will be creating ticw wall drawings. See Royal Botanic (iarden and prey iew NEE"! SHOW


5S Ratclille 'let‘race. 007 l‘)(i(i. Mon 9am 5pm; ’l‘ue l'ri 9am (rpm: Sat

l0am 5pm.

Mixed Show l'ntil Sat 30 Jun. A wide \ariety ol' contemporary prints.


23 ('ockbtrrn Street. 022 (i200. 'l'ue Sat l0am 5pm.

I’m A Stranger Here Myself t‘niil Sat lb Jtiri. New work by lil'teen Scotlarid-lmsed artists who were selected l'rom an open imitation and giy en tree access to the gallery 's Richard llotrgh Resource ('entre lor one year. l-‘eatured artists incltrde Nicky Bird. Beagles and Ramsay. l’aul (iray'. Angus llood. ('ry stal ('ollins and Rebecca Milling. LAST CHANCF l'O SEE,

YR1: A Snapshot Of Britain In The 21st Century Wed 20 Jun Sat l4 Jul. Recognising the increasing popularity ol' photography. ('liannel 4 latrriclied the l'K's biggest ey'er national open photographic competition earlier in the year. Attracting oy'er l0.000 applications l'r‘om both amateur and prolessional photographers. the exhibition at Stills letttttt'es sottte ol- the entries selected by judges lilaine ('onstantine. Ken l.emiox. Dennis .‘ylori‘is. .‘ylartin Parr and Paul M. Smith. The l; l0.000 pri/e-winning iriiage will be announced the on ('hamiel 4 on Strti

l Jul. NEW SHOW.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'nix'ersity ol lidinburgh. Sotrtli Bridge. (i50 22l l. 'l'ue Sat lllam 5pm.

East - Kate Oownie t'niil Sat I4 Jtrl (While (iallet'y ). Kate Dow'nie presents a show of new work. l‘eaturing liliii. paintings and drawings inspired based on her studies ol‘ the coastal landscape north ol' Aberdeen. Downie centres on Slains (‘astle and its history. Artist Talk Wed l3 Jtrn. 5.l5pm. Kate Downie talks abotrt her work. Richard Smith l'ntil Sat t4 Jul (round room). The second round room project l'eattrring recent lidinburgh (‘ollege of Art graduate Richard Sriiitli. For the space. he creates an installation ol‘ assemblage. painting. print and drawing.

Artist Talk Wed 13 Jtrri. lpm. Richard Smith talks abotit his work iii the round

Transparent Memories t'niil Sat to Jun (Red (iallery). An exhibition of works by Marcello .‘ylonda/li accompanied by a lilm by Marco Agostinelli which documents .‘slorida/zi’s riiost recent artistic aetiy'ities.


3b l)undas Street. 556 (i306. Mon rl't'i llam (iplltl Sat l0.30ani 4pm. Enid Foote Watts and Moyra Muschner l'ntil Sat to Jun. Recent paititirigs.


’l'raxerse Theatre. It) (‘ambridge Street. 228 5383.

Exposed 2001 Mon ll Jtrti Stiri l Jtrl. l’inal year exhibition tor students on the ll.\'D photography course at Stey'enson College.


to South Fort Street. 478 78H). Mon-Sat llam ll.45pm; Sun l2.30--l 1.45pm. Journey Of The Water Of Leith L'ntil Sat 28 Jul. In this newly refurbished bar. an exhibition ol photographs by Day'id Morrison. doctrtiienting the architecture and landscape of the Water ot' Leith.

WASPS STUDIOS 2 West Park Place. Dalry Road. 3 l 3 2484.

Studio Open Day Sat 9 Jun.

l laiii ()ptll. WASPS Studios in Dalry opens its door showcasing the work ol painters. sculptors. jewellers and applied ttt‘tists w ho Use the studios.


(l‘orriierly Malcolm lnnes (iallery i. 4 Dundas Street. 55S 9544/5. .\lon l-ri l0am (rpm; Sat llam lpiii.

Mixed Exhibition An ongoing selection ol~ Scottish landscapes. sporting paintings. military oils. watercolours and prints.

Masters Of The Press Exhibition l'ntil Sat 23 Jtrri. A collection or rare and decoratiy'e military prints.

Edinburgh Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh City Life, page 104.


'l'he Mound. 52‘) I288. Mon Hi

I 4.45pm. l‘ree.

Museum On The Mound Mon 1 t Jun Fri 7 Sep. Located within Bank ()l' Scotland's llead ()l‘lice. this sriiall btrt unusual museum is home to a display ol' banking memorabilia spanning 300 years. lixhibits include early Scottisli banknotes. gold coins. l'orgei'ies. maps. stall photographs. a Victorian branch tableau and a l7th century iron kist.


2X (‘harlotte Square. lidinburgh. 243 9365. Mon Sat l0am 5pm; Sttri noon 5pm. l-‘ree. .\'ot only the Head (Nice for the National Trust l'or Scotland. 28 (‘harlotte Square also houses a permanent collection ol 20th century Scottish paintings l‘eaturing work by l’eploe. Hunter and ('adell. Displayed in a domestic setting. the works are complemented by a collection ol Regency furniture.

MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘hambers Street. 247 421‘). Mon Sat l0ani- 5pm; Strri noon 5pm; 'l'ue l()atn 8pm.

The Bale Of Jute Project t'niil 'l‘hu l4 Jtrti. Anna King‘s tented installation comprising eight panels woven in jute created during a three- iiioiitli residency at the Museums last year. ('ommissioned by Dundee (‘ontemporary Arts. the piece was produced using the last bale ol‘ jute to be produced in Dundee.


Newhay'en llai'bour. 55l 4|(i5.

Mon ~Sun noon-~5pm.

Hidden Treasures: Volunteer Work Of Newhaven People Past And Present t'ntit Mon 31 Dec. The l'nited Nations' Year of the Volunteer is celebrated in this exhibition which looks at the tradition ol~ Volunteering in the Newhay'en community.


53 High Street. Queerisl‘erry'. 331 5545. Mon. Thu. Fri c& Sat l0am—rlpm &

2. l 5-—5pm: Sun noon-5pm. Free.

Food For Thought A look at children's diet and eating habits oy'er the past I50 years.


2 (‘harnbers Street. 247 42h). Mori- Sat l0am—-5pm (Tue 8pm); Sun noon» 5pm. Free. A 19th century museum housing international collections ol’ natural history. geology. science. technology and the decoratiy‘e arts. pltrs two permanent exhibitions: Arr A'- Industry and The Ivy llit Gallery.

Millennium Clock A chance to \ iew Rtrssian mechanical sculptor liduard Hersttdsky 's rnrllenriiurii clock. a kinetic sculpture. measuring nine metres high. The Jackie Stewart Formula t'ntil Sun 30 Sep 2001. Jackie Stewart (Hill and the National .\lrrsetims ol Scotland hay e joined tot'ces lol‘ the lit‘st trme to create this unique recreation ol the WW) Stewart l‘ord l’rt (iar'age. A must lor all (irand l’rix tans.

Silk Roads: Glimpses Of Central Asia l'ntil Strri l .ltll. Recently acquired contemporary textiles and cralts l'roin (‘entral Asia.

Awesome Insects l'ritil Suit 2 Sep. l-s'now n to most as creepy craw lies. this exhibition proy ides a balanced prolile ol this rich and diyerse group (it animals. Tutankhamun’s Wardrobe t'ntil Strri l Jtrl. Since the early l‘Nlls. the Stitching Textile Research ('entre in Leiden with the lagyptian Museum in (‘airo has been carrying otrt research on the clothing l'otmd in 'l'trtankhamun's 'l‘omb. ()n show at the .\ltiseum. are replica garments including loinclotlis. tunics. gloyes and lootweat'. based on those found. along with original excaxation photographs.

Stone Cut: Wood Cut l'ntil Strri l0 Jun. New work by printmaker l’atrl l‘urneaux created during his Year ot' the Artist residency at the Museums in January. l‘urneatix specialises in woodblock printing and this new body ol work is inspired the Museum ol Scotland building and its collection.

Meeting Points: New Works In Fibre l'ntil Sun 23 Sep. 'l‘he lirst in a series ol~ exhibitions to mark the Japan liestiyal 200l. A collaboration between six textiles artists from Scotland and six lrotn Japan. the exhibition aims to highlights the strong tradition ol textiles skills in both countries leaturing a display of hanging pieces. tapestries. sculptures and computer images. Noriko Narahira Hit: 7 Jun. 'l‘ue t3 Jtrn. 2.30 4.30pm. To complement the Meeting l’oints exhibition. Not‘iko Narahira demonstrates her work. Study Day Sat ‘) Jtrii. l0ain 4pm. £7 (£3). A study day with the curators and exhibitors ol‘ the Meeting l’oints exhibition. lior litrrther inl'ormation contact Rose Watban on 0l3l 247 4227. George Bain: Master Of Celtic Art t'ntil Sun 2 Sep. Known as the 'l‘ather ol' ('eltic design' (ieorge Barn deyoted his lile to studying the techniques Used the ancients to create their intricate designs. ()n loari limit the ('rroame House Museum. the exhibition leatures items l'rom their collection.


l.ady Stair‘s llouse. l.ady' Stains ('lose. 52‘) 490]. Mon ~Sat l0ain 5pm. l-‘ree. Letters Home l'ntil Sat 30 Jtrri. Poetry and prose by members (it the (‘reatiy‘e Writing Workshop ol' Bethany ('hristian 'l‘rtrst. an lidinburgh—based charity who help the homeless.


t'niy'ersity' ol Dundee. 13 Perth Road. ()l3S2 345330. Mon l-‘ri

9.30am S30pm: Sat ck Strn

9.30am 4.30pm.

The Annual Exhibition Sat to —Sat 23 Jun. l‘inal works by this year's graduates at Duncan ol' Jordanstone featuring architecture. drawing and painting. sculpture. time-based art. graphic design. ceramics and printed textiles.


I52 Nethergate. 0| 382 606220. 'l‘ue (S; Wed. Sat a Sun 10.30am5.30pm: 'l'hu 8t liri l0.3()am Spin. l‘i‘ee.

Richard Deacon: Sculpture t'niil Strri 24 Jtrri (Galleries 1 ck 2i. lri his tirst show in Scotland since l‘)ts'4. one ol the

listings Art

l'ls's most renowned sculptors and tormer 'l'urner l’rr/e winner. Richard Deacon. transtorins the gallery space

w rtli a sculptural work created trom bent \\t‘t‘\l. .\l\x\ It] the \ltt\\\ t\ .1 ceramic sculpture It’lllt'l'l'illt tint! [onto/row imi/ [onto/run '. the lust l is showing ol photographic work and a recent sound piece created in collaboration w tlll \lat‘tm lxr‘c'ysigg See iey iew

Extra Sensory l'ntil Sun I" .ltrn (line the lwoi. An exhibition ol applied arts to complement the ( 'omme In (NH .St'iiyt'y exhibition at .\lc\lantis tiallerres l'eatui‘ed artists iricltrdc lxtsketriiakei l.i//re l'arcy. cer'ariiicist Kate Schurrchl; lltltltl hotllxctl llttgs and tea costt‘s l‘_\ l‘_\ \ Saunders andiewellery by l in kriii \ip Wendy-Sarah Pacey l ntil Sun I” Jun (One Inc l'woi Jewellery by Wendy Sarah l’accy who combines clear and opaque l’er'spex with metal toils.


2.5 20 Mid \\’ynd Industrial I state.

0| 3S2 225‘JS2 'lliti Sun J (rpm

They Had Four Years l'll .s Sun .‘4 Jun. Set up in .ltrrre 2000. (ierieratoi l’roiects present and support the work ol new graduates trom Duncan ot Jordanstone ('ollege, (In is ( )ii. Duncan \lcqtiar'rre. (‘atrroria Skinner. Duncan Ross and Arron Simpson w ill be show trig new work. a year on lroni their gradtration.


Albert Square. 0| 3S2 4 320M. \lon Sat ltlam 5pm; Sun I230 4pm; 'l'hu

10am 7pm.

Coming To Our Senses l'ntrl Sun 17 Jun. the only Scottish showing ol this national cralts based touring exhibition. New works include magnetic gloyes. a wall mounted piece made lrom leather which explores sound througli y ibr'atiori. neori sound sculptures and ernotroiial light littings that respond to you.

VISUAL RESEARCH CENTRE Dundee ('ontempor'ary Arts. I52 Netlicrgate. lll .3S2 .34Slltill.

non‘ non Symposium in IS Jun. l0am (iptlt. L' 30 ( Hill. A cross disciplinary debate about the corriplexity in contemporary liy irig. inyestigating new areas (it. practice which hay e arisen through the coriyergence and hybridisation ol establisheddisciplines.

Outside The Cities



The Robert (iordori l'iiixersity. (iar'thdee Road. lll224 2(i3o00. 'l‘liu l0am 0.30pm: l‘ri tt Sat 10am 4pm.

Degree Show 2001 l'niil Sat 9 Jtrn. (iray 's School ol Art annual degree show leatur'irig the work ol liiial year students including painttrig. sculpture. printmaking. product design and design and cralts.

East Lothian


Stenton. lll3(i.\‘ 850250. Daily noon 5pm (closed 'l‘htt l.

Summer Gardens l‘iitrl Wed 4 Jul Recent paintings including works by

Syly ia Allen. l.i/ l‘r'asct'. James llarrigari. Derek Jones. lla/el \agl. l’erpetua Pope and Jacqueline Watt.


PENICUIK ARTS CENTRE CAFE 4 West Street. lll‘NiS ()7SSD4. .\lon Slit l0am 4pm.

Bridge t'ntil Sat 30 Jun. A collaboratiye show (it paintings. drawing and sculpture by James Williamson and Katie Bruce. Both artists haye been working at (iogar'burn and Artlink and are currently taking part in Artlitik's Art ot' ('hange programme which seeks to support people with learning disabilities. The project currently runs a studio in (‘raigmillar where the two artists work.

,' ’/t in 25*,“ THE LIST 97