Flatshare - Edinburgh
Gdrgedns-dp—Lib—Ie-eroom in totally refurbished sunny flat in Dalmeny Street. Stripped floors
& great kitchen. Avail 81h June.
£240/month + CT + bills.
Call Charlie on 07974 307226.
I Friendly Aussie house- hold \xith nnc \lll.tll \inglc rnnin In icnt ()Itc innnth nnl_\. \c\\|} icnn\atctl \L'\\lll}_’lttll tlat \\llll pnuci \hnuci. laigc lnungc innin \‘.llll l\‘. lantllinc and all lllHtl cnnx LINN inc all clcc/gax/( "l. \\.nl 1 Jul), ('all l)a\ ltl “"905 In Mr) I Professional Male 24yrs. \cckx innin lll \\c\tcntl/lla_\inarkct llat. light \innkci. li\c\ lnr thc ucckcntlx. \\ illing in pa) up in (IN) pcin c\c hillx l)ntlll) it"sxtl‘j U): I Bright double room \\itlt npcn \ lL‘\\\ In \ithtii'x Scat in \nnn}. \pacintix llat nlt I cith \\.ilk_ \\nultl \tlll n \ pint nwr 35 }l\. (i(‘ll. all llltltl cntlx. (lltl pcin - ("l' o l‘lll\. ;\\ai| nnnictliatcl}. nlsl in“ n’fin nr n‘“! (‘5‘ 30.1 I Leith, Large sunny ttuu hlc lUUlll, \haring \\|lll nnc lc‘lth‘tl UlllL‘l’. ('l\l\k' tt\\l1ttl't';tllil chth \\a|k, (i( ‘ll. (iicat \ lL‘\\ \. matlahlc Jill} I. 9.35“ ptin inc ('l. tll 3l 40“ I808 tl““5\l_‘(i-l.\3‘l I Large double room. .nailahlc Ill hilght an) t'Iat. l'.llll l\’t\\\. Singlc. \ 8 pint. picl .-\II (‘l' ‘ plinnc .-\\;nl 23 .lunc HI 3| 4m»
inntl cnnx. L‘Ztitl pcni -
3l8h alth h, 3tlpm
I Large double room m .i l‘t‘tlltltllll \larchinnnt tlat ln\l1.ilc \\lllt 33m)» ,\\ail lxt Jul} £350 pcm ~ ("I' o l‘lll\.
l‘cl t;\llinl3l 44" JUN
124 THE LIST ."
I Blackford, Edinburgh Single innin tn lct Ill \ll.llL‘tl llat clnxc tn KllljJ\ llinlthngx
\haiing \Hlll I in a lull} lllllll\llL'tl gintintl llnni tlat inc. (i( 'll, ll\ ing lttttlll’tlllllllf.‘ innin .intl laigc pri» \alc gartlcnx
Rcccntl} tlccnratctl llat that \‘otlllltl \ttll \llltlk'lll ni )nung l’inl. ’\\tl|l mm. L' Slit pcin o l‘lllN ('nhn
“l 3| tits” “5‘ tL'\L'lllllj_‘\l,
I Newtown area, Room tn lct Ill laigc \haictl Hat. (4th tn {It} cL'lllt'c.
\\'nnltl \llll )nung pi'nl. .\lalc prcl. {lltlpcin ' ("l' v lllll\. ('all M 3| 55" ‘lS‘ll,
I Attractive West End :\p.iitnicnt. 3'4 tlntihlc l'UUlll\ ln lct nxcr .lnnc .llltl 1111}.
Sun [tl’iil\ ni lt'\[‘tlll\ll‘lt' \llltlt'lll\. (‘nnlact .\latt(l7‘l3‘U‘l5-12llnl‘ \lit‘hcllc
I Friendly N/S flatmates \xanlctl tnr 3 l'thllh in largc. bright \lniningxitlc flat. (33” inc ("l'. \haring \kllll 3 nthcrx. \Vnultl \llll )tttllljJ
prnt. \ll inntl cnllx antl grcat
\ ic\\\ tn .\thtlr\ Scat. ()nc l'tmlll a\ail nnxx. nthcr .lul.
lll 3| 453 8005 lL'\L'l.
I Friendly Professional Required lni‘ bright \inglc innin Ill \lunning. largc liruntxlicltl tlat. .-\\ail cntl Jun. nnn 8' innnth Icaxc. llugc lnungc. c\ ci'}thiiig ncul} tlccnratctl. all inntl cnnx. 3 hathrnnim antl mak- ing lircplaccxl Sharc \xith 3. £350 pcm + ("l. +7 hillx. li mail han- nahtu L‘klllll‘lll'glht'lltltll.tlt‘lllx
Flatshare wanted
I 2 young professional lcinalcx \ccking lnr 3rd
pcixnn iprclinalct tn find and \harc Hat “1”! twin Jul} nn, tccn» tral lncatinni. ‘lcl attci 5:30 pm tll 3 l 550839“
I Easy-going 20yr old, inalc llatinatc \xanting tll‘lll‘lk‘ innin in \cutnun nr \larchinnnt l’lat. l’ricc ncgntial‘lc. 'l'cI: (FHTH 58(ilhll.
I Furnished room want- ed, lll \harctl llat. uith prntk in ccntral lathnlwurgh. h} n/x t'cinalc. 3‘). ca\_\ gning x nltcn alkcnt.
“~958 40714". W0 M Shell/66 .
Property to Let
I Attractive Marchmont flat i'nnin tn lct nxci Jill} and _-\ugu\t tpmuhl} lnngcrt l'n \haic \xith l\\n ntlict'\. \xntild \tlll cax} gning. _\nungii\h'i prnt. (‘lnxc tn .tllllllL‘lllllL‘\ .Illtl \\ llll parking {Iltlpcin + ("l' ‘ l‘lllx (‘nntact “1 3| 44" I33“
I Comely Bank tl.carinnnth .-\\cnuci \xcll tlccnratctl clcan 3 tlUtlltlL‘ l‘L‘tll'UUlllL‘tl l'lat hit 1% prnt'cxxinnal t'rnin lxt .lul}, gcli.tlg.\\ llt.\ll. £650 pcm. 'l'cl (ll .3l 443 4530
Garrick Knowe:
2 hctlrnnin lull} tirrnhhcd lnxxcr \ illa t'lat \xith t'rnnt and rcar gai‘tlcnx. :\\ailahlc cntl Junc. L'Slltlpcin. lh'l'crcncm rcquirctl. ()thcr prnpcrticx arc mailahlc.
Tel. 0131 443 0927
I Nearest place to a palacc in litlinhurgh - llnl_\rnntl Rnad — Brand ncu ltl\tll‘} l hctlrnninctl 2 hathrnnin flat
\\ ith car parking ncxt tn l’arliaincnt and llnl_\rnntl l’alacc £650 pcm 'l‘cl t)l3l 443 2536
I Dalmeny Street - mod- ernised L‘lL‘tln \x‘cll tlL‘L‘m'tttL‘tl llt'xt l‘lnnl‘ l hctlt‘nnmctl llal l'nt‘ ll\ prnl'cxxinnal/x. \ll.\\lll. £300 pcm 'l'cl (ll 3| 443 3536
I Springvalley Terrace - modernised clcan “Cll (lL'L‘t)- ratctl l hctlrnnni flat Mr Ms prntcxsinnalx. \ll.\\lll.L‘ll. £425 pcm 'l’cl (ll 3| 443 3530
Grange Attractix c 2 hctlrnnm flat in llltltlL‘l'll tlm clnpincnt. (‘nniprixcxz lntingc. kitchcn. tn'n spacinm hctlrnnmx. hath- rnnin. (}('ll. l’t‘i\'atc parking. Viewings call: 0131 555 1551 or 0131 661 7143 (evenings) £550 pcm
I Easter Road - Attractive nnc hctlrnnin l'rcxhl} tlccnratctl flat. ("ninprixcxz lnungc/kitchcn. hctlrnnin. hathrnnin. £375 (’all lll3l 555 l55l nt' ()l3l ()()l 7143 tcxcningxl
Newington. 'l‘hrcc hctlrnnin. lixing rnnin tlat l‘nr rcnl. Please call 0131 668 2863 or 07720458391
I Small bright flat Mr I pcrxnn nr cnuplc in \cr} ccntral Incatinn. Shan tcrni lct cnnxitl- crctl. Nun-\mnkcr prctcrrctl. £4“) pcm. ('all (ll3l (m7 233‘). I CENTRAL: Modern, high qualit) furnished flat. 0ch \ icnx. ('ninf'nrtahlc \trnll tn l’rinccx Strcct. l.nungc. 'l‘xsn hctlrnninx. linxuitc \hnncr rnnin. Kitchcn. Bathrnnin. (}('ll. Parking. £600 pcm. ttl3l (30‘) 558i)
I 10 minutes from Princes Strcct lllll\l(lL‘ tur— lll\llCtl hum)" nnc hctl tlat pri— \atc parking £430 pm
ll l 899880336
I Kirkcaldy - Fife
Room tn lct in bright inntlcrn linnxc. tn \harc \\llll ga} pi'nlcx- \innal git}. £45 p\\
including l‘lll\ Ic\c phnnci ('all nT‘IZSUIZTs
I Gay friendly person icqtnictl tn \haic tlat in l‘ilc t)\\n rnnin. all inntl. cnn» ('lmc tn iail ua} \tatinn .\"\ picl L45 p“ ‘4 dcp llfill8ll (itl8hll 3.
I Falkirk, immaculate condition, ln\\tl ccntic Inca mm. 25' hung rnnin. laigc tlining kitchcn. (i('ll. {tit} pct “cck inn hilln. nt 324 (i must).
Bedand Breakfast
I Self-catering in tnrinci church hnuw. Spacintix accnin inntlatinn gardcn. c\ccllcnt \ic\\\ in a \unn} \pnt n\ci‘|nnk- ing l.nch .\lclfnrt (H853 300348 \VL‘lWI
http://l'rcc\pacc.\ irginnct/tnni. kilinclt‘nrtl
5:.” ::"."‘='n' = ,_ ,: L7
Festival Accom
FESTIVAL FLATS Est: 1986 We are once again seeking quality central flats to acconzmmiate Festival participants for week lets during August
/r:.,;t:r:r \ .'.' ..‘I:r." .'r.".'r”.'t.'.'.'t".' 'rnrr: ('arnlt- Smith! \nm- (luring l't'l: lllhlll 8lllh2ll cinail fi-stllatxw anl.cnm nr “ritr tn 3. I.ilik)|ca (‘nttagi-x. (iianrtl. ltahl l.ntliian I‘ll-1| 4l’I5.
I 3 bedroomed flat \\ itlt \pacinux lntingc. .-\l| inntl cnnx inclutlctl. Sharctl gartlcn. ('nmcnicnt tn cit} ccntrc. .'\\.lll Jul tk Aug. L850 pcni. (PA) 44 3h 55M)
activitie ~
Classe ~
- ursesa dtuition
ats are
service ~
17' I" I 13'" ll' -' 2" mm?-
call our Classified Department on 0131 550 3060