Clubs llSllllgS
Edinburgh Mondays continued
I C.C. Blooms al (1(1 Bloom» lll._5ll[)lll 3am lltar lrotn optn t. l'ree. Weekly. 'l'ltingx ntellou ottl on \o the} elattnt at lll|\ ga} elult. \\ ttlt an upbeat (llSL't) \cleclion,
I The Profezzionals al M» \a .\'a. llpttt .iatn, l'ree. \Veekl}. l).l Rotltl} antl .laxon llll\ up Hllx. lilth} lllSL'U antl houw.
I Swarm at 'l he llone} eotnlt.
Illptn iatn. £4. IS .lun. l'ot'tnighll}. New night lltal lelx the routl} \tutlenl ltpex run riot itt llte \;lllll‘l'lHll\ \ut‘tountlx ol latltnlturgh'x ltoltexl holxpol. llat‘r) l.el'\ (io l'l‘rilial l-unktiont ix jttxt one ol the joelxx at \tork antl tll'llll\'\ pl'olllox u ill no doubt axsixt general ettio} ntent.
Chan & Party I Funky Underground al the
Sulma} \\t‘\l l'.ll(l. 7pm Kant. l'ree. Weekly Smenliex \henaniganx \\ ith l).l l)igg|er antl l)atltl_\ ('ool.
I The Subway at the Sulma). ‘)ptn iatn. l‘ree l'or \lllklt‘IHS \\ ttlt tualtieulalion eat‘tl: L'l otheruixe. \Vt't‘lxl}. SL‘L' 'l'llll.
Edinburgh Tuesdays
I Immersed in Music at l’i\o. ‘lpnt lattt. l‘ree. \Veekl}. ‘.\lonl\e_\ lio)‘ .\lark lithnontlxon [tl;t}\ l'unk} phathaek gl'oo\e\ lor all tlte pl;t};t/ ottt there.
I Salsa Experience at llaraeoa. lllpnt lain. Free. \\'eel\|_\. l.alino gl'tto\c\ to make )otl \a|\a. \\ ilh tlanee elaxxex l't‘otn Sam.
I Tango at lil Barrio. (t Uptn. l'ree. Weekly l’ree. inl'orntal tango tttitiott
\\ ith xeaxonetl pt‘ol'exxtonal Slew .\lel\'a§. l’or tttore inl'o. eall Ste\ e on 478 22 l S.
I Bossa Nova at lil Barrio.
Illptn 3am. l'ree. \Veekl}. l.i\ e l.alitt ia/l lltat \lipx e\ en tnot'e nieel} thatth to the cheap tequila \hot\ at U a pop.
I Ad-Lib l l l llope Street. 248 004.5.
I Air Organic .‘so Ke|\ ingro\ e Street.
5o4 52(ll.
I Alasksa I42 Bath l.ane. 248 I777.
I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 3 l 80.
I The Arches Midland Street loll
.latnaiea Street). 22l 4(llll.
I Asylum 7t) ('oueatltlenx Road. 332
I Babaza 25 Ro}al li\ehange Square.
304 mm.
I Bennet’s x0 (ilthllH'tl Street. 552
I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5884.
I Brel 3‘) Ashton l.ane. 342 4‘)oo.
I Budda l4: SI \illlL‘L'lll SII'L‘L‘I. 22l
I Caledonian Universi
Student Union (Asylum 70
(‘()\\L‘iltltlt‘ll.\ Road. 332 ()(t8 1.
I The Cathouse lS l'nion Street.
243 oo0o.
I Cleopatra’s 508 Great \Vextern
Road. Kel\ inht‘itlge. 334 05o0.
1IHC‘Iub Budda I42 St \‘ineent St. 231
I The Cran I038 .-\rg_\le Street. 348 ($83 I.
I Cube 34 Queen Street. 22o 3000. I Cul De Sac .-\\hlon Lane. 334 SSW).
I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 552 0227.
I Firebird l.‘~2l .-\rg_\le Street. 334
I Fury Murry’s 0o .\la\\\ ell Street. 22l (i5l l.
I Tililewcarage 4*)0 Saueltiehall Street. . 3- -0.
88 THE LIST ' .7. ‘
I C.C. Blooms al (‘(‘ Bloom lll.5llplll 5.:lll ll‘al itout optnt l'tee \\eel\l_\ lalxe a \lep haek lll tune to om. "llx. \lk antl earl} tilk tune\ at tho ga_\ elult.
I Flava (formerly Motherfunk) at
'l he \enue llptn 2atn. l tee \\eel\!_\. \ou te-ttatnetl llllllx antl \ottl ntght. lll‘SlL'tl h} ()h. Heart} .tlltl l'eh\. v. llll boo/e [‘ltHllUx a plenl},
I Motherfunk at lhe llone} eonth l't'ee \Veekl}. (into and l'l_\L'l lilt'alx ottt the lunk ptpex and eotnl} \oul \ltppeh a\ the_\\L‘ thetnxehex at home tn llte \allll‘llttlh \urt‘ountlx ol lztltnhutglh hottext holxpot. l’leaxe note that llll\ l\ the original \lothet‘lunk \o tt\ l.lllllllL'\l e\et_\ \keek antl earl} at‘t’t\a| enxurex entry
I Oaxaca at l’o \a .\'a. llpttt 5am. l’ree. \Veekl}. l.auno :unk night \ttth a name that make\ )ou \tllllltl like _\ou're eoughing up a lull) lttt~ hall. (ieared lti\\;ll'tl\ pleaung the \lllklk‘lll tnarket,
Chan & Party
I Shagtag at (iata. lllpnt Rant. L4 tt2 l. \Veekl}. .-\leoho| luelletl lltrttttg rattled and abetted h} tlrtnkx protnoxt \ la the llllallltllh ntttnher—haxetl tntrotlueltonx x} \tent. l’leaxe note there'\ lt‘ee tequila antl ehatnpagne lol' the lloo/te \\ llll the tnoxt IL‘L|llC\l\.
I The Subway at lhe Sulma}.
“lint iant. l’t'ee ltll' \llltlL'lll\ \\ ttlt tnatrteulatton eat‘tl: Ll othernhe. \Veekl}, See ’l'hu.
I The Subway West End al lhe Sulma} “ext lantl. ~pttt .iillll. l'ree lot' \llltlt‘llh \\ ith tnauteulalton eartl; Ll
other“ txe. “eelly l'hetnetl part} ll|j_‘l11\ e\er} ueek. Hllt'l'lllf.‘ eharl pap. eheap boo/e antl pt't/ex.
Edinburgh Wednesdays
I The Departure Lounge at l’oplx’oktt. ‘lfillptn lant. l’t'ee. \\eel\l_\. (‘aplatn llat‘t‘) :\tn\\\ot‘llt and lll\ hook} ealun ereu lll\ ite _\ou to ltop ahoat'tl an inletxlellar e\eut\ion tttto qui/lantl. l’leaxe note that the next league hax reeenll} got untlerua} and the tttgltl no“ l'eaturex pt't/e\ and protnox lrotn eeleltt'tt} \pottxot' .\lr .laek Danielx.
I Glasgow School of Art to,“ Rt‘lll'l'c“ Sll’ct‘l. 5.52 lllt‘)l_
I Glasgow University Union 32 l'ni\et\it_\ .-\\enue. 33‘) SN)?
I Groucho St Judes 100 Bath Streel. .152 3300.
I 92 424 Sauehiehall St thehintl tlte (iaraget. 353 3| l l.
I Havana 50 Hope Street. 243 44oo. I Life thaxentent ol'(‘ortnthiant. l‘ll lngratn Street. 552 Illll.
I The Lighthouse So \titeltell SII'L‘L‘I. 22l 0502
I The Living Room 5 ll)er\ Road. 33‘) S5| |.
I MAS 2‘) l{o_\al l:\ehange Square. 22! 70x0.
I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42l Saueltieltall Street. .133 0M"
I O’Henry’s l)t‘ur\ Street. 24S 37.5 I. I Polo Lounge X4 \Vilxotl Street. 553 I221.
I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 l'ni\er\it} (iartlenx. 3.“) 0‘84.
I Beds. 325 Sauehiehall Street. .Ul lofiS.
I Riverside Club l~'o\ Street. 50‘) _,‘~
I Rocksy’s Basement 40 \L‘\\ silt-alto” Street. l’ai\|e_\. 55: 5M.
he Shack 103 l’ill St. 332 “523. I Soba ll \liteltell Street l.ane. 204 2404. I Spy Bar Bath Street. 22! 22l l. I Strawberry Fields So ()mald SII‘L'L‘I. 22 l 28- l. I The Studio. 1034 South St. Seotxtoun. 4lll l75ll. I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago lane. 35“ 4524. I Note 20“ (‘l_\(lC Street. 245 2l7." I Trash It)“ Pitt Street. 572 33“
I The Tunnel 84 Mitchell Street. 304 I000.
I Excursions at Iguana ‘ll‘lll lant l‘t'ee. \M'ekI} lx’otattonal texttlenh (i \lae l \langa t. (iat_\ \lae tStthlttttet. ('oltn .\ltl|at antl \tlant lira} «lleatl\ptnt \lL'llll‘ll\\' then attta/tng \lk'xlx‘lk'l'lt'dl \erxattltl} lll the llk'l\l\ ot \lllllll t\ ham. lttp hop. Iunk .lllkl
I Headzeint .11 ll”. ‘lpnt lattt. l'tee \\eekl_\ lltp ltop. tunk antl eleettolteah eourle\_\ ol \ltehael .lllkl (iat‘_\.
I The Merry Pranksters at l‘lte \lt'atloux Bar. ‘lptn l.llll. l'ree. 2H .ltttt l‘ot'tntghtl} Roan'l'} tlhhttal lout l).l .llltl l'x‘Sltlk‘lll .ll l\).t\ll\l Halt} ltllll entertatnx the eolout'lul euxlotnetx \\ ttlt all \Hll\ ol eleelto lunk} new.
I Nocturnal at llatn llou. ‘lpnt Iatn. l’t‘ee. l3 .lutt. l-ortntghtl} lan ( )\\en\on aka l‘..\'() «\ltt/tk lletlrootn lletllatn
\\ tnnert luxex llll-\l\ottl lu'eakx. garage and tlrutn & haw at thix \\\attl\_\ ne\\ pie eluh.
I Oxygen at ()\}gett. Spin lattt. l-t'ee. \\eel\l_\. lhe popular pt‘e eluh pla_\ \ ltoxl to rotational rexttlenlx (itno. l'r_\er and ('ht'ix l-le\on and the lllll\l\';ll \l} lex ol lunk. hip hop and mu]. :\l‘l'l\C early to eapitalixe on 2 lot' I tlt‘tnlxx ollerx.
I Salsa Variations al llataeoa.
Spin lattt. l't‘ee. \Veekl}. l).l \lik;t}e| plan the l.alitto gl’tto\L‘\ to lllill’xk' _\ou \alxa \\ llll tlanee elaxxex lll either a ('oltunhian or (’uhan \t} le.
I Son de Rumba al (‘ellar Hat .\'o l. lllptn latn. l-t'ee. \Veekl). ()ne ol tlte pioneering l.atin tnu\ie nightx and \till the hexl \eleelion ol notreluntnet'eial gromex eourtex} ol l).l lanrttlue.
I Tango at 'l‘he ()ulhouxe lllp\l;tll\l. 7,30 llpttt. l't‘ee. \Veekl}. Inlortnal tattgo night \\ tlh lree heginnet‘x elaxx lrotn 2.30pm.
I Aztex ill l,;t liL‘llL‘ .-\llf_‘L‘lL'.
lll. illptn 3am. to 13 Jun onl}.
l’x) ehetlelte tt‘anee ntghl\ \'ot'te\ and .\\\\ang _(Ulll loreex lor thix one oll \peeial. l'eattu'ing \peetal guext .lohtt l’llallllhlll.
I C.C. Blooms :11 (i.('. lillltilllS. Illuillptn 3am thar lt‘otn (tptnt. l‘ree. \\.L'L‘l\l_\. .'\ \pol ttl' lllltlu L‘L‘lx lltlllxt‘ ilk'lltlll at llll\ atl\\;t}\ liu\_\ ga_\ eluh.
I Variety Bar 4lllSallL‘lllL'lltlll Sll'L‘L‘l. 332 444‘).
I The Velvet Rooms Salteltiellall Sll'L‘L‘l. 552 0755.
I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) North \Vootlxltlt' Road. 557 loll.
I Yang 55 ()llL'Cll Sll'L‘L‘l. 243 343-1.
I The Ark 3 Setnple Street. 22‘) “33. I The Attic l)_\ L'l‘l\ (iltlu‘. (‘ou gale. 225 3382.
I Bam Bou oo/o" South Bridge. 55o 02”“.
I Bann UK 5 Hunter Square. 22o lll2. I Baracoa " \ietotla Street. 235 584!» I Bar Union 2.5.V25S ('o\\gale. 5.5— 2‘30.
I La Belle Angele ll llaxliex (loan
m "Ru,
5.50 52ll4. I Cavendish \Vexl 'l‘olleroxx. 22K 3252. I C.C. Blooms 25 24 (il't‘t‘lhltlc l’lilk'L'. 55h 955 l.
I The Citrus (il'llltlla) 511114.022
I The City Cafe lllatr Street. 22” 0135.
I Club Java ('otntneretal Street. l.etlh. 555 5o22.
I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’teartl} l’laee tenlt'anee through The ()lllllotlw (iartlenx. llt'ougllloll Street l.ane. 4‘s 7434.
I Cuba Norte W2 .\lol'l't\tlll Street. Ill 0400.
I Ego l’ieat'tl} l’laee. 42S “434.
I Ch‘l l9" lllg‘ll Sll'L‘Cl. 22“ 22“.
I El Barrio I04 \Vea Port. 220 x305. I Eros/Elite l’ountatnpat'k. Dundee Street. 223 l(t(tl.
I Gaia Kin: Slahlu Road. 22‘) "93%. I Holyrood Union lltll}l'tttltl Road.
05! (‘15-.
I Fat Sam’s Swing Club at l'go \pnt llpttt {2:154 2“ Jun \lottllll} .lutnp ll\ utg aeuon \\ tth Seotlantl\ leathng \mng ltantl plux Ill \uppott ltottt the \L':_'.l\ \l\‘\\
I Kero-Scene—K2 .tl Stuato 34
llpttt 5.tlll Ll 5t! \\eel\l_\ lneteaxtngl} populat altetnatn e ntghl \xhteh \ee\ I eat. \\all_\. hp .lll\l l l/ [‘l.t}lllf2 tleath. \ll‘t‘lll. hea\_\ tnetal .lll\l e\ttente tune\
I Red at l’o \a \a llpttt ialll l tee \\t'el\l} Ill llatt_\ lel\ (lo 1 lioonthov pulx the eeleette tnto eleeltte at llll\ \t\ ll\ll \ottlx l‘al '
I Ruff Kuts al l he \enue t( 'oolet I \lonthl} \e\l tlate 22 .lun
I Salsa con Caborat l l liallltt
lllpnt Run. l tee \\eel\l} .lotn .\ano l‘etnantle/ al llll\ xxx utgtng l attn patl}
\\ here the tequila run\ like hater
I Sleep at 'l'he .\ute_ llpnt iatn [3. 20 Jun. l‘Ul'llllg‘llll} Rexttlentx .la\oll (‘orte/ antl lx’tehte \allen/ llheu teal nante~ ‘l
te\ He the etetlthle llll\l\\\'\'l\ elulthtng e\pettenee h) pla_\ tng \otne up ltottt haul houxe .lll\l ttanee lot a hetlontxtn~ etoml
Chart & Party
I Midweek Mayhem at l he I ttluttl Room. I“ illltlll 5.llll ltee \\llll tnalttt' tattl helote l21llant. £2 othetutxe \\eel\|_\. ('hee\_\. ehat't} ehooth. eheap \lllllix antl gootl llll(l\ al eopptng oll.
I Shark al l.lH\ lilllt'. ‘l illlllll i.llll L" 1L2l ltelore llptn; L71 1'; it alter. “eekh 'Seotlantl\ htggext \lutlenl' night \uppl_\tng the ohltg.tlot_\ ehatt pap.
I Skint al 'l'he .\rk. lllpnt iant. L2 tltee \\llll prool ol menhaltt. \\eel\l_\. lhe llllkl|\lllllk’\l lung ol \lutlent tughtx ttot onl} \upphex the linext ehatl .llllllL‘lllS hut al\o earex enough to pto\ ttle \lllllixS at {I all tugltt antl lt'ee entt‘) to merth'aun \lllklk'lll\. I The Subway at 'l he Sulma).
‘lptn illlll. l'tee lot \llltlk‘lllS \\llll tnalrtettlalton eartl; Ll othetu l\\'. \\eekl_\. See lltu.
I The Subway West End al the Sulma} \\e\t l1ntl. "pin iatn. l'tee lor \ltnlentx \\ llll ntalt‘teulalton eattl; [I tllllt‘l'“ lw. \Vt‘t'lxl}, SL‘L' llltl.
I Viagraah al RL'MtlllllUll. lllpnt itllll. [4 Neil. \Veekl}. l’utnpetl-up patt_\ tunex lot' the lrtxk} \lllle‘HIS ottt there.
I The Honeycomb IS I" \ltltll'} Sll’cL‘l. 5 ill .554”.
I The Human Be-In 2/3 \\e\l ('t'oxxeauxt'ua}, ()(t2 SSH).
I I uana 4| l.ollltatl Street. 220 4283. I he Liquid Room ‘le \telorta Sll'L'L‘l. 225 2.504.
I Loco 255 (Km gale. 225 ill i.
I The Meadow Bar llueeleueh Street. o3: ‘oxo.
I Club Mercado 3o 3‘) Market Street. 22o 4224.
I Noa 2 ()tteenxlet‘r} Stteel l.ane. 22o (LS2S
I The Outhouse lit‘ottghton Slt‘eel l.ane. 5.5—2 (thS,
I Oxygen i 5 lnlirtnat‘} Street. 557 900-2
I Peppermint Lounge ltlan' Street. (L22 (tXl l.
I Pivo 2 (t ('alloll Roatl. 55.2 2025.
I Po Na Na 2“ l‘l'L'tlL'l‘lL'lx Sll'L'L'l. 220
I The Pond 22 24 llalh Road-1N 3x25.
I PopRokit 2 l’leartl} Place. 550 4272. I The Potterrow lit-mo Square. o50 ‘ll‘l5.
I 0 Bar S/l l l.L'llll Sll'L'L'l. 535‘). I Revolution .ll l.otluan Roatl. 22‘) Thu”.
I Rush 2‘ Rolterlxon\ (low. 557 3763. I StUdiO 24 (allot) Road. 558 37.53. I The Subway ('ougale. 225 (t7()(t. I The Subway West End l.othtan Road. 22‘) WW“.
I The Union lleriot \Vatt l'ni\er\tt}. Rleeal‘lotl. 45l .5555.
I The Venue ('alton Road. .557 307‘. I The Watershed 44 St Slephen Sll‘L‘L‘l. 22“ 5774.
I The Wee Red Bar lztltnhurgh ('ollege ()l .\rt. l.aurixton l’laee. 22‘) I442.
I Why Not? l4 (ieorge Street. 624
S5 l l.