Jobs Classified

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GREY COAST IS the protessmnal theatre company of the Highlands and Islands GRI t corsr .'.'Ill tour HRH lAtlll ti, Bess Ross from Setl)’. .1 ytft' wt: of October and are looking for a "‘af‘ref 'ig officer to be haw: '. Y" r ' " oversee the press and "ia'ketrrtr; of fine,- 'e-launch of the " crrpan, a. as a national tour The successful candidate .‘nlr ham at least 2 years exponent e at a'fs marketing III Scotland Interviews Sunday 22 July in Thurso. to commence a 3 month contract on Wed 1 Aug. Please send (IV to arr/re t)',' lo 73 Jul; t0 Grey Coast ltwtre (liar/tr"; frat/t House. 0mg Street. loo/so (Salt/tress Kl’r’lJ [bit email art/nutmercy/(toast demon (ft) alt For more information. contact John Cairns, Project Manager on 01847 890840.

Glasgow City Council


Receptionist (Temporary).

(2 Posts) £12,624 - £13,161; Location: Tramway Ref: 14/N07/16

You will be responsible for the provision of an efficient reception service. Duties will include welcoming the public. answering enquiries and managing the telephone switchboard. Previous experience of working in a customer focused environment and an interest in the arts would be an advantage.

‘8‘ 0141 287 5656 Closing date: Tuesday 17th July 2001

Glasgow City Council welcomes applications from groups which are under-represented within the Council

i... , Is seeking to recruit enthusiastic and experienced scottish . "teary indivrduals to play a key role in the successful tour comfliy production and delivery of the Makar's Court Literary Tour: a new drama based lottery funded project.


A highly motivated. organised team player with a proven track record of at least 2 years. preferably in arts administration. is needed for this demanding role. You will require initiative and exactitude across a broad spectrum of responsibility from the day to day running of a busy project office to budget management and cash handling. Excellent IT and inter- personal skills are essential.

Circa £15k pro rata (subject to experience) 6 month renewable contract with prospect of full time employment after 1 year.


Liaising with schools you will have the necessary qualifications and expe- rience to advise on and implement educational policy and curriculum con- tent in respect of the tour and its companion teachers pack. You will man- age and co-ordinate the production of this pack along with a CD-ROM which is both relevant and representative of the unique dynamic of this site specific performance.

Part-time contract, flexible hours. Circa £18k (subject to experience).


To work across a variety of literary projects in Edinburgh and throughout Scotland you will have a proven track record and a background. ideally. in Scottish Literature or History. Salary and hours negotiable.

Please send CVS to: The Managing Director. The Scott S". ; Literary Tour Company Ltd, 97b West Bow. Edinburgh or:


Scottish ’\ chamber

Orchestra x,



One Year Trainee Post

with the

Scottish Chamber Orchestra & Royal Scottish National Orchestra

A bursary oi QIOk, lunded by the Scottish Arts Council, is olIered to a hands on' trainee to work with two ol the UK's most vibrant orchestral education departments.

A job description is availab/e from Stephen Deazley, Education Director SCO, A Royal Terrace, EDINBURGH EH7 5A8 email: stephen.deoz| tel: OI3I 478 834i Closing date for applications: 30 July 200]

- __AT

'l‘healr'e Workshop. Real Theatre tor Real lite. I require\ the tollou ing liiglil} mperieneetl l‘ringe stall:




.-\ll candidates IIIII\I haoe exceptional L‘IINIIIIIIL‘I’ care skills. an excellent sense ol‘ humour and hueketloatlx ot energ} and stamina for this hos} producing theatre and auar'tl-u inning Fringe \enue.

l’lt’uxt' ("all It: Hug/m. .lIur/u'tmg .IIUIIIIL‘I’I' on III3I 225 7942 or III3I 226 4366

’fi, minimum!

CCA is Scotland‘s Centre for Contemporary Arts. We work with creative people in Glasgow, throughout Scotland and the UK. and from around the world in a range of art forms. Having completed a £10 million redevelopment. our new building will open to the public in October 2001.


To work as part of the CCA Production Team across a broad range of pro- grammed events from music. dance. vrsual art. theatre. clubs. spoken word. educational events and corporate hires.

We are seeking experienced sound technrcrans and lighting technicians Successful applicants will have relevant experience. excellent interpersonal skills. an ability to work independently and as part of a team. a flexrble working approach and willingness to learn new skills. knowledge of new media and its uses wrthin the arts. and good health and safety knowledge

Salary wr/l depend on skills and experience. Should be available to start work 3rd September 2007.


We are seeking to engage a number of freelance prOJectronrsts who must have experience of and working wrth 35mm film. 16mm IIIITT. 8mm trlrn and all video formats. There wrll be one off screenings and intermittent seasons presented regularly throughout the year. Must also have experience han- dling incoming and outgorng prints and print preparation. Successful appli- cants must have the relevant experience. be good at working ‘.‘.’lIIIIIT a team and independently.

Salary Will be paid at an hourly rate.

For further details and application form please call Lynne Watson on 0141 332 7521 or look at

The closing date for the return of completed applications IS 27th July 2001.

110 THE LIST 5 Jul—19 Jul