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Tracey Moffat’s tragi-comic series of photographs Scarred For I ife ll



Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, Sat 7 Jul—Sun 2 Sep.

With a daily diet of apocalypse for breakfast, it’s perhaps no surprise that levels of psychosis and neurosis are reaching epidemic levels. Increased awareness of the interconnectivity of global life, the daily tightrope of potential mutual annihilation consumes many a strung-out denizen of this island earth. DCA’s latest exhibition Trauma may not cleanse your soul, but it may provide the necessary balm to soothe your feverish brow.

The exhibition features an impressive selection of international artists. As well as Johan Grimonprez, famous for producing the highly engaging and memorable video Dial H for History an astute, eye- opening look at international terrorism, there’s Christopher Wool’s monochromatic text paintings overflowing with the expletive rage of street graffiti (Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke). Other international luminaries include Tracey Moffat, Willie Doherty and Felix Gonzalez-Torres.

The Glaswegian artist Martin Boyce is the one Scottish representative in this international show. For Trauma, Boyce will be exhibiting two pieces. Now I’ve Got Worry (Storage Unit) is a free-standing sculpture comprised of dissonant elements. In part, it is based on


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PRIZE EXHIBITION Gallery Of Modern Art, Glasgow, Fri 6 Jul-Sun 21 Oct. titlil'tit‘w'iité a . '

Glancing at a few back issues of the Arman matrix; .13 Ear:

contemporary art press. you‘d be turner Pig"- ' forgiven for thinking that the application ess est.“ :g' '_: 2 _:'

of paint to canvas was a dying art. .'.rr‘: e: m: tr f)’;:'.'. replaced by vrdeo monitors and heaps r t r r. , ‘lt ' .

of detritus. Of COLii'se. painting is air. e :siiovtr.~;'.t:.: a“. . ._

and kicking. and the comparatrxelj. car: i"?‘:."". ea. ' . . profile of contemporan painters rs gruer: 'l m: it, 3"" r\ '.' .1: t a significant boost thanks to the {tlltlrrétl s"..,.'..' s" z,- 5am JenNood Painting Prize. which sets out sea t: :1A' r t: r _-.'

its stall at the Gallery of Modern Art this see Ira: runes s

month. to 1'2:: w Roanne Dods. director of the Jerwood 'arrtie : . Foundation confirms this new: 'l'rn not when ".:.-.: . sure if painting is sidelined these trays. a nys .‘

but a large part of the prize IS putting .re imam. painting on the map and. more urge.) t ' .2, : impOrtantly. putting good painting on. 51‘”. \' ' the map. The purpose behind the aunaur in.

is to reward excellence and originally. il‘. tr».

78 THE LIST 5—19Ju12t‘.‘7

a classic piece of modernist furniture design but its conceptual purity has been infected, by Boyce, wrth alien panels lifted from a paranoid, defensive urban


OUT—RESIDENTS ONLY—ARMED RESPONSE. Home counties paranoia head~butts utopian idealism!

Boyce‘s other piece Something’s Got To Give is an orange silk-screened poster with the text: 'watching all the day’s horrors on the evening news, I thought back to earlier and the stuffed toy animal I had seen stuck to the rear window of the car in front of rne‘.

‘The text is just about pinpointing a moment in time ' says Boyce. ‘A little capsule account of an unspectacular everyday experience. Which in turn seems to make a connection between the stream of everyday catastrophes received via the news and the feel good ‘honk if you‘re horny' communication we receive from bumper stickers, T—shirts, etc. In relation to the idea of Trauma, is it the news or the stuffed toy animal that is traumatic?‘

Bringing to the surface the dark matter hidden beneath the flimsy veneer of social pleasantries obviously engenders a cathartic impulse. By outing such repressed blockages these artists are obviously hoping to go some way to purging us all of our collective hang-ups. So if you’re feeling crippled inside Trauma may just be the therapy you need.

(John Beagles)

The Jerwood winning work by Katie Pratt



FRlll I'MARhtl bAt l U” recently announced “to fltht phase of its three year Visions For [he Future [rltijtrot \Nllti ti it'iiilt Ht (.oiiiinissioiiiirg and presenting work from Scotland's letittlirti .rr tl:.llt. talent Wentty McMiudo Pant Carter, Chatt l‘.1(,()ai| (pictured) and Graham Fagen, Wiltl another but) artist to he announced are

next Ill) llre first of three

exhibitions is scheduled fur

Autumn 2002

Chad McCall b School l1) Nut Compulsory (detail)

AND FlNAt lY TWO l tieK‘.’ painters picked from the art schools of Aheitteeir Dundee Edinburgh and Glasgow Will be giVeii the chance to show work at the prestigious satesi'ooiiis of Phillips Edinburgh from Monday 16 Saturday 21 hin All works will be for sale Wltll the full price going directly to the (till)!