Flatshare Wanted


llew Town/Stockbridge or similar. Professional 27 female moving up to Edinburgh for new job and looking for a double room in a friendly house to launch new life.

Easy going. tidy, and sociable - beneficial addition to any house- hold. AII mod cons welcome. car . parking would be an advantage. Looking to move in mid-August.

Call Caroline on 07971 200148

I Quiet, friendly, N/S leiiiale \tudent. late 30x. with \er} elean eat. looking lor room l'i‘om beginning ol .-\ugii\t. prelerabl} \lorningxide area. Lilli-LCM) pent; ll77lill lHllX55. I Flat wanted in lidinburgh. lor eax} going ll‘lxll male until end ol :\ugti\t Zillll. South Queen Street alxo aeeept— able. “Ill 5.” 3997.

I Fun, outgoing with (iSUll but elean. lid} atid eon- \idei'ale girl 37. \eekx ill) room in marital llat with \imilar llat- llltlle\. .\la\. [35” inel. bill\. (ll3l -I(i(l .5052.

I Lively scots and lt‘ixll girl seeking aeeom in lidiiiburgh area l'rom end .lul_\ till\\ill'tl\.l'.tl\} going and willing to \hat'e l'oottt. (‘all (’hrix or Nat on 0787‘) 237345.

I Wanted: one room it] liouse/llat during :\ugu\t l'or l‘exlnal (will be working at l‘extiuill. will pa) tip to Lot) pw: ('ai‘mel 0775‘) 33036.

I Easy-going French laxx looking lor elieap aeeomodalion in (‘enti‘al lidinbtii‘gh l‘oi‘ mid to long-term let. Ro/enn (ll.‘~l >147 ()I7l.

I No lovely student l;t\\le\ \eek l'tltlltl\ in ;t L‘letlll lidinburgh llat with a Iixing room and niee. lun people - .\larehmont/ Brunlxlield area. lor \lill'l/lllltl Sept. approx L'lell pem. l.e\le_\ (llll-l .il747l). li- inail |e\le_\ haw (0 xiipaneteom

Property to Let


I Attractive Morningside flat to let. Situated in ('raighouxe (itll'tlelh this proper- l_\ tillel'x 5 double bedt'oomx. 3

w ith titted wardrobex a bright and lull} litted kitehen ineluding tll\ll\\tl\llel‘. Bathroom with elee- trie \how er. \paeioux lounge with e\eellent \ iew .\ and large lloored attie - e\eellenl l‘or \lorage. Set in ltllltl\L‘;llk‘tl gai‘dem thix llat alxo boaxtx pri\ate parking and a \eeure entr) ,\_\ \tem. (low to biix \ei'\ iee and all Morningxide Amenities. .-\\ailable from 27 .-\ugu\t. L75lll’(‘.\l. l’leaxe eon- tael .\lr l’ordw llatline on (HR! 540 3-153.

I Charming central flat to let. Would \llll prolexxional. Spacious bedroom. li\ ing room/kitchen and bathroom. .-\\ailable trom .-\ug llth lot \i\ month\. ('all Sarah on (H .‘~l 553 773l

Property to Let


l'illl} llll'lll\lletl flat to let axap. 5 llllll\ to eit_\ eentre. l \ingle tk 3 double bedrooiiix. {56” {VIII + £56“ ilepiixil Phone 0131 221 9615 a/hrs or 07799786377

I LEITH WALK. Available ill/()U/lll. Quiet. 3 bedroom flat. (i('ll. l)(i. waxher/dr} er. lull) l'iirnixhed. non-\moking. L550 pein plux depoxit. .\'o HHSS. (’ontaet

lane pedenUl liotmail.eom or phone U777 5705 526

Central Edinburgh \llill'L‘ll lltll\. e\eellent l'aeilitiex. Suit eouplex Ul' \inglex. l’le\ib|e tlttl‘ttlloll ol' \ltl} l'rom L4H pw.

Phone 0131 452 8727 or 0780 829 7812.

I Central Edinburgh. Three [0 ll\ e lledl‘ooltl lilttlx lixeellent l’aeililiex. :\\ailable from September. l’hone (ll 3] 452 N737 or ()7th 82‘) 7Xl2.

Polwarth and Haymarket .ieeomnio- datioii to let. Single and double room\ a\ailab|e. litill} lui‘nixhed. (i('ll. all mod L'Ull\.

Lo(lpw +bil|x lor \ingle. L85pw +lllllx lor double. Call Tom on 0831 286 325

Festival flatshare

I Festival accomoda- tion, double room to rent in \unn). eentt'al l'lat w ith 3 others. Axail l‘or August. £300 inc billx. (itill Sam on “7906 30865.

I Festival accommoda- tion from beginning ol :\tlgtt.\l. Double bedroom in attractive Newington llat with all mod eons sharing with one other. (low It) eit} eentre and textual Venues. Rate negotiable. ('all (iillian on ()1 3| 55-1 “so alter (mm or g.dzt\‘ld\oll((1\eol- landeoni

I Huge double room with plillllll‘lll bed. (‘entral/liaxt lind. (i('ll. 8k} l\l liaxy going. ga} lt‘iendl). Share with one lemale. L-llltl tor the tnonlh. (‘all

(ll 3 l 5550873 or 07802-113797.

FESTIVAL FLATS Est: 1986 We are once again seeking quality central flats to accommodate Festival participants for [2.3.4 week lets during August

[Iii/1min In inn." i'II'i'IIlliillt'll Hit/t! ('arole Strum/Anni- (luring Tel: llthll 810620 email lestl‘latstt2 aolxom or write to 3. I.ink_\lea Cottages. (iilTord.

East Lolliian I'III-ll «II’E.

I Fife couple seek I or 3 bedroom pi‘opei't} to rent in ladmburgh; (‘lirix ll"i\\ lll7l52.

I 1 bed colony llal .l\.lll. 3 .*\ll:_‘ l-l Sep. bill” per \\ eek ill L'llell lot' o w eel“ (FWN <.\“ lel.

I Beautiful very central llal.ldouble bedroom. ll\ iii- groom. kitehen i'l'V. llili. \Vaxhing maehine + 'l‘umble dt'} eri £501) pw, l-‘oi .liil .ind .-\ug. (‘all lll3l 228 5353 or H7032 (fill (CH.

I Festival Let: Fully iiii- lll\lletl double Hunt] to let lHl‘ .>\ugu\t iii eharming. quiet. eeii tral l'lat. N/S. ('all lllil 32‘) (th-l

I Central Location. Women on|_\ liikll. Spaeioiix and eomlorlable. .v\\ailable lot' \ome l‘iexllhll tlillL‘\ tillil )eat' round. N/S. I‘or inlormation and booking. please tel “1 3| 337 I‘lh’l

Holiday house to let. New I} built 5 bedroomed houxe in l)onegal lilRli. Sleepx ll). Neat‘(‘oa\l Between (ilentiex and l)ungloe. For further information contact 0141 773 2838.

Office to Let

I Comfortable consult- ing room a\ailable lor quali- lied eounxellot‘ in \eellt‘e. eaxil} aeeexxible loealion nut to Kelxingroxe l’ark. L'o/lii‘. min. 5lll'\/\\ k. :\\'ai|able .\londa_\ \ immediatel}. .\loiida_\ and \\'eiliie\il;i_\ l'roin ()etobei: “MI 532 (ll 50

Bed 8. Breakfast '

I Also self-catering in former ehureh houxe. Spacioux aeeominodation. garden. e\ee|- lent \‘iewx in a \llllll} \pol o\er- looking l.oeh .\le|l'ort lll853 3003-13 Web:

http://l‘ree\paee.\ irgin.net/tom.k lllllell'ol‘d

I Bed and Breakfast in eos} llat in l’olwai'th. ll) min\ from town eenti'e. Double room. floor \paee ll llL‘L‘L‘\\;tl'}. li\ening mealx a\ailable. £25. (‘all ()l3l 323 5763.



I Completely uninhibit- ed, soul \earehing. heart aehing male. longs lor woman with tender toueh who ean gix e of lierxell and i'eeei\ e l'i‘om. ten— der. paxxionate. \ellxlltll man. [)0 _\ou dill‘e'.’ lio\ No. 4 l b/l

I Are you? Kind, eating. \eiixitne. intelligent. titteometi- lional. bt'oadtninded. at'lixlie. a little w a)w am but \till ti‘uxting. Same lidinburgh male l-Ill\l would like to hear lrom yin. Bo\ No. -Il()/I-I

I Highly skilled engi- neer. 5‘) N/S. li\eeptional eoiiimunieation and interper- \Ullill \killx. ('onxidei'ate. eom- ptl\\ltitlttlL‘. dependable and lamil) minded. \Vantx Sealeurie in \e\ en yam time. BU\ \0. —ll(l/-l

MEN SEEKING WOMEN I I’m cool, bright .iiie: it» t

know in} own mind Ilo }oii' (lin _\oii \tet‘ into .i "l I (‘htitehw \hoe‘ (all one l§o\ \H ~ll7 "

I Handsome Edinburgh professional. mitt Illllltt‘\ ttito \\.ill\\. keeping lll. eating out and li.i\ mg tim \eek\ .1lll.l\ tt\e lemmine woman :7 \haie tim tiniex llo\ \o $l\. I Independent, attrac- tive Irish gin. llt‘\‘. lo l.iliiibiiigli. lo\e\ \ot l.tll\lllf.' and toieign ti.i\el \ee‘m .iil\en lllltllh letiiale IS” 75' lot iiegii‘. nmg ol the good tiiiie\' l’lioto appreetated llo\ \o 11\


I Glasgow female, 43, many interests incl. live llllhlt'. mo\ie\ and .ill the ll\l§ llllllg‘x. (ieneially looking lot \Hllti'illle \t‘eetal Iii \liate lite and laughter with llo\ \o ~ll.\ -l

I Attractive, brown- eyed, intelligent woman «1H: \\'l.'l'.\l good liiiiitoiiied. iiilelli gent man. \oii muxt like t me nia. ealx eotiiiti} \‘..ilk\ \ie )ou in} \tllll mate ' llo\ \o -ll.\r5

I Attractive, intelligent, 28 _\L'Lll Ulll [ltiilt‘\\litlt.il lt‘lllillt‘ tiito tt.i\el. .id\enltne. \pot‘tx. w Hung and dmmg Seekx like minded. .ittiaetixe prolewtottal male ilh 4‘ Manx oldi. i( ilaxgow l‘;l\L‘tll, w ith (iSllll loi‘ ll'lelltl\lll]l .md [lii\\l ble l'elttlltllhlllll. l’lioto .ippieei aled. liti\ \(l. allb (i

I Attractive, intelligent, cosmopolitan letitale. Wk. \ei_\ naught_\. \\ ll .\1 axxertwe. uneomentional male to puxh out bouiidai‘iex. llo\ \o. -ll.\ 7 I Woman, 50, N/S, ‘.\.l!ll\ lU lllL‘l‘e;t\e L‘ll'i‘lt' til lllt'llll\. l enio} einema. theatre and the ill'l\. I am open to new e\peii ettee\ attd ltleil\. llo\ \o. ilk t\ I Very attractive female with \troiig Perxonalit} but gen iiinel_\ \iib \\ l.'l'.\l tiiaxeuline domineering male who enio_\ \ the ehallenge. llo\ \o. -ll.\ 0 I Dark, slim and met to, read) to elimb llltllllllilllh with the tight gii_\. ll .\oti‘re iiilelli gent. aeti\e. outgoing and litn gi\e me a \lllllll. llo\ \o Jts/to


I Sensitive woman (40) \\'l.'l'.\l \iinilar leminme. eat ing. genuine woman with integrit). honext} and Io}.ilt} built into llel' \lllll lor lriend \hip. l’oxxible relationxhip. ’w\ \o. »l l 35”

I Gay attractive femi- nine, xell eonl.. \L'll\ll|\e. earl} 'l‘hirtiex lemale. lo\e\ \oeialixing. trawl. “H .\l. goi' geoux. outgoing. ga) 35* ‘5 woman. to e\pei‘ienee the to} \ lil'e ll;l\ to tlllL'l'I liti\ \H. JIx/SI


WOMEN SEEKING WOMEN I Gay female 34 .~.-:i..::~..~

\.:\~ ll.\\\...........\

ll;.:\l‘t' l .‘ \':‘. .::e.: It.-.\el llo\ \w li\

MEN SEEKING MEN I Edinburgh lad (27) '1to like" ' '.;:':\'.t:-."

I‘llilli'.'2.t;‘l‘.\ iii-ewe! ifiot. totitu. .‘\.:.‘.‘Y1l“._'i‘.'.\. \\l l\l ttilttitel \ \ it. _'ii‘.\ to'

l~‘~lltll\‘\~\'I \I\..-\.llII\\ l'li“\ \i‘ l]\

Friendshpo I F: 22! WLTM, 1:“..“3:

lill} people w‘“ it". trito llii“ 2 book» till tini' to l iliiibiitz'ti llil\ \llll liit‘f \t::. 'w. pl.:to:i:. ' llox \o

I Possibly thumb or

t'tifk lil‘\\~ll‘l\ putter! litmui Illlllilt'il .ititl photo" (‘ltalletiz'itii' until cztrotii .H .i\.‘..:te t.'tii.ilt~ “i L“ ."tiztii.

oitgit:iiiittiipott.1ii' I‘l. 'lit lw goodlooktttt'1'iix Ixoiizit’ 1‘“ ‘.‘.llll.

ea! «‘ll'ili‘i‘l\. .il~to.itl .'l‘.il

lot lt'l.;‘\.l!l“ lllt‘. ','l \eltex Ix ‘.‘..lll‘.l. Itm \t‘i‘llll“. iltiit‘k wilted. iiilelli-'ent. lilt.ll Lielietl. totiiplex but not tillll plttateil. l‘!i‘7\'\\ltlll.il. lll. ll \ \.tllt'il llllt'lt‘\l\ llm. \o ll \ I Continental woman, academic, 17. llhl .iiii‘.et‘. .iltet _\e.it\ ill I otiiloti. \eel» ieli.ible lllt‘lltl\ loi llllll\. ton \t‘l\.tllt'll. lllllt ll. iiitiw ett llo‘i.

\ii ll\ ll


e‘~',\loti'i t 11‘.


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