Art listings
creative scannd awards
The Scottish Arts Council is offering 14 awards of £25,000 to individual artists living and working in Scotland.
We want to encourage artists across every discipline architecture. crafts, dance, design, digital media. drama/theatre. fashion, film/video. literature. all forms of music. photography. visual arts and other artforms.
This is an exciting opportunity for people who have made a significant contribution within their field to develop ideas. refresh skills and progress with imaginative projects.
Closing date for applications: 1 October 2001
For an information pack and application form, visit our website or contact the SAC Help Desk. The Help Desk is open Monday to Friday. 10am-12noon and 2pm-4pm.
0131 240 2443/2444
The Scottish Arts Council. 12 Manor Place. Edinburgh EH3 700 Fax: 0131 225 9833 E-mail: - lltl- St‘Ul' l'lSll ARTS CUL'NCH - -
Our aim is to plat our part in creating a dynamic arts emironment rah/ch .a/ues the artist and enhances the Qua/it). of life for the people of Scotland
84 THE LIST 5—35" Jul 200‘.
Edinburgh Galleries continued
Northern Lights On permanent \ re“. once night lalls. is Peter l'mk's light installation tor the galler} inspired b} the aurora borealis. ('omprrsrng a ‘r'ool lin' triangle ol light. on the east and \\ est root and lrlt shalt. the colours regularl} change. brightening up this dark corner ol l~.drribtrr‘gli\ Market Street.
40a Raebur'n Place. 315 3003. Mon Sat l0am 5.30pm.
Mixed Exhibition .\ changing selection oi applied arts inc ludrng cushion co\ ers and ieueller'}.
(itillc‘l’) tk Shop. 77 l)undas Street. 55o .‘~l5‘). Mon \Ved tk l‘ri Sat l0am (rpm; 'l‘hu l0arn Hpm.
Picture Of A Landscape t'iiril mu 2.5 Jul. Set up b} lidinburgh ('ollcge ol :\r't graduate and landscape artist .-\ndre\\ (iold. this [10“ galler} and shop plans to exhibit and sell a range ol' \sork including painting. sculpture. ceramics and
Vieueller}. The inaugural exhibition
l'eatures \x'ol’k b} \ar‘ious artists including Janet Adam. Joan Brim n. Simon White. Italish \Vilson. l)iitlgltts l);t\ les. ‘l‘eena Ramsa) and Natalie (ierard.
22a l)undas Street. 556 ZIS l. Mon l'ri l0.30am (rpm: Sat l0am 4pm. Namaste l'ntil Sat 2| .ltll. .-\ touring and selling exhibition l‘eatur'ing \ratercolours and prints of the landscapes and people ol' Nepal b) Nepalese and linglish artists.
(‘al‘e llirb. ('astlehill. Roxal .\lile. 473 2000. 'l‘ue Sat 9.30am l0pm; Sun tk .\lon 9.30am b.30pm.
Howard Hodgkin t'ntil Sat 2s Jul. A selective retrospective ol' earl} prints bx llrmard Hodgkin.
(r ('arlton 'l'err'ace. 556 444 l. Wed Sat l0am 5pm.
Howard Hodgkin l'ntil Sat 3| Jul. Howard Hodgkin is one ol the l'K's most celebrated painters. Reno“ ned tor his richl) coloured paintings on uood. Hodgkin. \\ ho deset'ihes hilnsell as a painter of l'eelings rather than ideas. is also a gifted printrnaker. l-‘or the exhibition at the lngleb} (iallerx \rho held a retr'ospectixe exhibition ol his prints in 1908. llodgkin will be shtming ten small l'orrnat prints \\ lrich corrrbine etching \\ ith carbor'undurn and a linal hand colouring to prodtrcc their richl} textured sirr'tace.
Craig Murray-Orr t'ntil Sat 2| Jul. Next sculpture b_\ .\'e\\ '/.ealand born ('raig .\lrrr'r';i)-()r'i'. Since his last slit)“ at the gallery in NUS. he continues to explore gun culture. can ing from hardnoods rifles and small arms.
INK TANK 30 St Stephen Street. 220 544‘). Mon l‘hl‘i 0am 0pm.
2470/3600 l'ntil I't‘i 2i) Jul. :\ series (it
photographs b} Scott Mitchell taken on a road trip across America \\ hich cmered 3470 miles in lull circle. 'l‘r'axelling through ('alil’ornia. Nevada and .-\ri/ona. Mitchell photographed the ‘ex'er_\ day from a coke machine to a diner table.
INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE l3 Randolph ('rescent. 335 5366.
Mon l-'ri 9.30am b.30me Sat
0.30am - l.30pm.
Niveaux 0: Marcel Dinahet t'ntil Sun 2‘) Jul. French artist Marcel l)inahet continues his irnestigation oi' the Atlantic (‘oast u ith a series of lilrn and photographic \rorks.
I2 ()6 ('urnberland Street. 558 9372. Mon-Fri 10am ppm; Sat 10am ~1pm.
Victor Pasmore (1908-1998) l'ritrl Sat 5 .lul \ retrospectrxe exhibition oi scieerrprrnts. etchings and lithographs b} British artist \ ictor l'asmore
l 1"”: I‘NM llrs carb \sorks included landscapes and figure studies. rnlluencetl l‘} tau\ ism and cubism . " ‘ Pop Art Exhibition Sat It .lrrl llll U .\ug .\n exhibition ol 30th centut} modern master printmaking leaturrrig some ol the most mlluential names including \\.uhol. llockne). l’eter lilake and Ri\ers >1" '
lil'Utllds (alle. ( it'illgt' Street. :35 -l»l"5 Breaking Boundaries l uul S’ai .TI Jul. \n exhibition ol paintings to celebrate the ltlth anni\ersar_\ ol l ‘ \rche m ladmburgh
0.5 lhe Shore. 55‘ 5255 lue in
l lam 5pm. Sat l lam -lpm
Annual Marine Exhibition 2001 Sat 5‘ Sat 25 Jul. Seascapes. still lrle and liguratix e paintings inspired bx the sea b} galler} artists including 1 outs \lcNally (ieor‘ge liri'rell. (ieorgie Young and Mar} liatcliclor. Ni fist ll
l'nrxer'srtx oi lutlrrrburgli. 30 ( ‘hambers Street. (150 3 HI. .\lorr l'rr 10am -lpm. The Summer Exhibition [mil in l3 Jul. l‘rnal _\ear degree shoxs b} architecture students.
Hellor'd Road. (ill (lion irecor'ded inl'ormation 3 *3 22pm, \lon Sat
l0am 5pm; Srrn noon 5pm. (Kile.
Lee Miller l‘ntil Sirri ‘) Sep. L11 tt3.5lli Joint admission \\llll Roland l’errrose exhibition at the Dean (ialler'). 'l'he largest and most cornprehensiw exhibition to date ol the \Hil'k ol the New York born photographer lee .\lrl|er' tl‘)07 77), Miller. a burner log/tr rrrodel. “as married to Roland l’errrose. the subject ol a nialor‘ exhibition at the Dean (iallery Snapping people. places. lashion and “air. she also produced portraits ol l’icasso. .\larr Ra}. larlecn .-\gar’. lloi'st and the exhibition also includes memorabilia irom her time as a mu correspondent See llitlist.
Free Day Sat l-l Jul. |0am 5pm. I'ree. :\ chance to see the lee .\llllel and Roland l’enrose exhibition lor lree instead ol the usual price ol L31 (£3.50 concessionsi. liut il )ou can't make it on Saturda}. there's a special 2 lot" I deal until 'l‘ue 3| .lul.
Circle Of Friends: Leslie And Sadie Martin And British Modernism From The 19305 l'ntil Sun ZS ()ct. Architect Sir |.eslre Martin l l‘)l)S 3000i and his \\ ile Sadie co—edited the seminal publication (in [(‘f International .Srrr'r ex ()f (tins/I'm lit (’ .lrr. During this time. the Martins became lilelong lrierids u ith leading artists and this small displa} leatur‘es \rorks b} (iabo. llepxxor'th and \Vallrs. drau n lrom their collection. along u ith \rorks lrom the permanent collection.
I don’t usually do this: my recent work .\lon ‘) Jul. l2.45pm. \Vinncr oi the John Watson l’r'r/e. lidinburgh (’ollcgc ol .-\rt graduate Jonathan ()u en gixes a talk on his \rork. Imagining The Future .\lon It» Jul. l2.45pm. .-\rtist Weird} .\lc.\lurdo talks about her work.
'l‘he Mound. 634 (i200 ir'ecorded inl'orrnation 332 330m. .\loii Sat
l0am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.
0 Rembrandt’s Women t'niil Sun 3 Sep. U) t£3.50i. 'l‘he lirst exer exami- nation of Rembrandt's portrayil ol \romen in his art. leaturrng major paint- ings. drau ings and etchings draun lrom