtx trorrr lrrrr Ha Hot. \yrtlt drrrrk\ tor Lil all mg I
I Soulsa at \ault llprrr iarrr. £5 (Ht ll lurt \\eekly llre rreyy eluh oll Queen Street latrrrthex a \trrr rrrghter deyoted to quality dr\eo. proper garage and houxe yyrth re\rderrt\ \rrdy l tiger and Shae 1) lo eelebrate the laurreh. Itorrierire ol Suheulture larrre torrrx iii the ltrrr.
I Sunday Worship at ('hrh Ihrtltla llprrr iarrr LR it :i \\eek|y \hehael krlkre and Sutton I oy do their uphltrrrg hou\e th;rr;'
I The Sunday Sessions at .\t.r\ llprrr ;.tlll £5. \lareello |)ell.r ( 'roee and opt .t\litlt.ti gtrexlx \\ rtlr progreme e Irouxe at trorr to \y rrrd doyyri the \yeekerid. or \lall the \yeek. aeeoidrrrg' to prelerettee
I Transistor .rl llte Poll» I otrrige llprrr iarrr £tltt \‘yeekly Real pop lor' real people yyrth I).l\ \rall \le.\lurray .urd \\ayrre |)r\orr
Chart 8. Party
I Atmosphere .rt Hexlrrry.
lllprrr iarrr L i helore l lprri; £1 alter. \\eekly, l'ull on party aetrorr aeeorttparrred by gerreroux drrrrkx [tl(tltttt\.
I Disco .rt l‘ury \Iurry\ llprrr iarrr. £1 it; it \\eekly ('heexe laxltt' drxeo ltrrr tor \lttdelll\. \ytth [hue and Phil \[tlllllllljJ
the dl\e\.
Glasgow Mondays
Pret: uh
I It’s Lonely Being Cool at The lryrrrg Rtuitll. ‘Iprri rrirdrrrght. l‘t'ee. \\eekly \our hoxt 'learriy and partners rrr er'rrrre ('ar‘digari Stroyy \ilttt'\ arid ( )rre \\ay | err play \orrre \yhaley er lliey
darrrrr yr. ell pleaxe to help you t‘eeoyer' hour the \‘.t‘t'i\t‘liti.
I Loose at 'l he \arrety Bar
‘lprrr rrrrdrrrght. I'ree. \\eek|y. ;\ll. eouritry. elavre "(ix r'oek and blue\ lr'orrr i’atrl Shieldx.
I Playstation League at Bar .lt-tlr. ‘lprrr rrrrdrrrght. lree, \Veekly. l‘or krdx \or’e ol thurrrh arid pallrd ol eorrrpleyrori. .\ ea\e ol lager rx up tor grahx lor the top gun garrrer. axxrrrrrrrrg you eari drag yourxelyex ayyay hour the “\tatrori at horrre.
jni IAN wnrurrr -
playing the [3'8318iillhi83iiflflil you're ever likely to hear!
sninning a floorsnalring mix 0i [teen illllil 8. dancefloor i311.
+ AIIUI‘BW " "7