Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:


Virgin, Buchanan Hallerres. 2231/ 4400

Credit card bookings from: Ircket Link: 28/ {it'll I. Way Ahead: I-iiifr 89:80:.


Virgin Princes Street. 9220 323M. Ripping Records Soutl: Bridge. I826 7010.

Assembly Rooms George Street. 22() 111M?)

Way Ahead (ll-’11 313‘.) 83891


I The Reindeer Section and The Zephyrs Nie'e'rt'Slt';r/}. Sttuehiehrtll Street. 333 0037. ()pm. L2. 'I'he Reindeer Seetinn are u neu indie \upergr'ntrp assembled It} (Bur) Lighthnd} olStttm I’atrnl and lettturing \ttl‘lttIIS Ine;tl llllltlltttl'ie\ I'r'nm Belle tk Sehuxtirtn. .'\l';tl3 Strap and .\Ing\\;ti. 'I'lte prneeedx nI Illlx debut Senttish tippettranee lurid \utrm-trp I‘nr their 'I‘ lit The I’;trk zippettrunee nn Sunda) I go In ettneer I'L‘SL‘III'CII.

I Trashcan Sinatras, Heirloom and Peter Rose King 'I‘ut's \Vtth \Vuh llttt. St Vineent Street. 22I 527‘). 8.30pm. LS plus honking tee. Ir\ ine'\ tinext wrapped the reenrtlingx nl' their InurtIr ztlhtrm lust _\e;tr but are non read} In return with It neu set.

I Kiness, Lucid, The Daze, Second Skin and Iota Ilte (‘athnustx I'ninn Street. 248 (than. 7.l5pm. L3.5(l. (her— I4x \Iinu. Shtmettxe nI unsigned Ineztl hands.

I The lnformers Ihe Htlt Note ('ztle. King Street. 553 I038. tS'.3Ilprn. L4. I‘reneh \ku punk band.

I 6 Harmony Row, Everlast IIIIII Desolation, Yes l-'ttr‘_\ .\Itlt'l'_\\. .\I;r'\\\ell Street. 22I (i5I I. 0pm. L3. inelttding entr} tn post-gig eluh.

I Open Stage The I-‘er‘r\. ('I\de l’liltt‘. 42‘) SO70. ‘lpm. L4. ' i

I The Operators .\te(‘lttrilt\ \th Out West. Keh inhauglt Street. 576 5I)I.\’. 9.30pm. liree. I5nrtnight|_\ r'exidene).

I Roost Sttrtlin ()ne. Ii'wex Rt‘rtltl. 34I 05”». ()pm. Free. liluex.

Vagabonds The Santa. Stneku ell Street. 552 S’IiSI. 8.30pm. I’ree. I’nptrlur

I Jam Session Samuel I)n\\ 'x. Nitltxdtrle Rnttd. 423 0107. 8.30pm. l'IL‘e.


I Shattered Hand, Debye ttntl Barefoot (‘QII‘C SI lttlttex. 2.5 St .liIIIlL'\ Shopping (‘entre. (‘ttthedrttl Lane. 557 2(i3 I. “Put. Free. The I‘uII .\Innn (‘Itrh presents ptrnk gtet Shattered IIttnd. \\ tllt suppnrt t‘rnm Anterieun singer \nng

\\ r'iter Deb} e and litrret‘nnt.

I The Architechs La Belle Angele. Ilatxtie’s (lose. 225 7530.

III.3I)pm 3am. Free. .\Inrg;tn'\ Spiee present In e gttrttge tlL‘I 'I‘Ite .-\rehiteeh.\ as part nt' their Rtin eluh night Snundpr'exenee ttlnng “ith I)J\ I-‘erni I-‘ern tlllti Yngi Ilttughtnn. 3


I Single Point Of Light, Bozilla .lIltI They Came From The Stars, I Saw Them \IL'L'III-Slt'tI/3. Suttelttelrall Street. 333 003" “pm Ihe} (Lime I'rnm 'I he Stars. is the rre\\ pr‘nteet trnrtr e\-( )etnptr\ \ne.tlr\t \I.tre Shearer.

I The Cholo .rrttl Squander Pilots IIIL‘ I.“III \ttle (Kile. Klltg‘ Street. 553 Ih3S. .S.3tlpm. L2 Squander I’rlntx are .m eleetrnnrettx pnp It} bird

I Texas Express (mind (Me I )pr'}. I’;tr\Ie} Rtttttl In”. 42‘) 53W». ".3llpm. L3 rL2 rnenther'xt, (‘nrrntr‘y

I Abba Disco Party Iintrr’bnn Street. (ienrge Street. 552 Ill-1 I. “put. L5 tLI4.5tl \\ ith tlrrmer‘r. I‘eatur'rrrg 4m .'\I\I\.l tribute band.

I The Cobramatic Jazzateers .\Ie(‘|rtriII\. Ilrglr Street. 552 2135. Iflpm. I-r'ee.

I Finch .\Ie( 'huillx \th} ()trt \Vext. KeI\ inhttuglr Street. 57h 5IIIS ‘l.3tlpm. live.

I Live Music Samuel I)n\\\, \lllhtlztle Road. 423 Hill“. S,.3llprri. l'ree.


I Microdisiacs ltnrrgnt‘luh. l~t Next Street. 558 7(itl4. Ill.3flpm. Ln t L5r. .\I;rnehe\ter Irip Itnp :tet \Iierndixiuex pttt ill a In e per'l‘nrmgrrtee :tt eltrh rrigltt Izl Segtmdn. while I” .\IK. Rnntx .\I;tntr\;t\ tnttr I).l. handles tlte deekx.

East Kilbride

I John Herald l'.;l\l Killrt'rtle :\rt\ ('errtre. ()ltl ('ttttelt Rnad. (II .355 2(tlllllll. Spm. L7 tL5 r. .'\n intimate \et nl .tenttxtie SIIIIIIIIS lo L‘eleltl'ale .lolttt IIL‘I'IIIIIK Iil'\l ttlhum in eigltteerr )L‘tll‘x.


I Isaac Hayes 'I’heutr‘e Ro};tl. Ilnpe Street. (‘:\.\Q( I] .I .liI ).

I What A Feeling Rnytl ('nneet'l Ilttll. Suttehiehall Street. 287 55I I. 4prtt/7.3I)pm. LI(r.5Il/LI4.5Il/L|3.5II/

L I 2.5(l/L I 2/Llfl.5tl plus eredit eurtl honking tee. I.irn;thl tlltti (in en I)ieke_\ nl' Rnxe Rn} ee Int‘m an odd \hnu hi/ enuple Inr this unxtttlgitt eelehrutinn.

I The Radio Sweethearts tIlItl John Herald IIIL‘ l3tli Note (‘;tt'e. King Street. 553 I(t3tS. S.3tlpm. Ln. Ileruld \\ ill be hueketl h} bluegrass hand The .\Innn\ltirter'\ for this uppeututnee at the regular S\\eethe;trt\ night.

Six Hours Of Hate \tee'n'Slett/i. Situehiehttll Street. 333 0637. (rpm. ;\pprnpri;rtel_\ -n;tmed e\ening nl' dettth metal bands. Bring aural prnteetrnn.

I Tommy Truesdale 8. The Sundowners (il'ttlttl ()Ie ()pr‘}. I’;ti\Ie_\ Rnttd In”. 42‘) 53W). 7.30pm. L3 tL2 members). ('nuntr} r‘nek.

I Robbie Williams/Mick Hucknall Tribute Bourbon Street. (ienr'ge Street. 552 OH I. 7pm. L5 tLIn.5tl \xitlr dinrterr.

I The Black Star Steel Band .\Ie(‘hui|I\. High Street. 552 2 I 35. Itlpm. |-'r'ee.

I Open Stage the Hull Bur. \Vnndlandx Road. 504 1527.4-Spm. I'ree. \VL‘ekl} \L‘SSIUII Iot‘ lneul muxieittnx.

I Curtains the Hull Bur. \\‘nndl;tntl\ Rtttltl. 504 1527. 0pm. I'ree.

I Roost Samuel I)n\\ K. \ithxdztle Rnud. 42.: tilt)". S3Ilpm. I’ree. lilllL‘x I Live Music .\Ie('htriII\ \\';t_\ ()ut \VL‘SI. KL‘I\ ittlttttlglt Street. 57h 5IIIS, 0.30pm. I-‘ree.


GT in the Park rrttrtttrtr Airfield. near Klltl‘tt\\. 33‘) S383. The annual rntrxie textiutl returns. with Sterenpltnniex. IC\;I\. (‘nldetr_\. Paul Weller. ('ttttttnnitt. .\Iu\e. I);t\ id (Era). l’ltIL‘L‘ltU. lieek. I)i\iltL‘ (cured). l'iCCtlL‘I'. Ash. “72 and man} nrnre.


I Deliverance \ree‘n'S‘lea/y S.ttreltreh.t|| Street. 333 NM“ 3pm. Izntr'} It} dnn.ttrnrr. .\ nrne—Itntrr [U \et peppered with Ir\e Illtl\le.

I The Rejects .tntl The Destructos Ihe I 3th .\nte (‘.tte. King Street. 553 In3t\. S. 3llprrt. L2.

I 2PM (hand (He I )pr_\. I’.trxle} Rnud 'I‘nII. 42‘) 53W» " 3tlpnr L3 rL2 rrtemher‘xr. (‘ntrrrtn \UIIIIIIS

I Changeling Sttrdrn I )ne. It} rex Road. 34] (r5ln. ‘Iprrr. l-ree.

I The Blues Poets lite Sentr.t. Sleek“ ell SII‘L'CI. 552 ShSI. 4pm. l'il'k't‘. l‘nr‘trttglttl} rexrdene} trnrn the Rtkli


I B 8 King I’rrnee\ Street (itll'tlL‘IIS. 4.23 .300”. "pm. LI“ L33. Ihe Iegerrtlttr) blues gtltlttl‘ht pI;t_\ \ trrt npert tlll' rnr\rng Irrx trade lllttt'k gr‘;t\e|_\ weak \\ lllt del't eIeetrre gtrrtrrr .tettnn.

I Scotland Yard Iinngn (‘Itrlx I4 New Street. 558 "NH. ‘lprn. L5. I.t\e Iiip Iinp lt‘ntrt Inetrl ntrtlit Sentlrtnd Yard ax part III the I‘Irppin’ eltrh nrglit tn r;tr\e tundx Inr the Izdrnhtrrgh Ramp I’und. .-\I\n It‘ttllll‘lllg‘ I).l \el\ It'nm Rttehre Rttlllttltt'. Nth!) I’. (i- .\I;te and .-\.l.

I Jam session Nnhlex 44 ('nrtxttttttinrt Street. 554 2024. ‘lpm. I'iree. Ne“ \teekl} ram hnxted It} IHL‘III \IIIIItI-IIP enrrtedranx Reg .-\rrder\nrt :rnd Ket irr Spenee \xlrer‘e \rnger‘x. gtriturixtx and [tittttti pltr}er\ :tre uelenntetl but the} rne\pIie;thI} tlixentrruge the appearanee nl~ rapper's nr I).l\.

Fife I T in the Park littltttln .-\irIieItl. nettr Kittie“. 33‘) 3333. See Sttt 7.


I Megadeth, Defenestration tttttl Co-Exist litrrr'nu land. (iullnugttte. 552 4(rIlI. 7.30pm. LII pith hnnkirtg tee. ()xer- l4\ \Ilt)\\. I)e;tth rrtetrrl errrtterrtpnrurrex nl' .\Iet;tllie;r \\ lin httxen't ptrxxied nut and gntre nreltextt'trl nr‘ an} tiring like that.

I Running Riot untl Scunnered Ihe I3th .\'nte (Kile. King Street. 553 I038. .S'.3Ilpnr. L2.

I Dealer Slttdin ()Ite. B}re\ Road. 34l (r5ln. ‘lptrr. I-"ree. .\lnrtd;t} hltrex night.

I Acoustic Jam Sit-t-'rt'Slt-;t/}. Sttttehiehull Street. 333 0037. 0pm. Ilnxted It) (ierr_\ I.)an \\ ith I'ree hon/e Inr perl'nrrrrerx.


I Rieser, Goldrush ttlltl Dirty Frank Iinngn (‘Iulx I-I \eu Street. 553 Tent. ‘lpm. L4 tL3r. I.)t‘ie;rll§ \xitt} blend nI' pnp illltl ntellnxt t'nek.

Tuesday 1 0


I The 455, Cutler and Central King 'I'ut‘x \Vtth \Vttlr lItrt. St Vineent Street. 22l 52“). .S.3I)pm. L4 plus honking lee.

I Cayto, Deadloss Superstar Illltl SUHdOWI‘I IIIL‘ l5llt Note (Elie. King Street. 553 l(r3.\‘. S3flprrt. L2. I’ttrrk. indie ttlttl t‘oL‘k \ottlttl\ nrt tlte menu.

I Elysium, The Gangsters and Fred (ilnr) Btu. ('trr‘Iet's. lines RUIILI. 33S (t5I I. .S’.3I)pm. I‘ree.


I Starsky, Tigermoth ttlltl Parka (Kile Rn};tl Iiixtrn liar. I" \Vext Regixler Street. 557 4792. .S‘pm. L4 L5. :\nnther‘ \uperinr Inettl line-up nI indie talent Int' (Kile Rn} rtI. .'\nd hztlt priee til’lltk\ are ;r\;tilgthle in the :tdjaee‘ttt (‘rnu n Bar tip until the \IIII'IS :rt Sprtt.

I Ambient Days, Trip Fontaine and Stik Finlays Bnrtgn (‘Iulx I4 Next Street. 55% 7mm. 9pm. L3. Laid haek rnelndiex trnrtr Ambient du} \. \nln trenthtre p\_\ehedeli;t Irnm l'ttlttttilte u ith it run er set from from the I"iriltr_\ \.

T in the Park Ihe littlado massive asserrtble once more for the usual Iashrngs of good \rbes. good tunes. a certain popular lager. and god ‘.‘.'Ililllt)_ no rrrud Hrghlrghts Include I tiltlltt‘ltt)tt, Irrcky. Beck. (Earl ()rarg and Mull llrstorrcal Socrer tprcturedl. See feature. [Ra/ado, Perth and lxrnross. Sat / (‘3 Sun 8 Jr 1/.

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Self confessed ‘krngs of the swrngers'. thrs Calrfornran septet head oil a night of uptown struttrn' artd Jr‘xrn' wrth those ever reliable part3." makers at cltrb night Vegas. See preview. [i'rrrow/and. (i/asgnttc Sat 7-4 Jul.

Jurassic 5 Ihe perfect summer tonic of feelgood hrp hop Vibes front Calrfornra's coolest creatrorr. Old school block party rrtusrc grven the contemporary treatrrrent. See prevrew. Arches, (i/asgow Hill I!) Ju/.

Black Crowes 'I'he Robrnson brothers leave the Gallaghers behrnd in America to brrng to the UK. the orrgrnal rock ‘n' roll show. presenting songs from therr new album 1 tons. See preVrew. Barrow/and. (.i/asgow. lue l/‘Jt/l. Shelter Corrrbrnrng posrttve attitudes. new age ethrcs and cuttrng edge American hardcore rriusrc may seerrt Irke a peculrar agenda btrt thrs US guartet manage to do the 'l<rrsbnacore' thing to great effect. See prevrew. The Venue. Ifdrnburgh. Wed 1 I Jul.

Wednesday 1 1


I The Frames, Cortez tllltl Dieselbone King Itth With Walt IItrt. St \tneent Street. 22I 527‘). H.3Ilpm. L5 plus booking lee. ('eltie pnp Ir‘ottt (ilert IIIIIISIIRI :tnd httnd.

I Kling Klang 'l‘lre l3tlt S’nte ('Iuh. ('|}de Street. 243 2I77. Split. L4. I.i\erpttdli;tn It‘in u hn tlexer'ihe thernxelxex ttS ‘rnztnt-prng \pttee eleetrnnie punk”. ('rtn't the} he rnnre speeilie.’

I Den Alma itlltl Richard Youngs The Ruidettls. Ihe I3Ih Note ('ttle. King Street. 553 I638. 3.30pm. L3. I)en Alma enntinue their rnnnth RIS .\'nte Residents. I Dogs Die ln McChuills .\Ie('huillx Wat) ()ut “LNI. KeI\ inhaugh Street. 576 5IIIH. 9.30pm. l‘ree. Next I'nr'tnightl} \III)\\C(I\C for next IIIL'tIl htttttlx. IlI)SIL‘Il It) the hand Dogs I)ie In Ilnt ('zrrx. I Acoustic Open Stage The littll Bar. \Vnndlaridx Road. 564 I527. 9pm. Free. Ilnxted h} I’itdd} \ (iirlx.

‘r": it. 1/. ,' THE LIST 51