



I Glasgow male post- grad. quirk}. lunn}. roastin- alilc pit-writable. 35. into lllll\lL'. k'lllL'lllil. reading. rawl. eating. drinking. all the usual \tull. \cckx \uuilar It'uialc lur \tliatcwr. Hm No 4 I 3N.

I Leo female sought h} lion taint-r leilu'au luau. :\lll pnlyulnl \\ll() lll\C\ (find. music. cinema. spurt. theatre and rating; outi Aut- not uupur taut ax Inn and happiness L‘lllllll\, (‘iau Hm NU. ~ll5/8 I Easy-going, well tra\- cllcd. intelligent. linglixli gun- tIciuan 12W tcuipuraril} ‘i lidiuhurgli sucks bright. cru— atiw, spirited. attractiu'. Scottish l;l\\ l‘nr \xitiiug. dining. \alxa. lli|I«\\a|kittf_'. lcttttix altd a good reason In slit} in Scotland. Hm Ni). -Il5/‘)

I Handsome, slim, pro- fessional inalc. mid 30x. \VIII'M L'lll'\_\. attractiw \Hllllilll Iiir luu and li'ulit‘x. ina_\hc more. Photo and hill dcwrip- tiuu guarantees rcpl}. Hm Nu. JIS/lll

I Edinburgh male 405 would like to meet \Htl‘lll. llllt'l~ Iigcut. sensual. passionate. inti» inatc lt‘lllillt‘ l‘oi' meeting 01 souls and hearts and inixcliicl'. Box No. 4|5/Il

I Masterful, Edinburgh male. earl} 4m looking l'nt‘ tun Im ing Icnialc “ho mum to mplurc her dark \idc and \lL‘p into a stimulating mpcricncc. llil\ Ni). 4 l S/l 5


Sh} and single again 3le male sucking \cuxitiw \inccrc l‘crualc? I‘m a wll-cuipln} cd [it’tllt‘\\lttllitl graduate. 'l'all. dark and. I'm told. attractiw. lulu [llL‘ t'uuutr} \idc. music. reading. trawl and good tirucxl But still not meeting: the right pL‘tMttll :\t‘L‘ _\tttl ltlU litillxillf.‘ lur \tllllL‘UllL‘ caring: and genuine tor lun. lt'icndxliip and 1’ Romance xx itli a (iSUll and a \uirking knmx lodge til ahhi‘m i— ationxl'.’ Haw ncwr placed an ad hcl'nrchand. Could this be your first time to reply?!? Box No. 414/9

Professional Edinburgh male. -I(l\. tall. \lllll. lit and hand— \UlllL‘. \Vlfl‘M \lilll attractiw Icmalc lot a hut no \triugx dis— Cl‘L‘lC l‘L‘ltllltllhlllp.

Box No. 41 4/2

Phil mouse, likes l-‘rcncli Illllh. French loud and French \xcathcr. looking lor \qucalx} clean l‘cuialc 21-3-1. .\lu.\t he a\ rcliahlc. \alc and straight as the 'l'(i\'. Box No. 414/6


,_‘I\Jlll' .ttl


I Attractive woman late le intellectual magpie \\llll L‘l‘t‘ullu' lllllltl \CL‘lx\ \ptillltt- llL'tlll\. opt-u. \L'll\lll\t‘ \titli unbounded cultural iiitct't'xtx. rclcrcuct-x and paxxionx. (iSUll essential. lidinhurgli arca. Hm No. -l|4/5~I

I Woman, mid-40$. u.\.. interests include lilui. theatre. dance. eating out. cooking and walking \L‘t'lx\ lt‘lllillL' \\llll \llll- i|ar intcrcxtx lUl' Irit'udxlrip and pussith rt‘lationxliip. BU\ No. ~II5/Stl


I Quiet, shy, gay gin (3M \I/ux. tncd htiild. lair liair. Into cinema. nightx out. \\ lIlL'. quit-t lllgjllh in. \\'l.'|'.\l \illlllttl' git} lur li'icudxliip tilinhc more. BU\ NH. 4 l S/Sl


I Female seeks friends ~ills/4m to haw I'un in lidinhurgli \xith. (‘unic on? Lots 10 do (llll lllt‘rcl llm Ni). 4 l S/lh I Irish woman (34). handi— t‘ttp ill tltltl~2()\ \L‘L‘lxx grillt‘l'x It) pla} lidinhurgh'x public cours- L‘\. Hm NI). 4 l SH 3

I Help! My friends lila- \llll clubs? .\lid 3()\ l’cinalc \L'Clx\ UlllL‘l' I'llll gll‘lx lit \\ ltlL'll social circle and plll'\llL‘ hip hop. breaks and l‘L'ill\ in Iidiuhurglr. Hm Nu. 4|5/l3


EDINBURGH a. cuscow

Dinners. Golf, Go-Korting, Scuba Diving, Country Walks,

Concerts, Clay Pigeon Shoot: and Weekend Breaks ~ for single people. e-mail: raeburn@suppercIub.u|r.i:om ( It'll-1333 13;),l



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Calls may be monitored for training purposes.

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