Jun. Monthly. .-\ltcr lour monthx ol dcmox tonight‘s thc night l'or .\ll\\ ('i‘mxly nx 2001.

Poets and Writers Group 1.0m (t'ttllt‘. ll l)i\on Slt'ccl. 33l 7303. \Vt‘d 30 Jun. Monthly

Glasgow Groups

Body Positive 3 l’ark Quadrant. 333 50“). Support and adx icc lor lllov: .‘tlch‘lt'xl hy lll\'/.'\|l)S.

Centre for Women’s Health 2 Sande lotd l’lacc. 3! | 0700. ()llcrmg a rangc ol mloimalion and \crx iccx to \xonicn and \pccilic \cl‘x iccx loi l\‘\l\l;tll\. Glasgow Lesbian Line I’o Ho\ 030. (i.3 7H,. 553 335.5. (iix mg adx icc and support cithcr on thc phonc or by S.'\l:. Glasgow Women’s Library lot) 'l'rongatc. 553 83-15. 0ch 'l'uc I‘ri

| 0pm; Sat 3 5pm. .-\ lihrary lull ol \xomcn'x lilcraturc ax \chI as tlic lcxhian archixc. 'I‘lux IS alw thc idcal placc lo lind out ahout \xoliicu\ cxcntx happcning :lL'l'ti\\ Scotland.

Phace West it) Hath Slrcct. 332 3838. ’l'hc main \crx icc in thc \cht M Scotlaan lor pcoplc xx ho arc allcctcd by HIV/AIDS.

Steve Retson Project 2 Sandy l'ot'd l’lacc. 33l 800l. ()pcn 'l'uc tk Thu

5 8.30pm. Sc\ual hcalth adx icc and counxclling l'or gay mcn.

Strathclyde Lesbian 8. Gay Switchboard Po Box 38. (t2 2oli. 333 8373. “pm 7 lllpm dain (‘onlidcntial adx icc lor all gay mcn and lt‘\l\ltlll\.

Bi-G-Les do It till. I I l)i\on Slrccl. 33l 7303. (iroup ol'l'cring hcl'ricnding and \ltppol'l nctxxoik l'or lcxhianx. hixcxualx and gay Iucn undcr lhc agc ol 35.

Edinburgh Thursdays

Clubs C.C. Blooms (‘.(‘. liloollix. 23 2.1 (it‘L‘clhltlL‘ l’lttt‘t‘. 5.50 9.33 .

l0.30pui 3am thar lrom 0pm). lircc. \Vcckly. 'l‘rip tlic light l'antaxtic lo lli- \RU dttllL‘c action. 3 Piece Sweet 'l'hc ('oclcau l.oungc. l’icartly l’lacc. 478 7434. l lpm 3am. £3. 'l'hu 7 it 3! Jun. l‘ortnightly. l’arty girlx 'l‘rcndy \Vcndy. Sally l; and \icci alloxx cntry at a chcap ratc. hax c an axtounding 'no lllllSlL‘ policy '. ultra-chcap drinkx promox and makcoxcrx lrom .\l\ B. Smart.


All About Eve l5ilmliouxc. 88 l.othian Road. 338 3088. ’l‘hu 7 Jun. Bcttc |)ax ix \larx ax thc glamorom actrcw out— \chcmcd and ox crtakcn hy cmploy cc :\nnc Ba\tcr.

101 Reykjavik (’amco. 38 llomc Strcct. 338 4 I4 I. lirom Thu 7 .lun. .-\ hlcak mid—xxintcr comcdy ahout lllynur xx ho hcdx hi\ mothch hcautilul Spanish lricnd only to dixcoxcr \hc ix hix mum'x lcxhian loxcr.

Falls ('amco. 38 llomc Strcct. 338 4 I4 I. l‘rom l‘ri l5 Jun. Scorching hcaxyxxcight tlirillcr ahout gay ('uhan poct. Rcinaltlo .»\rcna\.


Anything Goes licxtixal 'l‘licatrc.

l3 3‘) .\'ico|\on Sll‘t‘L‘l. 53‘) (illllll. 3pm «k 7me. [8 9.4750030 £14.50). Thu

7 Sat 0 Jun. l.argc~\calc production ol' (‘olc l’ortcr\ camp nautical muxical

xx hich includcx \uch claxxic \ong\ ax ‘You'rc tlic lop" and 'l (ict a Kick Out ol You'.


Gay Outdoor Club (’ontact 5508705. 'l‘hu l4 .lun. Monthly. Social mccting.

Edinburgh Fridays Clubs C.C. Blooms (‘.(‘. 010mm. 23 24 (il'L‘CllSltlL‘ l’lttcL‘. 550 933 .

l0.30pm 3am thar lrom 0pm). l’rcc. \\'cckl_x. l).l .-\l|y \pin\ a mi\ ol‘ higli

camp. dixco t'l;t\\lc\ and pumpcd-up liottu‘.


101 Reykjavik (‘amco. 38 llomc Strccl. 338 -1l4l. l‘lxilll 'l hu 7 Jun. Scc 'l‘hu.

Best in Show l‘ilmhouw. 88 l.othian Road. 338 30.88 l't‘i l5 \Vcd 30 Jun. 'l‘hc xxorld ol' lhc dog \hoxx ix cxpcrll} mockcd in lllh comcdy lrom actor/dircctor ( ‘ltrixlophcr ( iuc\t. Before Night Falls (amt-o. 38 llomc Strcct. 3384l-1l. l-rom l'll l5 Jun.


Anything Goes l‘t'SlHQIl 'l hcalrc. l3 3‘) Nicolxon Slt't‘t'l. 53‘) WNW. 7.30pm. £0 (15. Hut 7 Sat () .lun. Scc 'l‘hu.

Edinburgh Saturdays


C.C. Blooms (..(‘. liloolllx. 3.5 34 (irccuxidc Matt. .550 933 l.

l0.30pm 3am thar l'rom 0pm l. l-rcc. \Vcckly. l).l .\lly ix hack again xx ith morc high camp houxc.

Joy ligo. l’lL‘ttl‘tl} l’ltlt‘L‘. 473 743-1. 10.30pm 3am. L'l0 l £8». Sat ‘) .lun. liortnightly. .\laggic and .\lan \crx c up \olid. mcaty houxc in thc main room xxhilc 'l‘rcndy \Vcndy and Sally l'inlay \tir up a mi\ ol chart. pop. and garagc doxx lixlail'x.

Oxygen Studio 34. ('alton Road. 558 3758. |0pm 3am. \lcruhcrx £8 hcl'orc midnight. L'lll altcr; nonaucmhcrx {l0 hclorc midnight. L" l 3 allcr. Sat 10 .lun. l’ortnightly. .lohan and Sarah (l tSundixxcntiali xxork thc xx ildly licdonixtic. glammcdrup croxxd into a hard lioth l'rcn/y.

Mingin’ Studio 34 lllpxlttll'\l. (’alton Road. 558 3758. l0.30pm 3am. £5. Sat I0 Jun. l‘ortnighlly. .\'o-non\cn\c cluhhing xx ith hard houxc and \cxy trancc lrom Brian |)cmp\tcr and .-\lan Joy.

Divine Divas 'l‘hc \‘cnuc (lop lloot'l. ('alton Road. 557 3073. 10pm 3am. L0 0.4). Sal ‘) Jun. Monthly. Rcturn ol‘ lidinhurgh‘x xxomcn-only night.


gay.com Hahana. (irccmidc l’lacc.

553 l37l). l‘lL‘L'. “CUM-M

The Claremont ‘l'hc ('larcmont. 33 I35 liaxt (’larcmont Strcct. 550

5003. l‘rcc. Sat 10 .lun. l-‘ortnightly.


101 Reykjavik (‘amco. 38 llomc Strcct. 338 4l4]. I’rom Thu 7 Jun. Scc 'l‘hu.

Best in Show l‘ilmhouxc. 88 l.othian Road. 338 3088. Hi l5 \Vcd 30 Jun. Scc l-‘ri.

Before Night Falls ('amco. 38 llomc Strcct. 338 4l4 I. From l’ri l5 Jun. Scc 'l‘lm.


Anything Goes l'cxtix;il 'l‘hcatrc. l3 3‘) Nicolxolt Slt'CL‘l. 53‘) 0000. 7.30pm. £0 £l5. Thu 7 Sat ‘) .lun. Scc 'l‘hu.

Edinburgh Sundays Clubs C.C. Blooms ('.(‘. liloomx. 35 34 (il‘L‘L‘ll\ltlL‘ l’ltlt‘L‘. 550 9.5.5 l.

l0.30pm 3am thar l'rom 8pm). l-‘rcc. \VL‘L‘kl}. Taste 'l'hc lloncy comh. l5 l7 Niddry Strcct. 530 5540. llpm 3am. £81L‘0). \Vcckly. liixhcr tk l’ricc lix c it up in thc main room \x ith garagc and uplil'ting to hard lltllht‘ xx liilc hackroom \tlppot'l comcx lrom .\larco Smith and Martin \'alcntinc at thix xx ildly llL‘tlolll\llc and gay-li‘icndly Sunday inxtilution. Lush ligo. l’icardy l’lacc. 478 7434. 10.30pm 3am. (3. Sun l7 Jun. l‘ortnightly. (‘ommcrcial dancc and pop courtcxy ol'(‘raig I)cmp\tcr and l)alc \Vilkinxon.


Trivia QUlZ llolxlllll. Roxc Strcct. 335 705 1. 4.30pm. lircc. chkly.

Taste Thc (iildcd Saloon. (‘oxxgatc 9pm lam. l-‘rcc. \Vcckly.


101 Reykjavik ('amco. 38 Homc Strcct. 338 4 I41. l-‘rom Thu 7 Jun. Scc 'lhu.

Best in Show liilmhothc. 88 l.othian Road. 338 3088. l’ri l5 \Vcd 30 Jun. Scc l’ri.

Before Night Falls (’amco. 38 llomc Silik‘k‘l.2:3-1l~ll.l'il'tlllll'il'l l5 Jllll. SL‘L‘ ’l'hu.

Edinburgh Mondays


C.C. Blooms (‘.('. lilootux. 23 24 (irccnxidc l’laL‘c. 5.50 933 l.

10.30pm 3am thar lrom 0pm). lice \VL‘L‘lxl}.


Trendy Wendy l’lancl ()ut. (it'L‘L‘ll\itlL‘ l’lacc. 534 (MM. 0pm lam. lircc. liortnightly.


101 Reykjavik ('amco. 38 llomc Strccl. 338 4 I4 I. From Tim 7 Jun. Scc 'l'hu.

Best in Show l‘ihnhouw. 88 l.othian Road. 333 3088. Hi 1.5 \Vcd 30 Jun. Scc l‘ri.

Before Night Falls (amt-o. 38 llomc Strccl. 338 4|4l. l-‘rom liri l5 Jun. Scc 'l‘hu.


Gay Men’s Swimming Group 220 4470. 8pm. \Vcck’ly. lnl'ormal \xx imming \L‘.\\i()li. ('all lor inorc inl’ormation.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


C.C. Blooms (‘.(‘. Blooms. 23 24 (Brccnxidc l’lacc. 550 033 l.

l0.30pm 3am thar li‘om 0pm). lircc. \VL‘ck’l}.


101 Reykjavik ('amco. 38 llomc Strcct. 338 414 I. From Thu 7 Jun. Scc 'l'hu.

Best in Show liilmhouxc. 88 l.othian Road. 338 3088. Fri l5 \Vcd 30 Jun. Scc liri.

Before Night Falls (Enrico. 38 Homc Strcct. 338 4l4l. l-‘rom l’ri l5 Jun. Scc 'l‘hu.


OOT ’l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. .558 7373. 7.30pm. £5 (£4ifl‘uc l3 Jun. Monthly. Popular gay and gay l‘ricndly night. llosl ('raig Hill introduccx Mandy Knight xx‘ith xupport 00m John l.ittlcjohn and Jill l’cacock‘. BL‘llClll night lt)!’ l’ridc Scotland.

listings Gay

Edinburgh Wednesday Clubs C.C. Blooms (1C. Blooms. 23 -24 (it‘L‘L‘lhltlt‘ Pltlt‘t‘. 550 “33 l.

l0.30pm 3am thar l'rom 0pm i. lircc. \Vcckly .\lid\xcck hou~c action.

Bars Karaoke llohlull. Row Strcct 225 705 l. ‘lpm. lacc. \Vcckly.


101 Reykiavik (‘amcxt 38 llomc Strcct. 338 4141. lirom Thu 7 Jun. Scc 'l'hu.

Victim l-‘ilmhouw. 88 l.othian Road. 338 3088. 0.l5pm. \Vcd l3 Jun. I)irk Bogartlc gixcx an incrcdihlc coming out pcrl'ormancc in thix taut |00l gay hlackmail mox ic.

Best in Show l-ilmhouw. 88 l.othian Road. 338 3088. Hi l5 \Vcd 30 Jun. Scc Fri.

Before Night Falls (‘amco. 38 llomc Strcct. 338 4 14 l. l’rom l’ri l5 Jun. Scc 'l‘hu.

Heavenly Creatures liilmlmuw. 88 l.othian Road. 330 3088. 0.15pm. \Vcd 30 Jun. Scclhing xx ith supprcxxcd lL‘\l‘ltllll\lll. txxo tccnagc girls go on a murdcr \prcc m .50\ .\'cxx [caland


Women’s Group Drop-In l.(;li (‘cntrc. 00 Broughton Strcct. 478 700‘). 7pm. l‘rcc. chkly. lnl'ormal -in group lor

Edinburgh Gay Women’s Group chtis. Brotlghlon Strcct. 557 8847. 7pm. chkly. Social group.

Icebreakers (‘.(‘. Blooms. 33 34 (irccnxidc l’lacc. 550 933 l. 8 ‘).l5ptll. \Vcd l3 Jun. Monthly. (iroup l'or lc\hittn\. gay mcn. hixcxuals. and transgcndcr pcoplc.

Edinburgh Groups

Dykes Night Out Po Box I09. l-ZHI 3l.l'. Informal gct togcthcrx and social cxcnings l'or xx'omcn.

Stonewall Youth Project Po Box 4040. 550 4040. chular mcctings and social cxcntx lor lL‘xhlttnx. gay mcn and l)l\L‘.\llillS undcr thc agc ol~ 30.

Gay Men’s Health ()axis Drop In ('cntrc. l0a l'nion Strcct. 558 9444. l-"rcc adx icc and counxclling lot‘ gay and hi nicn as xx'cll as thoxc qucstioning their \cxuality.

LGBT Police Link l.(iB ('cntrc. ()(l Broughton Strccl. Mon 0 7pm. chkly. ('all 030 5138. 030 5l40 0' you xxant a chat with your community ol'liccr. Lothian Gay 8: Lesbian Switchboard 550 404‘). 7.30 mm” any day. (lay and lcshian hclplinc gix'ing all typcx ol‘adx‘icc including sexual hcalth and HIV/AIDS.

Lesbian Line 557 075 I. Mon & 'l‘hu 7.30 10pm. llclplinc for all lcshian


Iv/r'phnm' OH] 777 0’!” "I". l’t’ IIHIIII liar!!!

.uuulihll to! up It; 5’;

Blue Moon Cafe

7—2‘. Jun 2001 THE LIST 75