Film listings

Edinburgh cinemas continued

Odeon: Edinburgh

7 ('lerk 5111110151 067 0971. 1111111 111111 (14111111111112;08705050007.11:11:11)] screens 3 '11111 3. 8:11 1& Sun £4.90.

1111' 111 £4.50.

()Al’/l '1140/('111111/8111111‘111: :111 11:1} e\e1'_\ 11:1) £3.00. Bargain l):1} e\e1‘} 5111111111}:'1'1& 5:11 liliL‘x.’ 1.5.50. .\111\1L' 511111111'111'ix: £1.1':111111_\ lickeh exei') 11:1} 1111111711111: £13/£|4.

iilriLJBSD/W 7

Along CameA Spider 1 151 11.30. 8.45. Bridget Jones’s Diary1151 1.40. 4.211. (1.40. 11.110.

GetOverIt1121 1.30. 3.311. 5.311. 7.30. 9.15.

Pearl Narb0r1151 11111111. 3.45. 7.30. See Spot Run11’(11 12.111. 2.20. 4.211. The Mummy Returns 1 121 1 1.3011111. 2.30. 5.30. 8.20.


Bridget Jones’s DIary 1 151

l):111}: 11111111. 3.15. 4.30. (1.40. 8.55. Alm 1:11e 1'11 1& 8:11: 1 1.30.

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 D:111}: 5.30. 8.15.

.»\1\11111:11111ee M1111 11111: 13.10. 3.50. .»\1.\11l:1iel"1‘11‘( 8:11: 11.15.

Cast Away 1 131

.‘Vluiinee 1111‘: 1 1.0011111.

Get Over It 1 121

1):111): 13.50111111'1‘111‘1. 3.45. 5.00. 7.00. 9.00.

Alm 1:11e 1'11 1%; 8:11: 1 1.30.

One Night At McCool’s 1 151

1.:11e 1'11 1& 8:11: 1 1.30.

Pearl Narbor1 151

1511 1% 8211: 13.30. 4.30. 8.30.

SL111 11111: 11111111. 3.45. 7.30.

See Spot Run 113(11

.\1:11111eel’1‘1 81111: 13.10. 3.15.

The Emperor’s New Groove 11'1

.\l:11111ee 8:11: 1000:1111.

The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas 11’( ‘11 .\l;1111iee8:11: 1000:1111.

The Mummy Retums 1 121

l):1il_\: 13.05. 3.50. 5.35. 8.30.

.-\1\11l:1iel'1'11& 81112 11.15.


l’1'11g1':1111111e111ml} 111l1e \111111:11'111111e 111‘e\ 11111\ \\ eel1. l’li1111e 0870 5050 007 1111' 1le1:111\:11111limes. Ne“ 11111111111‘11111111'11 1111111 1511111:

Say It Isn’t 501151

St Bride’s: Edinburgh

10 ()1‘\\ e11 'l‘e1‘1':1ee. 0131 34(1 1405. 'l'it‘keix (10p.

FRIDAY 8 JUN Pollyanna 111 1.45.

"CI: Edinburgh

K11111:111‘11 l’:11‘k. Newernighull R11:11l. 0131 (1(19 0777. 1111.11 1% 13111111111122118700 103030.ll)l.[111.A111111x: £5.301.\11111 1'11 :111e1‘ 511111 :11111 8:11 1k 81111 311111111111:11'11\1. £4.30 1.\11111 111 before 511111 :11111 8:11 1& 81111 11eI'111'e 3111111. Students £3.95 1.\11111- 11111 1k 111/8:11 111111111g111s11111) 1. ()Al’/(‘l11|11: £3.(10.


Along Came A Spider 1 151 9.30. BIOW1181 3.30. (1.30. 9.311.

Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 4.30. (1.45. 9.15.

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 2.15. 5.15. 8.15.

GetOverIt1121 3.30. 5.45. 8.30. Pearl Narbor1151 4.45. 8.45.

clubs - theatre - arts cinema - music - leisure tourism - attractions

“‘.'.. o ’5.

0131 555 1891 ,fl publicity distribution nationwide

46 THE LIST 7—21 J11112001

Chris Rock (right) ain’t at all happy about dying before his allotted time, being dragged up to heaven and finally sent back Down To Earth to inhabit the body of a fat white businessman

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie 11' 1 3.30. See Spot Run11’(i1 2.311. 4.45. “.15. Series 7: The Contendersum 2.15. 4,30. 7.00. 945. Spy Kid511'1 2.45. 5. .

The Dish1131 3.30. 4.55. 7.15. 9.45. The Mexican1151 8.15. The Mummy Returns 1 121 2.011, 3,110. 4.00. 5.00. (1.00. 7,00. 8,00. 11,011. 111.1111.


Blow 1 181

l):11|}: 3.15. (1.00. 8.45. :\1\11111:11111eeS:111k 81111: 13.15. Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151 l):11|}: 3.45. (1.15. 8.30. 9.15. .’\l\11111:11111ee 1'11 81111: 1.15. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151 l):111}: 3.45. 5.30. 8.15.

Down To Earth 1 121

1):111}: 3.45. 5.00, 7.30. 9.45. .-\|\11111:11111ee8:111k 81111: 13.30. Get Over It 1 I21

D:111}: 4.15. (1.45. 9.15. Als11111:11111ee1'11‘1 81111: 1.45. Pearl Harbor1 151

Duil)‘: 4.00. 8.00.

Alm 111:11111ee 8:11 1& 81111: 11111111. Rugrats In Paris: The Movie 111 l):1il): 4.15. Aix11111:11111ee1'11 81111: 3.15. .-\1\11111:11111ee 8:11 & 81111: 13 See Spot Run 11’(;1

l):111}‘: 4.30. (1.45. Als11111:11111ee151‘1 81111: 3.00. Als11111111111ee 8:11 & Sun: 11.45:1111. Series 7: The Contenders 1 181

Daily: 9.30.

Spy Kids 11'1

D:111)': 3.15. 5.15. 7.15111111'1‘11e1. .1\1\11111:11111eel-'1‘1 81111: 1.15.

The Claim 1 151

Tue: 7.00.

The Dish 1 121

Daily: (1.15. 8.45.

The Mummy Returns 1 121

l):111_\': 3.30. 3.00. 3.30. 5.30. (1.00. (1,30. 8.30. 9.00. 9.30.

Alx11111:11111ee 8:11 1& 81111: 11111111. 13.30.


LRQAY. 15:1 H LJ.B_S_DAY.- .21

l’1‘11g1‘11111111e 111:er 11111e x111111111'111111e previmix \1 eek. 1’111111e 0870 (1034507 1111' 11ei:111\:1111111111e\. .\'e\1 111111\ 1111e11111pe11 1111 111 1511111:

Say Itlsn’tSo 1 151

Autumn In New York 1 151

Dracula 2001 1 151

l-‘1111111:1i1111:1rk. Dundee Sireei. 34111' 1111‘111'111:1111111 1k ('1‘e1111 ('111‘11 1311111111112 Line: 0870903 0417. (':11'e 13:111A111111: £5.00. ('1111111unde1‘ 151: £3.00. Student/()AP/1'B40: £3.00. 11:11‘l}'111r11 Price: £3.50 :111 11e1'1'111'1111111eex 11el'11re 11111111. 151111111} iiekei: £13. Yeurl} 111m (unlimited 11111\1e\1 £9.99 per 1111111111.


Alien Adventure 111 1 1.50:1111. 2.00. 4.00. Blow 1 181 (1.20. 9.20.

IlGC Cinemas: Edinburgh

Bridget Jones’s Diary1151 11 15.1111. 3.15. 4.40. " 30. 9.10. 9-15 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 1 51 1135:1111. 3 30. 5-10. 8 10

Cirque Du Soleil11‘1 11 00.1111. 100. 31111. 51111

Don’t Look Nownx. 11.111. 3.15 GetOverlt1131 11.30.1111. 1 10. 100 Pearl Harbon 151 11 10.1111. 1110.00. 12.30. 3.00. 3.10. H0 “.10. "50. x311

See Spot Run11’111 11115.1111. | 30. 11.10. (1.40.

Series 7: The Contenders 1 181 1 00. 3.10. 5.30. 7.30. 9.10 SpyKidS11'1 1130:1111, 1.50

The Dish1121 11.55.1111. 250 \15 The Mexican 1 151 x 311

The Mummy Returns 1 131 11.15.1111. 12.45. 2.40. 3.30. 5.50. 11.30. 1100. 11.311,

When Brendan Met Trudy 1 151 3 50. 11.00,

1 HID/391’ 1'”) 11 11 114311 111% 1-l

Alien Adventure 1 1 ' 1

Hull}: 1150:1111. 3.00, 4.011

Blow 1 181

l):1il}: 1155:1111. 3.30. (1311 9.30. Bridget Jones’s Diary 1 151

l):1i|_\: 1115:1111. 1.40. 11.30 7.115. 9-15 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 1 151

l):11|}: 13.10. (105. 8,511

.-\l\11111:11111e1‘ 111 81111.1111- .\ '11111: 1 10 Cirque Du Soleil11'1

0:111}: 11.00.1111. 1011. 3,110. 5.00. DownTo Earth1121

D:111_\: 1130:1111. 1.30. 335. (1.10. 8311. .'\1\11l:11el’1'i1k 8:11: 10.50

Get Over "1121

l):111_\: 1105:1111. 1.10. 3.30. (1.00. 830. .-\l\11l:1iel'1'11\ 5:11: 1040

Pearl Harbor1151

l):111}: 1110:1111. 1145:1111. 13.30. 3 50. 3.45. 4.30. 7.15. 8,00. 8.40.

See Spot Run11’(11

.\1:1ii11ee 8:11 1& 81111: 1130:1111. 1511. Series 7: The Contenders 1 181

l):1il}: 4.10. 9110111111 \Ve111.

.-\l\1il‘l'1 81111.11112'11111: (1.40. Alx11111:11111ee \xeelulzru: 1130:1111. 1.50. Al\111:1iel'1’11k 8:11: 1110.

Some Like It Hot11’(11

.\11111: 3.10. (130.

Wed: 3.10. 900.

Spy Kid511'1

.\l:11111eeS:111& 81111: 1140:1111. 3.10. The Dish 1 131

l):111_\: 1135:1111. 3.00. 4.30. 700. 9.40. The Mummy Returns 1 121

D2111}: 1150:1111. 3.00. (1.15. 9.15.

The Terrorist1 121

l):1il}: 4.35. (1.50. 9.30.

.1\1\11111:11111ee \iee111l:1_\~: 1140:1111. 3.10. Tigerland1181

Dull}: (1.30. 9.10.

FRIDAY iiLé'l‘HlJPIjD/«Q/ 21

l’1‘11g1‘:1111111e1111111} 111111-\111111:11'10111e 111‘e\ 11)11\ \\ L'Clx. 1’111111L‘ll1‘1'70903 0417 1111 11ei:1ils:11111 limes. Ne“ 111111x1111e111011e11 1111111 1511111:

Say It Isn’t So 1 151

Autumn In New York 1 151

Dracula 2001 1 151
