Film index

Index continued

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace r t r .00

«(icorgc l.ucax. l'S. I‘N‘h lanan .\lc(ircgor‘. l.ram \ccxon. \rtalrc l’ortrnan. l}: rnrnx. (in thc xuriacc. thc plot xtructur'c rxn't a million light _\carx aua} trorn thc original Slur nan ln \rxual tcr‘mx. lln' I’lmnrunr ilr'lirlr r' xtandx alonc in thc crncrnatic unncrxc .‘\l trmcx )ou'd think thcr‘c \xax morc animation than In c action on xcr'ccn and ma}hc rt'x thtx tomng doun oi thc lnrrrran clcmcnt that hax Icit thc iilm lacking xoul. l '( i( ('mcrnax. (ilaxgou ; l ~( i(' (‘Iucmax l:dmhurgh.

State And Main 1 ISr 000 tl)a\ rd .\iarnct. l'S. 201)] J William ll. Mac}. Rchccca l’rdgcon. l’hrlrp Sc}mour llot'lrnan. lllZ rnrnx. (incn that rr'axcrhlc

Pill)“ r‘tght/lilttttnakcr' \lamct hax nc\cr‘ xhch aua) trom Iamhaxtrng lloll_\\\ood. rt'x xurpr'rxmg that thix xatrrc on xtudro lilmmaking rx r'clatncl} gcntlc. 'l'hrx comic talc oi \xhat happcnx \x hcn a lltlll}\\ood iilm crcu o\ crrunx a xlccp} l'.axt ('oaxt communrt} ix poxrtncl} (’apraquuc In rtx \xlnmxrcal admiration oi xmall toun liic and lhc \\ hrrnx} and xatirc don't xit \\cll togcthcr'. llar'd-noxcd .\lamct ix no('apr'a; hc xliotiltl \ilck in \\ hat hc (itiL'S hcxl: iotlglt ('hicago gangxtcrx and unxcr'upuloux con mcn. l‘l’ll ('incma. l'alkir'k.

Surprise Film r ISr tl-rancc. Zuni r 3.1 minx. 'l‘rcx m \\ ith thc \'i\c lc cincrna annual cclchration ol l‘t‘cnch iilm. lt'x nc\\. it xtarx l'rancc'x hcxt knoun \ctcran actor and it'x hcing dcxcrrhcd ax a croxx hct\\ ccn In my (llll [HI/(W illiti l’r’r/rl/(’ t/UHr't'. iiillt' l.llllllL‘l'L‘. lidinhurgli.

Taxi 2 1 l5) O. t(icrard Krauc/_\ k. l'rancc. Ititll r Sam} .\'accrr. .S’Z rnrnx. l.uc llcxxon r'cturnx ax \\ ritcr and pr'oduccr ior thc xccond inxtalmcnt oi’ hix action cotncd) xcricx. l)anic| t.\‘accrir ix xtill dri\ ing hix cah. \\ hich hax morc gadgctx than lhc mcragc Bond car. and ix cmhroilcd in intcrnational cxpionagc ulrilc tr_\ ing to imprcxx hix girll'ricnd'x lathcr'. 'l‘hcr'c arc humhling copx. kung-iu niniax. a .lapancxc amhaxxador to r‘cxcuc and loadx and loadx of car chaxcx along thc \\a_\. 'l‘hc comcd) ix ol' thc xlapxtick \arict} and itx childixhncxx docxn't xit caxil_\ \\ ith thc morc xc\ual contcnt and \cnophohic rci'crcnccx. An c\tcndcd car chaxc ruincd h} had iokcx and a ucak xtor}. Scc t'c\ icu. (icncral rclcaxc. The Theory Of Flightt IS» .0.

(Paul (irccngt‘axx. l'lx'. l‘N‘M Kcnncth llranaglr. llclcna llonham (‘artcrz l()() minx. :\ rcal cincmatic oddit). h} turnx cntcrtarning and cmlmrraxxing. xarcaxtic and xol't-ccntrcd. ax it chartx thc ciiortx oi a dixahlcd and tcrminall} -i|l uoman to c\pcricncc xc\ua| rntcrcourxc. Struggling. rchcllion ar'tixt Branagh ix xcntcnccd to II” hourx oil comrnunit} .xcrx icc and mo\ cx to an ixolatcd lar'rnliolrxc in Walcx. 'l'hcrc hc attcmptx to build a primitn c ll} ing rnachinc \\ hilxt undcrtaking hix lirxt xocial \xork joh ix to look altcr a )oung \xornan ((‘ar'tcri.

\\ ho ix xui'icring i'rom motor ncuronc dixcaxc. l‘ni‘ortunatcl}. xcntimcntalit} c\cntua|l_\ o\cr\\ liclrnx thc hlack humour ax thc \cl'ipi ci'litlcl} \[k‘llx out ilx itlL‘;t\ on 'taking flight and 'handicap‘ mctaphorx. l-‘ilmhouxc. lidinhurgh.

Thirteen Days t l3» 0... tRogcr' Donaldxon. l'S. Zillll i Km in ('oxtncr. Brucc (it'cclt\\ood. Stcx cn ('ulp. l-iS minx. .-\mcrica and Rtrxxia “cut hcad to hcad o\ cr thc ('uhan .\iixxilc (‘rixix \\ hcn thc So\ ictx placcd nuclcar \xcaponx on (‘axtro‘x ixland. 'I‘lrrrm'n Ilm \ dr'amatixcx thc prcxxurcx i'or all-out \\ar c\cr'tcd h} thc l'S militar} on l’rcxidcnt John l" Kcnncd}. hix hrothcr Rohcrt and hix tcarn of ad\ ixorx. lcd h} xpccial aidc Kcnn) ()‘Donncll ((‘oxtncrr. l-‘or' ('oxtncr. thc iilrn ix a \xclcornc rcturn to i‘orrn. to trim icx oi" thc xtaturc ol‘.ll*l\' and I‘lrc l'nlouclm/rlr'x. 'l‘hcrc'x a littlc hit oi‘ polixh hcittg applicd to thc Kcnncd} m_\th. but that docxn't diminrxh thc iilm'x dramatic poxxcr. Rarcl} ix lloll}\\ood ax intclligcnt and ax gripping in a xinglc xitting. l’l'll (’incma. l-‘alkirk; Adam Smith 'l'hcatrc. Kirkcald}.

Thrill Ride tl’(ii thn Staxxcn. l‘S. Ztitii r. :\ rni\ oi~ computcr graphicx and In c action.

34 THE LIST 3’. Jana" cJL.

u ', ‘m-.. mm, Heather Graham finds her true love in a barber shop, but has to Say it Ain’t So when she finds out she’s dating her brother in the Farrelly brothers’ bad

taste comedy

pro\ rding a xcrcntiiic. hut i'un look at tlic ltlxiot'} oi ridcx. irom thcir car|_\ or'iginx m 17th ccniur'} Ruxxia to ioda} 'x ridc xiiiittlttltii'x. l.\l:\.\ llillL'illl'L‘. (ilrtxgtm. Thunderbird Six rl’( Er .000 (Mm id l.anc. l'lx'. IUoSi 0t) ruinx. Scott. Virgil. Lad} l’cnclopc ct ul. ('alling lntcrnational chcucl Black Phantom hack xhock horror? ()nl} (icrr) and S_\ I\ la .-\ndcrxon can xa\ c trx no“? Juxt ax \xcll thc} can xpin a dcccnt )at'n. Shamc thc} tr'cat thc actorx likc puppctx though . . (il’l‘. (ilaxgou. Titbits r IS) tVat'ioux Zoom .x‘u Iiiilix. Antholog} oi" thc hcxt oi conictnpot'ar'} lcxhian xhort lilmx. 'l‘hc programmc containx xc\uall} c\plicit ruatcrial. l’art oi thc l.ondon l.cxhian And (la) l‘ilm l-cxtnal on tour. (il’l‘. (ilaxgoxt. To Kill A Mockingbird il’(il OOOO tRohcrt Mulligan. l'S. l‘)(13i(ircgor_\ l’cck. Mar} lladham. Philip Alford. Brock l’ctcrx. IZ‘) rninx. Sturd} iilrn adaptation of thc claxxic llarpcr no\ cl uhich not] an ()xcar i‘or l’cck ax a lihcral la\\'\cr in thc l)ccp South dci‘cnding a hlack man accuxcd ol‘ r'apc. 'l‘hc matcrial ix dclicatcl} handch ax hc attcmptx to c\plain thc xituation to hrx childrcn. and “mail makcx hix xcrccn dchut ax thcir iricnd. a rctar'dcd man. (ii’tix\ciitii'. (ilaxgou. Toy Story 2 l l ' l 0.... Unit!) l,;I\\L‘lL‘t'. l'S. Ztititlr 'l‘om llankx. 'l’im .-\llcn. Joan ('trxack. 05 rninx. ’l'hc ncu iilm c\pandx on thc original xcttingx and thcmcx: \thn Wood} ix not takcn to ('ouho} ('arnp h} hrx o“ ncr And}. hc hcginx io qucxtion thc mcaning oi' hix ‘lii‘c'. \thn hc'x xuhxcqucntlx xtolcn h} a collcctor \\ ho planx to xcll hurt to a .lapancxc to} muxcum Bull and thc gang tra\ cl acroxx tou n to i'L‘\L‘llL‘ lliL‘ii‘ pill. 'l‘hc Cllltlll\ c rangc til lliL‘ anirnatcd charactcrx rx c'\tr'rrtir'tliri;rr'}; thc_\ xa_\ that computcr‘ gcncratcd irnagcx \\ ill nc\cr rcplacc thc rcal thing. hut rm Srorx 3 makcx _\otr \xondcr‘. ()dcon. A} r; ()dcon. Kilmarnock. Traffic t lh‘r O... (Stcxcn Sodcrhcrgh. l'S. Ztititii llcnicio l)cl Toto. .\lichacl Douglax. ('athcrinc Xcta-Joncx. l4~ rnrnx. 'l‘hix amhitioux. multi-la) crcd cpic drama c\poxcx thc coniuxion. Inpocrix} and xhccr' i‘utilit} oi .-\mcrica‘x uar on drugx. 'l‘hr'cc intcmoxcn xlor} lincx - imolx ing dcccnt cop Dcl Toro. conxcr\ atix c ()hro iudgc l)ouglax. thc countr'} 'x nc\\ l} appoinch nc\\ drug

c/at. and \xcll-hcclcd xocrct} \x rtc /cta xhou hoxx thc drug tradc touchcx and corruptx c\cr_\ lc\ cl ot xocrct} on hoth xrdcx ol ilic l S \lc\rco hordcr l xrng drilcrcnt tilrn xtockx and tcchnrducx. Sodcrhcrgh pro\ rdcx cach ot thcxc xtor} lincx unit a drxtmct look \xhrlc lmkmg thcm \\tlli pcrxrxtcnt uxc oi hand hcld canicrax. \\ill\il gncx thc lilm an an ot tlocttlncrtlai} attllicnllctl} and gripping rmmcdrac} lntcllrgcnt and proxocatrxc. Intuit a\ordx xcrrrromxmg. hut m xccnc attcr xccnc. thc


rncxxagc gctx throrrgh Sclcclcd rclcaxc

0 2001: A Space Odyssey rt » “m tStanlc} l\'uhrrck.l k. l‘loM l\crr l)ullca. (iar) l.ock\\ard. Icoltatd lx’oxxrtcr I“) rnrnx. Rc-rclcaxc m rth nc\\ \\ rdcxcrccn "Hrnm prrntroi tlic gr‘catcxt \Ll ti lilnr ol all trrnc. U _\carx altcr rt \xax madc. m thc Man it \\ax xct. Kuhrrck‘x gloriouxl} grand ar'clutccturc xccx prchrxtorrc apcx ttntcllncd into a xpacc hallct tcaturmg a lunar crali docking to thc xound oi Strauxx llux prcligurcx an c\tcndcd drama ahoard a xpacccrait hound ior' .luprtcr m\o|\ mg a murdcroux .'\l computcr and thc grant cmhr)o oi a xpacc child xrgnit} mg \xhat' 'l‘hc nc\t xtcp in human c\olutron ' .\n Uptitlllc ilidle‘l‘piL‘cc that \tlggcxix xo Ititlclt. _\ct cxplamx xo lrttlc. \Vhtclr rx uh} it'x a lnnclcxx claxxic. (il‘l. (ilaxgou.

The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg tl’( ;. OOOO I.lacqucx l)crn_\. l'l'ailcc. I‘m-1r ('athcrmc l)cncu\ c. .\nnc \crnon. \rno (laxtclnumo. 0: rnrnx. lx’omancc hctuccn a xliopgn'l and a garagc attcndanl rx rckmdlcd \\hcn llit‘} mcct again aitcr )carx apart Uclrghtittl xcr‘ccn opcrctla trxmg onl_\ xung draloguc. \\ rth dcltncxx oi camcra mowmcrrt and dclrcroux production dcxrgn mamtammg thc rntcrcxt \\hcn thc plot crcakx. (iilrnor'chilK i l 3. (ilaxgmx.

What Lies Beneath r IS: 0000 iRtllk‘l’lXylHngh,1'5,:lllllllxilt'llt'llt‘ l’lcril‘cr. llarrrxon r-ma. \lrr'anda ( )tto. .lamcx Rcmar. IZ‘) turnx. :\ xuxpcnxc tlu'rllcr that pla}x tcaxmgl} hctuccn gcnt'cx. though xoon c\ cr}thrng hccorncx clcar: thc iilrn rx hatrntcd h} thc ghoxt oi .-\ltrcd Hitchcock. l’i'ciil'cr‘K ('larrc Spcnccr Incx \\ rth hcr f—‘cnctrc\ Prolcxxor huxhand \ot'rnan tl‘or'di in an id} llic lakcxidc houxc tn \crmont. llut all ix not \xcll Iii thcrr rdcal homc; \xlrcr'c xlit"x tr'ouhlcd h} tlungx that go hump in thc night. /.cmcckix turnx thc xcr'c\\ oil xttxpcnxc \\ rth an c\pcrt hand. huildmg tcnxron \\ rth a cann} Ini\ oi .-\lan Stl\cxtrr‘x ccr'rc xcorc and mm] morc ominoux xrlcnccx. \\ lirlc l’lcii'l'cr m\ol\cx trx m c\ct‘} xtagc ol (‘larrc‘x mcntal unra\c|lmg. ()dcon. Kilrnarnock.

What Women Wantr I2: .00

t.\'anc) \lcy‘r'x l‘S. Ztitil l .\icl (lihxon. llclcn lltrnt. l3.“ minx. (irhxon'x dnorccd. pla)ho} ad\crtixing c\ccuti\ c 1x a tcxtoxtcronc-iucllcd chau\ inrxt u hoxc hrand oi titx ‘n' axx ad campaignx hax c long L‘\ch‘thtl ihcir' xcll»h} tlttlc. lllx ctiiiipan}. litm L‘\L‘i'. \\tllil\ lU l'L‘dL‘li lciiittlL' cttiixtiliicl‘x and hax gixcn ihc top ioh to a \wman

tllunt r. But. i'olloxx rng an accrdcnt. thc c\cc \\akcx up in til\L'U\ Ci' lic‘\ ahlc it) liL‘al' \xomcn'x ttttxpokcn thouglitx. a grit ulnch xcorcx him ht'o\‘.nlc pomtx all round. (irhxon tuinklcx r'oguixhl} in thc lcad r'olc and liillitilL‘\ llic iiliii'x xccncx Ul xct'cuhall larcc \\ cll. But hc‘x lct doun h) a lack oi chcrtiixtr} \xrth lnx co-xtar'. .»\dam Srnrth 'l‘hcatrc. Krrkcald}.

You Can Count On Me I t5» 0... tlx'cnncth l.oncrgan. l'S. lelll r l.aura l.innc_\. .\lark Rutialo. \latthcu llr'odcr‘rck. lll rnrnx. Smglc mothcr Samm} Il.liiliL'}i cnro} x an ordcrl) c\rxtcncc m upxtatc-Ncu Yot'k town. Scottx\ illc, Shc \\ot'kx at thc local hank. dc\otcdl_\ hrrngx up hcr‘ krd Rud} tRUi'} ('ulkmi. and attcndx thc local church llo\xc\cr. thc arrnal ot hcr hrothcr and tcllou orphan 'l‘cr'r'} t.\lark Ruiialor turnx hcr cox} \wr‘ltl upxrdc don n. \\ rrttcn and drrcctcd h} \cu York pla} \xrrght loncrgan. )m (tr/1(‘orurroullr rx a touchingl} pcrccptn c portrain ol a xrhlmg r'clationxlup. Accompanch h} an clcgant chamhcr rnuxrc xcorc. and iilmcd \\ rth qurct. naturalixtrc axxurancc. l.oncrgan'x dchut rx notahlc i'or thc dcpth oi thc u rrtmg and imprcxxrxcl} modulatcd pcr'iormanccx.

SL‘lL‘L‘lL‘tl i'L'lL‘axL‘.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Film Listings compiled by Henry Northmore

ABC, Muirend: Glasgow

:Silhlarkxlott Road. \lurrcnd. lllll o ‘1 3131lirlooltloVIti-ll L.‘ \Hrt.‘ hctorc S ‘m \lon ItrI Studcnt 1.7 .‘H t.\lon lru» ('hrldH\|’ L.‘

Bridget Jones’s Diary . IM .x W

Pear Harbours» I: IS too. 1*

Sees otRuntt’tir t in. lti. < t<

The ummyBetumsrlfu I H. MM.

[ll’i V‘ll' “Shiv Ge Over lttljn

l)arl\: 3l5. ll“. n15. “ll” Pearl Harbor. 15:

l)arl\‘ l3.l$.-1.HH. “~34 See Spot Runrl’tn

\latmcc Sat .\ Sun 13 ill

The Mummy Returns I I3; llttil}, 1.15. son. 35%

filth/tr lw fill; 3E . T l’rogrammc Irkcl} to hc xrmrlar to thc prc\ roux \\cck, l’honc Hl ll (11".?!le tor dctailx and trmcx. \cv. trlm duc to opcn on in l.‘ .lun:

Say It Isn’t 80 r I S r

Bombay Cinema: Glasgow

5 l.or'nc Strcct. lhro\. ll|~ll llU it'll ti


lllll l/Qr' llt‘ i! SE 'A: ‘7.

l‘or thrx \xcck'x programrnc tmicx. plcaxc contact lltc crncrna on Hill -l I" H '.‘.‘ tor tit‘lilll\.

GilmorehlllG12: Gla‘ : ow

‘) l'ni\cr'xrt} .\\ctttrc. *3” 5533. 'l rckctx L315” t Lifitli. ('lrildrcn‘x trckct L3

ll lllil53[)/\Y 3.2 .ll JN

Performance t IS) ‘Hitl,

FRIDAY 7-2» JUN Withnail&ltISr «run.

ll lllllSl MW .5‘ .ll JN The Umbrellas Df Cherbourg (H i r m It)

Glasgow Film Theatre

l: Roxc Slr‘ccl. ill-ll N: N l 33. (allc/hat. .'\ll pcrlormanccx hookahlc. [ll]. |l:]. liwnrngx: L»l."51L‘3.25I.\latrnccx: Li.“ 1L2.35i.\VcdthciorcSpurn:“75 tL'l.75i. l)ouhlc hill L5 tL' {Sm l'amth i‘un matinccx: L3 35. LLGFF denotes London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival screenings.

'l'l-lIJHSDAY 2' N N

1.101 Reykjavikt IM Hm. Sun. “no. (run.

2. GirlrlSr 2w.

Le Gout Des Autres t ti. and x, 4n,


1. Merci Pour Le Chocolatrirtn HS. (mt), 3.45.

2.101iieykjavikrtxl Stilt. Still. "on. tron.


1. Dungeons and Dragons r l3» Inn, Merci Pour Le Chocolat r l’( tr %. I S. (1.3”, S45.

2.101Reykiavikrtxr mo. Sun. "on. «run.


1. Merci Pour Le Chocolatrmn HR 3.45.

Weekend Wives rl’t il (mo.

2.101 Reykjaviktlm Silo. Sort. “no. (mo.