lti’s shirts off for boot camp training for Vietnam

llltl'L‘Cttglltxttltle ()ltlrnan I. \'er‘ger'\ manhunt aler'tx ('lariee Starling r.\ltmre replaetng .lntlie l'rtxler‘l. “lune l'illl egtl'eet' enntinuex [n he harnper'etl h} rnale pretutlree. tn l.eeter\ \\ hereahnutx. 'l'hnugh there are (lL‘lUlll'\ lrnrn the nmel. rnmt notahl} the e\tranr'tlinar) entling. here rnatle rnnr‘e palatahle l'nr‘ einerna autlieneex. the per‘l‘rrr'rnaneex. paerng and einernatngraph} are lltt“ lexx. And thuugh rl\ a eurnentinnal thriller rather than a eluller. rt‘x \till a hearty \liee ul‘ rnmlern (Entlue. ('arnegie Hall. l)unlerrnlinee

QB / 622%; . 2,1,,leIllruffllirwlif’lrlr r, ,I r/II’”

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Heavenly Creatures 1 IS 0000 (Peter .lélL‘l'lell. .\'e\\ Zealttntl. l‘N-l) Melanie L) nxke_. Kale \Vinxlet. Sarah l’eir'xe. Uh’ rninx. In 1952. Ne“ Zealand \\a\ \hneketl h} the murder nl~ llnrurra l’arker' h} her teenage daughter and a \L‘lttmll't'ietttl. Dexpite tllt'CL‘lUt’ l’eter‘ Jaekwn'x haek eatalngue in \lapxtiek gore Bra/mirth]. lit/(l IiLUt' Heart-HIV (-I‘t’rllurm (l()L‘\ nut tl\\'ell on the tnure lttt'itl tletailx nl~ the erirne. lnxtearl. it exarninex the irnaginatiVe lttttlttx} \mr‘ltlx ml the girl\

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In” [III/4, ~IIIIr/7H" WW In r! “I” n."‘U/ullll""lltu’ [‘I'm" / lbw/m r': “III ,I III“. I, u 1) III/r "II/raw m. I, ,IQIIII'IIr "Pvt II / MIN/m r -- !. t,, Mr W; w, M, IIth (.r I,,,Ij/IIIIIJI u/IIIII tin I'lr In, I "I rrmgII fifiI/rrruq/ llflr It (III‘Irr IIllIvItv/flzl'x I: ,v/l’I/III/WI. HIM” r,‘ In {’ZI/ylflljty‘hll’lm”

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in Tigerland, starring Hollywood’s next big star, Irish lad

Colin O’Farrell (right)

and the \trength (it their ll'lClltl\lllP in a

x) rnpathetie light. The l‘rlrnhuuxe. litlinhurg r.

Himalaya tl’(il COO tt-ere \‘allr. liranet 'uil/erlantl/l 'K/Nepal. Illlllh 'l'hrlen l.hontlup. (inrgun Kyrp. l.hapl\a ’l‘xarnehne. HM rninx. In the lugh rnnuntarnx ml the llirnala_\a\. a \ rllage preparex lnr' the annual yak earman tn market lltm ex er. the ytttttg L‘lllL‘l‘lillll lt;t\ lk killetl tttttl the UM elan heatl. t‘el'thLN l0 t‘L‘L'Ugttlw the ltrtl-lteatletl Karina ax hrx \llL'CL‘\\0l'. .\ mirth) inxrght


From the makers of:




rntu the lr\e\ wt a hartl_\ peerle. the larul~eape rx l‘reallttakttrgl} \hot. antl the attention In lmal \letatl teelx authentre l’lre plot lta\ 1e“ gurng tor rt. herng at heart a taul} lraeltuetetl \tur} nl an heu to the tluune lta\ rug tr» prux e he r\ \wrtln mt the errmn (‘arnetr l tlruhurgh

The In Crowd . IMO. t\t.u_\ larnhert.l S. .‘Htll | NH lleurrug. \uxau \\.ll\l IHJ uun~ l)!\turl\etl hut gorge-nth hluntle \tlrreu tlleurrngr rx relea\etl trnrn a [‘\.\\'ltlallte lrmrutal .lllkl lantlx a rult at a \xealth} enuntr_\ \ luh. \\here tlrxturl‘etl hut gurgenux hrunette llrrttan} l\\.ll\ll tal\e\ lter llllklk'l her \\ rng llren the nrurtlerx \tatl l'lre_\ rnxnl\e thelx .lll\l lretlge elrpperx \‘u. ml enurxe, ltmn} -\tlrren r\ the prune \thpeet. .llhl wt euurxe there'x runre tn tlux than nreetx the eye Hut ttnt \er} rnuth inure St'lt'elt‘tl lk'lk'J‘k'

Julius Caesar r l’( in 00. tuna-phi \larrkreure/.l \. I‘l*1t\larlun llrantln. .larne\ \lamn. l nun (‘alhern l3“ rnrnx ~\trarght Shala'xpeare llnll_\\\tmtl \t_\le. Irwtu a tlrreetur u hm alua} \ put the ernphawx «in talk. anflrmx llrantln rnanagex the \erxe \urprrxrngl) \\ ell ax \lark \ntlruu}. and \lawn\e\ a rextrarnetl patrteran nl llr'utux (ittr\\etlru, (ilaxgtm

Liam r IV 0.. rStephen l'teat\_l K. llllll t lan llart. .v\nthun-\ llrrrrtm \. (latte llaekett Hh nunx, Made It} l‘lt'.tt\ «in a roll alter Hie/r lit/l /rr\ tlllll/(i'lll\(1,(.llrlnl ulter'x a elnltl\ e}e perxpeetn e on gum rng up tn pmert} rn (‘atlrulre l nerprml In the l" ilk. h) telling e\ent\ lrnrn the \ reupurnt ml rt\ \e\ en .\eat ultl trtle eharaeter rllurrrmxr. l)e\prte wine line perlurrnaneex thrx lllfl‘ pr‘mluetrnn ne\ er quite \hakex ull ll\ tele\ l\lUll tlr'arna \ermhrlru .lrnun} .\le(imern\ \eteenpla} eertarn|_\ llltltl\ the tlt‘arnatre thee. \xlnlxt the ('athnlre ('hureh I\ rather pr'etlretahl} earreaturetl Iur ennne died. The \ rxual \t} le r\ uru‘ernarkahle. ne\er'thele\\ It'\ a enrnrnentlahle e\arnple nl ltm e} llr'rtrxh lilrnrnaLurg. \laeRnhert. Strrlrng
