Olgs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).
Ticket information
Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following: Glasgow Virgin, lilifilui'w ‘i-illl)
Credit card bookings from: licknt l iiila: Wil' 45:51 ‘;
\‘Vél‘.’ Ail(t€l’if Inf-3“
Virgin i)llll(2(tf} BMW... Ripping Records far ml; i‘l'rltiw. 226/010,
Assembly Rooms ( ‘w win Strwiél, 220415-19
Way Ahead (ll-1‘. ctr-w nor-as:
(Jill"""'. "M
Thursday 1 9
I Jurassic 5, MC Supernatural zuid J-Rocc 'lhc .\l'L'ilk‘\. .\lidl;ind Sliu‘l. (“Nilllll HilNl.X[nll X()|.l)()l i .\n cwning ultelvlnxilni} hip hop wnxciouxncxx .mnilx. hmdhnt'd In lilt' hm}. |;i/_\ wundx ol lilk‘ _‘..'iUllUll\ .lumxxit‘
I Dean Owens, The Supernaturals .iml Remedy King
54 THE LIST 1:16.; .‘ 5‘ ,.:
IulK \\.ih\\.ihHul.\t\ingcn1Sti’ccl.321 52'”. \Fllpni. {-1.5llplux booking lcc. l‘ironunan oi wuntr; rock ilimuritm The l‘clwm pronme ill\ dchul wlo album lln /)/r"l1u' [ti/U \ in~pucd h} \ln‘hcllc SillN.i\CtL\ L‘i.l\\l\' l<\(1\(iillll'llll'< Iii/H \. I Fancy & Spook 'l‘hc l.‘~ih \utc ('ulc. King Sum-1.553 1038. Nillpni. £3.
I Boots 8. Saddles, Rambling Fever .md Steve James Band (il.1llti()ik'()[‘l'_\.i’dhit‘} Rudd lull. ~13"
_\ UN) 5 {MPH}
I The Operators \ld ‘lnnlk \\;l_\ ()ul \\c\l. kt'|\iiili.iiigl1\li‘ccl.5“(i5lll\.
9. zllpni. I-n-t' l-nilnighll} icxidcnt'}.
I The Counterfeit Clash 8mm.» (inc. Hut-x Road. i-ll (»5 I“. ‘lpni. lit-c. ('Imh .ind nlht'i t‘mcrx
I Vagabonds 'l'hc Swim. 81ml“ cll Slit't'1.553 \(i\l. K. illpin. l'icc. l’npulni‘
I Jam Session Sninucl Dim K. \ilhxdult‘ Rudd. ~12 i lllll“. Killpiii, l'i'ct‘. I Live Music 'l'hc ('nlhouw. l'nion Sll't‘t‘l. 318 (i(>ll(y 5,-15pm, L45”, ()u‘r iti\ \lnm. loud hand nighl.
I Live Music \icc'n’Slcw). Sum'liit‘liull Slim-l. 33 i 0037. ‘)pni. Shmwnw nighl l'ui lmndx \xhn i‘ccni‘d nl ('hcin l‘). lhc (‘hcniiknl l'ndcrgi‘ound \llltilll\.
I Status Ouo and The Beach Boys lzdinhui'gh ('gixllt‘. l{o_\;i| .\lilc. .735 03-10, 'Tpni. l.‘ *5. Hl'lll\il rock
tilllU\;llll'\ Sigilux ()uo hcndlinc n iiighl ol‘
old lllllL‘ l'HL‘ix lllll\l\' including :1 l‘tll'L‘ pt'i'lui'innnu' li‘oin ('ulilin'ninn \ui'l' I'Ut'kt‘h 'iiilk‘ iiL‘Qlt‘il HM} \.
I The Music :ind Minuteman l'hc \t‘nut'. l7 2| (‘ni'llon Rnud. 557 3073. 8pm. H L5. Mugh li‘unipclcd cpic indic rock band ll'UIll lu‘dx uhn run [hunk lilt' vint‘i‘gcncc ml The Sli‘nkt‘x l‘oi' lvaing them out ol. the C) c ol' the hui‘i‘it‘unc. nllim ing them u lighting chance in Iiw up In mpct'lnlionx. Soc
prc\ icu. I Andy McCabe .md Delta Croft Revlew Whixtlcbinkim. 4 0 South Bridge. 55' 5| 1-1. Upni. l-‘rcc. ()rignml and rock. pop and lilucx gown
I Mark Knopfler (lulu :\lltill(ll‘llllll. Sl:(‘(‘. l llllllL‘\lHll (jinn. (lellHllJllllll ".Kllpm. 535 gjjsn p|u\ honking lt't', Hmdlmnd \nwn/t'im l. limn lhc inun \\iln \xould lw ihc iilllhil R} ('imdt‘l‘. l'.\u'pl ilk'.\ l‘iillllg‘.
I The Saw Doctors llamm Lind. (inllnugnlc. 553 ‘lhlll. ~51)an .\'( )l I) ()l "l‘. (’cllic inllucncml puh \ingnlung lollil} l'i'oin lhc incului’ Hon. \xhu .ut- ll‘lHL‘d h} L‘\r\\';ilci'lm'\ .\nlhun_\ ’l‘hixllclhuuilc on \nxophunc.
I Miocene, One Root .lllti Porcelain Roach King lul\ \\.lil Wuh Hul. Si Vinccnl Suct'l. III 5.7"). 8.30pm. £5 plux hooking lct'. ( )wi |-1\ \illl“. lundun'x \liou‘nc .u‘t‘ p.ul nl iik” hi‘ccd Ul L'UlhidL‘l'L‘d llL'\\ ruck .lt'lx \\ ilH haw hccn inl‘lucnu'd h} ping lllt'l.lii\‘l\ inn] and lhc nihilixlit' inlcnxn} ol lln‘ Dcl'luncx ('un lhc} lilixt‘ on lhc .’\lllL‘l'lL‘;lll\ at their on n gnnn‘ .’
I The Wise Monkey lmm- .luilil\. The l ilh \olc ('luh. ('|_\dt‘ Sli't‘cl. 31% 3 | 77. llplll. L31 (Lil. Inuil lu‘t'ukln'nl lunk ll'lU pin} the regular noi'lhci'n \illli nighl.
I Duplo Remote guid Antenna Farm ’l'hc l31|1\nic('ulc. King Sim-i. 553 l(i_§.\'_ H.5(lplll, U. l)up|o Rt‘liiult'\ wund hnx il\ mulx in lilt’ lini'dt'oi'c t'luli inuxic ul' lhc lnlt‘ Xllx. \\hi|c .‘\lll\'llll.l l’ui‘ni Cllth‘iil\il lhcii' clct'li‘onitxi \\ nh winith limn lilL' t'il} mundxuipc. l’lux 1).] “mt Hmu‘ll.
I The Datsuns, Popinjay Summers and The Nightflies \icc'n‘Slcn/y Snut‘hichull Sli'u'l. 4” 0037.0an
I Greebo, Smokescreen und Draw l-ur) .\lui'i'_\ \. .\l;i\\\cll Sli‘ccl. 33] (35] I. ()pni. L31. including gnu} to pnxl~gig club.
I MeNdEeD, Lucid Lucy nnd Method 61 Sll'uuhcrl‘} l'it'IdN. ()\\\;li(i Strccl. 22] 787]. 7.30pm. L31. including cnu‘) in pmi-gig club.
I JC King 8. Band (il';lllti ()It- (nun. l’uile‘} Road loll. 42‘) 5396. 7.30pm. L“ (£2 incinhcrxl.
I Abba Disco Party Hnui'lmn Strccl. (icm‘gc Sli‘ccl. 552 (ll-l l. 7pm. L5 (9; l4.5() \\ ilh dinnci‘l. [running an .\hhn li'ihulc ilk'l (I\ pull ol' lhc pup pi'ot‘t-cdingx. I Catcher .\lc('huill\ \Vn} ()ul \\'t‘\l. Kch inhuugh Su‘ccl. 570 5018. ‘l. iillllll. i'lL'C.
I Outreach Suinucl i)(l\\ 'x. \ilhxdnlt- Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. live
I Bluesmove, Dubhead, Ty & DJ Bizness und Maxi 5 Spin lelll. Slock/lixpcduir Sli'ccl. 'l‘hi'uxht‘i'nigx. i‘iil’ inlii. cull 88‘) 2306. noon-5pm. l‘iu'. Spin 200] ix .1 l’nixlq /chli’t‘\\ ccnli‘cd l'cxliuil. organised h} H’R ('onnnunil}
I 1"») I v!
Sigue Sigue Sputnik I r...!‘.":\:iv ',,. , : I: _ i)'\\/«" ‘ i]: I“ z luv. ;,[ ' l, » H ‘.\"il‘ '1 Hi”, , i’i/l'il’ .fv '1 ii. i, ; Iilll'iii if.» (gnu, /\i/ Nicole Willisl . ' : -. .. ivi'fwiil'” ib'i'I :,i' :‘v', ' iil‘d ,Mgvf .. kill/y.( ‘ j!‘ ~
Rudlil. \‘.illt'|l Lil l.\ pl». .‘ u'ml lili' ll "~l it'\\ \‘-t't‘i.t‘llii\,
OTom Jones I \illli‘lll‘dli .nllc. Rifiili \ilit'. 755 "\ ll» ‘V‘ll Ill Iv" t'ndui} \Iugt'i livllx nu! .le In ~ in!» lll lill dizunulit‘ wllint'
WHATEVER Yllllll PERSIINAl Sllllllllllllllllll WE'VE Elli A fllM ill MATCH
The Stones, Elam Pllllll, Balls 8 Sebastlan lll‘ an arcllc Buena Vlsla Soclal Clllll Gimme Shelter
Down from the Mountain Hedwig & the Angry Inch
Cool & Crazy
12-26 AUGUSTB“1°§T3§§"§§5"5