Music Classical 8 opera listings

Tue 1 2 continued

I Close Shave Chorus Kll‘ltlt‘ l’alaL'L'. (ilaxgou llotatitt (i.ll\lL'll\. a 3‘” (ireal \\'e\tet’tt Road. H—l 3133. 3 15pm, l‘ree. .\ eappella perlortnanee ot \orrgx h} Burn» .\lereet and .\le(';it‘trte}


I Bel Canto Voices .\tlam Smith 'l'heatre. liennoeh} Road. Hl5‘l3 -1 I 3‘l3‘l 7.3llptn. tlflt. l;arl_\ \ottj:\ lrotn around the globe perlortned h} the Bel (auto \lttlL'LN.

Wednesday 13


I Scottish Opera - II Trovatore 'l’lteatre l<o_\al. 3S3 llope Street. ;‘3 Utltltl. 7.l5ptn. [ ‘5“ Ho. With a

\tot'} lirte \pitllltlllfJ tuent} _\eat\. Verdi\ rttortttttterttal tale ol kidnap. tnurder. rewnge and ltt\ e t\ art emotional rollereoaxter. Rtehard /.eller. \\ lto tron hrrnxell rto \tnall amount ol praixe lor hix portr.’t_\al ol .\laeheth laxt \eaxon. take\ on the role ol ( 'ottnt di l.urta and Bulgarian \oprano /.\etelina \'a\\i|e\a \inggx tlte apple ol ltl\ e}e. l.eottora.


I Edinburgh Quartet Slttt'lxl‘l'ltlflk' l’ar'ixh (‘hureh. Sa\e ('ohur; Street. (to,~ 777(r. 7.30pm. Utl t Ur. 'l‘he tll‘lqtlllttth \tt‘ittg quartet perlorm Heethoten‘x Sir/rte thrlt'l .\'u. 4. .\leliu en'x Sir/Ire (jut/He! .\'u N ‘Irmm' attd Selturnann'x Strut: {)lltll'lt'l .\irt


I Scottish Opera - Ines de Castro 'l‘heatr'e l<o_\al. 3S3 llope Street. 333 Ulltll). 7. l 5pm. L ‘5” Ho. .lame\ .\lae.\li|lan\ eontempot'ar} opera premiered at tlte two l'.tlllll\tll';_'ll International l‘extixal. and man} ol tlte original eaxt ha\ e returned tor llll\ produetiort. Set itt I‘lth eertttrr} Portugal. the aetion l'olloux the grixl} ttturder ol tlte (‘rou tt l’rinee\ Spanixh rnixtrev arid eneompaxxex thoxe \tahtart operatie thetttex lo\ e. deatlt. religion attd \tai.


I The Glorious Company (‘Itrixt (‘htrreh. .\lorttingxide Road. 007 3033. 7.30pm. Ur t [-1 l. llte ('at‘itax lahel latttteh l\\o ne\\ alhttmx h} eornpoxer .lartte\ Douglax. limer u/ (i/urt and (.I'\ of the Deer. 'l'he eoneet't \\ i|l leature tuo world premiere\ h} Douglax. perlormed h} organixt .\liehael Honawnture. narrator llelen Douglas. eellixt Strxatt Rigg. :JUL‘SI \ingerx and l)ou;_'la\ himxell on piarto.


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms (‘ttir-tl Hall. (“in Square. (ll3S3 lull-Ill. ".Stlpm. ' U375 U035 lt'oi. lithxitt l’aling direetx lrotn tlte \ ioliti. ax tlte RSS1) \it hathed itt eartdlelight lor thrx l’romx eon cert ol‘ Baroque work» lhree eontrihu tions l'rom Baeh. ineluding hix ()I‘t‘llt'wrtl/ XIII-IF .\l’ .i. are ltllllk‘tl it} l’aehelhel'x poptrlat (It/ton attd llandel'x .llllxl't' frtl‘ I/lt‘ Ruttt/ I‘ll't'tt rtl'ln.

Saturday 1 6


I Scottish Opera II Trovatore ’l‘heatre R0};ll. 3S3 llope Street. 553 k)(lllll. 7.l5pltl. [5.50 93—10. SL‘L‘ \VL‘tl I3. I Glasgow University West End Festival Concerts (ila\g_'o\\ l'nherxit} (‘oneert llall. l'ni\er\it\ .-\\enue. 33H 4003. l 7pm. l't'ee. ' (ilaxgou t‘ttixerxit} do their hit lot" thix )‘ear\ \Vext lind l‘extixal \\ ith a programme ol~ l‘our' eoneer'tx. lt‘tlllll'lltL‘ tlte turret-at) out etmn- l 2.!5 3pnti. Seottixh \oieex (3 4.30pm) attd tlte (‘hapel ('ltoir to "pm l.

I Songs For A Summer Evening Keh inxide llillltead l’arixlt (‘hurelL

64 THE LIST 3t .'

()hxenator} Road. HI llS-l-l. 3, 5UP”). L5. .\laril_\u Strtitlt direetx the ( il;t\f_'tt\\ l’hoeni\ ('ltoir arid \peetal guextx iii a

\eleetion ol popular eltoral \ktH'le.


0 Mr McFalI’s Chamber ()ueertk llall. (‘ler‘k Street. NW 3lll‘). Spin. {S tL'ot. 'l’he e\ er eeleetie enxernhle eotttirt tie to em er all haxex \\ itlt the releaxe ol‘ l\\tt alhtttttx thix month. 'l’onight \eex the launeh ol the \eeond dixe. (pm/r! .lttee/t'rt. \thieh ineludex eontempot'ar} Seotttxlt elaxxieal \\ttl'l\\ lrotn .larttex .\le.\lillatt. t'oek hour the likes ol' King ('rintxott. \ongx lr'otn Riehard ’l'hotttpxon and a le\\ min): numherx.

I From The Lowlands To The Highlands St (‘eeilia'x llall. \iddrie Street. ooS 3010. Split. LES t t5t. l)uteh tne//o \opratto .\nueke l't‘eeland arid harpixt l.ue \Valpot perlornt \\ttt'l\\ lt'om their homelatrd. inter'xperxed \\ itlt pieeex lrortt the llehridex. .\latt} ol tlte \\tit‘l\\ eomtnemot‘ate the lixel} trade hetueett Seotland and llollattd during the lhth. |7th artd lSth eenturiex. and linglixh ll‘itlhltlllttlh \\ i|| he pro\ ided.


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms (‘airtl llall. ('it} Square. (ll 3S3 434040. 3pm. [S (H t. See Sat 9.

0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms (and Hall. ('it} Square. tll RS3 43-10-10. T..‘~llpm. U375 U035 tL'or. See in S.


OOpera On A Shoestring - An Evening In Paris (‘ottier 'l'tteatr'e. ‘H 05 ll_\ndland Street. 35” .iStrS. 3pm. L") tt3.5tlt. lla\ittg_' e\p|or'ed the mtrxieal eot‘ner\ ol Sex ille rrt tlterr popular eon- eert. ‘.\ Bite at the ()pera'. tlti\ aux-wi— hle eompatn no“ turn their attention\ to l’at'i\. lhix \tttallxeale produetion lol— lt>\\\ one \totttan'x iourrte} through me. \ ia a \erie\ ol popular ariax l‘t'om ()llenhaeh'x In \it' l’tu'rxrt'n/rt'. .\l;t\\L'ttL‘t\ l)('\ (il'it'ut. \et'tli‘x It!

'I‘rttt trim arid l’ueeini‘x lu lr’o/tentt'.

I National Youth Choir Of Scotland ll}ndland l’;tl't\lt ('htrreh. ll_\nd|and Road. 3S" 3S5o. 7pm. £7

tU £5 l. ('hr'ixtopher Hell eortdtretx the ehoir itt l-aure‘x Requiem artd (iardner'\ .\ [from Set/item e among other \\t)l‘l\\. I Far Away And Long Ago lite 'l‘all Ship .\t (ilaxgtm llarhout‘. lllll Stoheroxx Road. 330 no.1 I. 3pm tk 5.5llpltt. £4 tL'3 t. l‘ire\ ol' l_o\ e arid

('hildrett‘x ('Iaxxie (‘oneertx ptexent a latnil_\ eoneert \thteh e\plore\ the liet} l'll}lltltt\ ol the l{t‘l1;tl\\;tll\'t'[)L'I'ltttl.

I Sunday Promenade Organ Recital :\rt (ialler_\ attd .\lllxt‘lllll. .v\r;_'_\le Street. 3S7 3(r73. 3. it) 4pm. l'ree. ()reanixt l)tmeatr Sinelatr llll\ the rnuxettrn \\ itlt tuttxie.

Tuesday 19


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms Rotal ('orteert Hall. 3 Satteltiehall Street. 3S7 551 l. 7.30pm. Ull.35 £33.5tltt’S35 £0.50). See Thu 7.

73 Opera On A Shoestring - An Evening In Paris ('ottier 'l'lteatre. ()5 05 ll}ndland Street. 357 SSoS. 7.30pm. 0) (£7.50). See Sttn I7.

I Music For A Summer’s Day (’ottier 'l‘heatt'e. ()3 05 ll} rtdlattd Street. 343 4343. 3pm. U. l’at'agon lattxernhle. in eonjunetion \\ ith \Vhiteineh. Southhrae and Killearn .'\du|t Resouree eentrex arid Strathel_\de l‘nnerxit) \tudentx. eeleht'ate the arrixal ot \tlllllllL‘l' \\ itlt art altetttoort L‘ttttt‘et’l.

I West End Hits 8: Choral Classics llrllltead Baptrxt ('htrr‘eh. (.lI‘SS“ L'll SII'L‘L‘I. 5-H (lS-l-l, 7.5llltlll. Ll. (ilaxgoxt l.) rie ('hoir prewnt art melting: ol~ ehoral elaxxio aitd mentorahle ltlllL'\ lrom the \Vext lind \tage.


I Scottish Opera - ll Trovatore l"L‘\ll\;tl llillt‘illlhk'. l5 3‘) .\lL‘ttlxtttt SII'L‘L‘l. 53‘) (illlltl. 7.l5pm. L").5tl Lllo

H3750 13-1.“. SL‘L‘ \VL‘tl I5.

I Central Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir St (illex' (‘atltetlr-al. Ro)a| .\lile. 33.5 9-143. Noon. l'ree. .\ eotteet't ol \aered lzuglixh ttlllllt'llh perlorrtted h} llti\ ehoir lrom .\lINSUtlt'l. [S

I The College of Charleston Chamber Choir St (iilex‘ (.alltedral. Ro}al .\lile. 335 0443. 3pm. l‘r'ee. 'l’he

\ ixiting l'S ehoir perl'orm \Htl‘l\\ h} Handel. Vaughan \Villiamx. \Valtort arid a \elL‘L'lioIt ol lil'itixlt ltth \ottgx.

Wednesday 20


QRoyal Scottish National Orchestra Proms Ro}a| (‘oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 3S7 55l l. 7.30pm. U035 £33.5tltL'S35 t‘).5llt. See Sat 9.

I 8 Flat Pack Ktl‘ltle l’alaee. (ilaxgtm liotanre (iardeux. "3H (ireat \Vextern Road. 554 3433. Titlpttt. l~ree,

Edinburgh Quartet play Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh, Sat 9 8. Wed 13 Jun

'l he elatutet ehorr petlorrtt a repertoire ol popular lllll\|\.

I Chamber Orchestra Concert l<S;\.\tl), loo Rertttext Street. N) any 3. illptn. L" tLUl i. ladaalxr ( )\.t eottduetx the \ttrdent eltort lll \\ttll\\ h_\ laketnthu. .\lo/art. .\ltlhatrd and l{.t\el


I Scottish Opera - Ines de Castro l'extr\.tl Ilteatie. IR 3‘) \lL'UlMttt Street. 53‘) hilllll. " l5prn £950 [-lo tU.5ll Hit. See l'l'l l5.

Bearsdet t

I The Royal Engineers Fundraising Concert St .\rttlrett '\ (‘ollefitz Stoekrernurr Road. ‘l-l3 lS-l5. ".illptn. U lehtldten lteer. llte Hand ol the ('otpx ol lx’o}.tl l'.ll)3|tlt't'l\ are routed h} the l’ipe\ tk l)ltllll\ til "I tSeotttxhi l'.llj3lllt't'l' Regiment lot a programme ol elaxxreal. military and popular ltltl\lt'. 'l'reketx a\arlahle ltotrt I).t\ rd llrotxn. l'l'L'L'ptixl (i\\ (Mill, 5% Spy} Rtt.ttl_ Heatxden.

Thursday 21


0 Royal Scottish National Orchestra Proms l<o_\.tl t'orteert Hall. 3 Sauehrehall Street. 3S 55| I.

7. illptn. l; Ill.35 [33.50 t LS 35 L‘).5lli. 'l'he galloping; f._‘l;tlltttttl ol I‘lth eentttt} Vienna l\ haek rrt \oeue at the ( 'oneetl llall. ax tlte RSNU perlotrtt poptrlat malt/ex attd [)ttllxih h} .lohattn. l'.tltl;tttl arid .loxel Sttatrxx. tneludtne the llllttlllttth Ir’litt' lh/lttt/u' Hit/1.;

I Israel Philharmonic Orchestra String Quartet little llall. l'ttr\er\rt_\ ol (ilaxgtm. l'nnerxrt} .v\\erttte. iill 3tllll. 0.45pm. U5ll per double treket. 'lhe l'nnerxtt} ol (iltt\f_'tt\\ and Seottrxh l‘r'iendx ol the l\lttL'l l’htlharntontt ()rehextra lttr\t an rtttrtnate teertal h} the aeelarrned quartet. lttlltt\\ ed h} a hattqttet iii the lltrnter llallx. .\lote trtlorrtration at \\\\\\.f_1l;t\:_‘()\\3ll(ll .glaaetrl.

I The Fitzwilliam String Quartet St lll'ltlL'.\(.lllllL'll. ll}tttll.itttl Road. i~ll llS-H. 7. illprn. LS tthr. llte quartet pla) a \eleetton ol \kitl'lx\ h} \etdt and lla}dn antng otlterx.

I From The Lowlands To The Highlands l’ollok llottw. l’ollok ('ountr} l’ark. 3W)” l’ttllttlx\lt;t\\\ Road. (rlh (t—llll. 7.5llpttl. L") IL'rSl. SL‘L‘ Sat l0.


I Scottish Opera - II Trovatore l'L‘\ll\;tl 'l llL'alt'L‘. l5 3‘) \lettlxotl Sll’L'Cl. 53‘) ()(lllll. ".lSpttt. L950 r4!)

it‘s” {lit See “ed l i.