Clubs listings
Edinburgh, Saturday
I Progression lit The l.ltltlld Room. Next date thc.
I The Project ill The Bongo (illtl). Monthl}. Next date 28 Jul.
I Rampage at The Venue (Ion er txxo lioors). Monthl}. New date 3l Aug.
I Raw ill Lit BL’HL‘ Angele.
ll).3l)pin 3am. £3 (£6). l4 Jul. .\lonthl_\. (’hunk}. lunky houxe inu\ic \UPpllL‘tl h_\ .\'eil McDonald and Ben .\lc(‘ahe. Reminiscent ol' the good ‘ole da_\ \ ol cluhhing.
I Rotation ill The Venue (hm er l\\o Ji()()l‘\l. Monthl}. Next date 2| Jul.
I Scratch at The Venue (hm er l\\() lloorx). llpm 3am. £7 (£(i). 7 Jul. .\lonthl_\. 'l‘he Scratch ho}\ \\ ere hoping to host an liast (‘oaxt inxtalnient ol the Tollllll) Bo} Recordx tour. but \adl} thix ain't gonna happen. The} Jim e him ex er pulled l'K hip hop cren Krixp) out ol' the hag to \houcaxe cral) cut-upx and dope rh} lllL‘\ a\ leatured on their latext lil’ .lIi/lt'nniiim l'imk.
I Tease Age at The ('itrux ('luh. llpin 3am. £4. \\eekl_\. .\'o\\ going into its ninth _\ear. lltlx indie \lttl\\;tt‘l llavoured \\ ith hintx ol~ \oul and (link continues to (Jl'&l\\ a packed and meat} crowd neck in. week out.
I Trafik at Noa. lllpin 3atn. £(i hel'ore llpm; £8 alter. 2| Jul. Monthl}. .\ \ttl‘pt'ixe special guest tear\ up the (axl- lane ol' the lunk} llouw highua} \\ itl) residents Martin Valentine and Brian Black following in hot ptll'xtlll.
I Ultragroove at La Belle Angele. l().3()pin 3am. £l(). 7 Jul. l’oi'tnightl}. Taking a break lroin their xtead} \leu ol quality guests. residenh (iareth Somchillc and ('olin (‘ook ride the pooiiaiiai (it their hlackalicioux. house hoot} huh}.
I Vegas at ligo. Monthl). .\'c\l date 28 Jul. See (ilaxgou Sat llxllllg\ lor lull detail\ on the lirxt hirthda} celehrationx of next coast Vegas at the Barron landx. leaturing Big Bad Voodoo l)add) pla} ing live.
Chart & Party
I Desire at liros/lilite. 0.30pm 3am. £5 (£4) [white I Ipit)‘. U) (£5) ht‘lot‘c midnight; £7 (£0) alter. Weekly Mainstream chart and part} groom‘s lor o\‘er-2 l s at lllix hca\ ing cluh. To organixe a bus. call the \enue.
I Lovegroove at (iaia. lllpin 3am. £3 (£2 ). \\'eekl_\. A smooth groo\ e dance party on the main lloor while The ()utlau takes mer the tlpxlttlt'x lounge \\ ith a \eleetion ol \\\ ing. _ia//. \oul and eats} listening 4.5x.
I Luscious at The .-\rk. lllpin 3am. £4 (£2). \Veekl}. Smooth and juic} ax a peach. this pulsating night ol' liltilllxll‘t‘dlll pleasure \\ ill heckoii _\ou hack time and time again.
I The Party at Remlution.
lllpin 3am. £5 (£7). \Veekl). .\lain\treain and dance anthems.
I Saturday Sensation at The (‘aVendish lllpin 3am. £o (tree membership and dixcouttted ticketx auiilahle). Weekly. 7(lx. h'lk and ‘lllx tune\ for the \t‘ll\ll)le ttdtlllx u ho i‘et'uxe to ha\e their e\ening\ \poilt h} irritating teenage heer lltt)ll\lL‘l'\. (her 25\ (ml).
I Saturday Social at (’luh Ja\a.
9pm 2am. liree helore lttpin; £o (£4) alter. l4 Jul. l-'ortnightl_\. The big puxh continue\ to get the numbers do“ n to llll\ stunning and \adl) underrated \enue \\ ith the launch ol' llti\ brand new chart lien/x. Featuring a ini\ ol' part} llllx t‘roin ' resident DJ Dale (l.u\h). the night l\ loaded with drinks prt)lll()\ a plent} and provides a free shuttle \er\ ice running may 3() llllll\ alter 0pm troin Broughton Street.
I The Subway at The ‘iulmay 9plll—33lll. l’ree before I lpin; £3 (£l ) al'ter. Weekly. See Thu.
I The Subway West End at The Subway \\'e\t lind. 7pin— 3am. l5ree before I lpin; £3 (£l ) alter. \Veekl}. See Thu.
76 THE LIST 13-19 Jul 20;“
T'iiE WENDY HOUSE Club Mercado, Edinburgh, Sun 8 Jul.
You might well have heard of Trendy Wendy. Voted by List readers last year as their fave Edinburgh DJ, the lady spinner plays at a plethora of local club nights, most notably Sunday hotspot Tackno and hip hop bash Headspin. Despite having her hands full already with these two nights, numerous pre-club sets, Thursday nighter Three Piece Sweet and regular visits to Joy, Wendy has, by some cunning appliance of science, found the time to start up another club in the city.
Like Tackno, the Wendy House is a monthly Sunday gig at Club Mercado but, as its instigator is keen to point out, this is where any similarity between the two nights ends. ‘l’m going for a loose and funky vibe, quite chilled, with me playing all sorts of stuff; kind of like being back at mine. It’s completely different from Tackno, which a lot of people just go to for a
laugh. This is more about the music.’
Bolton-born Wendy started playing as plain Wendy Schofield while a student at Stirling University and never dreamed that a temporary flirtation with the ‘trendy’ moniker would lead to a permanent fixture. ‘The name came about as a joke,’ she explains. ‘I think most people called Wendy have been called ‘Trendy Wendy’ before and when I played my first gig at our student union a mate of mine put it on the flyers. It just ended up sticking and it rhymes so it’s pretty easy to remember.’
As you may be able to tell, Trendy Wendy isn’t the type to get po-faced about the clubbing experience. The flyer certainly delivers on the cheesy puns front, promising ‘basement beats, garage grooves and quality kitsch’en’, and its author is down-to-earth about her aims. ‘I just try and play quality music wherever I am; I wouldn‘t say that I was out to educate people,’ she says. ‘All I’m saying when I play a song is that I think it’s a great track and I think you’ll like it.’ (James Smart)
I Weekender at The Ark. lllpin 3am. £o (£5). \Veekl). Dance and part} pap at thix capacit} night.
I Why Not? at \Vh) .\'ot'.’ lllpin 3am. £3 het'ore llpin: £7.50 alter. \\'eek|_\. ()ld- \chool ilUll\L‘ and uplront tllxc‘t) \\ ith .\'eil Donald and Stex e :\llan at thix popular cit} centre \enue. .\'o trainer»
Edinburgh Sundays
I EH1 at lilll. 0pm lain. l‘ree. \Veekl}. (‘oolant puinpx up the part} in a hip hop \t} -lee (H Jul) \thile lih .’ \Vun’ \hon \ oil the lunk. \oul and hip hop treat\ in hix record collection t 15 Jul l.
I Ember All 'i‘ilL‘ \VL‘L‘ Red Bar. \lonlltl}. \e\t date 2‘) Jul.
I Let’s Tango at llaracoa. 5pm lain. l'it'ec. \Veekl}. 'l'ango atid \al\a \\ itli l)J Joel and tree dance c‘l;t\\e\ lo \lto\\ )ott how I Long Weekend at ()\_\gen hax non lillhllcd.
I SL Records at \\'.J. ('Iirtaiex.
9pm lain. l-ree. \Veekl}. The 8!. record\ all-\tarx pla} accevihle indie. \\ hich the} argue ix better than all that crap )ott get in other cluhx
I Strange Beats at Baroque. Spin-lain. l-‘i'ee. \Veekl}. .\ tunk and mu] \election.
I Sunday Sessions at (‘uha Not-1e. 8pm 1am. l-ree. \Veekl). ()ld ettcountet‘\ new on a ian-l‘unk-xoul tip \\ itli Ben. (iax and guextx.
I 2 Urban at Q Bar. ‘Jpni lain. l‘ree. \Veekl}. l)J l‘ahulo/ dt‘op\ the latext prexxingx and _i;llll\ iron) the hot and jigg} \xot‘ld ol' Rtkii.
I Underword at The Human Be-ln. ()pllt lain. l-‘ree. 8 Jul. l’ortnightl}. .\lulti- inedia e\tra\agan/a that \eex ('al\ in manipulate some \ ixualx and llohlk‘N tinker \\ ill) some \ ilt}l it) an L'L‘lL‘L‘llL‘ lttxlhott.
I UrbannHangSuite at Baiiii‘x.
l lpiii 3am. liree. \Veekl}. l.ight \egetarian \nack\ \eiw ed to a hip hop and breaks soundtrack il'Ulll l)olphin Ho} ('l'uniin} 'l‘ouch).
I 0.0. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Bloomx. ll).3l)pin 3am (har t'roin 8pm). Free. \Veekl}. ’l‘he hext tunex l'roin itc‘l'()\\ the genre\ to shake )(itii' hoot} to at this ga} cluh.
I Club DKY at Studio 24. llpm 3am. £ l .5() before midnight; £2 alter. \Veekl}. Jordie. (iarath and All) encourage a ‘You bring it. we'll p|a_\ it’ lllll\lL‘ polic) in the general l'L‘ttillh ol‘ rock. metal. industrial and goth.
I Disco Kandi at l’o .\'a .\'a.
l lpin 3am. l-‘ree. \Veekl}. l)J lnnmalot' \uppliex a \pangl} \election ol \CX). disco llotlxe and uplil‘ting ['8 garage.
I Feelin’ Soulful at ligo. .\lonth|_\. Nev date lhc‘.
O Flippin’ at The Bongo (‘luh
‘lpin 72am. £5. 8 Jul onl_\. Alter )ou'\ e
\oaked up the atinmpheie and the sheet poetr} in motion ol llll\ _\e.ii\ annual \kate conip in lliixto Stitiaie. \ltoop ti()\\ll here (or the\t‘l cuin pii/e going cuin part} .\\ )ou'd e\pect the inuxic polic) \eeix lll()\ll_\ l()\\.tl(i\ hip hop hut di‘unt & ha“ “I” tiguie too lioin l)J line-up that includes (i».\lac. Rulltone arid .\'a\t_\ l’. (iue\t .\l(\ include Scotland Yard and .-\.| i\ uxh Recordingw and [\lttlih (mm the itiglit go toxxardx the ltdiiihuigh Rainp i'lllltl SCL‘ lllllhl
I Mode Organic at l'he ('itrux (‘luh llpin 3ain. £2 \Veekl}. .-\ xxxeet llll\ ot \ka. \oul. lunk. niod and treakheat at this long-running (and him \\eekl_\ i ()ll\
I Tackno at (‘luh .\lcicado. \loiithl} \c‘\l date 2‘) Jul.
I Taste at 'l’he llone}coiiih
llpin 3ain. £8 i£o). \\eekl_\ J‘l\ilt'l t\ l’rice li\e ll tip in the main iooin \\llil garage and uplitting to haul houxe. and hack rooin \uppoit in a ['8 house \t} le ax alua'u coine\ lioin Marco Siiiith and Martin \alentinc at llll\ \\ ildl) hedonixtic and ga} lllt‘lltll} Suiida} lll\lllllllt)ll.
I United at (‘luh .\leic.ido .\lontlil_\ \L‘Xl date 5 Aug.
I The Wendy House at (‘Iuti Mercado. Ill.3tlpin 3am. to (£5) .\’ Jul .\lonth|_\. ’l'rend} \Vend} gl\t‘\ u\ the guided tour round hei hunihle ahode. pi'oudl) displayng her haxenient heats. loll L‘l;t\\lc\ and garage gt()()\e\ .tl lltt\ hrand llc‘\\ \llim caxe. .'\\ il\)l|\t' \xariningx go. llll\ one'x likel} to lllll\lt‘l quite a Male. See l’i'ex IL‘\\.
Chart & Party
I Chocolate Sundae .ii Remliiiioii. lllpin 3ain. £2 £5. \Veekl}. Soiilliil ll()tl\c ttlltl tltxc‘o tillh\.
I Insomnia at The ('axendixh.
lllpin 3am. £3 (£l to \llltlt'lllxl. \Veekl} Bop till )ou drop to dance. chart and ‘le tunex.
I Lush at ligo. ll).3(lpin 3ain. £3. l5 Jul. l-‘ortnightlv (‘oniinercial dance and pop courte\_\ ol'('raig |)einp\tei and Dale Wilkinson at li)l\ ga} lriendl} \oiree. Drinks proinox all night long.
I Mad Sundays at The Attic.
llpin 3ain. £4 (£2 \kllil ll_\ei ). \Veekl}. (’heck ottt ol' the ax} hint and into 'l’he .-\ttic l'or an insane e\ening ol chart music and outrageouxl} cheap alcohol. I Replay/Meltdown at i'.l'()\/i'.lllt'. 9.30pm 3ain. £2 (£l ) helore llpin; £3 (£2) heloi'e inidnight; £4 (£3) altei. Weekl}. Repla) \eex the llll\ ol the 7()\ and Hllx. er. repla} ed “line the lolkx iii Meltdoxtn rela\ to chart llotlxc and garage.
I Sin at The .\rk. lllpin 3ain. £2 (£l ). \Veekl). ('hart and part} lllllt'x. \\ itli he\ \) at weet \hop price»
Edinburgh Mondays
I The Free Deck at \\'.J. ('hrixtiex. 8.30pm lain. l'rec. ‘) Jul. l~ortnightl_\. ()pen deckx night “here inpll'llli.’ l)J\ get lil'teen ininute \lotx. l.i\e actx alxo encouiaged. all \\ ill) a \ ten to lutuie projects and (Ulitlhttl'ulltuh.
I Salsa 8. Rueda at Hat'acoti.
Spin lain. l‘ree. \Veckl). Authentic Latin heats \\ itli rueda and salsa dance L‘iil\\£'\ (£3.50) lroin Sam.
I UrbannHangSuite at Haiiii'x.
l lpiii 3am. l’ree. \Veekl}. Light Vegetarian \lltlckx xerx ed to a mellow hip hop and break soundtrack lroin tt\\()l'lL‘(l guest l)J\.
I 6.6. Blooms at ('.(‘. Bloom» ll).3l)pin 3ain (har lroin ()pllt ). l'rce. Weekl). lhingx inelltm out (or \o the} claim) at this ga} club. with an upbeat disco selection.
I The Profezzionals at l’() Na .\'a. l lpiii 3am. l‘ree. \Veekl). l)J Rodd} and Jason llll\ up 8th. tilth) disco and il()U\C.