Music rock & pop listings
Thu 1 7, Glasgow
I Macrocosmica and Oegrassi The I3th Note ('ale. King Street. 553 I638. H.30pm. £2.
I Spyamp, Troika and Iota (iltil‘) Box. ('urIers. B}res Road. 33S 65] I. 8.30pm. I‘ree.
Wednesday 18
I Aether Flux, Model Citizen and The False Address Sountltrax. The I3th Note (’Iuh. ('l)de Street. 243 2 I77. Spin. l-ree.
I Lapsus Linguae and Abdullah The Butcher The Residents. The I3th Note ('ttlc. King Street. .553 I638. S30piu. £3. This month's Residents I)en Alma take a backseat this w eels and let guest hands do all the work.
I Acoustic Open Stage The llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 564 I527. ()pm. l'it‘ee. Hosted h} l’ttdd} is (iii'ls.
I Live 4 Greenpeace: Wayne Paycheck, Polly Phillips band, Mutterfly and Bespoke Bongo ('luh. l4 New Street. 558 7604. 8pm. £5 (£3). I)uh l‘lax‘oured hip hop l'rom I’a}check. quirky l'olk pop t'rom I’hiIIips. rock lrom Mutterlly and mellow ja/I} sounds l'rom Bespoke. All proceeds going to (ireenpeace.
Thursday 1 9
OJurassic 5, MC Supernatural and J-Rocc The Arches. Midland Street. (I‘)0I 022 0300. 8pm. £l L50 plus hooking Ice. See preview l'or Jurassic 5. An evening ol' celehrator} hip—hop consciousness awaits.
I Dean Owens and Remedy King Tut‘s Walt Walt Ilttt. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £4.50 pltis hooking lee. I-‘rontman ol'courttry rock IaVoui'ites The l'iL‘ISUIlS enjoys a solo show to highlight the commercial release ol~ his excellent alhum 'l'lre Dromu 'Iit/ies.
I Fancy & Spook The I3th Note ('al'e. King Street. 55.3 I638. S.30pm. £3.
I The Operators .\le(‘huills Way Out West. Kelsinhaugh Street. 576 50lS. 9.30pm. I‘ree. I-‘ortnightly residency.
I The Counterfeit Clash Studio One. Byres Road. 34I 65I6. 9pm. I-‘ree. (‘lash and other covers.
I Vagabonds The Scotia. Stockwell Street. 552 tS’6tS’I. 8.30pm. I’ree. Popular
I Jam Session Samuel Dow‘s. Nithsdale Road. 423 0107. S.30pm. Free.
I Live Music The (‘athouse. l'nion Street. 248 6606. 7.45pm. £3.50. ()ver- I4.s show. Local hand showcase night. I Live Music Nice'n‘SIea/y. Sattchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. Showcase night for hands who record at (‘hem I‘). the (‘hemikal I'rulerground studios.
I Status Quo and The Beach Boyslidinhurgh ('astle. Royal Mile. 225 0846. 7pm. £35. British rock dinosaurs Status Quo headline a night ot‘old time rock music including a rare Performance from (‘aIil'ornian surl rockers The Beach Boys.
I The Music and Minutemen The Venue. I7 21 (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Split. £4 £5. New indie hopefuls The Music are getting a lot of attention from the music press for their rock sounds that verge on the progressive.
I Bloco Vomit (‘al‘e St James. 25 St James Shopping Centre. (‘athedral Lane. 557 263 l. 9pm. Free. The Full Moon (‘luh present a healthy mix of samha and punk from headliners Bloco \I'omit lrnore acts to he confirmed).
54 THE LIST 58-12) Jul 2001
The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
I Madelaine MacDonald Quartet Merchant Square. Bell Street. 5pm. I-ree. (ireat songs lrom this quartet led h_\ \ocaIist Madelaine .\Iacl)onald. I’art o! The (i/erimurttirere (i/tixeou ./t1.'.‘ l't'tlit til. I Ronnie Findlay I’riiices Square. 43 Btrchaiiaii Street. 22I 0324. 7pm. I'ree. (iilted Scottish jal/ pianist. I’ai't ol' l’ltt' (i/enniunmeie (i/usguu .lti.“.' It's/ital.
I Sierra Maestra The Old I"rttitmarls'et. .»\Ihion Street. 2S“? 55l I. Spin. £l3 t£l I I. The Latin night at the testith is alwa_\s a Iiot ticket. and this year should he no e\ception. Sierra .\Iaestra are a legendar} ('trhan hand specialising in the classic music ol the island. hill with a more conteinporai‘} l'eel. Part of The (ilenniurmteit' (i/usguri .lu.';' I'eilit'ul.
I Phil Mason’s New Orleans All- Stars with Christine Tyrrell St Andrew 's lit The Square. St Andrew ‘s Street. 548 6020. ts’pm. £|0 l L‘Si. I’hil Mason leads this classic New Orleans— st)'Ie ja/I hand through a repertoire ol' litVUlll'IlL‘s Irom the tradition. with more than a little help limit the hands Jamaican-horn singer. (‘hristirre I) rreII. I’ai‘t (ii The (i/enmmmreie (i/uxeoir .ltig‘." I-i'srir'ul.
I Chris Clark ()K(). 63 Ingram Street. 572 I500. S.30pm. I‘ree. An unusual selection oI‘jaH numhers l'rom singer and guitarist (‘ht'is (‘Iarke I’art ol‘ ‘l‘lre (i/enniortutgie Glittering/(1:: l-i'slit'til.
I Lynne O’Neil Trio I’rinces Square. 48 Buchanan Street. 22I 0324. S.30pm. I'ree. Lynne ()‘Neil supplies the meals tor a night of IttnIs) jax/ sounds. I’art ol' 'l‘lie (i/enmuruiigie (Uruguay/(1.“: I-i'sli‘t'iil.
I Lorna Brown Quartet was} ().(‘UlllI0l"S. 40 \VCSI (ieorge Street. 554 5I54. 8.30pm. I-‘ree. Thisja/I I'oursoine. l'eattti'ing guitar. hass and drums. is I'ronted h} on-the-up saxophonist Lorna Brown. Part of The (i/e/imomiigre (i/usgmi' ./u:: I'i'sli'i'ul.
I Konrad Wiszniewski Quintet Tron 'I‘Iieatre. 63 'I‘rongate. 552 4267. 9.30pm. £6 (£4 l. The award-w inning tenor saxophonist t'ronts this young otitlit. which also l'eattires Ise} hoard. hass and drums. Part ill The (ilenmortmeie (i/usgoii' ./u.'.‘ l't’sll'i‘ill.
I The Strathclyde University Big Band Raiiishorn 'I’hcatre. US Ingram Street. 552 348‘). 9.30pm. £5 t£3i. The l'ni\ersit) 's Big Band e\crcise their via/x chops on a Varied selection ol’ material. I’at‘t ill The (i/t'nniumiture (i/usgnu' for." Initial.
I Jazz DJ and Percussion .\Ic(‘httill's. 40 Iliin Street. 552 2135. 9.30pm. Free. I)Js spinning ian sounds accompanied h} Ii\e percussion. l’ar't ol‘ 'I'lie (i/enniomnere Glittering/t1: l'i'srii'til. I Haftor Medboe Quartet Blacktriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5024. 10pm. lit'ee. I-caturing .\Iedhoe on guitars and the hard-working I’aul Harrison oti piano. l’ill'lHIT/11'(i/t'lllllttl'tlllfilr' (i/tiseou Ju:: l-k'srri'itl.
I Late Night Jazz Club (ilasgow Marriott Hotel. Sill) .-\rg_\ Ie Street. 23o 5577. I Ipm~-3am. £2 three with ticIset l'or one ol‘ that da} 's Ja// I"esti\al concerts l. Ja/z jam hosted hy I-'ioitria Duncan on \ocals accompanied h} Brian KeIIocIs tpianol. Ronnie Rae thassi. and John Rae tdrumsl. Part of The (i/ertnm/‘unere (ilusgow' Jttf.‘ I'iwlii'ul.
I Rosanna Schura/Will Butterworth Group Ilcni} 's .la// Bat. S .\Iorrisoit Street. 46" 5200 .\ 30pm £5 t£4r ('urrentl} \llItl}Ill:_' in l oiidon \‘.IIII 'I ma \Ia_\. l diiihuigli \ocalist \clltlla returns tor a one ott show
I The First Take Blues Band l.ttltI Iiiltltts. 5 I)tlI‘lllI Nll't‘cl. 4“ 3505. .S. 30pm 0 30am. I'ree. \ night ol hlues
Pars ey
I Brian Molley Quartet (ilasgow .\ri'port. .\hhotsiitch. SS" I l l I 5pm. I tee Young sa\ophomst .\lo|Ie_\ tronts this Iottt'soiiic. I’ai'l ol [In (Mr [mummy/t (I./(i\'\'4’ll .ltl.‘_' It \l'lltl'lh.
I Hung Drawn Quartet ()hloiiitw t(‘andlcr'iggst. 24 (Lit‘dleriggs. 552 425 l. 5pm. l'i‘ee. This sa\oi‘hoite quartet play their own intagiiiatne arrangements ot ia// standards. Latin and original numhei‘s. l’ai't ol ll“,(Ii/(’11,)Ili’Tlllklll (i/trseott ./ti.’. l‘t'\IIltl/.
I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shufflers \leicliaitt Square. Bell Street. 5pm, I'ree. :\ll uptempo selection ol trad. l)i\teIand and sw trig ia//. inspired h_\ ia//'s roots in .v\rrier‘ica's deep south I’art ol Ila (i/i'limoriinert' (i/tiieon .liij. /('\/IItI/.
I Stuart Gorman Band (us ('ale. I-‘iniiieston ()ua). 240 I002. 5pm. I-ree. I‘urils Irom this )ourig quartet. I’art ot Illt' (i/t'liniortureit' (i/tiwmi ./tt.‘.‘ l‘t \IIItI/.
I Riff Raff Brel. 3‘) 43 .\inton Lane. 342 4966. 6pm. I'ree. Ih'tiiitiitei' Bill Is'etlle is joined h} ('hicls I.};tlI on Ise}hoards. Iiwan Vernal on hass and guitarist I\'e\ in .\IacI\'eii/ie. The} range lrom riiodern standards to more impro\ ised pieces. taking in material lrom the Iilses ol .Iohn Sc‘tlIlL‘ItI.
OChick Corea Trio The (Ha I‘rtiitmai'Iset. .v\|hion Street. 237 551 I. 7.30pm. £|5 l£l3i. (‘Iiicls ('oi'ea is one ol the higgest names in contemporar} ia/I. arid makes a w elcorite return to the lesti\al at the helm ol' his latest trio. with .»\\ishai ('ohen on hass and Tell Ballard oii drums. This is also the engine room ol his hand. Origin. and the} lime heeii ahIe to hone their group understanding to a ra/or-sharp edge. The Ti'io's new alhuiii. l’tixl. I’I't'H’II/ d‘ l'iirure. recentl} otit on his own Stretch Records. suggests this will he a memo i'ahle occasion. The liti’s Kenn} .\Iatliieson w ill gi\e a short introductor} taIIs oii ('Iiicls (‘ot‘ea iii the ('it} IlalIs at 7pm. tl‘ll‘t‘t‘l. I’art ol 'I'lie (i/t'nniortiiiert’ (dimming/(15." I'i'\lii’tl/.
I Bobby Wishart and his Band Borders (Kile. Borders Books. (IS Buchanan Street. 222 7700. 7.30pm. I-i'ee. Leading ja/I sa\ophonist \Vishai't tronts this outlit. I’ai‘t ol~ 'l‘ltt' (i/t'rmturtm's'rt' (iltisenu' .ltti." l't‘\lll (1/.
I Jazz Jamaica with Denys Baptiste and Juliet Roberts The Old I‘ruitmarIset. .v\Ihion Street. 2S7 55I I. 8.30pm. £ I 3 t£l I l. Ja/l .laruaica stalsed our original territor} with their spirited and imentixe I'ttsion Ulla/l with sIsa and reggae hack in I‘M I. and ha\e continued to de\elop that l'usion in highl} satisl‘actor} lashion iii the ensuing decade thard to helie\e it‘s reall} that long. htit doesn't titiie II} when _\ou're ha\ irtg t'tinl. Bass pla_\ er (iar) ('rosh}. its I'ounder. remains at the heart ol the hand. which also leatures .\I()B() award w inner Den} s Baptiste on sa\ophone. and \ocalisl Juliet Roherts. See pre\ iew. I’art ot' 'I'lit' (i/enmumneie (i/tiseuu ./ir:." I't'xlii'iil.
I Pauline Copeland 8: Ronnie Findlay ()K(). 6S Ingram Street. 572 I500. S30pm. I‘ree. Ja// \ocalist (‘opeland joins l'or'ces with i'eiiow ned Ise}hoai'dist I‘indla}. I’ai't oI ’l’ltt' (i/t'liniortineri' (i/tisgut: .lttf.‘ /'('\lll'(ll.
I Allan Wylie Quintet Bar at. ‘)l ('aiidleriggs. 552 52I I. 0pm. I‘ree. Ilip hop t’Iaxoured lit/l led h} trumpeter \V} Iie. Part (II. III/Ir (i/t’ll/liul‘tlllfilt' (Havana .ltlf.‘ l't'\lll'tl/.
I John Blease Trio lilaelariats. it» Iit‘ll \IIL'CI. 5‘84 Illlllll l'IL'C III-J lel h_\ up and coming I"r}ear-old drurtuiiei Blease I’art ol Ila (Ht Irntorarzeit‘
(numb '3'. It t.'.‘
I Late Night Jazz Club (ilasgow \Iarriott IloteI. 500 \Ig‘}lt‘ Street. 226 55" I lpm 3am 12 thee with ticlset tor one ot that da} ’s .|.t// l'estt\al conceitst
\t't‘ IIIII .‘
I Soulbone-Funk-Out-Fit lit-nix ‘s .|a// Bat. S .\Iotiison Street. 46“ 5200. \Iidnight £5 tblt New hand liom troiiihomst (‘hiis (iteue with drummer I’aul \Iills that specialise in soul. turns and tan itinsurpitsirigl} enough»
I Pindorama IIL'IIH ‘s .la// li.ll. S .\Iotrison Street. 467 5.200 S30pm L5 Ilot l atiri \nieiican ia// trout this new group tormed h} iiieiitheis ol Bra/iIIiance
I Pauline Copeland Quartet (ilasgow \itpoit. \hhotsrricli. SS7 l I l l. 5pm Inc Jan trom \ocaIist I’auIiiie Copeland. l’ait oI //it' (i/i‘Iiuiuiii/ieit' (dummy/(1.1 It \Iiitil.
I The George Penman Jazzmen l.IlIls\ Ilotel. .\Iid I Illls. III67-l 67 lllllll. Spin. £5 t£20 inc diiiiieri. .\n e\eiititg oI \ image New Orleans ran as these (ilasgow stalwarts pa} their trrhtrte to Iouis .\riiistrorig,
I The Black Star Steel Band Merchant Square. Bell Street. ll.30am. I‘ree. Not strictl} ia// htrt a selection ot great sounds lrom this ('at'ihhean seteii piece hand Ieattiring Steel drums and sa\ophone. I’ai't ol Illt‘ (i/t'rimumneit' (r/tlsg'uii ./tl.'.' /'t'\lll’tl/.
I Live Jazz On The Terrace Brel. 3‘) 43 .'\inton Lane. 342 4066 2 Spin. I‘ree. l.i\e music Irom The Paul Harrison Trio. The Burt .\Iacl)onald Quartet and Iligli IIeeI Snealsers. I’ai't oI I‘ltt' (i/i'ninurtuieir (i/iixemi ./it.‘." l't'xlirtil.
I Tom Colquhoun Met‘huill‘s. in High Street. 552 2I35. 2pm. l'ree. .-\ talented ia/I and Latin guitarist. I’art ol I/lr' (i/t'nmurtuieu' (i/ttseoit ./tl.'." /'('\IIl(l/. I Student Concert Ratiishot'n 'l‘heatre. (IS Ingram Street. 552 34S”. 2pm. £5 t£3i. I’erl'ormance to coincide with the I’ionna Duncan Vocal .Ia/l \\'or'lsslttrp. I’art oI' l/lt’ (i/t'iimurtmen' (i/mgnn' .ltt.'.‘ I't'xli'i'til.
I Norma Winstone with John Taylor Tron 'l‘lteati'e. 63 'I‘rongate. 552 4267. 4pm. £l0 t £Si. SuhtIe. \ihrarit and wholl} empathic ia/I trom \ocalist Norma Winstone and pianist John Ta} lor. IzquaII) adept at lo\cl_\ interpretations ol' iaI/ standards or III the more ahstract idioms ot groups like :\/lllItIlll. their great trio with Kenn} \Vheelei'. the} are two til the real land too ol'ten uridersuiigi treasures ot' the British ial/ scene. See pre\ iew. I’art ol 'l'lrt' (i/t'immrtmeit' (i/useow ./ti.‘.‘ /'('\Illrl/. I Andy Mitchell Quartet Merchant Square. Bell Street. 552 3552. 5pm. I'ree. Lede Mitchell's pow er'lul pla}ing on electric sl\ sll‘ilig hass. l’art til Hie (I/i’nmurtmeie (i/uwou .lrri.“ /'t'\liiu/.
I Lorna Brown Quartet ()hlomm t('andleriggsi. 24 ('andleriggs. 552 425 l. 5pm. I'i‘ee. See Tue 5.
I London Gospel Community Choir The Old l‘l‘lllllllill'lkcl. :\|hion Street. 2S7 55I l. 7.30pm. £l3 t£l l l. The choir lend their impresshe collecli\e mice to soul. swing and hlties as well as classic gospel songs. .\ lull} professional group. htit with strong roots in the communit}. the l.(i('(' ha\e l'eatured in settings ranging l'rom church sert ices to the soundtrack ol' I)isne} Is HIr‘ [Juli K1712. I’ttl'l iii The (i/enmm'tuieri' (i/tiwim .liii.‘ I‘t'ilii'ul
I High Heel Sneakers Bar 9|. 9| ('andleriggs. 552 52I I. 9pm. liree. This the-piece. lronted h} west coast trumpeter Lorne ('ow ieson. dip into the Blue Note