V I saw you (“ Adaptor. Yottl' dreadlocks made my heart heat taster. Yoti looked hored. though till" your head. You'd he hettcr entertained in my hed. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l4/l l7.

VI saw you \yliile \ ieyying l)r'uni 'l‘errace Hat. on l7/ll5/tll - we stood in the rain and compared notes. You \y ere anxious to return to lager- driiiking l‘rierid. htit perhaps \se cotild meet tip again'.’ Bo\ .\'o ['/4|5/5 I.

O I saw you the Stall at Starhucks Royal .Mile and I soon was addicted to your hrancli. Am getting \yithdrayuil symptoiis noyy make mine a l)otthle 'l‘all (‘aramel .‘ylacchiato. I'll he hack. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/52. 0 I saw you l)a\ id l‘ruin British Airysay s “eating a red top in l’olo Lounge. I'ri IS May. I'm the man from the Insurance (‘o \\‘lio sltotlld hay e slay ed. (iel in lotieh'.’ Bo\ No ['/4l5/55.

V I saw you in lidinhurgh at night. where else would you he'.’ Box No ['/4l5/54.

V I saw you I wish you helle hlonde and curly haired hahe. I quickly spoke to yoti at l’hosphtireseence‘s alter party ill/()5). Since then I constantly dream ahotit you. l-ultil my desire please? Bo\ .\'o ['/—ll5/5(i. O I saw you liddie l/lard looka-likey hird in Ayalanche. \y‘anna share some transgender cross dressing experiences with me'.’ Box .\'o ['/4l5/57.

V I saw you Buchanan htis station last Noyeniher. l alyyays meant to do this. Me: redhead. suitcase. got on airport htis. you: getting on the lidiiihurgh hits that I had jtist got till. I mailed you to come on holiday with me. . . Box No [i/4l5/5h'.

V I saw you Mistresses ol' the ligg: Redhead and dark hair. I love you. \y e loye yoti. eyeryone loyes you. Box No [i/4l5/5‘).

V I saw you tall. dark and gorgeous hiker. heside the road near l.ongniddry. Stiii l3. Blonde and redhead iii silyer car. eiiiharrassed to he caught staring so didn't stop. \Ylsll \ye had. Box No [7415/60.

0 I saw you All. at (‘at‘e Royal on Sun 20 May at the “lust l)ri\'e. Another great night . . . I'm looking forward lo seeing you all at the next one . . . M [iii lucky I might eyen \\iii the Mars Bar [3!!! lane Jim \\\ Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/ol.

V I saw you I Heard Yoti

on Wee l‘at Bob. 32 stone. I can help you. Also. it‘ you knoys the biggest man in Edinburgh. please contact me. Bo\ .\'o ['/4|5/h2.

O I saw you playing lll a tennis match tor the ['niyersity team at Braid cltih on Thu .‘l .May. Yoti. loyely short hlonde hair. smiling ltiii girl. Rose B .’.’. l \yatched you tor a while and thought you looked loyely as

u ell as a tun. jokey person? I spoke to you hriet'ly at the end commenting on your green hloh topl? l‘ancy hitting some halls some tittie.".’ l \\as the older guy \\itli short dark hair arid glasses not really dressed tor tennis that day 7? Bo\ No ['/4l5/o3.

V I saw you long hlotid hair. loyely hright eyes. hlack clothes. hlack leather jacket hanging

oy er shoulder hag. heside ’l‘esco. Broughton Road. lidinhttrgli. 'l‘hu 3| May l.3(lpni. I stopped in my red \'\\‘ (ioll at junction to let you cross road. I tell l'or your eyes and looks. I'\ e \\al'tlt eyes loo atid look much cooler than I did then. I really hope you'll get iii touch. Nothing to lose? Your eyes melted the. Bo\ .\'o l'/4l5/(i4.

VI saw you sunning yoursell iii the park on Saturday morning Sadie. You said hello, ey eii though you didn't kiioyy \ylio l \yas. No“ yotl do. l.o\e. your slightly -less-secret admirer. Bo\ No [/4 J 5/65.

0 I saw you a hlissl'ul hlonde introduction leaying l’o .\'a \a on J: May. destination Ricks har. .Me ()rient iii hlack \sith unciinipi'oiiiising l'rieiids. Mayhe a closer \say e goodhy e out little.) Bo\ .\'o [/4 l 5/(i(i.

VI saw you tall Paul 'a go- go' Rohiiisoii in the Meadoyys sporting a rather l'etching pair ol sltot‘lel‘ lliatt sliot'l sltot'ls. Bo\ No [/4 J 5/08.

0 I saw you hig steyc \sohhling your htitt at ['(i('. coming to \yohhle some more. Bo\ No [/4 l 5/”).

U I saw you Sirius holiday Monday lunchtime. You the heautilul hlond hlue-ey ed girl iii deep red otitlit. me the hoy opposite staring too much. Want to say hello‘.’ Bo\ No ['/—ll5/7(l. V I saw you Yorkshire Sarah ((1 Burlington Burties 'l‘hu 3| May. [We got tons ol \yhisky at my flat trio soda thoung and it's all yours it‘ you get in touch. l’ll eyeti tell you \yliy l \\as \\itll that other strange Yorkshire \s'onian. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/7l.

9 I saw you Miss Pigtails and Miss Sportsyy ear. I atii grey Yo La 'l'engo hoy. Were you laughing at my dancing sty |e'.’

(it‘rll Mojojojo. Bo\ .\'o ['l4l5/73.

V I saw you Amanda Betty l’. and I liked your lights. 'l‘hey 'i'e loyely ...Bo\ No [i/4l5/75. 0 I saw you Mr James s. looking like an ad lor (’ult (‘lotliing I'm going to take all your money at poker. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/74.

V I saw you coming second in Pear Tree. Better luck nest time. Hope the pink room and teddies console you. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/75.

V I saw you spikey hoy‘. You Jimmy Sommery ille \saiinahe‘.’ Me. it hurts so good. l.el's lta\ e some Xlls access. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/7o.

V I saw you do you see me'.’ Nikki [lllltks \\ e'd he the perl‘ect couple \y hat do you think‘.’ Bo\ \o [VHS/77.

V I saw you red-headed actor triend. l sayy you in my erotic dreams. l'orhiddeii truit no longer come ior me .’ l.et’s cook tip a storm. Bo\ \o [‘ 4|5 "S. VI saw you in hlue. 375. resplendent in purple sparkles. l think your name is Nicky. You tlttllil ktioyy I L'\l\l. Bo\ \o

[/4 | 57‘).

VI saw you loycly Blue hat: tender. You told me “ha! makes a good sodal l'aiicy hay iiig a tiny night/Y Bo\ .\'o [V4l5/Sll. V I saw you sesy hai' man in Blue. its iiieiiihers ot' ‘lliuiiderpussy. just catching last orders. We're a hand; \\e liye tip to our name. Bo\ \o ['/-ll5/Sl. VI saw you (ii‘eig \Y. You'\e heen checking upon me? Hope this makes you happy? |.o\e .Mikey \\\ Bo\ \o [i/JIS/NZ. O I saw you BaI/a ltna looking horny as hell. He may he tire manager. l.et's lace it. report 2 me and the chat \y ill hcum reality. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/S_l. V I saw you hig knockers. lat arse. stilletoes. Y”. and pero\ide hair. You said: ‘liyerythitig [or 20 quid.‘ I regret saying ‘no'. (let in touch. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/.\'4.

0 I saw you (leut't' at the Pear

Tree [lo\\ll my throat. Fancy a image in my paiits'_’ Bo\ .\'o ['/4 l 5/85.

VI saw you ('eri. you slag. l loye you \yilh all my heart. l)olt'l lorget me. l.o\ e I). Bo\ \o [’/4l5/.\’(i.

9 I saw you in the Balinural. You. instructor man. come and talk to me during the sit ups iiiiceli l'ni leaying iii 3 \\eeks . .. 'iiul'l' said. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/.S’7. V I saw you .Mark l". heing a spunk. l |o\e you? l.o\e l’ea \ Bo\ No [WIN/SS.

OI saw you Michael ('ity ('al‘e houncer. You are lit. I'm single. \\ e lttel on the Royal Mile. lt~ you lancy a drink sometime. you no“ knoyy \y here to tind me. [an e the mysterious ('ity ('ate punter. Bo\ .\'o

['/4 l 5/80.

VI saw you oliy e gu//ler at posh. dancing like you thought .‘ou \s ere Madonna. Me. (‘hrist— like heard looking [or immaculate reconciliation. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/‘)t).

V I saw you heautilul no 23. at Tray erse har. Soitiething to celehrale'.’ Be my lily ol the whey? Bo\ No [/4 l S/Ul.

0 I saw you dog hoy sitting \yith crusty the eloyyii on Sat ll). (‘an I leed you my hone'.’ Bo\ .\'o [‘/4|5/‘)2.

0 I saw you Tom. l'II Iltlss you “he” you're in Melhourne. Take care. M .\ Bo\ .\'o

[’/4 l 5/93.

0 I saw you Malies and Jonathan at the 'l'i‘;iyei'se. You

\y ere drunk and l “as easy. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/‘)4.

V I saw you lrish gimp. you \s ere talking ahout your pecks all night? Keep those press-ups going hahy? Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/‘)5. V I saw you at the Pink l’lamingo. You potted the S-hall and l \yanted to pot the pink? Bo\ No [HIS/w».

V I saw you llaiiiish and Katie working at the Dean (iMA (iallery cal‘e looking line and tasty could hay e a hit of that hath Bo\ No ['/4l5/‘)7.

9 I saw you lleleii R, at the (iM;\ (are. I want to proy e that hroysnies aren‘t hettei than \C\"' Bo\ No [i 4J5 “N.

V I saw you Richard P. iii hetyseen riiotithtuls l‘ll giye you a iiiotitliltil. l.o\e l’atila. Bo\ \o ["4l5“)tt.

V I saw you .l—lo lookalike lit the 'l‘rayerse hai'. You had kissahle hair. hroyyn trousers. hlue eyes. Bo\ \o [iidlsllllll O I saw you all \sor'kiiig w the I‘lllltllollse. ('ertaiiily the \\ot'sl paid joh since my paper round hiil one ot the hest. .\ testament not to the crapness ol

my other \sork htit to the \sonder

ot thou. See you all in .-\ugust. ll} slan. Bo\ No [ 7-1l5/llll.

V I saw you tall. dark-haired guy. light hlue 'l'-shirt. hlack jeans and lloc Martens. l’iliiihouse hai' I‘) May eyeiiing. Me hlond guy at nearhy tahle trying to catch eye. l'ancy meeting up'.’ Bo\ \o ['/4l5/lll3. VI saw you Siiiia. cute hoy at l’otterou. I signed you in then tell you tip. Yum? Bo\ No [ '/4l5/lll3. VI saw you Damien l-~ iii ‘Reiit'. \\ill you light my candle‘.’ My \sick treiiihles in anticipation? Bo\ \o ['/4l5/lll4. 0 I saw you .lake in the llogshead. I says you in Siihyyay. l says you in the shoys er; I sayy you in the l5i'uitiiiai'ket. I‘d like lo see you again. lloyy \sas Mesico'.’ Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/lt)5.

V I saw you \y ith a camera. you looked so cool you poyydei' hlue stud. l \\lsll you \\ollld direct me in otir o\\n priyatc lllo\le. let‘s kill the \yalrusl Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/ll)o.

V I saw you cute gtiy in (airs on ()ueeiisl'erry Street. sery iiig tatties. \yearing heads. l'm attractiye gtty \\lto \yants to get to knoyy you hetter. Bo\ \o ['/4l5/l()7.

0 I saw you selling hol potatoes on (‘ockhurri Street. (‘ute Yankie girlie do you l‘aricy a lilliiig'.’ l.o\ e lroiii your

sptid stud \s' Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/ltl.\'.

V I saw you playing drama

games at college. You spikey. short hlonde hair. Me shy not

sly 'l‘artul'le. Wanna practice some ['ta llaagen tl)a/s‘.’i yyith me’.’ Bo\ No [/4 l 5/ lll‘).

V I saw you in Medina on 3 Jtiiie. You \y ere hot hahy yeah. grooyin' to those Jurassic l-‘iy e heats. You had candy curls and a sugar smile. l gaye you sortie diamond chat and you admired my llaysaiian shirt and slim ed head. You \y ere loying the hanter. l ysanna tind otit it' you taste as syyeel as you look. (iel iiiyolyed call me and get gteuly with me. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/l It).


V I saw you iii \\ igyyaiii. Iltlslle Street on 3 (trill. You \L‘l'\ ed me my hurgei and I admired your haps later at Meduia “here you “etc

hoogy mg on doyyii. l \saiited to get cosy on the cushions ii i \ sesy. I‘ttl' some action in the alcoyes nest time get in touch. Bo\ \o [7-1 1 VI l l.

VI saw you sitting on my doorstep iii llaymarket this eyeniiig ill/5,11” i ‘.lust catching some stiii on the \say lionie'. See you there agaiii'.’ Bo\ .\'o [‘/4l5/l|3.

9 I saw you ial/ loy ing teriiale one ot' those nights doyy n lletiry ’s (‘ellai' Bar. Bo\ .\'o [V’4l5/l [3.

VI saw you Mr Maiceka. dancing ahout naked like a chicken. Keep pushing my huttoiis you dalt prankstei l oye dolltace \\\ Bo\ .\'o [/ll5/l H. V I saw you loyely girl on (icorge l\' Bridge. Stiii alternoon May 27. You hay e long. dark hair. I note denim jacket. jeans. I also liayc long hair and heard. I couldn‘t take my eyes oll you. You gaye me a quick look as \s e passed liy. Please get in touch. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/l l5.

9 I saw you Sarah. Meadoyylxiiik Sainshiiry s. You hlond. gorgeous. You sel'\ ed ille. Sun 27 May. Me. lireiiian \\llo L‘otlldltd lake ltis eyes oll you. Stop me huy iiig groceries I don't need. l.el's go [or a drink. Bo\ .\'o ['/-ll5/l lo.

V I saw you |.ee Miller eshihition. Sat 2o May. early allel'ltooll. shoulder-length light red/hi'oysn hair. long grey skirt. pink knitted shaysl. hlack sandals me dark 'li-sliirt. carrying hlue jacket meet tor a collee‘.’ Bo\ \o [/4 l S/l l7.

VI saw you stunning girl in Basement in hlue then sesy iii Baroque in red. Sat/Sun 2(i/27 May. Me. sat opposite. heart pounding. Both \yith l'riends. too shy to approach. Lady. I could tell hy the look in your eyes. l‘ieel ll too’.’ (iet in touch. Bo\ .\'o ['/4l5/l liS’.


V I saw you in Dundee

l‘irst Sport. \Vith cool glasses and a cute smile you congratulated me on my classic taste in trainers ihurn all Kappa tracksuitslli. l-aiicy a drink'.’ Box No ['/4l5/55.

Please note

i-or your I Saw You to be included on these pages, you must supply your full name and address with your advert.

7—21 Jun 2001 THE LIST 135