Taxi 2il5i00 t‘ietattl Kia'ae/ik. l'l.tll\C. lelll i Sam} \.teL‘ll S2 tnznx late Hexxott tettiinx ax \‘-lllL'l and f‘litlelLL'l' tor the

xeeond inxtalnient ot hix aetion eomed}

xeriex Daniel i\aeetii ix xttll \ll'H mg hix eah.

\ihieh hax more eadgetx thaii the awrage Bond ear. and ix emhroiled iii international expionage ‘x‘-l‘.tiC tr} lllf.’ to :inprexx h:x etrltrierzd‘x father. 'l here are hmnl‘lzng eopx. lame-la nnnax. a Japanexe amhaxxador to H'SLUL' and loadx and loadx ot ear Lild‘k" along: the ua} the united} ix ot the xlapxtiek \aiiet} and itx \lllltlISllllL'SS doexn‘t xit eaxi!) xi. ith the more xe\ual eontent and \L'tmpl‘iiil‘le t'elet’et‘ieex. :\l‘i L'\1L't‘i\led eat" elxaxe ruined h} had tokex and a xxeak xtot'}

t (i(‘ (‘inetnax. lzdinhtn'gh.

Thrill Ride i Win .\ lttt\ ot eompnter eraphiex and in e aetion. prm tding a xeientitie. but fun look at the hixtor} ol ridex. trotn their earl} originx in l"th eenttir} Rtixxia to toda_\ 'x ride ximtilatorx. [MAX "heatre. (ilaxgoxx,

Titbits t lh’i i\'at‘totix. \'.it'1ottx. 20””) SH tiiiiix. .-\ntholo}_"\ ot the liext ot eontemporar} lexhian xhort tilmx. lhe programme eontatnx xe\tia|I} e\plieit material. l’art ot the l.ondon l,exhian .-\nd (ia) l‘llllt l-extnal on tour. l'ihnhoiixe. l'.tlttll‘tll‘;.‘ll.

Together 1 l5i O... il.tikax .\lood_\xxon. Suedeii. Illtllli l,ixa landeren. (ittxtat llaininarxten. Sain Kexxel lilo iiiiiix Set in the mid “tlx. \lood) xxon‘x to] lo\\ tip to the highl} rated Show. \h' l.('\( enex a gentle. eotnie dig; in the iihx to the liipp) ideal \\ lien l2lixahetli ilindgieni and liei eliildien take i’etiige tioin a \ iolent litixhand \xith liei plaeid hrotliei' (ioiaii illaininaixteni at liix eoiniiiiine. nained loeetliei'. theii litext} lex are not the on!) onex tliat etid tip hem; t'eaxxexxed. linpoi'tantl}. the tiliii exelie\\x hoth noxtal gia lot the petiod and Itltk‘hk‘l'} ol it. dexpite the t'etio xoiindtraek I \hha. natural I} i and einhaii'axxing eonteiiipoiai'} eloth ttth See pie\ IL‘“ and in ie\\. (il’l'. (il;i\_:_:ti\\

Cinéfrance presents

Toy Story 2 i l a “John l.axxetet. l'S. Itttttti loin llanlxx. lnn \llen. .loari (‘nxaek W5 nimx the new tiln: e\pandx on tlte original xettingx and themex \\ hen \Mmtl} 1‘ not taken to ('ouho} ('ainp h} hix on ner Mid}. he hegnix to quextion the meaning; ot hix ‘lite' \Vhen he‘x xul‘xequentl} xtolen h} a eolleetor \\ ho planx to xell ‘.It‘.‘. to a Japanexe to} tituxeun‘. Bit/l and the gang lt‘.t\ e! aeroxx ton n to rexeue their Pal ‘l'he emotn e range ot the animated eharaeterx ix e\trmuditiai'}. the} xa_\ that eoinputet‘ generated itnagex \\ ill

ne\ er replaee the real thing. hut lot Sim-i _ tt‘iaheS )ittt “Ullkik'l. ()tlL‘iitI. A} t'. ()deon. Kzlmarnoek

Toy Story i Milo... IJoltn l.axxeiei-. l‘S. l‘)‘)5i With the \oieex ot Toni Hatikx. Tlm Allen. Don Rieklex. ts’l minx. lt ixn't juxt the xtate-oti-the-art imagex that dixtingiiixh Dixne} 'x tirxt e<imputer—generated animation feature. it'x got a eraeking ad\entiire xtor) too, _-\ tale ot' lllL‘lttlSlllP and xeltlheliet' eonihined \\ ith an e\eiting rexeue and agamxt-the-eloek tenxion. [in Stan ix xprmkled “1th eonne axidex. l)on't he tooled into thinking: thexe to} x are ttixt tor the kidx. .\laeRohert .-\rtx ('entie. Stirling.

Traffic I 1M 0... tStex en Soderhereh. l'S. .‘lllllli Hemeio l)e| 'l'oro. \liehael l)ittl:_'l;t\. ('atheiine /.et;i-.loiiex. l4“ ininx.

'l liix aniliitiotix. intilti-la} ered epie diania e\poxex the eonttixion. h)poerix} and xlieei‘ ltitilit} ol ‘\ineiiea‘x \\;It on ditigx 'l'hiee llllL'l\\U\L‘lt xtoi} linex in\o|\ llt_L' deeent eop l)e| 'l’oi‘o. eonxenatn e ( )hio |lltl}..'k' I)Ull_‘_‘l;l\. the eoiniti} 'x neix I} appointed iie\\ ding e/at. illltl \\ ell heeled xiielet) \\ llL‘ /eta xliou how the drug; tiade tonehex atid \‘iittllph e\et_\ lk'\ el Hl xiielel} on l‘nllt \lthS ot the l’S-Xleneo hotdei: l'xing dittet'ent tiliii xtoekx and teehniqnex. Soderhergli

pio\ idex eaeli ot tliexe xtoi’} liiiex \\ itli a dixtinet look \xhtle linking them “tth petxixteiit tixe ol liatid held eanierax. \iliieli gix ex tlie tilni an an ot doettiiientai} atithentieit} atid giipping iniiiiediae}.


Intelligent and prmoeatne. I'rtittit aioidx xermonixmg. hut tn xeene at'ter xeene. the inexxage getx through. ()deon. (ilaxgim. ('arnegie Hall. l)unt’erinline.

Urban Ghost Story: IS i O... .(iene\ie\ e Jollit't'e. l‘lx'. 2H0] i Heather .-\nn l-oxter. Stephanie Buttle. Jaxon (‘onner} SS niinx .~\ ghoxt appearx in a deprii ed (ilaxgtm to“ er hloek. at‘tlieted h} drugx. \ iolenee and po\ert}, lt'x territ‘} mg. and the ghoxt'x a hit eerie. too. .-\t the eentre ot' tlnx engaging tale ix li/lie (FUSIL‘H. a teenager \xlio'x had a near death e\perienee alter a ear aeeident “hieh killed her ho} t'riend. ller alread) niueh put-upon mum tStephanie Buttlei hax the angxt le\ elx xerioiixl} tipped ax a xueeexxion ot' poltergeixt inanit'extationx appear around her daughter. At leaxt ax mueh xoeial eominentar} ax ghoxt .xtor)'. the film tellx a good tale without pretenxion. See review. Selected release.

Valentine 1 IS» 0 tJamie Blankx. [3. 30M i Denixe Rieliardx. l)a\ id Boreanal. Marley Shelton. 95 ininx. Thix hopelexx xlaxher-tliek openx \\ ith a ha} of teenage heatitiex heing inexeuxahl} mean to a goot'} elaxxmate at a \aleiititiex hall. etilniinating in one of the popular gang talxel} aeeuxing hiin ot‘ xe\iial axxault. l.tttlL‘l'Sltllttlélhl). the git) 'x a hit milled atid l‘elllt'ttS to haek the lot ot' tlietii to hitx \xliile “filling a inildl} xear} inaxk. at'tei' xending them mildl} xear} Valentinex eardx. .-\ henehmark tor einetnatie tt\\lltll1L‘SS. (‘anieo. ladinhtii'gh.

Varieties I IS) (Nikox l’ana}otopoulox, (iteeee. 1085! NH) niinx. The l’ana}otopoiilox xeaxon eontintiex \\ itli tale about a direetor u ho titidx hiiiixelt at a turning point in hix eareer. and ax a rexiilt attenttttx to Me out the tietional lit'e ot xonie ot liix tilm heroex. liilinhouxe. lidinhurgli. The Watchert Iii 0. (Joe (‘liarhanio ['S. 200! i Keanii Reevex. Janiex Spader. Marixa ’l‘oinei. 07 minx. Reexex plaix a xerial killer in thix derivatixe mm ie ax a know to (‘harhanio \\ ho made xe\eral

ondrine Bonnoire 'Jooques

inele\ Film

pop promox tot hix toek hand. Dog Star. l‘Ltt phonex iii hix pertornianee. long-dixtanee

B} eontraxt. Spadei and loniei. ax a haunted e\-eop and hix lonel_\ xhrink. add a human dimenxion to the haekneied xeenaiio \eteran eineniatogiaphet' \liehael (‘hapinan tliitt l)l!1¢'l'. l/n' l‘llUH-r iaddx nndexet\ed elaxx to the en) xeapex atid o\et -\le\tf._‘ll'e‘\l interiorx. hut (‘harlxinie‘x penehant to: \l l'\ xt_\le tlaxhl‘aekx and xhak) -eani killer ~x potnt-ot-Hexx xhotx. metel} indneex headaehex \ltixieliotixe. \lothemell Whipped . lSi tin-m .\t (unit-at x. Stitttv .-\inanda l’eet. Jonathan -\htahanix. liiian Van Holt. SI niinx \\ hipped l\ “hat tlnee xingle gtt}\ tn \e\\ \ork ate Ho“ ix a woman. \Vlio ix .\lia il’eet i. \\ ho gix ex the ho}x a hard time h) lt;i\ in; xe\ \\ tlll eaeli one of them 'l‘hereat‘ter. the xtrtnnpet ptitx a xtrain on the t‘riendxlnp ot' Wall Street xint Brad tHolt I. einotionall} xenxitix e Jonathan tAhrahamxi and liaxt Village holieniian /eke thrie Barheri. .-\x the triendxhip deterioratex xo doex the ho} 'x rittialixtie Stinda} luneh. \\ here the} dixeuxx the

\\ eekend‘x \e\ U‘llklltk‘SIS [If—'1} See

rex It“. Seleeted teletISL‘

You Can Count On Me 1 IS t 0000 (Kenneth l.onei;_'an. l'S. 2H”! i l aiiia l.inne_\. Mark Rtittalo. \lattheu Hiodein k lll ininx Single niothet Saniin_\ il inneii enio} x an orderl} e\ixten\e in iipxtate \e\\ York toun. Seottx\ ille She uoikx .it the loeal hank. de\otedl_\ hitiiex tip hei kid lx'titlx tRUl‘} ('iilkini. and attendx the lot al \lnnt h H0“ net. the at'i't\.il ol liet hiothei and tellou orphan 'lei'i'} l.\l.ttl\ Rtittaloi tmnx liei L'tix} \mrld tipxide dou n Written and dit'eeted h} \e\\ York pla_\\\iig_'lit l oneiean. You (int (hunt on My ix a totiehinel} pereeptn e pot'tt.i_\a| ol a xihlitig relationxhip Aeeoinpanied h} aii elegant eliainhei intixn xeore. and filmed \iith quiet. nattnalixtn axxiiranee. lonergan'x dehtit ix notalile tot the depth ot the “tiling; and itiipiexxi\el_\ modulated peitoi‘nianeex 'l’he ltiniieie. lidinhurgh.

Gomblin Antoine de Counes Volerio Bruni-Tedesohi

The Colour of Lies

(Au coeur du mensonge)

A film by



a .b brol

pfO “In, ,Barski j habrol





again tlttl lllt'itlt‘t'

‘3—1 1J.i' 2’10? THE LIST 41