Rock & pop

Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Northmore (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following: Glasgow

Virgin, Buchanan (.1iéillt:tlt:f;. zlultlti

Credit card bookings from: ll(ll<(,‘l Link: 28/ 55531 1.

Way Ahead: 33‘.) trill-iii.


Virgin PFIHCUS Stroot. 920 323.1. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.

Assembly Rooms (itrtiltlt: Sll'UEI. 220 4349

Way Ahead 0 i .ll T-EL-lti 8:38?)


I Incubus and Hundred Reasons liari'ott land. (ialltmgate. 553 Jotll. 7.30pm. S()l .l) ()t "l‘. (‘allltil‘lllall quintet \\ ho ho e heeii around lot" a ritimher ol _\ear\ httt li;l\ e onl} r‘eeentl} hrokeri through \\ ith their hem} r'oek‘ gromex. Support tiroiii a ti'ixk} tip-arid-eoiiiiiig eoriiho \\ itli their r'ootx iii ptttik and garage. I Think Floyd l’a\ ilioii 'l‘heati'e. Renlield Street. 333 lS4o. 7.30pm. fill). Soundalike trihute to Pink lilo-\d.

I Sound Development Agency, McSIeazy arid Bendy Toy King ’l'trt'x Wah Wah lltit. St \'irieeiit Street. 33| 537‘). .S’.3(liiiii. £3.50 tathaiieei. £4 tdoori. 'l‘riple hill ol lull-on eleetroriiea ineludiiig [no t)llllilS \elieduled to p|a_\ thix 'xear‘K 'l‘ in the Park in .\leS|ea/} and Bend) lo}.

I El Hombre Trajeado 'l'lie Rexideritx. 'l'lie ch .\'ote ('al‘e. King Street. 553 IhRS'. 0pm. [3. lil lloriihr'e take up the tiiatitle til. \tite t'exitletitx tor the month ol‘ Jan.

I Animation and Barbarossa .\'iee ‘n' Slea/_\'. Satreliiehall Street. 333 90.17. 0pm. Quiet. intriguing guitar aetion ti'om Ariiriiation.

I Oasisnae l-'trr'_\' Nltir'r‘} \. .\la\\\ ell Street. 33l (i5! 1. 0pm. U. irieltiding eritr_\ to post—gig eltrh. With a name like that. the) ean (till) he a trihute to. . . \that'\ their name again'.’

I Mick Flavin (irarid ()le ()pr'}. l’aixle} Road 'l‘oll. 43‘) 5300. 7.30pm. £3 (£3 titL‘lillk‘l‘S). ('ountr').

I Open Stage The |"err_\. ('ltde l’laee. 43‘) .S'(i7(i. Uptti. [-1.

I The Boogiemen Studio ()ne. B}r'e.\ Road. Ml (i5lh. 0pm. l‘ree.

I Vagabonds 'l‘he Seotia. Stoek“ ell Street. 553 SM]. S..‘~t)prii. l’r‘ee. l’optilar

I Jam Session Samuel l)o\\ 'x, NllltStlttlL‘ Road. 435 t)l()7. Suitlpiii. l’ree. I Live Music The ('atliouxe. l'nioii Street. 34S(i(1t)(i. Spin. £3. ()xer- I-ts Slit)“; Sllti\\eil\e night.


I Battle Of The Bands The .-\rk. 3 Semple Street. 33‘) 7733. 7pm. £4.

'l‘rm Ier. liliot. Starxk). .-\ugu\tS’l. l’setidol'tink and Supereoolthing are loeal hands eotiipeting tor lllllSleal Sllpl‘elttlle}. I Bombskare and Big Hand (‘al'e St James. 35 St James Shopping ('enlre. ('atliedr'al l.arie. 9pm. Free. l)otih|e hill of modern ska at new li\'e ltttlSlC night The Full Moon (‘luh.

54 THE LIST 5 31 Jun Betti

I The Grim North Social and August81 ller'iot-\\'att l'rir\er\it_\ l'riion. Rieeartori. ~15] 5333. 0pm. l-ree. ('hemieal heatx elaxhirig u ith aeotntie roek norm The Grim \orth Soeial and riielodie roek lr‘orii .-\tigti\tSl tltillliet'l} ('hiriier'ai.

Friday 8


I Bon Jovi, Matchbox 20 and Delirious? llaiiiptleri l’ar'k. {.i5/L'.§ll/£37.5tl pltt\ hooking lee. 'I‘ieketx: 5'o $45!». US?) " 4‘) tit-H. I he Joxi tilillllllSIIL'dll} [\l'tiltlhe ( )rie \\ ild .\'ig|it lor the lil‘Sl ot llll\ \tiriiriier\ \littlllllll gig» ()iie night ol \liek \ingaloiig stadium roek \\ould he nearer the truth. .\t one time. .lori Hon .lo\i elaiiiied he \\;l\ \taiited dead or aln e. htit he hax \iriee heeri e\orier'ated ot lll\ L'l'lllleS agaiiixt lltlll'tll'e\\lli;_‘.

I Tool and Cortizone Barron laiid. (ialltmgate. 553 Jon]. Tillpiii. ('ult roekerx \\ ith an eiiigriiatie reputation and a \\ hole heap ol' lll_\ \llL‘lSlll \trri'otiridirig their e\eelleiit liea\ _\. liea\_\ progg} llltlSle. Singer Ma} riard .lamex Keenan alxo pet’ltil'tHS in ollxhoot hand .\ l’erleet ('irele.

I Rocket From The Crypt King 'l‘tit'x \Vah \Vah lltit. St \'irieeiit Street. 33l 537‘). .S’.3tl[irii. L'lll [illh hooking lee. See pr'e\ it'\\ hit thexe Sari Diego r‘oek 'ii’ l'tillel'\.

I Ruby and Josephine llle Heatxt'elie. \Vtiodxitle Soeial ('ltili. \or'tli \\'ood\ide Road. Sfitlprii. L5. l:\— Si|\er'ti\li \inger‘ l.e\le} Rankine \\ ith \enxual tr'ipp} \tilllltlS. hleiidirig tan and eleetroriiea. at thix exerting hoxted h_\ Beat ltlo l)J Jim (iellatl). l’lltx l).l\ .'\ltlli and Paul limit the Delgado» I’mr or [he lli'xl Iim/jexln'ul.

I Solution, Blue Orbit and Kinetic ’l‘lie l5llt \tite ('lllli. (.l_\tle Street. 3433177. Spin. H.

I Bangtwister, Macrocosmica and Lummox 'l‘lie l5llt Sore (kite. King Street. 553 l(i3S. Upni. [3. .\ trihute night to the hand l)oritit \\ lioxe

\ongu i‘iter‘ Rieliard .\le( ‘oririaeliie died laxt tear.

I Cutler, Joe Crow and The Rigden Kings l’ur} Murry. .\la\\\el| Street. 33l (i5! I. “put. £4. irieltidiiig entr') to poxt-gig eltrh.

I Lemongrass “land (He ()pr}. l’aixle) Road To”. 43‘) 53W). 7.30pm. £3 (£3 tlietlllk‘l'Sl. (‘ouiiti'}.

I Abba Disco Party Botirhori Street. (ieor‘ge Street. .553 (ill I. 7pm. L5 (Ll-1.50 \\ ith dirinei'i. l't‘dltll'llig' ari .-\hha trihute aet.

. The Stunts l‘reakxtreet. .\le(‘hui|l\ \Va} ()ut \Vext. Keh inhaugh Street. 57h 5tllS. ‘)..‘~tlpiii. l'i‘ee.

I lSiS Samuel l)o\\ S. \illixdale Road. 433 t)l()7. 3.5llplll. lir‘ee.


I Royal Librarian, CK Dexter Haven and Giant Tank l’l'lllt'eS Street \\'e\t Baekpaeker‘x lltixtel. 5 ()tleelhlt‘l‘l'} Street. Willi. l‘ree. Sell-eonlewed ‘iitil\.\ eleeti'oliies‘ l'rtitii l.eetl\-lia\etl Rtnal l.ihrar'iari headx thix trituiix irate ot' poxt - eleetiori L‘\Pel’llllelllallSlli. ('K l)e\ter lla\eri got hix name t‘r'om l'lie Philadelphia .Srori appar'eritl}. (iiarit 'l'arik are a \\ ild and \teight} llllpl‘ti\ eolleetn e. l‘itilkS p|a_\ lltg l'eetil'tlS too.

I Goddard llelll‘) \ .la// Bar. S Nltit‘l'lxtilt Street. 40— 53””. Midnight. L5. 'l‘hexe tip-and-eoiiiirig l'unkxterx pla} a \eleetiori ot'origirial and elaxxie tunex. featuring \oealixt .lererii} (ioddard.

Saturday 9


0 Limp Bizkit and Godsmack Sli(‘(‘. l-‘inniexton Qua). tiHTti (Ht) Jtltltl. (ifitipm. S()l.l) ()t'l. While Hon Jmi l'epl'CSelit the l‘eL‘tili\tl'lletetl laee til SllS hard rock. Limp Bi/kit are the llt‘;|\}— weight eltitmpltilh ol' titi metal. l'l'thtltlitlt l-‘r'ed l)ur\t hax \old hix \otil to

Goldfrapp t,” . .3 Hi ..

t$ll£ii’lt).'.?; xii 1"»:r 7 Wit-r rtolltilitatitrvti i 'W'g 1.". filitllllttlll. {\lsstur‘ t E. :lrytr t 's; <:tri<t-r'iats<: mow .tl l‘.t-' l'.il'lti‘~

tirialh gt}! tlit; lt’;'.i'_if.ll‘:l°..l in t'i--. tl“?§‘.‘rl‘.’ti‘. Stat: t>rt>‘.it:.'.. l tun: HAW]. [ti’l/iliu'g/J. Belle And Sebastian lho lamp. and fttl(}(?llf; ot intlit: 53th out en


Eva" iil‘il t‘:.'t‘:l' t:><tt:ritlt>tl J(ltlllt 'LLtllltl Ila: l‘otiritre. Arid .(‘ti‘ .tli raw-n will». a lilitl/llti it goti "‘girigigt. to tltkl tr tlit: lll‘Sl (lélltl'. Sot- toaturra ()t/t>t>/i':; Hall [)t/rioori. Sti.‘ 59 Jun; (Lining/ti / It'i//. [)t/Iiftv‘rii/Vm i, for)

l l Jan and liar/tin /(1/l(1. (i/i'l.‘il}()'.'.. 7.") (‘3 Sat lo Jun.

Rae And Christian llit}f;t: soulful Mant: litp hop litletl‘; r'ial-tt: a \.‘./(El(:()lll(} r‘tzttir‘n Journo. ‘.‘.lllll songs from nonzltzsat plattor S/tiopivak/ng. / /(/l//(/ HON/ll. Lt/rlibtrl‘g/i. Sun /()./t//i.

Limp Bizkit (,)ka\,'. so l i(}(l Durst if; a nttrnpty. l)tll when it (torritas; to a full on rock (EXll'Zt‘Jitttétll.~'£t. l tint, Bi/kit know lion's to pttll out tlit: :atopr; to got a t:roi.'.vtl ttitripin'. SICC. Sa.‘ 5) Juli.

Neil Young And Crazy Horse As; hoary old l)l£tl(l-Slill'l(:(l l't)(;'r\' l(3tl(3ll(lf3 go. Young IS Sllll tlit: tnan. t)l()t'z/lllg ()l(l (llfS§ll'£t(l(3ltlll‘,«' anti fillll giving tlit: new rock tipsstarts; a run for their lli()ll(3y. S/ (It). Glasgow. Sun 70 Jun.

The Strokes, Mull Historical Society and Moldy Peaches /\ Rough 'lratlt: rooortls; ll'll)l(} l)lll of now "rural/t3 punk pop. on Raul .'.'tth Beach Boys tan ssongtgratt. Should be great tun. SM; l)l'(:‘/l(}‘\.'.’. Hit: VO/ll/(B. Ltfl/lbtl/‘g/l. fut) 15) Jun and King 7t/t's. G/(isgot'x. ll/or/QO Jan.

the reeord llltlllSll'} and hax garnered liiiiixelt' a riiee line in red haxehall eapx tor lllx palllS.

I 605 Gold featuring Gerry & The Pacemakers, The Merseybeats, The Fortunes and The Ivy League l<o_\al ('orieert llall. Saueliiehall Street. 3S7 55! I. ."Rtlprii. £l(i.5tl/£l4.5tl/£ l 3.50 plti\ er'edit ear'd hooking tee. .'\lltilllet' regular rioxtalgia text r‘oll\ around \\ ith \tillle ol the original \le‘i'xt‘}lie;rt praetitiorierx iii the litithe.

I Salsa Celtica (‘ottier' ’l‘lieatr-e. ll_\ridland Street. 35,"

'lieketx l‘l'tiltl (.(tlllL'l'S har. llt a tlll'eL‘l eliallenge [ti litlll it“ i‘\ ()lie \Vlltl \lg‘lil. lidirihurgh'x l.atirio t'a\otirite\ Salxa ('eltiea are liti\litig 'l'lle \VlltlL'Sl Night ()l The Year". little to ptrt thoxe \al\a le\\till\

5S35. Uprii. U35”.

[ti gtititl tlxe ICU.‘ r" {tit llt x.' I rail '( with. I Beachbuggy, Escobar and Star 69 King ltrtk \\.ih \Vah lltit. St \irieerit Street. 331 53“). SFtiptii. {J plux hooking tee Heaehhugg) are xiiiar'tlt turned out drag rating tarix ttorii |)otie.i\ter t\\ ell. _\ou'\e got to do \oriiethitig to till tlioxe iitglitxi. pla) trig an updated \L‘ISItilt ot .\riierte.tri roek ‘ri'


I Bob Dylan Tribute the l eirx. (‘Itde l’laee. ~33" Shah “put 15 i

I The Modern World and Jammed Up llte l ith \ote t'ltrh. (‘l_\de Street. 3-1i 3i“ Spin L5 lion tour hext St.tpre\t \laekx tor .1 Jam trthtite night.

I Radio Sweethearts arid Davey Scott llie l ith \ote (Kile. King Street. 553 lhiS .Spiii L35” lheeotirttr} roekerx are turned ht l’earllidter I).i\ei Seotl tor \oriie (Lililoiiita IHSl‘llt‘tl \titltltlS.

I Leven Str.t\\herr} l ieldx. t )mald Street. 33! “5|. 3. illpni. U

I T.B. Jones Band (iratid ( )le t )pr}. l’atdet lx’oad loll. l3” 5 “to tL'3 riieiiiherxt. (‘ouritit

I Car Wash 2 liotrrhon Street. (ieorge Street. 55.3 lll ll “pin 95 itlti,5tl \\ ith tllllllt‘ll l)l\t'tt \tilllttlS ol the “llx

I Open Stage the Hall liar. \Voodlaridx lx’oad. Sol I53“, ‘1 Spin. l tee. \Veekl} \exxion tor loeal nitixreiarix

I Celtic Wah Wah 'l he llall liar. \\'ood|.trid\ lx’oad. 5h-l I53“. S. illprii. l'iee.

I Coco Sombrero \le( "litttllx. High Street. 553 3135, lllprii. l ree.

I Kempes .\te( ‘htrillx \\;t} ()tit \\'e\t. Keh inhaugh Street. 550 5lllS ‘l. illpni tree.

I Itchycoo Park Samuel l)o\\ \. .\'ith\dale Ix’oad. -l3 i liltl"_ S. illprii l'r'ee. \lod eo\er \t‘ISItiHS.

a it Iprii t"


I Fish and Transaudio 'I lie|llltl lx’oorii. ‘le \'ietoria Street. 335 35M. "pm. L"). the lzdtnhtir'gh horn e\ \lar'rlhori \iriger etllllllltlt'S lll\ \olo eareer.

I Magic - A Kind Of Queen

l’la\ litiIISt'. IS 33 (ireenxitle l’laee. liS‘tl ritiriitzi. ".itipm. L'lll5ll U35“.

'l rihtite aet per'tor‘riiing l'reddre \leretir} arid eo\ gr'eatext llllS. lr'orii 'lioheiiiiari l'illilPSUtl}. tti ’.-\ Kind ()l \laglei.

I Ely, AC. Rid arid Namic llie .\ler'eat. :3 \Vk'Sl \laltlalitl Street. 3.3.5 RStil. 3.30pm. L35” .\ night ol indie roek lrorii thix triple hill,


0 Belle And Sebastian ()tlt'ell\ llall. .'\r'g} H Street. ill in” 7H3Slltl, 7pm. {I I. Belle & SelmSlltlll eari hopeltrlh look loruard to another ltiritilled lo/t t)! '/‘/it' I’m/M appearanee. L‘titlt'lex} ot rieu \irigle ‘.loiiathari l)a\ id‘, 'l he} \tirid tip their Seottixli tour. \thieh ha\ lakeii them to \tieli llltlSlL‘SlaHetl riietr‘opolilati ten trex ax |)tirioori arid l)tirilerriilitie. \tith l\\ti night\ at Har'roxtlaritl. See l'eattir'e page l‘l


I The Proclaimers Whitehall 'l‘lieatr'e. lielllield Street. lll 5S3 ~l H‘Hll. 7pm. Llhe. SeotlaridS tirilor'gettahle liltISlL‘al l\\ llix return to the \tage \t itli lllllSle l'r‘orii their nee. alhum /)('l'\(’l('l'('. See pret ieu.


I Kevin McDermott (“imam- 'l‘heatr'e. ('tmaiie Street. “I 7S0 735-14. Spin. LS tUii. ()rie ol Seotlarid'x loreriioxt \tiltg\\l'ltel‘\ and pel‘ltil‘lliel’S. Ket iri .\lel)er‘riiott in eorieert.


I An Evening with Alan Price Rolliex llallx. Rolliek Square. lll5‘l3

(il l llll. Spin. U3 it'll) U l i. The man heliirid hitx \tlell ax 'lltltISL’ ol the l<lSlllg Stiri' and 'I)on't Let Me Be \lixtiriderxtood' llti\l\ an etenirig ol lHUSle and litlllitil‘tillS arieedotex.