Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.
Glasgow Galleries
lh-l Woodlanth Road. {33 (HUN. .\lon l'l'l Illam 5pm. Sat lllam l3.*llpm.
The Summer Exhibition \al t) 'I lit! 33 .lun l’amlmgx h} .lohn Stoa and rcgulal gallcr} alll\t~ including llclcn .\l. 'l umci. .lolui llathgatc. .lamtw ( )ii and id lhinlci,
353 Arg} lc Slrcct. (Will “33 INN! l)ail_\ Illam midnight.
Conceptual Clothing By Jenni Dutton l‘ntil Sun I.“ .lun lhc \\ltl'l\ ol rcnou ncd dcxtgncr .lcnni Hutton gocx on \hou including hcr innoxatnc drcxxc\ madc otit ot human hail. hol|_\ and lhc pach ol antitiuc diaricx, I’d/‘1 n/ Ill/(’l'll’llllull. l/«sil ,i LVN/a f)! i Scotland On Sunday Intervention Fashion Photography Award l’nnl Sun I" .lun. .'\n c\|uhition lcalurrng lhc \\ inncr and lnc runncrx up ol tlic St “Ill/Ill] ull Sum/in Intcncntion l‘a\luon Photograph} :\\\ai'd\. I’ll/'1 u/ Ill/(’I'l't'llllllll. l El
l,l l/le ll ll ) Hi i
l‘) I’ltl'lllt‘ Slrccl. .553 75"“). .\Illll Sal noon 5pm.
The Tuscany Show t'nnl Mon 35 .lun. l’aintmgx ol lhc Italian rcgion ol' 'l'uxcan} h} ttl'll\l\ \\ ho Ila\ c pcrxonal conncctionx \\ itli lhc placc. l’ctcr \ardini painlx around llI\ lamil} hoinc ol llarga: l)a\ id .\lar\hall capturcx lhc old \lrcclx ol' l.ucca and I.) n llunlcr and Ian Scott lilliot t'c\ cal thcir al’tixlic llllpl‘L‘\\lttll\ ol lhc arm.
A Summer Selection l'niil Mon 35 .lun. (il;t\gli\\ painting\ and ctchingx h} li\an\. .\lc.\’icoI and Richardon and \ltllllllt‘l' paintingx ol l'rancc and Spain h) lialchclor. ()atcx and lzlliot.
l85a Halli Stl'cct. 333 3330. Inc Sat ltlaru 5.30pm.
Ken Taylor l’ri H .lun ‘l‘uc 3| .llll. (ilthgou \lrcct \ccncx lrom lhc 5th and (il)\. \ca\capc\ and landxcapcx l’rom lhc North ol Scotland h_\ lhc latc Kcn la} lor.
ROGER BILLCLIFFE FINE ART l5-l Ill) lll\\\ooll Slt'L‘ct. 553 -lll37. .\lon l‘ri 0.30am 5.30pm; Sat
lllarn lpm.
Peter Howson: Don Giovanni l'nlil Inc 30 Jun. l)c\ign\ l'or \ctx and L‘l\\llllllL‘\ l'or Scottixh ()pcra'\ nc\\ production ol' .\lo/arl\ ()pct'a.
Geoff Uglow l'ntil Inc 30 Jun. (iltl\gli\\ School til .'\l'l gradualc (it‘lill l'glou prcxcnlx an c\hihiliolt ot nc\\ paintingx ol' ( ilaxgou (irccn \\ hcrc thc ttt‘li\t\ \tltdlo ix locatcd.
Firing The Earth l'ntil 'l‘uc 3o .lun. .-\ \olo c\hihilion ol' ncxl ccrainiu h} ('hrix (‘al‘lcrl
Focus On 2 l'nlil Inc 30 Jun. ('ontcmporar} icncllcr} h} Sliclh} liil/palrick and .lanc .\lacinlo\h.
Ken Donald l'nlil Inc 30 .lun. .\'c\\ collagcx and mi\cd mcdia \xorkx.
l4l Bridgcgatc. 403 5(l3ll. \icu in: In appointincnt. call llHl 553 '7 l 8‘) or lilJl 403 4303.
Public Hanging 2 [Mil Hi 34 .>\ug. l‘ollo“ ing on lt'olll lhc HICL‘L‘xx ol'.-\pt'll'\ opcn \xcckcnd. a group c\liihilion h} WASPS \tudiox artixlx lcaturing painting. \culpturc. \laincd glaxx and icucllcr}.
34—Hour \icu trig Wmdoxx. 30-1 lligh Strccl. 573 MM. hi & Sal noon 5pm. Welcome For Sea And Game l-‘n 15 Jun Sun 5 .-\ug. (‘lairc Barcla} lakcx tip rcudcncc m lhc mlcrior \pacc ot lhc Bulldicad to ci'catc an inxlallalion ot a In ing \pacc in which c\ct‘_\da_\ matcriah including uood. pol_\lhcnc and \\ool arc rcndcrcd in \uch a \\.i} that lhc} ncgatc thcu ll\ll.tl lunctlonx. Hi ‘2?" '
CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY Ill King Slrcct. 553 l)" ‘3, Mon Sat lllfillam midnight; Sun I llprn. Leave On Impression l'l'l x Sat 33 Jun. lhalogucx through \culplutc and lormx h} lxrach arlixt ()xnat Ramol.
50 \chl (iL‘ltl’gL‘ Strcct. 353 .555 l.
.\lon Sal Illam 5.illpm; Sun
noon 5pm.
Mixed Exhibition .-\n ongoing c\hihition ol \xork h} \al‘ioux artixtx. Oleg Zhivetin and Sabzi t'nill Sat
Kl) .lun. \cu paintingx.
3/ I. (i (‘larcndon Strccl. (i-l‘) .il-ll or 0793‘) 330048. \'ic\\ ing h) appointmcnt. Summer Open l‘ntil Sat it) .lun. llouxcd in a nut cnd lcucmcnl Hat. tip and coming (il;t\go\\ arlixtx tranxt'orm tlic homc into a gallcr} \pacc \\ ilh an c\hihilion ol' mi\cd mcdia \xorllx. l'calurcd arlixh inclltdc Victoria .loncx. .lcnnilcr('ainc. Moll} Rtixxcll. l)a\id .\lc( icorgc and Hugh Wall.
l'nixcrxit} ol' Slralhc|_\dc. 33 Richmond Slrccl. 5.53 vl-lllll L‘\l 3033. .\IUII l'it'l Illam 5pm; Sat noon -1pm.
Rush On Them: Parodies In Paper By Peter Rush t‘nnl Sat to Jun. 'l‘lircc—dimcnxional cartoon ligurcx including loin Blair. lhc ()uccn .\lolhcr. l)amicn llirxt and 'l'racc} limin crcalcd h} l’clcr Ruxh l‘rom \\ irc and plaxtcr. lhc c\hihition is accompanicd h} a publication c\plaining lhc arlixl'x tcchniquc and a \cricx ot‘ \lorllxhopx l‘or all agcx.
I73 \VLWI chcnt Sll't‘cl. 33l (i570. .\Ion Sal lllam 5.3llpm.
Paul Wunderlich Sat ‘) .lun ch 4 .lul. Rcccnt ll:l}|illllll ctchingx and \culpturc h) (icrman arlixl l’aul Wundcrlich. Nl St ll )\."'\.1.
GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Strcct. 33*) WW). .\lon 'l‘hu & Sal lllam 5pm; l-‘ri & Sun I lam 5pm. Glasgow 16/25 l'ntil Sun l7 .lun. lnlcrnational duo Simon (ircnnan and ('lirixtophcr Spcrandio. latncd l'or prcxcnling pcoplc\ \toricx in cornic- hook \l_\ lc. in hook l'orm and morc rcccnll} digital \ idco animation. arc lhc \uhicct ol tllix I‘L'lt‘l)\|ic‘cll\ c L‘\hihllloll. 'l‘hc ccntrcpiccc ol‘ lhc \lio\\ ix a \pcciall} commisxioncd digital \idco animation \\ hich documcntx lhc pcrsonal L‘\[\L‘l'lL‘llL'L‘\ Ul- pcliplc I‘L‘l“ L‘cll Iti tilltl 35 Mill |i\c. \xork or \ocialixc \\ ithin a milc radiux ol' lhc gallcr}. lASl
(It lANlll ll) 8H.
Roultcn (ilcn Road. 030 ()335. ch Sun hill 5.5(lpni.
Jean Martin l'nlil ch 3() Jun. ln hcr lirxt c\hihilion l'or l‘our _\car\. nc\\ \xatcrcolourx h) .lcan .\lartin. t'caturing t'loral \\lll'l\\ and landxcapcx ot' \cnicc and Scotland.
l-lh' \Vc‘xl chcnt Slrccl. 33l 5W5. .\lon Sat 0.30am 5.30pm.
First Of The Summer Wine Sat ‘) Sal 3t) .lun. .‘\ \caxon ol changing c\liihilion\ \\ ith a murmur tlamur ltarluring paintingx h} licrguxxon. lluntcr. .\largarcl Morrix. ('harlcx .\lc('all arid Nacl llanna.
(‘atc (.lNlllU. l3 Row“ Slrcct. 5.1: “55.5. .\lon Sal ll)._‘~llam ‘lpm.
Mona Rai: Roma, Gypsies, Travellers And Refugees l‘mll Sat it) .lun. l’hotogiaphx h} \lona Rat documcnting lhc trawlhng cornmunilicw in llungar}. Slmakia. Romania and (‘roatta
33 tk 35 King Slit-ct. 553 Will lut- Sal lllam 5.3llpm.
Alan Beveridge t'nul Sat 3o .lun. .\ \llllL‘ ol clchmgx and \(lt'c‘llpl'lllh iihpii‘cd h} dt'a\\ lllf..'\ and mcmoucx ot \lnp~ and \hiphuilding lll ln~ natn c (ilaxgon. l)undcc and lux homc on lltc lia~l ('oaxt. Black Pool - The Graphic Studio Dublin l'nlil Sat St) ,lun. .‘\n c\hihilion ol [‘l'llll\ lrom lhc ( iraphic Studio l)uhlin \\ ho \pcciahxc in mlagho prinlx.
Katie Clarke l'ntil Sat 3t) Jun. (‘ontcmporar_\ >|L'\\CllL‘l'.\.
Hetty Haxworth l’ntil Sat 3o .lun. .\ ncu \cricx ot ahxlracl \crccnprintx haxcd on organic lormx.
THE GLASGOW PROJECT ROOM lop l'lool’. (i—I ()xhournc Strccl. 553 H73. 'l'uc Sat 3 (rpm.
Attacking Mud l'ntil Sat ‘) Jun. .\ group \ho\\ all about mud lcaturing \idco. \culplurc and painting\.
Jetty 'l'uc l‘) Sal 331ml. Rcccnt \lork h} \irginnia Ilrunncrl. ('ara ('onnoll}. llcn (icoghcgan. Andrca chpcrxcn. :\mc llolxtad and |.anglcilc .\laric \‘illoll. Nl Sl ll )\.'.'.
(lround l-‘loor. l’rincc\ Squarc. Buchanan Slrccl. 33l Hlli3. .\lon Sal Illam (rpm; Sun llanr 5pm.
New Artists .-\ \aricd \clcction ol' \xork h} up-and-coming al‘li\t\ lcaluring \culplurc. tc\lilc dcxign. painting\ and
jcu L‘llL‘l‘}.
HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'nchrxit} ol(ila\go\\. 83 llillllcad Stl'cct. 33d 54.“. Mon Sat 0.30am 5pm. lircc. Whistler In Venice t'ntil Sat I Scp. l)ra\\ n lrom lhc llunlcrian'x uorld- l'clltm tlL‘ll lttlllcx NL‘NCIII Whixtlcr collcclion. a MC“ drxpla} l'ocuxing on a group ol' \cnctian clchingx complclcd h} Wliixllcr \xlicn lic trawllcd to \cnicc in l87‘). lhc mhihilion coincich \\ ilh a ncu puhlicalion h} l)r Margarcl .\lacl)ona|d L‘llllllL‘tl I’d/(IHW III iii/Iv .VIt’lll.’ ll'lllxl/H‘ /II Il’llll‘l'. Glasgow 1901 l'nnl 'l'hu I3 Scp. lior (ilaxgou '\ International li\hihition ol‘ l‘)t)l. ('harlcx chnic .\l;tcl\itllo\h \uhmittcd plan\ and dcxignx l'or lhc arcliilcctural conipclition ol' tans which had a hricl' ol' crcaling c\liihition huildingx a conccrt hall. llltllhll‘ltll hall and inachincr} hall. ()n \llli\\ arc Mackintoxh'x \uhmiltcd p|an\_ “IllL‘ll u ilh thcir \implc tcaturcx. radicall) dillcrx l'rom lhc \\ inning \wi‘k h} lama .\lillcr. Hidden Treasures l'mil Sal l Scp. lo cclchratc lhc l'nixcrxil} '\ 55l)lh annixcrxar}. a \pcciall} \clcclcd dixpla) ot prinlx. dran lllgx and \\illL‘l‘Cllllllll'\ drau n l'roni lhc gallcr} '\ collcction. licaturcd arlixlx includc J..\l.W. 'I‘urncr. .\larc ('hagall. liduard Burnc-Joncx. li.:\. Walton. Jitlllc\ (iulhric and .-\lc\andcr Runciman.
l8 King Slrccl. 553 3540. Mon Sal llooll (iplll.
Numpty Sat 9 Mon 35 Jun. :\ group \llll“ ol \lorll h} incinth ot~ l’rojccl :\hilit) '\ 'l‘rongatc Studio»
l83 Bath Strcct. 333 l‘)‘)l. Mon liri l0.3llanr 5pm; Sat lllfillarn lprn. Mixed Exhibition .-\ changing \clcction ol' traditional and contcrnporar} paintingx including \lorks h} ILA. Walton. (‘al‘lo Romi. John Bclltltt}. John Ill)ll\ll)II. William .\lillcr l'ra/cr and Sir William \lac’l‘aggart.
..-.. :. x ' , -3 u.).-.’_.-.:t.;,_-L.. mm }
Rembrandt’s Women liliiihuiuh dets thi- first ever
examination ot lllri'rhianllt's [)1)lll’.‘l'l,'£ll ot ‘.'/l)lll(?ll ii: his art. l)l(l‘.'.’ll ll()lll collections all over luiope and America. the exhibition features intimate portraits of the women Ill his life stretch marks and all. See teature. Nt'll/(NU/ (Err/tell; ()t fic‘tn/a/itl / t/i/ihi/Ig/i, //i ("J Jun Sun ;’ Sep.
Pipilotti Rist l ast chance to see Swiss artist Pipilotli Hist's specially commissioned Video installation, Show A / eg. a spectacle of colour. light and sound which packs an almighty Visual punch. liamwznc (Glasgow, lint/l Sun ll) Jun. Roland Penrose And Lee Miller lwii (,lllllllllalllfi‘llléll) exhibitions fill(:ll(lllll) light on one the most extraordinary artistic relationships ot the 70th century surrealist artist. exhibition organiser. collector and writer, Roland Penrose and American photographer Lee Miller. See revrew. Ito/and Penrose and / ee fl/7///er. [Dean (it'll/em and the Hat/ona/ (ia/lery of fi/i'ode/‘n Art. ll/l/l/fl/l'g/l, unti/ Sun 5) Sep. Howard Hodgkin Describing himself as a painter of ‘represernational pictures of emotional situations'. the lngleby Gallery is home loan exhibition of richly textured new prints by one of the UK's most celebrated painters and printmakers. lug/eby Gal/ery, Edinburgh, unti/ Sat 97 Jl//. Industry Of One lTver since
l labitat opened its doors back in 1904. our desire for welledesigned. contemporary objects for the home has been all consuming. This major exhibition of deSign from the early 803 to the present day. charts the impact of a ‘deSIgn-and-nrake' culture in Britain. The Lighthouse. Glasgow. Thu 74 JUN/Still 72/tl/g.
'2' THE LIST 91