Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.

Glasgow Galleries


m4 \Voodlttntlx Road. 332 ()02S. Mon-~l5ri l0am 5pm; Sat

10am l2.30pm.

The Summer Exhibition l'ntil Wed 27 Jurt. Paintings by John Stoa arid regular gallery £tl'li\l\ incltrding Helen M. 'l‘urner. John Batligate. .lttlilt‘x ()rr arid lid llunter. the gallery will be closed from 'l‘hu 2S Jtrrt urttil Mon 23 Jul.


253 Argyle Street. (wot 023 0300. Daily |0am tnidnigltt.

The Usual Suspects l'ntil 'l‘hu 2| Jun. l2.30pm. .-\ ntultimedia itixlallttlioit created by students t'rom l.ocltend. (‘ley'eden and liaxtbank \econdai'y schools resulting l'rom a liye—month long Ar‘thork' programme led by a team ot' arts workers trom (‘umbernauld 'l‘heatre.


It) l’arnie Street. 552 777‘). Mon Sat noon~5pm.

The Tuscany Show l'ntil Mon 25 Jun. Paintings ol tlte ltaliart regiort ol 'l’uscany by artists who haye personal connections with tlte place. l’eter Nardini paintx around liix latitin home of Barga; l)a\'id Marshall captures the old Sll‘L‘L‘Ix ol~ l.ucca and l.y rt lltrrtter and

THE trtérrtrrUUSE

82 THE LIST Ja" :'~ .Ja t


r7 \TQN. A


lan Scott lilliot reyeal their artistic impressions ot tlte area.

A Summer Selection l‘ntil Mott 25 Jun. (ilaxgow paintingx arid etchingx by liyanx. Mc.\'icol and Richardson and summer paintings ot' l'r'ance arid Spam by Batchelor. ()ate\ and lilliot.

The Bigger Picture Hi 2‘) Jun Mott A0 Jul. .\'ew paintings by Mary Batchelor. l’eter \ardini. lan Scott lilliot and (hits Bibby.

Director’s Choice Hi 2‘) .lun Mon 30 Jul. New large-\cale tiguratiye [Ntllilllig‘x by (iraeme Mot‘t'ix.

Julie Hyslop lit 2‘) Jun .Mort 30 Jill. Silyer jewellery.

Kara Law Hi 2‘) Jurt Mon 30 Jlll. .\'ew

jewellery by Kara l.aw contbirting xilyer'

with coloured pearls.


IS5a Batlt Street. 222 2S30. ‘l‘uc Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Ken Taylor l'nrrl Tue 31 .lul. (ilaxgow street scenes l‘rorn tlte 50x arid (\(l\. xeaxcapex and landscapes l'rom tlte North ol' Scotlattd by the late Ken 'l'ay lor.

ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART I34 Bl)lll\\\t)lltl SII'L‘L‘L 53.2 Jll27.

Mon l-‘ri 9.30am 5.30pm: Sat

|0am lptrt.

Peter Howson: Don Giovanni l‘ntil 'l'tre 2o Jtrrt. Designs tor \clx and L‘rixltilttc\ l’or' Scottish ()pera'x new production ol' Mo/art'x ()pera.

Geoff Uglow l'ntil Tue 20 .lurt. (ilttxgow School ot’.-\rt graduate (ieol'l' l'glow presents art exhibition ol rtew paintingx ol'(}la\gow (ireen w here tlte at'lixl'x \ttttlio ix located.

Firing The Earth l'ntil Tue 26 Jtrri. .-\ \Ult) exhibitiort ol' new ceramics by ('hrix (‘ar'teri

Focus On 2 l'ntil Tue 26 Jurt. ('onternporary jewellery by Sltelby l~‘it/patr'iek and Jane Macintmh.


Brings together many of the new stars of the UK‘s heontrng interior lifestyle scene. Charting developments over the

last 20 years

ttlllE - tz rtrrtrusr 2rrtn

:57? EM" g

'7 MllCtltll LANE. GLASGOW 3NLJ 7 0'3." 212‘.) 8-1”.

Ken Donald l'ntil 'l'uc 2b Jun. .\'ew collage\ and ittixed media workx. Small Pictures Sat 30 Jurt inc 31 Jill. (her 300 xmall \yot‘kx by gallery artixtx.

Encounter Sat 30 Jtrri 'l‘ue 3| Jul. Recertt [Mtlllllllg‘x by ('her'y lerie l)y er. lan Boyce arid Rtith Brownlee.

Focus - Contemporary Applied Arts Sat 30 Jurt 'l‘ue 3| Jul. (ilaxx by Inge l’aneelx arid cet'atnrcx by Johtt \Villiamx. limin .\l}L‘l'\. Jacqui

Ratiiray ka and Gabriella ('axentot'e. Focus - Contemporary Jewellery Sat 30 Jurt 'l'ue 3l Jul. Jeweller} b) Janet llinclil'l'e .\lc(‘utcheon and Kat/ie Hughes.


Portrait Of The Nation Mon 25 Jtrrt Sat 7 Jul. the Marks & Spencer's year-long project. I’urmur ()t [he ,Mrtrorr \lopx oil at (ilaxgow ix Bt‘aclicatl Slioppittg ('entre. ('reated by artist l)ay id Mach. the 30m long collage corrtprixex 250.0t )0 photographs \ubittitted by people trom all m er Britain.


l-ll Bt‘idgegate. 402 5020. View irtg by appoirttrttertt. call 014! 552 7 I St) or 0H] 402 4292.

Public Hanging 2 l'ntil Hi 3»: .-\ug. l'hollow ing on limit the success ol' :\pi‘il\ open weekend. a group exltibitiort by

\VASl’S \llttliox artists leaturing paiittirig.

sculpture. stained glaxx arid jewellery.


24-Hour View ittg \Vitttlow. 204 High Street. 572 0|(tl. l'ri & Sat noon 5pm. Welcome For Sea And Game l'ntil Sun 5 Aug. ('laire Barclay takes up t‘exidence iii the ittlerior xpace oi the Bulkltead to create art ilixlallttlioti ol a li\ irtg space irt which everyday materials including wood. polythene arid wool are rendered in such a way that they negate their trxual lunctionx. See r'ey iew.

CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY I0 King Street. 553 0733. Mon Sat l0.30arn midnight: Sun I llprtt. Leave On Impression l'ntil Sat 33 Jun. DialogllL'x through \c‘tllpllll‘t‘ arid l‘or'ms by lxraeli itl'lixl ()xnat Rarttot. Tangible Places Sun 2-1 Jtrrt Sun 3 Jul. Nature inspired paintings and etchings by Blair 'l'homxon.


36 West (ieorge Street. 332 555 1.

Mon -Sat ltlarn 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm. Mixed Exhibition An ongoing exhibition ot' work by' \‘ttl‘ioltx artists. Oleg Zhivetin And Sabzi l'nril Sat 30 Jun. New paintings.

Robert Heindel Mon 2 Tue 3| Jul. Ballet arid dartce ligur'atry e palttllttgx by- Arrter‘ican ttt'lixl Robert lleindel.


3/]. (t (‘larendon Street. (r40 3l-ll or 07929 2899-18. View irtg by appointment. Summer Open t'ntil Sat 30 Jun. llouxed in a w ext end tenement llat. up- and-coming (ilaxgow ttl'Iixlx transform the home irtto a gallery space with art exhibition ol‘ mixed media works. l‘eatured artists include \‘ictoria Jones. Jennil‘er' (‘aine. Molly Rtrxxell. l)ay id Mc(ieorge and Hugh \Vatt.


l'niyer'sity ot‘ Stratltclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 4-100 ext 2682. Mon l't‘i |0am 5pm; Sat noon 4pm.

Creating, Making, Manufacturing Sat 23 Jun Sat 2| Jul tcloxed l3 lb Jul t. :\ two-tiered exhibition reyealing the work ot two l'niyerxity departments: the ('ollinx (iallery and Design. Manulacture and lingineering Management teaturing material l'rom the l'niyerxity \ historic xcierttilic instrument collection and a wide range ol' gadgets by new graduates.



l".\ \\e\t Regent Street. 221 h 1"0 Mon Sat ltlam 5.30pm

Paul Wunderlich l lllll went 1 till Recent day point t‘lx'lllllplS and \. ulpttrrc by (icrman .tlll\l l’aul “underlie li

GALLERY OF MODERN ART (‘ltlc't‘li Slit'cl. 2.2" l‘mlt \it‘ll llill t\ \at lttam 5pm; l-r'r t\ Strri llam 5pm Ex:change Sat 2 3 t\ Sun .‘-1 JUN 3pm l'onnem r('attr\ e t\ South researt llt present an audio \ txual c\erit \‘\[‘lttllll_‘,‘ space and tune lcattutng \l‘x‘\1.lll_\ commixxtoned text by l'tl\\lli \lt‘lz'ali


Roukert (ilen Road. 020 02 ‘5 \\etl San l.,§0 5. 30pm tlperung' littlll\ ttorrt | Jul l'ri. Stilt tk Mon l3“ 5 30pm. Sat ll.3(l;tlll 5. 30pm

Mixed Show l'nrrl lire ll .ltll \

\election ol paintings by gallery .tlll\l\


l’lb‘ \Vk'Sl l<k‘}lk'lll .Sll’t't'l. Ill HM“

Mon Sat ttitlam 5 30pm

First Of The Summer Wine l nnl 'l‘ue 3| Jul. .\ \eaxon ot ell.tll_‘.'lll_‘.' L‘\llililllttll\ w ith a summer lla\otti leaturing patrtlrngx by lerguxxott. lllltllct. Margaret .\lHiII\. ('ltailc\ \ltt‘all and \ael llanna.

GLASGOW FILM THEATRE ('ale (’oxmo. l2 Rose Street. “2 Mon Sat l0.30am ‘tpm

Mona Rai: Roma, Gypsies, Travellers And Refugees l ntrl Sat 30 Jun Photographs by Mona Rat doctrrncntrrtg the trayelltrtg cortttrirrntttex irt lltrrtgary. Sloyakta. Romania and ('roatia.

Robert Burns - Un Poco Loco Sun I Tue 3| Jul. .\ collection ol

prey iotrxly unseen black and w lttte imagcx ol leadirtg ja// llltl\lel;tll\ trout (ilasgow photographer Burnx.



.2: (Q 25 King .Sll‘ct‘l. 552 (till-l. lllt' Sat 10am 5.30pm.

Alan Beveridge l'nttl Sat ‘0 Jun \ \uite ol' etching\ and \creenpr |lll\ lllxpii't‘tl by draw ingx arid mentor res ol xhipx and shipbuilding trt lll\ tiatiyc (ilaxgow. Dundee and lll\ home on the l'ittxl (IUQISI.

Black Pool - The Graphic Studio Dublin lintil Sat 30 .lun. ;\n exhibition ol printx lrom the (iraplric Sttrdto l)ti|tltn who specialise iti intaglto prints.

Katie Clarke l'ntil Sat 30 JUN. ('ontemporary jewellery.

Hetty Haxworth l'nttl Sat 30 .ltrn. .\ new series oi abstract \L'l't't'llpl‘llllx ltaxetl on organic lormx.

THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM 'loli liloor. ()4 ()xbournc Street. 552 1-1-2, 'l‘ue Sat 2 (rpm.

Jetty l'ntil Sat 23 Jun. Recent work by Virginnia Brtrnnert. (’ara ('onnolly. Ben (ieoghegan. Andrea .lexpcrxen. .v\r'ne Bolxtad and l.ang|eite Marie \‘iltott. The Archaic Hand 'lut- K Sal " tut. Yyontic 'l.\\iltltllk‘. Kale l)a\ ix and Sarah Smith exhibit new work a year allcr graduating lr'om (ilaxgtm School ol .v\rt.


(iround l‘loor. l’rincex Square. Buchanan Street. 22| S102. Mon Sat Ittarrt (rpm; Sun llarn 5pm.

New Artists .\ \arted \elcctton ol work by tipartd-corntitg ar‘trxtx teattrrrng sculpture. textile tlc'\lj_'ll. [t;tlilllllf_'\ and jewellery.


The Mackintoxh (iallcry. l0" chtrew Street. 353 4500, Sat l0arrt -l.~l5pm; Sun 2 4.45prn1Mon l‘l'l 10am Sitlpm. OAnnual Degree Show Sat 3% Sat 3” Jun (All itl'cax (ll lllc School I. 'l he annual exhibition ot tirtal year work lea~ turing ceramics. textiles. \l\ll.’tl commu- nicatiort. interior design. product tlc'xllel. jewellery. sculpture. patritittg. photogra-