Glasgow Thursdays


Before Night Falls (ii-'I’. 13 Roa- Street. 333 8138. iii 33 Jun 'lhu 5 Jul. £375 ‘134751233 £3.50». Seorehing hem)“ eight thriller ahout ga} ( uhan poet. Reinaldo Arena»

Bona Cornucopia (it-‘1'. I2 Rme Street. 333 8 38. opin. Thu 38 Jun. £375 £475 t£3 £3.5(11.Retrmpeetoeoi the late Kenneth Williainx \Hlll doeuinentar}. ehat dam and \ Intage tootage.


Steve Retson 1.0131 ('entre. I l l)I\on Street. 331 73113. 5.31) 8.311pm. 1"t'ee.\\'eek1}.(ia} men\ ~e\ual health 'dtl\ ixttl‘} \Cl'\1L‘L'.

Lesbian Health Clinic Sitiitl}litl'tl Initiatoe. Sauehtehall Street. 311 (flit). 5.3()-~8pm. 1-'ree. \Veekl). l.e\hian uonien's health adx ixor) ~er\ iee. Glasgow G06 Badminton (iaIIIe\ Hall. Knightxuood Seeondar) Sehool. (i1) Knighhuood Road. U54 3404. " ‘),3()pin. \VL‘CH}.

Glasgow G00 Swimmers (‘ontaet 64‘) 5806. 3.31) 0pm. \Veekl}. lnt'orinal m imming swoon. ("all 1or more information.

LIP3(i1a~go\\ \Vomen'x l.ihrar_\. 111‘) 'l’rongate. 553 8345/7530. " ()[J111.7l3l1l1 38 Jun. l‘ortnightl}. l’roieet supporting )otmg Ieshianx and hixexual \xomen aged 35 and under.

Glasgow Fridays


Pre-Pride Warm Up Re\ol\et'. (ta John Street. 55.3 345p. 5pm midnight. Hi 33 Jttn. Rexoher gears up lor Pride Scotland 3001 \\ ith great muxie. great drinks promos.


Before Night Falls (it-"'1‘. I2 Row Street. 333 8138. Hi 33 Jun 'l‘hu 5 Jul. £3.75w£4.75 (£3 £3.5(11.See'1'hu.


T.F.l. Bi-G-Les Youth Group Drop In 1.0111 ('entre. 11 l)i\on Street. 331 7303. 4~8pm. l'ree. \\'ee1t|}..-\ drop-in- time for )oting 1.0151 tip to the age o1'35.

Glasgow Saturdays


Before Night Falls (iI-‘I‘. I2 Row Street. 333 8138. Hi 33 Jun »'l‘hu 5 Jul. £375~£475 t£3~ £3.5(11.See'1'hu.


The Alternative Pride Party Re\ol\ er. (ta Joint Street. 55.3 345(1. 8pm. Sat 33 Jun. (‘lasxie indie anthenn 110111 The Bad Pimp} and _\our l’t'ide inexsagew dixpla) ed on the hig \ereen. 11~ )ou ean't make it through to lidinhurgh. Re\ol\er are holding their Saturda} Beer Blaxt from 3pm hpm \\ ith drinlu pronon a plent).

Glasgow Sundays


Before Night Falls (El-‘1‘. 12 Rose Street. 333 8138. Fri 33 Jun -’l‘hu 5 Jul. £375~£475 t£3v £3501. See ‘l’hu.


Gay Rambling Group (‘ontaet 9511 1081. Sun 34 Jun. Fortnightl} tallernating hetueen Sun and Sat I. (‘all for more details on meeting plaee~ and time»

Out In Sunday I.(IB'I‘ Centre. I I l)i\on Street. 331 7303. “.3t1pm. Sun 34 Jun. l-‘t'ee. Monthl}. ()pen xoeial group on the last Sun of the month. Icebreakers [.081 Centre. I I l)i\on Street. 331 "303. .\'oon~3.3(1pm. Sun lJul. Monthl}. .\1eet like minded people and talk about thing that matter to out.

Glasgow Mondays


Before Night Falls (iI~‘I'. I2 Roa- Street. 333 8138. l'1'1 33 Jun -'1 hu 5 Jul. £375 £475 t£3 £35111. See 'l'hu. Escape to Life (it'll I2 Row Street. 333 8138. o.15pin. Mon 35 Jun. {3.75:4751‘33 £35111.Rat'earehnal i‘ootage I~ used to tell the gripping \tor} oi the l1\L‘\ ot ga) \1l‘llllg\ lirika and Klaus .\1ann.

The Monkey’s Mask (ill. I: Roxe Street. 333 8138. 8.45pm. Mon 3 Jul. £375 £475 I£3 £3.5(JI Dark and ~e\) thriller \xith Kell} .\1e(itllt~\ lL'\l‘1;111 deteetn e talling under the \pell oI' a teaeher uho eould hold the Re} to the III}\1L‘I’IUU\ dixappearanee o1 a _\oung L'li'l.


Holistic Healing Group LUB'I' ('entre. 11 l)i\on Street. 331 73(13.

7.311 10pm. \\e'e1\1}.'l'titindout more ahout this group that Ineetx exet‘} .\1on night eall 433 5953.

Performance Group LUB'I' ('entre. 11 1)i\on Street. 331 73113. 7.3(1ptn. \Veekl}. Regular nteeting o1ati_\oIIe interested in theatre and 111U\1L‘ skills.

Glasgow Tuesdays


Before Night Falls (iI-I‘. I2 Row Street. 333 813811133 Jun» 'l‘hu 5 Jul. £375 £475 t£3 L i 5411. See 'l'hu.


Bi-G-Les Youth Group LUB'I‘

(t‘lill'e‘. ll l)I\UI1 SII'L‘L‘L 331 73(13. 1(1pm. l'ree. \Veekl}. .-\n open meeting

lor )oung l.(i13'l' up to the age of 35.

Steve Retson LGBT Centre. II l)i\on Street. 331 "303. 1 -3pm.1-'ree. 'lue 3 Jul. Monthly Drop 111 tnen'~ health ad\ l\t11‘_\ \erx tee.

Sappho @ Sandyford Sandy'ord l11111.lll\ e. Sauehiehall Street. 311 h'tio. 5 311 8pm. Free. Tue 3 Jul. .\1onthl.\. \Vomen'x health adx ixor) xerx iee.

LlC Social Group LGBT Centre. I I 1)t\on Street. 331 73113. "pm. Tue 33 Jun. .\1onthl.\. Regular meeting of the l.e~hian liielusion ('o-ordination group.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Bennets Bennetx.911(ilaxsl'ord Street. 553 57o1. 11.311pm-~3.3(1atn. Wed 4 Jul. £3 to 1 L3 2.5!. .-\mertean Independenee Night Part} \\ Ith drinks pronon and IIilI\Ie‘ xupplied h} |)J Sara.


Before Night Falls (iI’I‘. 12 Row Street. 333 8138. Fri 33 Juns'l‘hu 5 Jul. £575£4751£3—£3.5()1.SCC'l‘lill. Presque rien (ii-"1‘. 12 Roxe Street. 333 8138. 8.45pm. Wed 37 Jun.

£375— £475 t£3~-£3.5111. Jeremie lilkaim. Stephane Rideau indulge in ptmioti h} the \ea.


Bi-Glasgow [.0131 Centre. I l l)I\on Street. 331 7303. 7.311pin. Wed 4 Jul. Monthl}. Regular meeting oi the l31\C\ll;il(iI‘oup.

Edinburgh Thursdays


Gay Dads Scotland LOB (‘entt-c. (ii) Broughton Street. 8pm. Thu 38 Jun. Motiilil).

listings Gay

Edinburgh Fridays Clubs Scottish Cyber Ball Studio 24. ('alton Road. 558 3758. ‘lpni ~3atn. £13 in ad\anee tax-ailahle troni 1511p haxement. (iround ('ontrol and l.eathet ck Laeet; £15 on the door. l-‘ri 33 Jun. More t'etixh irolie~ at the xeeond annual (fiber Ball.

Crash ('luh Jaxa. ('ontnieretal Street. 555 5633. lilptt‘. late. £8 before midnight: £1(1at'ter. lit 33 Jun. Monthl}. Launeh ot' a \pank} new hard houxe night “1111 [)1 Raehel Auhurn the eelehrit) resident.

Up! The Venue.('a1ton Road. 55" 30'3. 1t1.3(1pm 3am. £8 (£71. 33 Jun. Monthly Speeial guest l’aul Barnes joins rextdent progrexxix e tranee ioek~ .\'ie ('axendixh and .-\Ian Jgtiile‘x at thix highl} hedonistic. t'rixlt} eireux. Work? liagle. l’ieard} l’laee. 478 7434. 1(1.3()Pm 3am. £8 tun. iii 3‘) Jun. Monthl). l)J'\ Peter 0“ en and Rob Hunter treat to to \UiilL‘ hardnorking litilhc and upliiting danee.

Edinburgh Saturdays


Pride Scotland 2001 Festival ligo. l’ieard) l’laee. 478 "434.

3pm 7pm. Sat 33 Jun. Free. With no outdoor lestixal thix _\ear. l’ride are instead eo-ordinating a eoinniunit} - hased i'extoal in and around the Broughton Street area. Kiek loose in the upstairs danee arena \\ ith some o1 Seotland's linext l).1'\. ineluding Alan Jo}. Dale huh and Trend} Weird}. l)o\\ nstairs there's a eommunit) market area prox iding information and goodies.

Pride Scotland marches through Edinburgh on Sat 23 Jun

2‘ JJ-E J.» 233‘. THE LIST 65