- .V. u _' l I

We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Edinburgh Life listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.

Thursday 21

Book events

Magnus Mills \Vatctxtonex. ( icot'gc Street. 335 H in "pin. l'ice. .\cclaimcd author and Booker pri/c nonuncc. \lagnttx \ilii\ talkx ahout illS latcxt no\c|. Ill/ti lo .8” l/lt' Ame ll'latnlngo t_l‘).‘)‘)l,

Politica WTO And Globalisation .\ugu\tme t nited (lunch. ( ieoigc l\’ Bridge. 335 6575. 7. 5UP”). 'I he l‘\~ .\\\octatlott ilti\l\ lill\ tilSt'llSHHll \killt‘il mcludcx a gucxt \pcakcr lrom (‘hiixtian .'\id.


Learning To Be A Professional Translator Or Interpreter ls Learning To Act Like One HL't'ltll— \Vatt l'Iii\t‘i'\it}. lzdmhurgh Buxincxx School. Riccarton. ‘15I .i-lll. 6pm, l'rcc. i’l’iil Haul Halllll \hatc\ lll\ L'\]lt‘t'lt‘llL‘L‘ ol ll;ltl\|;tlliill and interpretation.

Other events

Midsummer Busk lit-anal Square. l.otluan Road. 333 5353. .\ lundraixing huxk to ltllSt‘ monc} to make up tor the \horttall lll lundx l'rom thix _\car'\ Beltane. \cnuc \till to he continued.

Book events

International Networking Netherliou .r\rt\ ('cntrc. 43 45 High Street. 556 0570/3647. L30 --lpm. [6 L“) t H UH. .\d\ ice and int'ormation l'or \Ior} telleix ahout international e\change illilltll‘ltltllllt‘\. tunding and \\;l_\ \ ol lorining linkx \\ ith tll'll\l\ o\ erxeax.


The Drum Summer Fair The Ilium. ( ii'lncrton. 66.1 Sol 1.

Illani 6pm. L5 [I5 lor lamilicx. See photo caption,


Erminia Finding The Wounded Tancred by Guercino National (iallcr‘) til Scotland. The Mound. 63-1 6300. lJ1.-l5pin. liree. .-\idau \Vt‘xltlll-

l en l\ t‘l\k'll\\L'\ (iuercino'x painting.


The Drum Summer Fair The Drum. (iilinerton. 66.1 Rot l,

Illam 6pm. £5 U5 l'or lamiliex. Sec l‘ri

be Cottage ~" -"~'~

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rry Candle

. altar,



Edinburgh To St Andrews Cycle Ride Marla-i Street. tllilox ($3360. H.30am. £5.(‘_\cleride maid ol i.i‘.i’R.\. the Bl'llhh Leprox} Reliel' .\\\ilcl;llltlll. Starting on liaxt Market Street. the route take\ c_\c|I\t\ acroxx the l'oith Road Bridge and onto the countr) roadx ol l'iile.

Come And Try Dance Day Regal ('onununit} 'I‘lieatre. South Bridge Street. Bathgatc. lllSllh 43565-1. £5 per claxx t £3 l. .'\d\ance hooking required. .\ chance to H} )our l'cet at (‘uhan \alxa. tree l'loxx integrated moxemcnt or hip and limit} contemporar} \t}|e\.


Saturday Drop-in Workshops: Scared Of The Dark liruitinarkei (iallcr_\. ~15 Market Street. 335 33S}. llam 5pm. l'rce. Suitahle l'or adult\ and older teenagerx. (’harlie Hackett lead\ an alternatn e \ ieu ing ol the

Beck\ liuturex 3 e\hihition.

Book events

Shore Poets (‘anonx' (iait. 232 ('anongate. 556 44M. Spin. [I (lireel. lidinhurgh'x platl‘orin t‘or lixe poetr} and muxic thix month hax reading\ from (icrr_\ |.oo\e. Ian Mcl)onough and

HM id Ilopkittx. lior more information log on to: \\ \\ \\.xhtit'epoctx.org.ul\


The Drum Summer Fair the [)rum. (iilmcrton. 66-1 36] l.

Illam 6pm. [5 £15 for l'amilicx. See photo caption.


The Great Scottish Walk Mention hank Spot'lx ('entre. I59 London Road. ool 535i llam 4pm. [.5 t£3.5lll. .\ charit} \xalk comprixing a t\\el\e mile route \\ ith entertainment and retirexlunents along the ha}. and medalx and pri/ex ax an added incentive.

The Wishbone Trust Orthopaedic Walk l’rincexx Margaret Roxe Hoxpital. lirogxton Road \Vext. 536 4753. liormer patients ol. the itoxplliti ualk to raixe inone} to linance research into orthopaedic \urgei'}. The da_\ \\ ill ilixli l'ealure lam”) entertainment including a balloon race. lace-painting and a hounc} caxtle.


Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop Open Day tittinhurgh Sculpture \Vorkxhop. 3.5 llzmthormale. 55l 4-100. 1 5pm. Free. The liSW

\‘ ' tarp \\\i ;| 1

Edinburgh Life

563 S , ea, . JAPANESE THEATRE IN THE 21 ST CENTURY University of Edinburgh and Royal Museum of Scotland, Mon 2-Sat 7 Jul.

Modern Japanese dance explored by Shakti

With this succession of lectures, demonstrations and performances, there could be a chance for Scottish audiences to get beyond the usual cliches about Japanese forms of theatre and art. Often, the ritualistic nature of such theatre forms as Noh, where the simple actions of the narrative are conveyed through lengthy, meticulously observed actions, tests the attention span of generations raised upon three minute pop songs and 30 second commercials. But with a little knowledge, your appreciation will be improved immeasurably. Kabuki, a dramatic art form more associated with the middle classes than the aristocratic Noh, is of much racier origins. Originally created by female dancers who, it is conjectured by many scholars, also doubled as ladies of the night, this form developed in the 16th century. lts oldest narratives speak of the gaming houses, brothels and gangsters associated with its originators. Narratives such as blood feuds and love suicides excited the audiences, while the babes performing them caused such uproar that the form was banned from Japan’s stages for a long period. When it returned only male actors were permitted to play female roles. These performers, known as Onnagata, specialise in female roles for their entire careers, and many are stars of the

Japanese stage to this day.

Now, such filmmakers as Kurasawa have translated Shakespeare to Japanese culture with conspicuous success, yet Monzaemon Chikamatsu, the Kabuki and Bunraki (the puppet theatre form also featured here) artist, sometimes known as the Japanese Shakespeare, remains virtually unknown here. Maybe there are undiscovered King Lears to be unearthed by the casual onlooker. You won’t know if you don’t go. (Steve Cramer)

I Svmposrum IS open to everyone and costs {‘75 (5‘50; 0/ F 75 ff 70) per day. Anyone interested in attending; should te/e/ilione (N37 (557 7258 or vrszt Wit/v.4edac.t/k. Evening ooh/Ir: performances by Noho and S/iakt/ take p/ace on Mon

2 Jo/ 8 Tue 3 Jo/ I'OSDOCllt/O/li

Other events Chainsaw Sculpture Rina]

Botanic (iarden. lmerleith Ron. 34X 397‘). .\'oon 5pm. l’ree. Rodne} Holland deinonxtratex the techniquex in\o|\cd in

chainxa“ sculpture h} creating a \culpture in the gardenx.

Book events

Edwina Currie Waterstone’s. 138 Princes Street. 336 3666. 6pm. Free. Strategically timed to coincide with the general election. lidwina Curric's third

opem it\ doorx \\ ith an exhibition of neu \\ot‘|\ h} itx llSL‘l'S. along \\ ith \culpture demonxtrationx and \Iide and

\ ideo \Ito\\ \.

tropicai ranstor'r‘ poorngi don-.n. earthntrakes and tidal Lanes at exec. It."l‘. the i‘lf3:()."\, the earth has turner l,t:t:l‘i "\‘re :nterestingt. l‘t‘ls; ‘.lSll()l' on uses; sttiv‘r‘inn oer.

wreath .n :r‘teragtmér

:x;, to were tq‘tietner the

A? the panet. ("eaten a

Edinburgh Dungeon

31 Market Street. 0870 8-100 (300. Dally Want—(Spin. $6.05 eS_‘-1.0:3——S.‘:':.9:3_ The lz3th (:entur“, vaults adjoining lit/anterlev train station haue been converted to hearse ghastl‘, artetacts, a ltt:l‘.(:-;£ittttl|ltt} boat tour and all manner of LllTlltellilOllZliJiC: graphic re-enactn‘ents.

Edinburgh Literary Pub

Meet at The Beehm; lnn, 18—2”, 26‘ Dart, :.. An excellei“.

war, to rn‘oine culture ‘o‘, petting;

§\\ r .7 rr‘,, \'7 \hu‘y‘ t-“A'JUEUN'. (xi'J'i .241. if, :)'.K,", inky \‘0 1‘ index; I.H\:\I rink; id- ". n" tirl‘tl. . . a ; o: .. ‘. , , Edinburgh Castle Tour " .93, .I' ’1‘," x L)!” m ‘I .:'o'“.it"t‘-r.‘:i‘. and tent: 37a. Launch- .. a .).;'~'.‘. our 3 1v~\:,\..; “A”. ‘1" "(3(1” I 34‘: .3. Girlf)5”‘dth;l. .5 n p 0" xi, \ [\‘\i- t,‘ [\‘o .,c.\' " K‘fl >~v —. “r\"\”“ (\-w (\r i\ tlwr. .i\,. \' .. ., ,tlcsti(,n 4.0. p- ... 1 3\) H.".'t\‘tl “0.1.1. :‘1‘. fwt Utit '. l‘ twill». ~.t:' \ ":ti'at .e.’ .‘..:S lest t~t‘t"_ Riva" ' l‘ l: .‘.\‘.5\ O'“.t";t‘.i I'l'ttt

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.a. «titlitt1.l.\/Lliittt.tl

the taxotir te watering holes of (:otiar d‘s literan, heroes.

llY‘itlt'ill‘g Szr \"Jalter Scott.

Rene-rt Burns and Invine ‘\.‘v.’eish.

Pop Quiz Night The Hayniarket Bar. ll \Vext Maitland Street. 333 3537. Split. liree. \Veeld) qui/ night \\ ith beer and pri/ex up for grahx.

Edinburgh Zoo

Corstorphirte Road. 13134 9171. [)ail‘, 9am—0pm. $37 tEl‘i—STSl: fairiin ticket 920—82160. V‘Jidely ar;r;et>ted as one of the finest xoos :n Britain. there's plenty new: to while array an afterm'm. or even a whole day if ,on take your time. Georgian House

7 Charlotte Square. 225 2160. Mon—Sat i();ttt‘-~5t)t7‘l Sun ’Q—Sortx Iii-"u. Experience a period Georgian house. giving a taste of rte lll Edinburgh wnen the New; Town was burlt. Gorgie City Farm

:31 Gergie Road. 337 42C2. Dart, 0.3l’iar‘.‘—~1.30pn‘. Free. Brzr‘glng country life to the heart

time] is the fictional (so we are told) depiction of politicians and their private |l\e\ in the ironically titled This llrmotmih/c' Home (Little Brown £14.99).

of the City. this working farm houses a host of farmyard animals including ponies. pigs and goats.

2t Jun—:3 Jul 2001 THE LIST 95