Music rock 63 pop listings

Glasgow, 28

I Mistreated 8.1111qu [)1 111K. Nilhxdzilc R11zi1l.~l35illll7, 35011111. l'1'1'1‘. I Live Wire, Kevin McDermott, The Cosmic Rough Riders, Annie Christian, Psychonaughts 111111 Zuba Spill 300]. (1111111) $1111.11'1‘.l’.11\l1-_\. l'111'111l11. cull BB‘) 3311(1. \111111 511111. l'1‘1'1‘. l.1\1' Wire are 1111 .v\('/l)(' li'il1ul1' l111111l. 'l‘l11'} 1111- joined l1} 1'1111l\_\ \11113111‘111-1‘ Km 111 .\l1‘l)1'1‘11111ll. 111113;!) ()ll\*lllllllL'llCL‘kl p11pxl1‘1‘x ('11s11111‘ Rough |<i1l1'1\. d.11'l1 111di1'1'111'l11'1\:\111111'('l11‘1\11;1n.111d 111.1xl1‘1‘ l11'11l l1I1-11d1-1'x l’\}1'l11111.1113_1l1l\. .8111 Hi 37 l111‘ thu.


I Courtney Pine (‘1111-1111‘x H.111. (‘l1'1'l1 Sli'1'1‘l. (1(115 3lll‘).h.,ill111n.

Ll3.5l) Ll7.5lllL(11. Hip hop 3:1‘1111\1'\ 1'1‘1'11l1'11 backdrop l111‘ l’i111'\ \;1\1111l111111' \l\lll\ 1111 his 111'“ :1Il1uni /1’111/1 In '//11‘ /)111.\1l1i1‘l1l11'xl111u1'11x1‘x \\ ilh lnx 111‘“ band. PM! oi '/'/11' Hun/1 ()75'1111/11/11/ lid/ulnu'u/i .l11;';' 11111/l1’l111'1 /'('\II\'1l/.

I Zaks, The Bottlenecks,

and Draw lllL‘ \lL'CI'L‘lll. 33 \chl .\l;1ill;1nd Sli'1'1'l. 335 WM. Tillpin. L3. \211‘i1111xi11di1'1'111‘l1111'lx \\ill1;1l1il11l' \lzidium \l)l1'1'111'l1 l'1‘11n1'l‘l11‘ H11lll1‘ll1‘1‘l1\.


I Unkind .1111lSawn Off 'l'l11‘ |51l1 N11I1' ('11l1'. K1113; 811111.555 H133. 8.3011111. L3.

I Lucid 11l11'1 .\'i1‘1-'11'Sl1‘;1/_\. 811111'l1i1‘l111ll Sli'1‘1‘l. 333 ()(137. 911111.

I Kudu .\l1‘('l1uillx. High 811111. 553

3 l 55. lllpm. l'il'L'L'.

I Jam Session 81111111111111: H}1‘1‘\ Road. HI (151043011111. l51'1‘1‘. l'1‘111111‘i113: 111uxi1'i1111xl‘1'111111111111} 11l'1l11' l1l111‘x l111111l\ “I111 [1111} 1‘1‘g11l111‘l} .11 Sludi11()111'.

I The Cobramatics 111g \1 5l111'l\\‘-'1'll \ll1‘1'l 3;: "‘\l 1[‘111 l l‘111’li1iylill} 11'\11l1'111)

I The Radiotones, John Coletta, Tartan Amoebas The Amphetameanies \11211 .‘11111. .l11l111\l11111' ( i.1xll1' l111 111111.143 \‘W 331M. \111111 511111 l11‘1' l’1-1Ii‘. .111111\7:. l1l111-xl1111'll11‘l<.11li11111n1\l1.-.;1l.1in?! \1l111'l1.1lx1111111\1\l\11l11111111 i11xl1‘111n1'111.1lixl .l11l111('11l1‘11.:. 1‘1‘1l11ll1 1'11111l111 l.11'l.1n \111111‘l1.1\ .1111} lb.- 111.1n_\ ~l1‘l!l.11‘l1‘1l \l..1 1‘11ll1'. 111.1- IP11- .'\11111l11'l;11n1‘.11111'\

I Live Music (11.112111111411111. l’.ll\l1‘} l<11.11l l11ll. l“) 51"“ IL31111‘111l11'1x1.

' 4"11111 L


I Jools Holland And His Rhythm And Blues Orchestra R11“ H.111d\l.1111l. l’11111‘1‘x \111'1'1 (i.111l1‘11x. -l(t.~ Slllll.1\.,:ll|‘lll if; l111'l\.1ll\l l1l\l‘;lll1l|‘l.l} 1'l.l\\l1' l‘1111j.3l1' \‘.111‘j.'l1‘ .1111l 1'111'l1 ‘11'1‘11lll11111'x. l’.11111! [/11 [1211.11 (/1 S1111/111111[31/111/111/11/1.ln. /('\/llrlll,

Monday 30 ,


GNicole Willis l'li.- l<111\‘1111-1'111l1. (‘l}1l1' 811111. 3-1; 3|5'" 511111. L5 \\1lh\ ix ll11‘ .\1n1‘1'i1';111 \1 dc 11l l-111111\l1l.1‘). l111111'1l\11/111'1l.l1n11 I1‘11111. \1.l111'l1 .1l11'.11l_\ 111.1l11‘\ l11'1’ 11111-11‘xl111;: l1_\ .1\\1111.1111111 l'l1lil11'l11x1l1'1111'nl1‘1l\11.11‘1‘11111l1.\\illi\ \li1‘l1\ l111'111111'11111111'.11} l\’1\‘H 1111 l11'1 \1111/ .l/11/11'111'1'I' .1ll111111. 81*1'1111'111'11

I Ben 81 Jason l‘1‘l1111 ( )\ 11.1. ( ll;1;.'11 l.;1111'. :57153-1. \11111 Lll11'. l|11'|1.111’ l11111' ll11'11 "l1'11 8111115 \l111ul \1111‘ .1ll111111 i11111li11111l1‘\111'11111111l111;'\.

I Brian James Gang 1111- 1 I111 \1111' (X1l1‘. King: 8111'1'1. 55i l(1i.\. B..ill11111. L5.\'1-\. 11k H1'1;111.I.11111'\.1-\ 11l ll11'l);1111111'd.()111*l111 ll11‘ ( ).\l’\ 1111!

117311 If.“ \


' i One of the UK’s finest

" . Blues and Boogie Pianists 3‘ In residence @ Paisley Arts Centre, ... Thursday 2 August

One-to-one half-hour

. masterclasses £10 Bring-a-buddy £15 Very limited places

Left-hand boogie figures ° right-hand iazz chords ° breaks ° Blues turnarounds ° endings ° improvisation ' composition


Paisley Arts Centre 7:30pm Tickets £8 81 £4

Booking and reservations

0141 887 1001


arts centre


' Artsifi

\111‘11'111 l 1x111.1l

58 THE LIST '31 .‘ .3


.ig.‘ 1111'11». .:\.l1~11.11l1.::: R11“ ‘.1.11;1l1l l1.1\1' I The Cobramatics \11111111111112 l-lj.11'\l\’11...l. 411115111 "11111 l11'1'

I Acoustic Jam \111-‘11'\l.-.1/\. \.1111111.~?1.1li \111'1'1. 1“ "(113 ll11x'1'1i‘11(11‘111 I11111\ \1.1ll1111‘1'i11111/1'

"11111 111: 111111111111‘1\

l’Il!"ll.1"1'1" I Fetch \\ l ('l111\111‘\. .33 ll \\1'\l l’1111..‘.‘l 1'1"" " l“11111 l11'1* \111;rl1l11l 11111111i..: 11111.111‘.1*1\ 1111111 l 3 l11 |1.1\1\ 11111111111\15121'.‘1111‘1.' 111111l1'1ll1_\ \l1l11'


Tuesday 31


I Animation I111- l K111 \1111-(‘.111-. l\111}.‘ \111‘1‘1. 55‘ lb“ \ illpin L3

I Mercury Tilt Switch, The Stick Findlays .1111! Odeon Beat Club (1|1111 H11\.('11111'1\.H111NR11.11I. iW115] l \ l“[1111 l11‘1' l)11111l1'1' l1.1111l \l1'11‘111j. llll \\\1l1’l1 \11'11‘11111-11l ll11'11'11 .11l\ \1‘l1‘1'l1'1l 111l|11' l Hi1'.1l1 1‘11111111‘11111111 1111 .1\l11l .11 l l11|l11'l’.11l1


I Eskimo .1111l Diaz ll11' \1‘11111‘.

l” .‘l ('.1i11111l\’11.11l.55" ill": 511111. Lil. l.1l111l1'111:'l11111l11'1111‘l11 l1\1~ 1111‘1'1'l'xl111n11 .1111l 1111\1. 1'1 1111\l1'1x l)1.1/

Wednesday 1

G 11131111131

I Acoustic Open Stage 'I I11- ll.1I1 H.11.\\11111ll.1111l\R1111d.5(1-l I5331‘l11111. l'11'1‘ ll11\l1‘1l l1} l’;11l1l}'\(i11l\,


I Hue And Cry 1 .1H1‘ll1' \1131'l1'. ll.1\l11‘\(‘l11\1'.335 "5 W1. M1111 Ll l.5ll. S1111ll11l111111.|.1//.g11‘;1l1111'l11d11~\.1111l 111l1.111;:11111\1'\ l111111 l’.11.111d(i1'1'j_' K11111'. I Colin Graham ll11-ll111111111lt1- I11. \\1'\l(.1'11\\1'.ill\1‘\\;1}.(1(1: NAM), ‘lh‘dlpm l‘l'1‘1‘. l.!\1‘ \11l11;l1'11ll\ll1‘\1‘l.

I Flipside Women \\'|11\l|1' H111l111‘\. S11111l1H1'i1I‘L'1'.553 5ll»1.1\11111. L5fll11‘ l'l1]1\11l1‘ 11111x11‘ l1'\11\;1l |.111111'l11*\ \11ll1 .1 \1111111‘111111l_\ nighl l1‘.1l111’111;_' R1'1llz)1' Slj1lnx. \\llll \111111111'1 l1'111n 'l'111l11 11nd l.;1111‘11‘l’;11’l11'1

Thursday 2


I Belasco, Namuan 111111 Cartel K111}: l111\\\’;1|1\\';1l1llul.Sl\‘i111‘1'nl 81111-1. 33| 53“).1\.3lli1111.L-lplnx l11111l>1111f_'l1'1'.

I MO, l11‘ l5[ll \11l1‘ ('l11|1.(‘l_\d1' 8111-11. 3‘1.i 3i“. 811111. L5. l:111'1'f_'1\1'd111111l11n1l11111'll11‘1'11x1111l 111ll111‘111'1'dl1;111d \1l1111l1‘x1‘1'il11‘ ll11‘n1x1‘l\1'\ ;1\ ‘111‘\\ \\;1\1' \11ul'11111l \1l111x1' 111-u \1113_'|1'1\.11'11\1'1'11l .\l.1\\1\1‘ .\ll;11‘l11\ ‘S.1l1'l'1'11111ll.11'111‘.

I Frog Pocket, Random Number .11111 Julian Ottavi ’I‘l111 l.ill1_\'11l1'(‘;1l1'. K1113: 811111. 553 1113s 3. “111111. L-i,

I Whole Lotta Led 111111 Mama Rag 811.1“ l11'11‘_\ l‘11'lds. ()\\\;1l1l Sh'ccl. 33] “NW. $11111. L(1.5ll.'l'1'1l11111'l11ll11' 1111;:l1l) [1'11111‘li11

I The Operators .\l1-( 'l1111ll\ \\’.1_\ ()111\\1'\l. K1-l\111l1.111§_'l1Sli'1'1'l.5'(15lll3. ‘l..5ll[‘lll. l'1‘1‘1‘. l'111'111igl1ll} 1‘1'x11l1'111‘}.

I El Shafto Slud111()111*. H_\1‘1'\R11.1d. i-ll (15ll1 “11111. l'1’1'1‘. ('11\1~1\

I Vagabonds 'II111S1'111111 81111111111 8111-11. 553 5(11\l.1\.5ll[‘lll. l'1‘1'1‘,l’111111l.11'

I Jam Session 8.1111111-1 l)1111‘1, \llll\1l.1l1‘ l\)11;:1l.-13:lllll—. -\.5ll[tlll. l'l'1'1‘.


I The Acoustic Flipside\\1111il1~ Hi11l111'x. S11111l1 Hii1 §_'1'. 55~ 5| l-l, 311111 .1111l1\111n.L35H1.1ll1-1'111111111.L5

11'11-11111; 1. 'l I11" l‘ll[‘\lll1‘ l1'\ll\.ll 1‘1111l111111‘x \\ 11h (’111l1-1111‘ l<11.1d .1111l ll1l1_\ 111ll11' .1ll1'1'11111111 \1111. .111d .\1'1111\111~

l 111l1'1‘;_'1’1111111l\ l’1‘l1'1’ .\l11'l1.11'l l\’11\\.111111 l|11‘ 1‘\ 1‘11111;_'

The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 19


I AI Hughes ll1‘111'\'\ .l.1// H.11'. .\ \l11111\1111.\li1‘1'l. 1115 53”” \ illpni L5 1L11.Hl111'\ 13111.11.1111l\111'.1l\l111111ll11'

l 11'l1l\()111H_\ \1111' I11111ln1.111

I Jazz At The Trafalger Suite \\.ll1‘ll1111lillll1‘l. 5\\.111'll111‘l)l.11'1‘.SRl1 55‘)“. 531111111. L i \l.1n1\111‘.1111_ [1111;1'1'\\1\1‘ .111d1‘\111-111111‘11l.1l 1.1// [111111 ll11‘ 1'1'x11l1‘111 l)1111111111' \111'111'1'1 l111111|11\ 3.1111'xl.111111'.11.1111'1‘\.1lll11~1.1//111pl1l.


I Soundbone-Funk-Out-Fit

ll1~111§ \ .l.1// H.11'. .\ .\l1111'1\11118111'1'l.-1(1" 531M. .\li1l111_:'l1l. L5. \1~\\ l1.1111l 1111111 l1'11111l111111\l (‘l11‘ix ( i11'1\1‘ \\ illi 1l1‘111111n1-1 l’1111l \llll\. l'11\111‘111'1\111;:l_\. ll11'} \[11‘1'l.lll\1‘ 111x1111l. lunk .1111l1.1//,

I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club l~.111-1111l1- I1111. -llHi;_').-.11'l\’11.11l. H3 8311*.311111L-11Li1. 'l'l11' |.11111\1.111.1 l\’113_'ln111' H;111d .1111lll11- Spii'ilx 11l l<l1§ll1111 1111' 1111 |1.111d 111 [1111\11l1‘ .1l.1\l1'11l l1.11lill1111.1l.1n1l \1'\\ ()1l1'.111\ 1;1//.

I Dave Milligan Trio ll1-111_\'\ .l;1// H111; N \l111'1‘1\1111 Slim-l. lo“ 53””. 55011111, L5. l’ltllll\l .\l1||1;_'.1n.111d 111111111 \111111l} .11111‘l11d11'1;1// \1'l1'1‘l11111.l1'1111111ld \l;1111l;11'd\111111-\\1'1'lunk} 111nm.

Me rose

I Need Valley Jazz Band \\‘1111l 'l‘|11';1li'1‘. H111‘1‘l1‘n1‘l1 Sli‘1‘1'l.lll1\‘)(1

33 “5-1. 311111. L5. il'1‘111l1l1111111l .1111l Nu“ ()1‘l1'1111\.|1lu1‘\;111d1.1//.


I 5 Candiru H11]. *0 -l.i.»\\l111111l.;1111*. H3 40(111. 311111. l’1'1'1'. .\ 111-11 1;1// l1.1111l l1-d l1} .\'i1‘l1 \chlon. l1-111111'i1111111‘1' 11'11111111-11'1'R11l11‘1'l ll1'11d1-1'x1111.


I Melting Pot ll1-111~_\'1.l;1// 11111.3 .\l111'1'1\1111 811111-111? 521111..\111In1g_1111. L5. 'l'1‘11111111'l1'1‘('11l111Sl1‘1'l1‘1Xlidnigl1l Hl111' H;111d1|1';11l\l1i\ \i\-pi1'1'1' ll11'1111gl1;1 d;1111‘1~l|11111'71111111l1'1l 111// \1'1. \\ llll ll11~ 1‘lllpllil\l\ 1111 l1111l1.

I Sylvia Rae with special guest Konrad Wisczniewski H1111} '\ i.1/x H111; h .\l111‘1‘i\1111811‘1'1'l.4(17 53111). H.5(l111n. L5. .\ 11111111xli‘1'11111l1111111d1'1‘11 |;1// \1'l1'1'li1111 l'1‘11111\111';1li\1 S} l\ i.1 R1112 \1l1111x 1111111'd l1_\ :1x11111'i11lgu1-xl 1111111 ll11' \\ 1N1. )111111; 1111111 \;1\11[1l111111' \1111'K11111‘11d \\'i\1‘/lll1'\\\l11l.


I Mel Zebra’s Jazz Jam H1111111'1‘n11111'x. 3l3 (11111411111. 55(1 335-1.

5 lllplll. l'il‘1‘1'. l)J Kéllxn lle'k\11ll 111‘111'1'1'd111gx \pinnin}: ll11'1'l111i1'1'xl‘111n 1'ulx. l'11ll1m1-d11l 711111 b} .111 111l'111'11111l 1;1// 1.1111 \1'\\l(1llll11\l1‘1ll\} \ll\\ /.1'l11‘;1 llL'l'\1‘ll.

I Colin Steele Trio 111-11111111” H1111 B .\l111‘1'i\11115111-1146" 53f"). Nillpin. L5 1L-11. ('11l1' (i1‘11lli1i'x 11l1l 1'1-\1d1-11l 11‘11111111'11‘1' (‘11li11 Sluclc l'r1111lxll11s ('l11'l H.1l11-1'-inllucnccd1'111111'11111111'211'} iz1// “in.

I Jazz At The Trafalger Suite \\i;1l1'l'l1111 Build. 5 \Vulcl'luu l’l111‘1'. 55(1 ‘5‘)“. 531111111. L3. 811 Thu.