The superbly photographed Nowhere To Hide follows a 72-hour police

manhunt through the rain-swept streets of Seoul

with axidcx likc. ‘.\la}hc wc xhould call Bill (iatcx‘. aiid cmail acctunit—holding. iiiohilc plioiic-w icldiiig undcr lil'x will hc in thcir clcmcnt. .'\lo\ icliotixc. .\lotlicrwcll.

The Dish t I2i 0000 (Rob Sitcli. Atixli‘alia. 3000) Sam Ncill. Kc\ in Harrington. 'I'om Long. ltll minx. lt'x No”. Apollo .\'| ix about to land and .\'cil .-\riiixtroiig ix duc to takc tlic tirxt htiiiiaii xtcpx upon tlic moon. A humhling tcaiii ol‘ countr) liiwx. at l’ai'kcx Radio 'l‘clcxcopc‘ l‘acilil} iii .\'cw South \Valcx. arc i'cxponxihlc l'or prm idiiig thc iiiiagcx xchcdulcd to appcar on (Mt) million tclc\ ixion xcrccnx around thc world. l'nl'ortunatcl)’. thcy xccm to lia\ c loxt Ariiixti'ong in xpacc. ’l‘hc rcxultiiig lciixioii ix liigli. tlic optiiiiixiii iiil'cctioux and thc outcomc axtoundiiig. With iiiilailiiigl} quirk) humour and xiiiccrc pci'l'tiriiiaiiccx. thc rcxult hax to hc onc ol’ thc moxt llpllllltlf.’ and ciitcrtaiiiing lilxltfl')‘ lcxxoiix cxcr lilmcd. Dominion. lidinhurgli; MacRohcrt Artx ('cnti'c. Stirling. Dolphins t l ' i 'l‘lic produccrx ol‘ tlic moxt xucccxxl'iil l.\lA.\ llltH'lC chr. Iii-(rut. takc tix undci‘xca iiito tlic aquatic lioiiic ol‘ dolpliinx. \‘l'itli narration h} l’ici'cc Broxiiaii and muxic h} Sting. IMAX 'l‘ltcalrc. (ilaxgow.

Don’t Look Back tccrt thci (l).:\. l’ciiiichakcr. l'K. l‘lo7i Boh Dylan. Joan Bacl. Donoian. 0o miiix. D} laii on tour in liiigland in l‘)(i5. opciiiiig up to thc camcra and iiiccting up w itli tlic likcx of Alan l’i‘icc. Allcn (iiiixhcrg and a x) copliaiitic Donovan. 'l‘llc xtillgx “H10.l‘llllL‘S’lillL‘y .-\I'C .'\- (hanging. Suhlci'raiicaii llomcxick Blucx'. L‘lL- ill'C C\CL‘”C"[. illld lllilSlL‘l' docuiiiciitarixt l’cnnchakcr liax a good l'ccl l’oi' tlic horcdoiii of tlic road. MacRohcrt Artx (‘ciitrc. Stirling.

Don’t Look Now ( IS) 00000 (Smilax Rocg. l’K. l‘)73i Donald Sullicrland. Julic (‘lirixtic. [th minx. chloratioii cxpcrt with \CCUlltl xlglil \ lxtlx \L‘llict‘. \\ lit‘t't‘ llL‘ mCL‘lx up with two old xixtcrx w ho claim xpii'itual coiiimtiiiication with liix rcccnll) drowiicd datightcr. Againxt a Mann-likc hackdrop ol‘ unc\pl.'iincd dcathx. hc hccomcx tilixcxxcd with a tin). rcd-coatcd ligurc hc xpicx

xcurr} ing through tlic cit} 'x dark allcyx. Splciidid xupcrnatural xuxpcnxc lllti\ ic. ax xuhtl} tuturcd and hrilliantl) cditcd ax an) id Rocg‘x work. with llic addcd adxantagc that it'x a ratlicr good _\arn. 'l'hc Lumicrc. lidiiihurgli.

Double Trouble tl’(ii O. t.\'oriiian 'l'aurog. l'S. l‘)(i7i lil\ ix l’rcxlc}. 93 iniiix. A tccnagc hcircxx l‘allx l‘or lilx ix w liilc lic ix pcrl‘oi'ining in Britain. llc'x alxo pcrxuadcd h} ,xomc ‘coiiiical' policemen and goonixh

\ illaiiix in w liat ix clcarl} not liar otl troiii hcing lilxix' worxt liliii. Douhlc hillcd.

how c\ cr. with l‘liar'x ’I'lir ll'm Ii /\. and including a talk h} (icrr) .\lcl.allcrt}. pl‘cxidctit ol' thc l'.\ lix l’i'cxlc} l'illlll Socicl}. it'x quitc a packagc. Scc Rough cutx. ‘l‘hc Lumicrc. lidinliurgh.

Down To Earth 1 IZi O t(‘lirix and Paul \Vcill. l'S. Illtll i (‘lirix Rock. chiiia King. Mark Add). 37 minx. lii tliix i'ciiiakc ol~ Warrcn Bcatt} 'x l‘)7S liliii llt'tll't'll (im lliiil. Rock'x unl'unn) xtand-up. Lancc Barton. ix in\ol\cd iii a car accidcnt and airlil'tcd to licax cn. 'l‘lic Ulll} prohlcm ix that Barton ix xtill \cr} much alixc. So lic'x oll‘crcd a tciiiporar} liomc in tlic hod) ol’ a w hitc hillioiiairc and ix cataptillcd into a world of w ickcd capitalixtx and trcaclicroux gold-diggcrx. 'l‘lic lilm'x prohlciii ix that it'x hopclcxxly dcrixatixc. borrowing chunkx ol’ Big. Rings ()1 [hair/1' and Quantum 1171/). and making tliciii into an almight} incxx. (it‘llct'ul t'L‘lL‘tle‘.

Dr T And The Women 1 lZi COO (Rohci't Altman. IS. 2001) Richard (icrc. llclcii lluiit. l‘ai‘rah l-"aw'cctt. Ill minx. 75- )car-old \‘ctcran dircctor Rohcrt Altman. in taiidcin with ('nukiv'x I'iil’lllllt‘ xcrccnw ritcr Annc Rapp. dclix-crx an unm cn. )‘ct l'i'cqticntly cnjo}ahlc xatirc on Dallax xocict_\'. and in particular itx L‘XPCIISDCI) pampcrcd lciiiaICx. A looxc rill on thc hihlical xltit'} ol‘ Joh. thc patriarch w lioxc paticncc wax tcxtcd h} hi/arrc c\ cntx. Dr I' Am! ‘I‘ln' ll’omi'ii xccx Altman iixc hix lradcmark overlapping dialoguc and lluid tracking xliotx to C\pl‘c\x oiic ol‘ hix l’axouritc thcnicx how iiicaninglcxx chattcr hax rcplaccd mcaningl‘ul communication in iiiodcrii xocict}; ()dcoii At 'l'lic ()ua}. (ilaxgow; l‘iliiihouxc. lidinhurgh. Dracula 2001 t ISi ooo tl’ati‘ick l.u.xxicl'. (‘8. 3m” l (icrald Butlcr. (‘lii‘ixtoplicr l’luiiiiiicr. Jtillllll) .\li|lar. 9‘) iiiinx. In thix contcniporar} lakc on Bram Stokci"x horror claxxic Ahrahaiii \aii llclxing tl’lummcri hax kcpt Dracula lockcd tip in a mu“ tor tlic paxt l()() )carx. 'l'lic xcci'cc} with which \aii llclxiiig guardx it. how cx-cr. draw x tlic attcntion ol' rohhcrx and tlicir tomh raiding xticcccdx in rclcaxing thc princc ol' dai'kiiCxx ((ilaxgow -hoi'n actor Butlcr doing an oka} johi. 'l'hcrcal'tcr thc action ll'illlSl‘Cl'S lo NC“ ()rlcanx. ll wax onl} a inattcr ol‘ tiiiic hcl'orc thc moxt lamoux horror \ illain of all wax gixcn thc Si‘n'um trcatmcnt. hut thix \VCx (‘ravcii-produccd film lailxtodcliwr;Uracil/(1201)] t’cclx morc like a llamincr cra B-mox'ic. Sclcctcd rclcaxc.

i .-J 1.: x, 5" U " “- “I! ' ' 1"" “a ‘t

Ek Rishtaa il’( ii \xiaii liliii lt‘l, (ilaxgow. l ('l. l diiihuigli

Elvis Live: That’s The Way It Is - Special Edition it 000. il)t'lll\ Saiidcrx. l’S. IHHI W" iniiix Saiidcix' original docuiiiciitar}. cliionicliiig l'lic King'x liixt xtagc xhowx iii iiioic than a dccadc Itiiiic xpciit dcxclopiiig an aliiiiglit} drug hahit and appcaiiiig iii tciiihlc ioiii coin iiiuxicalxi. wax a xoporitic altaii lliix Spccial litlllli‘ll. lioaxting aiotiiid .11) iicw miiiutcx. ix a icxclatioii with loiii iiioic xoiigx and loadx iiioic iiixidci lootagc

\\ itliiii xc\cii _\caix l,l\ ix wax dcad. a liloatcd paiod} ol what lic wax licic lliix ix oiic iiiuxical and liixtorical docuiiicnt _\ou do not want to iiiixx Doiililc liillcd with l)l’ll/llt l/‘ou/i/i and including a talk lw (icii) .\lcl.allcrty picxidciil ot tlic l:\ lix l’icxlc} l‘lllll Socict}. Scc Roiigli cutx llic l.uiiiicic. ladinliurgli,

The Emperor’s New Groove ll I 0.. i\lai‘k |)iiidal.l S. IINII l)a\id Spadc. .loliii (ioodmaii. Izartlia Kill "K iiiiiix laiiipci‘oi Kii/co Ix monarch ol an unxpccilicd South .-\iiicricaii land who ix turncd into a llama h) liix xcliciiiiiig axxixtaiit Y/ma ixoiccd moxt appiopi'ialcl} h} Kitti during a holclicd axxaxxiiiatioii attciiipl. 'l‘hc llama ciiipcroi‘ gocx on thc run and ix lit'lt‘lt‘lttlt‘tl l3} gotitl~w IllL‘tl lit‘l'tlt‘l' l’ac‘litt

t( ioodmaii i. who liclpx rcturii liix lour- lcggcd i'ulcr to liix tlii'onc. 'l‘licrc arc tlic occaxioiial clc\ci' poxtiiiodcrii louclicx lx'u/co xtoppiiig tlic lilm l‘t't'l to talk to llic audiciicc hut iiioxtl} tliix ix pi’iiiic old xchool l)l\llL'_\ xtull'. lt lackx tlic animach laiidxcapc lllllti\;lllt)ll\ ol 'luriiui. nor docx it cnio} tlic cliaractcr dcxclopiiiciit ol .’\ltltllll. which ix w h}. ultiiiiatcl}. itx iiiixxiiig cdgc. SL‘lL‘L'lL‘tl I'L'lcaxt'.

Enemy At The Gates i lSi oooo tlcaii-Jacqucx Aiinaiid. l'K/l'i'aiicc. Ititll i Judc law. lid llarrix. Raclicl \Vcixl. Jtixt‘pll liiciincx. IRS iiiinx. 'l‘lic moxt c\pciixi\ c l'itll'tipt'all lilti\ It“ C\L't' l't‘L‘l'L‘alL'x lllL‘ tlL‘L'lxl\L‘ iiioiiiciit during World War II w hcii llic Rtixxiaiix and lhc (icriiianx hattlcd on tlic liaxlci'ii l'l‘tHH. Aiinaud coiidcnxcx tlic xicgc ol tlic cit} ol Stalingrad iiilo a thrilling cat» aiid-iiiouxc gaiiic hch ccii two xiiipci'x

tSo\ icl workiiig-claxx lici'o law and (it'l'llldll arixtocrat llarrixi with a low trianglc thrown in for comincrcial common xciixc. It'x a liliii that'x lull ol' largc-xcalc xpcclaclc and intimatc dctailx. and iii a xcciic to t'i\al Sitting I’I'ii‘iili’ Ix’mii‘x ()iiialia Bcacli opcncr. tlic hcatit} ol' ciiiciiia liitx thc uglilicxx of war w ith hl'lllttl cl'lccl. l"lill ('iiicma. l‘alkirk.

Evolution tl’( il C. than Rcitiiiaii. l'S. ltitil i Daxid Duchmri}. Juliaiiiic .\loorc. ()ilando Joncx. Itll minx. Rcitman i'cprixcx hix Stix iiicga-liit. (i/imrluoli'rx. xtihxtitutiiig li'l‘x lor xpookx. Izi'o/ulimfx ‘alicnhuxtcrx' arc lcad h} Duclim n} ‘x .\lid- \Vt‘xl xchool lL‘dL‘liL‘l’ tlllc w ild card i‘olc that wax prcx iouxl} Bill .\lurra_\ ‘xi and .\loorc\ currciit gmcrniiicni c\pcrl. 'l'hc plot ix purc hiin coiiccpt: a iiictcoi‘itc ciaxlicx on l3ai‘tli lcakiiig alicii goo which kickxtartx hillioiix ol' )carx ot c\o|utioii iii a couplc ol da} x. ('uc ('(il iiionxtcrx hugx. tixli. aiiipliihiaiix. tlltltixtitll‘x and apcx a non- xlartcr romancc hctwccn Duchom} and .\loorc and xonic \cr} lamc iokcx and )tiii'\c got a xummcr hlockhuxtci‘ packagc. (it‘llL‘l'ttl l'L'lL‘aSC.

Faces ( ISI 0... (John (‘axxa\ctcx. l‘S. WotS'i John .\lar|c). (iina Row laiidx. l._\llll (‘arliii. Sc} motii' ('axxcl. l3“ minx. ('axxaxctcx on iaiiiiliar ground an LA. cxccutix c xtrugglcx with middlc agc and a dixintcgi'ating marriagc told in familiar (’axxawtcx'x xt_\ lc o\ crlong. prohiiig.

o elicit on www.crltringeeomlmn - call 0131 226 0000.1tlam-6iim. Monday-Saturday - call in to the fringe Box Office. 180 High Street. Edinburgh Ian-anm. Monday-[rider

index Film

ultiiiiatcl) compclliiig Rcccoiiig tliicc \cadcrii} \waid iioiiiiiiationx. [in i x l‘ccanic llic lltxl tiiilx iiidcpciidciit -\iiicricaii tcattuc lo icacli a national audiciicc til’l‘. (ilaxgow

Finding Forresteri II: 000 \.iii Saiit. l S. Ziiiil i Scan ("oiiiicix RohBiowii lip iiiiiix ’\ tiouhlcd )ouiig gciiiux tiiidx a iiiciitoi iii an oldci man with dciiioiix oi liix own Sound laiiiiliai '\\cll.


\aii Saiit'x iicw iiio\ ic ix a l‘lalalll cop} ol liix liixt iiiainxticaiii xucccxx. (foot! llii'l Hun/iii: l'liix tiiiic aiouiid. liowc\ci. iatlici lliaii a iiiatlix piodigx and liix xliiink. llic pricklxpaii aic a tcciiagci lioiii tlic Bioii\ and a iccluxn c Salinch likc w ritci l'lic ia// xcoic ix cxccllciit. (‘oiincix hicatlicx lilc into .i cliaiaclci coiixtiuctcd aliiioxt ciiliiclx lioiii cliclicx and Biowii gixcx a iiatuialixtic and altcctiiig pci'loiiiiaiicc. liut tlic liliii'x iiii\ ol iiidic pacing and camcia work with lloll_\wood gloxx and xciitiiiicritalit} iic\ci icall) gclx. llic l uiiiicic. lidiiiliuigli. (ai'iicgic llall. Dunlciiiilinc.

The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas 1 H il 0. «Bow l.c\ant. l'S. Itititii \lark .-\dd_\. Stcplicii Baldwin, ‘ll iiiiiix. 'l'liix pictiucl xliowx l~icd iAdd) i and Bai'iic) tBaldw iiii iii tlicir liaclicloi da} x whcii tlic) tiixt court \Vilma iloliiixtoiii and Bctl} Llaiic Krakow xkii. l'lic} aic ahcttcd iii thix h} a littlc grccn alicii callcd ( ia/oo (Alan ('uiiiiiiiiig i. hut arc liaiiipcrcd lw tlic i'i\al attciilioiix ol \Viliiia‘x xliiii} arixtocratic chum ('liiP Rockclcllcr i'l‘homax ( iihxoiii. And tlic_\ all li\c liappil) c\cr altci. without a li‘acc ol oi‘igiiialit). up or chI. Sclcctcd I'clcaxc.

Get Over Iti IZi .0. t’l‘oiiiiii} ()‘llawi'. l'S. Itilll i Kirxtcii Duiixt. Bcii l'oxtci‘. .\lai‘tiii Slioi‘t. UH iiiiiix. l'.\L'l' gct tlic lccliiig moxt coupch who gct ll togcllicr in tccn di'aiiiax will hc luck} to xta_\ togcllicr loi' tiltccii iiiiiiutcx altci thc liliii ciidx \Vcll. (ii'1()i¢‘r/Ipickx up w licrc iiioxt ol tlioxc llickx tail oll’. Bcrkc l.andcrx il-oxtcrxi ix duiiipcd h} liigli xchool xw cctlicai‘t Allixoii at tlic xtarl ol tlic liliii. hut. \ ia a xchool production ol A .lluliimmii'r .Vlg’llIA Hrmni. Bci'kc tallx loi‘ liix licxt li'iciid'x cxcccdiiigl} hcautilul xixtci'. Kcll} ll)t|llxll. (ii'! ()l't’l' II ixii't going to xiii‘prixc aiwoiic. but it gocx tlirougli tlic tccii i‘oiii~corii iiiotioiix alil) cnough. (icncral i‘clcaxc.

0 Ginger Snaps t Itx‘i 0000 (John l-awcctt. ('aiiada. ZUUI i Kalliai‘iiic lxahcllc. Izmil} l’ci'kiiix. .\liiiii Rogcrx. ltitx’ minx. “iiicr—dircchii‘ l-awcctt'x xardoiiic trcatmciit ol' thc .-\iiici‘icaii hourgcoixic gi\cx tliix hor- l'til‘ Iliti\ IL' lllL‘ lCL‘lilig til all AlL‘lllt'l} tiltxt‘l‘ht tioiial romp lxahcllc'x liloxxoiiiing n}iiiph xproutx a tail altcr a w crcwoll attack. but altcr iiiucli pcrplcxit) hcgiiix to hcar it with tortiludc xprcadiiig lici~ inlcctioii witli licr xc\iial ltt\titlt'x. Ax hcr xla\ ixlil} dc\otcd xix— tci' tricx to intcr\ ciic. (iiiigcr lraiixloi‘iiix ll'titli L'Iiiptiw L‘I‘Ctl tccn to tragic lliiilixlcl'. l)cxpitc lloll_\wood'x long l'lirtatioii witli l)caiitlirop}. l'aw cctt‘x lunii). tragic tiliii xtill coiitri\cx to hc original. (‘amco. lzdinhurgli.

Grease tl’( ii 0... tRandal KlL‘Ixcr. l‘S. W73) John 'l‘ra\olta. ()li\ ia .\'cwtoii .loliii. Stockard (‘haniiiiig llU iiiinx. ’l‘hc coloui‘lul goingx-oii at R)dcll lligli particularl} llic roiiiancc ol xquarc out-ol- tow ncr Sand} and touin gu} Darin} ix tlic xlull ol claxxic mo\ ic cxcapixiii. In addition to a plot which groaiix with trtixtratcd paxxioii. hrixtlcx with gang tcnxionx and

xw iiigx with tccn \ct‘\ c. thc xoiigx arc thc xouiidtrack loi‘ a gcncratioii. 'l‘wciit} )carx on. (iri'uu' ix xtill thc word. and xtill thc wa)‘ w c arc l‘ccling. Mackohcrt Artx ('cntrc. Stirling.

5—79 Jul 2001 THE LIST 37